工商管理专业学位英语重点考试试题及详解可编辑(DOC 22页).doc

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1、2014年度广播电视大学(电大)工商管理专业学位英语重点考试试题及详解 学位外语考试试题一、语音题(每空1分,共10分)01、notice n?utis A. stomachs st?m?ksB. houses hauzizC. mouths mau D. reasonable ri:z?n?bl 02、winkle wi?kl A. windy windiB. drink dri?kC. footprint futprintD. interesting ?ntr?st? 03、shook ?ukA. shoot ?u:t B. food fu:dC. shoe ?u: D. wood wud

2、04、occasionally ?kei?n?liA. population p?pjulei?nB. RussianrnC. question kwest?n D. television teli,vi?n05、pressure pre? A. directly direkli B. oxygen ?ksid?nC. absence?bs?nsD. camera k?m?r? 06、float fl?utA. flower flau? B. brown braun C. hometown h?mta?n D. bellows bel?uz 07、bulletin bulitinA. bury

3、 beri B. Prussian prnC. bulletbulit D. punishmentp?ni?m?nt 08、breach bri:t? A. break breik B. theatre i?t? C. meadow med?uD. leastli:st09、opposite A. companion B. balloon C. stroll D. historic ?p?zit k?mp?nj?nb?lu:n str?ul hist?rik10、scatter A. laboratory B. separate C. gravity D. various sk?t? l?b?

4、r?t?risep?rit?r?vitiv?ri?s11、essay A. holiday B. says C. away D. mayoreseih?l?di sez?weim?12、singer A. anger B. tongue C. eager D. single si? t? i:?si?l13、splendid A. watched B. refused C. wretched D. impressed splendidw?t?drifju:z ret?id impres 14、owner A. powerful B. brown C. narrow D. power ?un?

5、pau?ful braunn?r?u pau?15、latent A. squirrel B. centigrade C. level D. mend leit?nt skw?:r?l senti?reidlev?lmend16、flood A. loose B. blood C. moon D. noon fl?dlu:s bl?dmu:n nu:n17、mudA. musicB. human C. hugeD. lung m?d mju:zikhju:m?nhju:d?l?18、creature A. effect B. energy C. reduce D. belief kri:t?

6、ifekt en?d?iridju:sbili:f19、mountain A. explain B. remain C. campaign D. captain mauntinikspleinrimein k?mpeink?ptin 20、cookie A. frog B. oxygen C. wolf D. obvious kuki fr? ?ksid?n wulf?bvi?s21、 period A. request B. perseverance C. Recognize D. require pi?ri?drikwest p?:si:vi?r?nsrek?naizrikwai?22、g

7、eographyA. regret B. envy C. remarkD. deck d?i?r?fi ri? retenvirim?:k dek23、replied A. enteredB. asked C. stepped D. added riplaident?d?skt stept ?did24、counter A. country B. south C. toughD. enough kaunt?k?ntri saue t?f in?f 25、eyebrow A. town B. follow C. slow D. fellow aibrau taun f?l?u sl?ufel?u

8、26、schoolyardA. coo B. cookC. poorD. childhood sku:lj?:d ku: kuk p?: t?aildhud27、master A. Alsace B. tiresome C. impress D. unable m?st? a:?as tai?s?mimpres?neibl28、twinkleA. windyB. drinkC. footprintD. interesting twi?klwindi dri?k futprint ?ntr?st?二、单选题(每空1.5分,共30分)01、Since your supervisor has _ s

9、pecified _ the time for a talk, you must make sure that you will be there on time因为你的上司有特定的时间谈谈,你必须保证你会准时到那儿的。A. predicted 预计 B. specified指定的 C. yielded顽固的 D. classified分类的02、My friend was full of _ admiration _ for the way in which I had so quickly learned to drive a car.我的朋友对这种方法充满了钦佩,按照这种方式很快就学会了

10、开车。 A. pride自豪 B. surprise惊奇 C. admiration 钦佩 D. jealousy嫉妒03、It has been a long time _ after _I saw you last time在我上次见到你之后,有很长一段时间了。A. since自。以来 B. for因为 C. before在之前 D. after在之后04、The little girl woke up screaming because she had had a_ nightmare _.这个小女孩尖叫着醒来,因为她曾有过一场噩梦A. daydream白日梦 B. nightmare恶

11、梦 C. fantasy幻想 D. sweet dream酣梦05、She talked to him for a long time and _ dissuaded _him from doing that dangerous job.她跟他谈了很长一段时间,劝他不要急急忙忙做危险的工作。A. persuaded劝说 B. dissuaded劝阻 C. overcame克服 D. conquered征服06、They decided to chase the cow away _ before _ it did more damage.在它做更多的伤害之前,他们决定赶跑这头牛。 A. unl

12、ess除非 B. until直到。为止 C. before D. what07、The manufacturers _ ought to have _ carried out one of the Chairmans proposals, but they didnt.厂商应该执行主席的提案之一,但是他们并没有这么做。 A. must have B. couldnt have C. ought to have D. shouldnt have08、You ought not to _ him the news that day. A. tell B. be telling C. have to

13、ld D. had told09、Your little girl is becoming very rude. You _ ought to _scold her.你的小女孩正变得非常无礼的行为。你应该责备她。 A. may B. can C. ought D. ought to10、Please listen to me. Its inappropriate for you to persist in _ doing _ this.请听我说。你坚持做这个,它是不适合你。 A. to do B. do C. doing D. having done11、I know youre planni

14、ng to travel this summer, but do you know_?我知道你打算今年夏天去旅行,但是你知道多少费用? A. how much cost it will be B. how much has it cost C. how much will it cost D. how much it will cost12、You are lucky since youve never _ lost _anything in your life.你是幸运的,因为在你的生活中你从来没失去过什么。 A. lost B. got C. stolen D. found13、Would

15、 you please help me to _ wrap _up the present for the old gentleman?你能帮我把礼物包起来给老绅士吗? A. wrap包起来 B. tie系起来 C. cover覆盖 D. send寄信14、His _ unreadable _ handwriting resulted from haste and carelessness rather than from the inability to form the letters correctly.他的不值一读的笔迹起因于匆忙和粗心大意,而不是没能力完成正确的信件。 A. unre

16、adable不值一读的 B. beautiful C. careful D. undecided未定的15、What time does my flight leave _ on _Tuesday? A. at B. in C. by D. on16、What are you doing? Im _ searching _the bedroom for my wallet.你在做什么?我正在卧室里找我的钱包。 A. looking B. finding找到 C. searching寻找 D. searching for寻找17、The manager _ insisted _that the

17、new employees go through professional training before they started working.经理坚持新员工在他们开始工作之前,经过职业培训。A. persisted坚持不懈 B. insisted坚持强调 C. resisted反抗 D. assisted协助18、The textile industry _ contributes _ greatly to the economy of Hong Kong.纺织行业对香港的经济贡献很大。 A. adds增加 B. amounts总和 C. contributes贡献 D. leads领

18、导19、All _ that is needed _ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.所需要的是一个持续的生活基本必需品的供应。 A. what is needed B. for our needs C. the thing needed D. that is needed20、They are believed _ to have already succeeded _ in their experiment.在他们的实验中,他们被认为已经成功了。 A. to have already succeeded B.

19、to succeed already C. to be succeeded D. to be succeed21、Id like to _ go over _the lessons once more before we take the exam tomorrow.在我们明天的考试之前,我要再复习一遍功课。 A. go for去找 B. go over复习 C. go round到处走动 D. go about着手做22、He used to have a _ hobby _of stamp-collection, but he has given it up.他曾经有过一个集邮的爱好,但是

20、他已经放弃了。 A. habit习惯 B. hobby嗜好 C. custom风俗 D. like爱好23、Depending on_ intuition _, Mary led us through an unknown part of the forest 依靠直觉,玛丽带我们通过一个未知的森林。 A. intuition直觉 B. sense感觉 C. vision想象力 D. image想象24、It was difficult to guess what her _ reaction _ to the news would be.很难猜测她对这个消息的反应。 A. impressio

21、n印象 B. reaction反应 C. comment评论 D. opinion主张25、The hunter _ lay _ on his back with his eyes half closed.猎手半闭眼睛仰卧休息。 A. laid松弛的 B. lied撒谎 C. lay躺下 D. lain躺,位于26、The leaves are _ falling _ down to the ground when autumn comes.秋天到来时,树叶正在坠落到地面上。 A. dropping落下,滴下 B. following跟随 C. putting放置 D. falling落下27

22、、I didnt ask him, but he _ offered _ to help me with my homework.我并没有要求,但是他主动提出要帮助我做家庭作业。 A. gave给予 B. offered提供 C. took拿走 D. got得到28、Do you think she has any _ reason _ to refuse Johns invitation?你觉得她有任何理由拒绝约翰的邀请吗? A. reason理由 B. cause原因 C. motive动机 D. point要点29、He just couldnt _ figure out _what i

23、n the world she had been talking about all the time.他不知道她每时每刻在全世界都在谈论什么。A. figure out想出,断定 B. catch on明白 C. set out陈述 D. work on设法说服30、His parents _ having died _, the orphan is now taken care of by her uncle.他的父母去世后,那个孤儿现在是由她叔叔照顾。 A. have died B. dying C. dead D. having died31、_ Were I to go _ to t

24、he moon some day, I should see the surface of the moon with my own eyes.如果我要去月球,我应该用自己的眼睛看月球的表面。 A. Would I go B. Were I to go C. If I go D. If I had gone32、The old lady felt very _ disappointed _when her daughter forgot her birthday.那位老妇人感到非常失望时,她的女儿忘了她的生日。A. deceived 被欺骗的deserted被遗弃的 unfortunate不幸

25、的. Disappointed失望的33、Neither Larrys father nor his mother _ was _at home.劳瑞的父亲和母亲都不在家。 A. are B. were C. was D. am34、The famous Yong Le Bell is three times_ as tall as a man _.那位著名的永乐皇帝钟是一个男人的三倍高。 A. as tall as a man B. taller as a man C. tallest than a man D. more tall than a man35、In spite of your

26、 living so far away,we both hope very much _ that you come尽管你的生活如此遥远,我们都非常希望你来。A. your coming B. that you comeC. you to come D. that you have come36、Excuse me, sir. Ive lost my watch. Do you have _ the _ time?对不起,先生。我丢了我的手表。你有时间吗? A. the B. a C. an D. bland37、It is because he is too young _ that _ h

27、e does not understandwhat has happened.这是因为他太年轻了,他不知道到底发生了什么事情。 A. that B. so C. so that D. therefore38、He had difficulties making himself understood, but we didnt _ show any sign of _impatience.他自己明白有困难,但我们没看出不耐烦迹象。 A. show no sign(迹象) of B. make an exhibition of展览 C. show any sign of D. make any e

28、xhibition of 39、Two old friends meet _ by _chance in the street.两位老朋友在街上偶然相遇。 A. by B. on C. at D. for40、He is one of the students who_ are _ always on time.他是学生中总是准时的一个。 A. is B. are C. was D. be41、It has been a long time _ since _I saw you last time.自从我上次见到你,有很长一段时间了。 A. since自已来B. for C. before D

29、. after42、Children who are over-protected by their parents may become_ spoiled _受到父母过分保护的孩子可能被宠坏。A. hurt受伤害的B. damaged 被损坏的 C. spoiled被宠坏的 D. harmed伤害43、The bridge was named _ after _ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.在英雄为了人民的事业救了他的生命之后,这座桥被命名。A. afterB. with C. byD. from44、My c

30、amera can be _ adjusted _ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.我的照相机可以调整到在多云或阳光明媚的条件下拍照。A. treated治疗的 B. adjusted 调整C. adopted接受,采用 D. remedied补救45、Many new _ opportunities _ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.对于那些有大学学历的人,许多新的机会在不久的将来。A. opportunities机会B.

31、 necessities必需品C. realities现实D. probabilities可能性46、The rain was heavy and _ consequently _ the land was flooded.雨是太大了,因此陆地被淹没了。A. consequently因此B. continuously连续不断地C. constantly不断地D. consistently一致的47、There were no tickets _ available _ for Fridays performance.没有星期五演出的票了。A. preferable更好的B. considera

32、ble重要的 C. possible可能性D. available有效的48、It wasnt such a good dinner _ as _ she had promised us.这不是一个好晚餐,当时她曾答应我们的。A. thatB. whichC. asD. what49、He must have had an accident, or he _ would have been here _ then.他一定出事了,不然他就已经在这里了。A. would have been here B. had to be hereC. should be hereD. would be her

33、e50、We _ had just had _ our breakfast when an old man came to the door.当一个老人来到门口时,我们刚刚用过早餐。A. just have had B. have just hadC. just had D. had just had51、She never laughed, _ nor did she ever _ lose her temper她从来不笑,也从不发脾气。A. or she ever didB. nor did she everC. or did she ever D. nor the ever did52、

34、_ When compared _ with the size of the whole earth , the highest mountain does not seem high at all.与整个地球的大小相比,世界上最高的山看起来并不高。A. When compared(被比) B. CompareC. While comparingD. Comparing53、The manager promised to keep me informed of how our business was going on经理承诺会让我知道我们的生意进展得怎样了。A. to be informed

35、 B. on informing C. informed(被通知) D. informing54、Some old people dont like pop songs because they cant _ tolerate _ so much noise.老年人不喜欢流行歌曲,因为他们无法忍受这么多的噪音。A. resist忍耐 B. sustain承担 C. tolerate忍受 D. undergo经受55、When Mr. Jones gets old, he will_ hand _ over his business to his son.琼斯先生变老时,他将把他的生意移交给他的

36、儿子。A. take获得 B. hand传递 C. think认为D. get变得56、_ Any _ student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question 任何有点常识的学生都应该能够回答这个问题。A. Each B. Any C. eitherD. one57、It was essential that the application forms _ be sent _ back before the deadline. 在最后期限之前,申请表被送回去是最基本的。A. must be sent B.

37、 would be sentC. be sentD. were sent 三、词形变换(每空1分,共5分) 01、promote He looks happy today. I guess he has got a _promotion_. 他看起来很高兴。我猜他被提升了。 02、addThey need_additional_ help to get the work done as planed. 他们需要更多的帮助,让这个工作计划完成。 03、explode Did you hear the terrible _explosion_last night? 你昨晚有没有听到那可怕的爆炸吗?

38、 04、disappoint To his great _disappointment_, Mrs. White wont be able to join us in the party this weekend. 他十分失望的是,怀特夫人不能来参加我们这个周末的聚会。 05、economicI am a college student now. My major is_economics_. 我是一个大学生。我的专业是经济学。 06、lie No one would like to make friends with him, for he has been found a _liar_.

39、没有人愿意和他交朋友,因为他已经被发现了是一个说谎者。 07、purityIts hard to find any totally _pure_water because of the water pollution. 由于水的污染,教师很难找到任何彻底洁净的水。 08、boy He was born in China, spent his _boyhood_in England, and now he is an American citizen. 他出生在中国,在英国度过了他的童年,而现在他是一名美国公民。 09、surprised To our great _surprise_, Mrs

40、. White wont be able to join us in the party this weekend. 我们吃惊的是,这个周末白夫人不能参加我们的聚会。 10、ableAirplanes _enable_ people to travel great distances rapidly. 飞机能够使人们迅速到很远的地方。11、patienceJudy is certainly unfit for the teaching profession, for he is too _impatient_ with slow learners.茱蒂无疑是不适合教学工作,因为他现在对迟钝的学

41、生还没有耐心。 12、thirstDo you have any water? I am _thirsty_to death. 你有什么水?我渴到极点了。 13、wonder Dont you think thats a _wonderful_story? 你不认为那是一个精彩的故事吗?14、children She was born in China, spent her _childhood_in England, and now she is an American citizen.她出生在中国,在英国度过她的童年,她现在是一名美国公民。 15、silent She gave her h

42、usband a sharp look to _silence_him. 她给她的丈夫她的沉默。 四、完形填空(每空1分,共20分) DINNER It was the night before the composition was due. As I looked at the list of topics 题目 , The Art of Eating Spaghetti 意大利面条 caught my eye. The word spaghetti brought back the 36 memoryof an evening at Uncle Alien s in Belleville

43、37 when all of us were seated around the table and Aunt Pat 38 served spaghetti for supper. Spaghetti was an exotic treat in 39 thosedays. Never had I eaten spaghetti, and 40 none of the grown-ups had enough experience to be 41 good at it. What laughing 42 arguments we had about the 43 sociallyrespe

44、ctable method for moving spaghetti from plate to mouth 44 Suddenly , I wanted to write about that, but I wanted to 45 put it down simply for my own 46 joy , not for Mr. Fleagle, my composition teacher 47 As for him , I would write something else. When I finished it the night was half gone and there was no 48 timeleft to write a proper composition for Mr. Fleagle. There was no choice next morning but to 49 hand inmy work. Two days passed before Mr. Fleagle returned the50 graded papers. He said, Now, class, I want to read you a composition, The Art of Eat


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