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1、仁爱版英语八年级上册考点(Unit 3Unit 4)【教材回归考点过关】1. 1) used to do sth. 这一结构表示过去的习惯(过去经常反复发生的动作),只有一种形式,即过去式,用于所有的人称。used to 的否定形式为:used not to do 或 didnt use to do疑问句为:Used you to? 或 Did you use to?I used to go to school on foot. He used to get up late. They used to walk along the road after supper. I didnt use

2、to go to school on foot. = I used not to go to school on foot. Did you use to go to school on foot. ?= Used you go to school on foot?He used not to get up late. = He didnt use to get up late. Did he use to get up late?= Used he get up late?2) be used to doing sth.(习惯于做某事 )He is used to working hard.

3、 I am used to getting up early. They are used to playing football in the afternoon. 3) be used to do sth.(某物被用来做某事)Wood is used to make paper. = wood is used for making paper. Computer can be used to do a lot of work now. =Computer can be used for doing a lot of work now. 4) be used for doing sth.(某

4、物被用来做某事)Knives are used for cutting. =Knives are used to cut. Watch is used for telling the time. = Watch is used to tell the time. 2. be famous for“以 而著名, 因而出名”be famous as “作为而出名”China is famous for a long history. Beijing library is famous for having lots of books. Chongqing is famous for hot pot

5、. Zhou Jielun is famous as a singer. Liu Xiang is famous as a runner. 3. one of + 最高级 + 名词的复数Liu Xiang is one of the fastest runners in the world. English is one of the most important subjects this term. Changjiang River is one of the longest rivers in the world. Miss Liu is one of the most popular

6、teachers in our school. 4. be angry with sb. 生某人的气be angry at sb. 对某人的言行气愤be angry about sth. 对某事生气I am always angry with my students. He was angry at keeping waiting. They were angry about so much traffic in the street. 5. too to 太 而不能He is too young to go to school. =He is so young that he cant go

7、 to school. =He isnt old enough to go to school. My mother is too weak to carry the heavy box. =My mother is so weak that she cant carry the heavy box. =My mother isnt strong enough to carry the heavy box. She is so clever that she can work it out easily. = She is clever enough to work it out easily

8、. The coat is so cheap that we can buy it. =The coat is cheap enough to buy. 6. think about意思是“ 思考,考虑”,与“think of”意思相近。 think of 有“想起,想到,认为”的意思。People without a job try not to think of/ think about the future. What are you thinking about? She often thinks of her friend Zhao Ke. What do you think of

9、the film?= How do you like the film? think over意思是“仔细考虑”。 Please think it over, then answer me.7. Im quite sure that there are UFOs. be sure + that引导从句,其中that 可以省掉。Im sure(that)he will come. We are sure(that)we will win the football match. be not sure + whether/ if 引导从句,意思是“不确信是否, 不敢肯定”Im sure wheth

10、er/ if he will come. Im not sure whether/ if there are UFOs. We are sure whether/ if we will win the football match. Im not sure whether/ if robots will make humans lose their job. 8. instead 代替,放在句末。instead of 代替,放在句中。take the place of 代替,放在句中Robots can also do lots of dangerous work instead (of hu

11、mans). If you cant go there, he will go instead (of you). If there is no coal, oil can be used instead (of coal). TV sets can never take the place of cinemas. Now gas takes the place of coal in cooking. 9. mistake for 把 误认为I mistake Lucy for her sister sometimes. Dont mistake my politeness for frien

12、dless. Dont mistake the reading room for the classroom. 10. seem “像是,似乎”, 后面可以跟形容词,动词不定式以及完整的句子。可以相互转换。seem + 形容词seem + 不定式seem + 句子You seem so tired. =You seem to be tired. It seems that you are so tired. Nobody seems to see a UFO. =It seems that nobody sees a UFO. 11. teach oneself,“ 自学,自修”, teach

13、 sb. sth., teach sb to do sth., teach sb. how to do sth, enjoy oneself,“过得愉快, 玩得快乐”, help oneself “随便吃”I taught myself English. I taught my daughter English when she was 3 years old. They teach us how to plant trees. Did you enjoy yourselves at the party?Help yourself to some fish. 12. They made the

14、 traffic heavier. 它们使得交通更拥挤。heavy的本意是“重的”, 当它与traffic一起出现时,意思是“拥挤”。与不同词汇搭配意义不同。 heavy rain 大雨 heavy fighting 激烈的战斗heavy seas 波涛汹涌的海面a heavy coat 厚外套 a heavy fog 浓雾,重雾 a heavy heart 沉重的心情a heavy sound 响亮的声音 heavy news 令人忧虑的消息 heavy going 艰难的行走heavy reading 费力的阅读heavy breathing 粗重的呼吸13. be made up of

15、由 组成 be made of 用造成(看得出原材料) be made from 用 造成(看不出原材料) be made into 被制成 The building is made up of two million stones. The desk is made of wood. =The wood is made into desk. Paper is made from wood. Wine is made from rice. 【夯实基础中考预测】I. 单项选择。1. Must I finish my homework now? No, you _. A. may notB. mu

16、stntC. cant D. need2. They each _ a CD in their bags. A. haveB. hasC. isD. are3. It is a good time _. A. singB. to singC. singingD. sang4. _ will you stay in America? About two months. A. How manyB. How oftenC. How longD. How5. Shes good at _. A. readB. readingC. to readD. reads6. Mum, I m going to

17、Ann s party this evening. _. A. Why not B. Have a good timeC. Come back early D. Good idea7. There is going to _ a party in our school. A. have B. hasC. is D. be8. If it _ sunny tomorrow, I _ the Great Wall. A. will be, climb B. is, climbingC. will, am climbing D. is, am going to climb9. Would you l

18、ike to go for a picnic with us?_, but Im too busy. A. No, I cantB. Id likeC. Yes, Id love toD. Why not10. The flowers smell _. A. wellB. badlyC. goodD. much well11. Eating _ is not good for your health. A. too many B. much tooC. enough too D. too much12. I am not good _ English. Will you please help

19、 me _ it?A. with, at B. at, toC. at, with D. with, with13. Whats the man? He _ a teacher. A. maybe B. may is C. may be D. may14. What _ you _ when your mother came back?A are, doing B. were, doingC. did, do D. do, do15. While mother _ some washing, I _ a kite. A did, makeB. was doing, made C. was do

20、ing, was makingD. did, was making16. The Browns _ to Beijing next week. A. is going B. are goingC. are go D. is going to go 17. On my way _ home, I met an old friend of mine. A. to B. / C. at D. of18. Please _ thanks _ your parents. A. say, toB. say, forC. tell, toD. tell, for19. The lonely father b

21、ecame _ because of the _ children. A. angry, noisyB. angry, noisilyC. angyily, noisy,D. angrily, noisily20. I dont know _. A. what to do. B. what to do it. C. how to do. D. how to do with it. 21. I want _ 10 rooms _ two single beds. A. book, forB. book, withC. to book, forD. to book, with22. Jane co

22、oks _ than Tom. A. more carefulB. more carefullyC. most carefulD. most carefully23. I want _ like _. A. to buy, yourB. to buy, yoursC. buy, yourD. buy, yours24. Its necessary _ us _ study hard. A. for,/ B. of,/ C. for, to D. of, to25. The teacher said that the earth _ around the sun. A. movedB. move

23、C. will moveD. moves. 完成句子。从下面方框中选择所给的单词或词组,根据句意用正确的形式完成句子。(5分)eat too much, dangerous, cook, have supper, have, stay up, go well, teach oneself, good, easy, three days, go swimming, terrible, wear out, beautiful1. We _ when the bell rang. . 2. He always orders his little sister _ dinner for him. 3.

24、 The tiger is one of _ animals in the world. 4. I hope everything _. 5. _ late is bad for your health. 6. They prefer _ rather than go skating. 7. We _ Japanese now. 8. Id like to ask for_ leave. 9. Mum, my shoes are _. 10. He coughs _11. _ is bad for your health. 12. My mother is good at _. 13. He

25、_ a novel when I saw him. 14. Dont worry, I feel much _. 15. Roses are _ of all the flowers. . 句型转换。(每空1分,共10分)根据所给提示,完成句型转换。每空一词,含缩略词。1. You must eat something.(改为否定句)You _ eat _. 2. Kate was reading when I came in.(改为一般疑问句)_ Kate reading _ I came in?3. There was a meeting yesterday.(用tomorrow改写)Th

26、ere _ _ a meeting tomorrow. 4. I dont know what he is going to do.(改为同义句)I dont know what _ _. 5. Jim will be back in a minute.(对划线部分提问) _ _ will Jim be back?6. He used to be a teacher.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _ to be a teacher?7. There arent any treasures in the Underground Palace, _ _?(改为反意疑问句)8. Youd better

27、 ask our teacher for help.(改为否定句)Youd _ _ ask our teacher for help. 9. He is going to see a film on Sunday.(对划线部分提问) _ is he going to _ on Sunday?10. Why not go out and have a picnic?(改为同义句) _ _ going out and have a picnic?11. Dont play with fire.(改为反意疑问句) Dont play with fire, _ _?12. It took them 4

28、0 minutes to watch TV.(改为同义句) They _ 40 minutes _ TV. They spent 40 minutes _ _ TV. 13. I think he will work hard this term.(改为否定句) I _ think he _ work hard this term. 14. Its nothing serious, _ _ ?(改为反意疑问句)15. He did his homework yesterday?(改为否定句) He _ _ his homework yesterday. : 短文填空。Many people d

29、o not like to stay at home 1 holidays. They want to go out to see something different, So people from the country come to the 2 and people from the city go to the country for holidays. During the holidays trains, buses, planes are all very 3 . It is very hard to buy train tickets 4 plane tickets. Ma

30、ny people take cars or buses for 5 . Last May Day my family went to the country 6 car for our holiday. There was too much 7 on the road, so we had to move very slowly. It 8 us nearly an hour to get out of the town 9 some time we came to a hill. It was green and beautiful. We thought this was a good

31、10 for a picnic, so we stopped and took the 11 , fruit and drinks out of the car. We sat down and 12 to eat. Suddenly a strong wind 13 and soon it started to rain. We had to 14 back to our car and have our picnic in the car. Then we drove back home. What a 15 trip!1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _ 6. _7. _8. _9.

32、 _ 10. _11. _12. _13. _14. _15. _. 1-25 DABCB BDDCC DCCBC BBAAA DBBCD. 1. were having supper 2. to cook 3. the most dangerous 4. goes well 5. staying up 6. to go swimming 7. are teaching ourselves 8. three days 9. worn out 10. terribly 11. Eating too much 12. cooking 13. was reading 14. better 15. t

33、he most beautiful. 1. mustnt, anything 2. was, when 3. will be 4. to do 5. How soon 6. Did use 7. are there 8. better not 9. What do 10. How/ What about 11. will you 12. spent on/ in watching 13. dont, will 14. is it 15. didnt do. 1. on 2. city 3. busy 4. or 5. traveling/ holidays 6. by 7. traffic 8. took 9. after 10. place 11. food 12. began/ started 13. blew 14. run 15. bad


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