山东省济南市历城区2020届九年级英语上学期期中质量检测试题(DOC 14页).doc

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1、山东省济南市历城区2020届九年级英语上学期期中质量检测试题本试题分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,共10页,满分150分。考试时间为120分钟。答卷前,请考生务必将自己的姓名、座号和准考证号填写在答题卡上,并同时将考点、姓名、准考证号和座号填写在试卷规定的位置。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷(选择题 共110分)注意事项: 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。I听力测试(30分)A)听录音,从每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。(7.5分)1. A. I think that m

2、ooncakes are delicious. B. I wonder if theyll have boat races next year.C. I know that the Water Festival is really fun. 2. A. How do you learn English? B. How can I read fast?C. How can I improve my pronunciation?3. A. When was tea brought to Korea? B. Who was the zipper invented by?C. What is the

3、hot ice-cream scoop used for?4. A. Are your shirts made of cotton?. B. Do you learn English by reading aloud?C. Should I be allowed to choose my own clothes?5. A. I dont know how to increase my reading speed. B. I didnt use to be afraid of the dark.C. I dont think he should be allowed to drive.B)听录音

4、,从每题A、B、C三幅图画中选出与听到的对话内容相符的一项。每段对话听两遍。(7.5分)6. A. B. C. 7. A. B. C. 8. A. B. C. 9. A. B.C. 10. A. B. C. C)在录音中,你将听到一段对话及五个问题。请根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。对话及问题听两遍。(7.5分)11. A. He has a cold.B. He has a toothache. C. He hurt his leg. 12. A. For two days. B. For three days. C. For four days. 13. A. Math. B. Art.C

5、. English. 14. A. By bike. B. By bus. C. By car. 15. A. Food.B. Fruit.C. Flowers. D)在录音中,你将听到一篇短文及五个问题。请根据短文内容及问题选择正确答案。短文及问题听两遍。(7.5分)16. A. In a fruit shop. B. In a library. C. In a clothes store. 17. A. One dollar.B. Four dollars.C. Five dollars. 18. A. Relaxed.B. Surprised. C. Excited.19. A. Bec

6、ause the boy didnt give him enough money.B. Because he wanted to give the boy more apples.C. Because the boys mother came to the shop.20. A. Kind. B. Silly.C. Clever.II读音选词 根据所给句意和音标,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(5分)21. Paul was_ /b:n/ with the ability to sing.A. ball B. beat C. born D. buy22. We can _

7、/e/ our happiness and sadness with our friends.A. spread B. smell C. shareD. shy23. Could you please tell me how to_/mel/ my letter?A. meet B. mail C. miss D. meal24. The boy used to cause a lot of _/trbl/ at school.A. through B. three C. trouble D. throw25. We have some _/trdnl/ festivals in China.

8、A. traditional B. terrible C. tourist D. traditionIII选择填空 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(30分)26. Whats that, Jim? Oh, its _ant.A. aB. anC. the D. /27. Peter, are you free this Sunday? My brother will come to see me. Ill meet _ at the airport. A. sheB. her C. heD. him28. I get up at 5:30 a.m. every day.Wo

9、w, its so_. I usually get up at 7 a.m.A. early B. active C. late D. easy29. This tie looks cool. _ is it? Its on sale, only $99. A. How manyB. How muchC. How oftenD. How far30. When _ you come to Macao?Two years ago. I have been here for three years.A. do B. will C. did D. have31. - You look unhappy

10、 today. Whats wrong with you? - I want to get my ears _. But my parents dont allow.A. cleanB. piercedC. flownD. cut32. _do you go to work on foot? Its good for the environment. A.WhereB.When C. Why D. How33. How about the blue blouse? It is really beautiful, _it is too small for me. A. orB. and C. s

11、oD. but34. I hear that you stayed in Germany for _ days last summer. Yes. I stayed there for a week.A. three B. four C. eleven D. seven35. Where is Lily? She is helping her mother do some cooking in the_. A. gardenB. kitchenC. bathroomD. restroom 36. What do you think of the stamp? I like it very mu

12、ch. Its the _one I have ever seen.A. worseB. betterC. bestD. worst37. Excuse me, what did you see in the dark last night? I saw _ running away, maybe it was a wolf.A. nothingB. anythingC. everything D. something38. What about going to Shanghai Disneyland Park next month, Harry? _! Well have a lot of

13、 fun there.A. Good luck B. Never mindC. Sounds great D. Certainly not39. Whose is the book written by Yang Jiang? Carols favorite writer is Yang Jiang. It _ be hers.A. mustntB. mustC. cantD. can40. Excuse me, can I sit here?_. Its for the old.A. Yes, please B. No, thanks. C. Im afraid notD. I hope s

14、o41. Which of the following is NOT a traditional Chinese art form? A. B. C. D. 42. Is the zipper really a great invention? Yes. Just think about how often its used in our _ lives. A. patient B. friendly C. publicD. daily43. Your mother _ younger than she is. She will be very glad to hear that.A. sme

15、lls B. looks C. feels D. sounds44. Laura, your homework should _before you go out. Ok, Dad. A. finish B. be finished C. finished D. have finished45. Which city would you like to work in, Beijing or Shanghai? _. Id like to choose Jinan. A. All B. Neither C. Both D. Either46. Jack, please be silent fo

16、r a while? I _ on the phone.Oh, sorry, Mom.A. am talking B. talk C. talkedD. was talking47. Sir, could you please speak a little more _? Of course. I thought you could follow me.A. quickly B. politely C. slowlyD. wisely48. Do you want to stay at home or go to see the famous paintings by Picasso? _.

17、I have to prepare for the math exam.A. Yes, I do B. Ill stay at home C. No, I dont D. Ill go to the amusement park49. You must be more careful and _ the same mistake youve ever made.A. plan B. follow C. avoid D. enjoy50. If we _ water, there will be less fresh water on the earth. A. will waste B. wo

18、nt save C. dont save D. dont waste 51. My uncle and aunt live in the countryside. They _ grapes. A. turn B. make C. grow D. play52. _ delicious the mooncakes are! Im glad you celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with my family.A. What B. What a C. How a D. How53. The other buildings around the lake wil

19、l be _ . Great!A. put out B. put up C. put off D. put down 54. My cousin, Frank has _ for more than ten years. A. opened the shop on Taobao B. bought this houseC. left his hometown D. been an English teacher55. John, could you please tell me _ for travelling this summer? We plan to go and see the be

20、autiful sea in Hainan.A. where will your family go B. where your family will go C. how your family will goD. how will your family goIV完形填空 阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分)Father came to Jacks bed and sat down beside him.“How was your day?” asked Father.“ It wasnt a very 56 day for me.

21、” Jack answered. “I had a 57 with Tom. The teacher 58 a note home about me, and I talked back to Mother.”“Yes, part of the day was bad.”his father said. “But tell me 59 the best thing that happened today.”Jack thought for a minute, and then smiled. “After school I went 60 alone.” he said. “I didnt t

22、hink I would have any luck. But I did. I 61 a fish!”“Im glad that you had a good time,” Jacks father said. “Think about it 62 you go to sleep. Now Im going to 63 the light.Have happy dreams.”Every night, Jack 64 the same question: What was the best thing that happened to you today? Every night, Jack

23、 thinks about the best part of his day. This gives him many happy dream. Sometimes he has to think hard to find the best things. Sometimes it is a very small thing. But he 65 finds one good thing to think about. Jacks father taught him to end his day in a wonderful way.56. A.difficultB. bad C.differ

24、entD. good57. A. fight B. talk C. meal D. competition58. A.spreadB. sentC. gaveD. put59. A. withB. in C. aboutD. for60. A.walkingB. swimming C. shopping D. fishing61. A. bought B.gotC.sawD. found62. A. untilB.ifC. afterD. once 63. A.turn upB. turn downC. turn offD. turn on64. A. thinks B.speaksC.say

25、sD.answers65. A.always B.never C. ever D.seldomV补全对话 阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5分)W: Jason, I heard that your father is a designer (设计师). Is it true?M: Yes, my father has worked as a designer for 21 years.W: Wow, he must be experienced. 66._M: My father designs many kinds of cars. Look! It

26、s the latest car he designed.W: 67_ Was it his dream to be a car designer?M: Yes. When he was a boy, he was interested in his toy cars. But after high school he didnt have money to learn to design.W: 68 ._Did he have to work for money first?M: Yeah. After two years work, he got enough money. 69._ An

27、d he began to learnto design at college.W: 70._M: Yeah. He is the pride of my family and I have learned a lot from him.66. A. Where does he work? B. Does he like selling cars?C. What does he design? D. Is he good at making cars?67. A. Wow, its so cool. B. That sounds like a good idea.C. How long doe

28、s it take? D. Well, he must be musical.68. A. What a lucky man! B. How funny it is!C. Thats all right. D. Thats too bad.69. A. Then he could go to college. B. He had a kind boss.C. So he could teach himself. D. He set up a small car factory.70.A. Have a nice day! B. Your father is really a great man

29、!C. Thanks for telling me such a story. D. Hope things work out.VI阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(30分)A“Are you listening, Simon?” Simons teacher asked.Simon smiled and shook his head. He hardly listened or tried hard in class. “I was talking to Susan,” he said lazily. “One of t

30、hese days, if you listen, youll learn something.”Mrs. Jacobs said. She tried to make him listen to her every day, but he never stopped talking.That evening, Simon started to feel a little bit sick. By his bedtime snack, his throat really hurt. He had ice cream and hot chocolate to make his throat fe

31、el better. The next morning, when he opened his mouth to say “Good morning”, nothing came out. Simons mother looked at him, “Honey, youve lost your voice.”“Can I stay home?” He tried to ask, but words didnt come out.Instead, his mother said he was good enough to go to school, even if he couldnt talk

32、.When he got to school, he kept quiet all day long.Simon sat in class, bored because he couldnt talk. He watched them talk to each other. He decided to try to listen to his teacher.You know what? It wasnt that bad. He could do his homework that night. It gave him extra TV time and game time because

33、his work was all done. The next day, even though his voice was coming back, he stayed quiet again. The third day, he could talk fine, but he didnt. He listened and raised his hand to speak.What a difference that day made!71. Which of the following can NOT describe Simon from the beginning of the sto

34、ry? A. A good student. B. A lazy student.C. A student who doesnt try hard. D. A student who talks too much.72. What did Mrs. Jacobs hope? A. That Simon would finish schools.B. That Simon would get sick.C. That Simon would listen to her.D. That Simon would bring her an apple.73. What happened to Simo

35、n the next day?A. He lost his dog. B. His mother got sick. C. He argued with his friends. D. He lost his voice.74. What did Simon finally try when he couldnt talk?A. He tried sleeping. B. He tried eating.C. He tried listening. D. He tried to get out of class.75. What did Simon learn in the end? A. H

36、e learned that Mrs. Jacobs was an awful teacher.B. He learned that you could learn things if you listen.C. He learned that his friends hated him.D. He learned that he didnt like school. BWhen I was a foreign teacher in China, every day I taught English to my students and they taught me about China.

37、One day the topic turned to saying I love you. I was shocked to learn that not one of my students had saidthis to their mothers, nor had their mothers said it to them. Does your mom love you? Of course ,they answered.How do you know ?was my logical question. They responded that their moms cooked and

38、 always toldthem what they were doing wrong to showtheir caring. I was stunned. So moms cooking and criticizing read out as I love you . Then how do you say I love you to her? They agreed that getting good grades, followed by good jobs would be how they showed their love. I come from a country where

39、 most people are expressive enough, so I repeated these questions in classes over time. Gradually, I began to get different response. Some of them had exchanged those sentiments(情感) with their moms.One of my favorite stories of change came from a girl. When she came home from university, her mother

40、met her at the door and hugged(拥抱)her. This had never happened before, but her mom said, Now that you have gone I have more time to myself. I noticed that in some places mothers and children hug each other and I decided it was a good idea and that I would begin hugging you.In my family we all say I

41、love you a lot .While it is true that we often say the words without having great depth(深度)of feelings at that moment, it is almost like a blessing(祝福) we give each other. Those three little words carry a world of meaning ,even when said as a greeting(问候), but most especially if they are the last wo

42、rds we say to or hear from those we love. 76. The foreign teacher_.A.comes from America B.is a young woman C.is expressive enough D.knows much about China77. The word “stunned ” in Paragraph 2 most probably means “_”.A. afraid B. bored C. surprised D. angry78. Chinese people prefer to show love by_.A.saying I love you B. buying some food C. doing wrong D.doing something helpful79. In Paragraph 4,whats the real meaning of the moms hugging?A.She is meeting her daughter at the door. B.She loves her daughter and misses her.C.She is glad that she has more time


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