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聊城市 2023 年普通高中学业水平等级考试模拟卷历史试题(二)参考答案及评分说明聊城市 2023 年普通高中学业水平等级考试模拟卷历史试题(二)参考答案及评分说明一、选择题:每小题 3 分,共 45 分。1B 2A 3C 4D 5B 6D 7D 8C 9A 10B 11.C 12D 13B 14A 15.C二、非选择题:共 55 分。16.(13 分)(1)史料价值:唐代史学家吴兢的一部政论性史书,属文献史料、一手史料,史料价值较高。(2 分)该书内容详细,分类辑录了贞观年间唐太宗与魏征等谋臣在治国理政时讨论的重大问题以及大臣们的争议、劝谏、奏议等,还记载了一些政治、经济、军事、民族关系等方面的重大举措,可用于研究唐初政治、经济等社会发展的诸多领域,也为研究李世民、魏征等人的政治思想提供了重要史料。(3 分)历史价值:该书蕴含的重民思想、为君之道、施政方针、治国方略等,使其成为中国古代开明封建统治理论和实践的教科书与集大成者;是中国古代政治文明的宝贵遗产,为后世治国理政提供了有益的经验鉴戒和不竭的精神财富。(2 分)(2)考生可从以下几个角度说明。治国方略:“贞观之治”具备“治世”的核心内涵,如以民为本的伦理观、选贤任能的用人观、礼法合治的治理观等;践行了尧舜、三代帝道王道的治国理念,与后世政治理想相契合。施政措施:唐太宗重视科举,知人善任,广开言路,虚怀纳谏;重视农桑,轻徭薄赋,注重发展生产;尊道崇儒礼佛,推行开明的民族政策。治理成效:建立起高效的政务决策机制,形成了君子治国群体;开创了自尧舜、三代、文景之后久未出现的“治世”局面;为盛唐治世局面的出现奠定了基础。后世评价:贞观政要等典籍对贞观之治记载详尽、总结精辟;唐及以后的政治家、史学家们对“贞观之治”极力推崇与效仿;因尧舜之治等年代久远、记载匮乏,使“贞观之治”成为最近的现实治世样板。(6 分。每点 2 分,答出其中 3 点即得满分。其它角度言之成理亦可酌情给分。)17.(14 分)【示例 1】第五单元学习主题:19 世纪中后期国家出路的探索(1 分)阐释:19 世纪中后期,列强侵华是导致民族危机加深、国家呈现颓势与衰败趋向的主导因素,这就决定了救亡图存是社会各阶级抗争与努力的根本出发点;列强勾结清政府镇压中国人民的残酷现实,决定了中国人民反侵略的同时必须反封建。(4 分)为挽救国家颓势,林则徐、魏源等初步提出了向西方学习以求自强的主张,这对后世有重要的思想启迪作用。洋务派推行了一系列以“自强”“求富”为目标的洋务新政,成为中国早期现代化的尝试。太平天国提出了一系列社会改造方案,但因不能突破封建秩序而归于失败。19 世纪末康梁维新派领导的维新变法运动推动了民族资本主义的发展和新思想的传播,但未能实现预期目标。义和团运动无法阻止中国滑向半殖民地的深渊,但它所展现出的中国人民不畏强暴的斗争精神粉碎了列强瓜分中国的计划。19 世纪末,孙中山领导的民主革命正在酝酿之中。(5 分)综上所述,晚清社会各阶级对中国革命认识的不足,特别是其自身的阶级局限性,使得其反抗斗争与救亡努力均归于失败。中国国运堪忧,民主革命任重而道远。但一代代先进中国人不畏强暴、勇于抗争的斗争精神与不懈探索国家出路的爱国情怀,是时代精神与民族精神的集中体现,为当代坚持和发展中国特色社会主义、实现中华民族伟大复兴提供了源源不断的精神动力。(4 分)【示例 2】第六单元学习主题:20 世纪初资产阶级的救亡探索(1 分)阐释:辛丑条约的订立,标志着中国完全陷人半殖民地半封建社会的深渊;遭受重挫的清政府也试图通过“新政”自救,但归于失败。与此同时,资产阶级领导的民主革命运动日益高涨,孙中山组建同盟会,提出三民主义救国纲领,拉开了中国完全意义上的近代民族民主革命的序幕。(4 分)武昌起义后,大清王朝土崩瓦解,共和政体确立,但革命果实最终落人北洋军阀首领袁世凯手中,中国陷人军阀割据混战。辛亥革命结束了封建帝制,建立了中华民国,传播了民主共和理念,打开了近代思想解放的闸门,但它没有解决近代社会的根本问题,没有实现民族独立、人民解放的历史任务,此后革命党人维护民主共和的不懈斗争也相继失败,关键在于它缺乏一个能够提出科学革命纲领、能够发动大多数民众以及组织严密的革命政党的领导,这是辛亥革命历史局限性的基本体现,也是留给后人的根本教训。基于对辛亥革命失败原因的痛苦反思,1915 年起,以陈独秀等为代表的先进知识分子发动了新文化运动,他们高举民主与科学大旗,虽未能找到国家的真正出路,但为马克思主义在中国的传播和中国共产党的成立创造了重要条件,中国革命曙光初现。(5 分)综上所述,到五四运动前夕,旧民主主义革命已走入绝境,时代呼唤崭新的领导阶级登上历史舞台。在新、旧民主主义革命的交替中,中国共产党应运而生,率先觉醒并确立了为中国人民谋幸福、为中华民族谋复兴的初心与使命,革命面貌也随之焕然一新。中国共产党逐渐成为中国革命坚强的领导核心,马克思主义也在革命实践中开始了中国化的历程,彰显了科学理论与坚定信仰拯救中国的磅礴伟力,显示出共产党人的先进性、自觉性、革命性与博大心胸。(4 分)【说明】示例只提供答题角度与思路,不作为唯一答案,其它角度,言之成理亦可酌情给分。18(13 分)【示例】理解:雷锋精神历经几十年的发展演变,呈现出从革命性到道德性的变迁,不断与时俱进,历久弥新。(2 分)社会主义革命和建设时期,雷锋精神与新中国人民当家作主、激发建设社会主义热情的历史背景相契合,与自力更生、艰苦奋斗、奋发图强的时代精神相吻合。60 年代,雷锋对毛主席、对共产党无比忠诚与爱戴,70 年代的雷锋精神主要表现在与“四人帮”的斗争方面,这些正是当时雷锋精神革命性、阶级性的集中体现。(4 分)改革开放以来,人民日报对雷锋精神的报道体现出其阶级性逐渐弱化、道德品质逐淘凸显,内涵更加丰富。具体表现为:第一,新时期提倡发扬雷锋全心全意为人民服务的精神,服从和服务于社会主义建设大局。第二,雷锋精神与市场经济不断结合,凸显集体主义精神。第三,雷锋精神与社会主义精神文明建设日益结合。第四,雷锋精神与公民道德建设紧密结合。它是新时期公民道德建设的标杆,在社会上有着广泛的认同感,广大人民群众能以身边的雷锋式人物督促自我,积极投身于社会主义现代化建设。由此,雷锋精神体现出的社会主义新型道德品质,成为全社会的道德理想、全民族的精神追求与社会主义核心价值的生动体现。(5 分)总之,雷锋精神产生于特定的历史时期,但不同时期的内涵与着力点的差异,是具体历史时期政治环境和社会现实的真实反映。雷锋精神历久弥新的深层次原因在于其立足于时代需要,具有与时俱进的鲜明特质。(2 分)【说明】示例只提供答题角度与思路,不作为唯一答案,其它角度,言之成理亦可酌情给分。19.(15 分)【示例】近代欧洲的黑夜史(1 分)近代以来,欧洲人对黑夜的态度由负面抗拒逐渐转变为接受享用,城市夜生活从上层社会逐渐向大众层面传播,进而发展为一种普遍的生活方式。在资本扩张的推动下,夜娱乐、夜消费、夜劳动、夜班制、夜间照明等夜间经济成为工业化、城市化时代的产物与重要标志,(2 分)教会统治时代,欧洲人对黑夜的态度是与宗教信仰和行会经济联系在一起的,是当时欧洲经济和社会生活现实的反映。随着近代社会的到来,人们发现了黑夜的美好与价值所在,城市夜生活的出现,使夜晚变成了人们可以享乐的时光。近代早期欧洲资本主义兴起和发展,为夜生活的流行和夜间娱乐消费提供了经济与社会条件,夜生活逐渐向底层大众辐射传播。(5 分)18 世纪中后期开始的工业化时代,资本扩张推动生产方式的变革,黑夜也加速商业化、商品化,成为资本扩张的一个新的“空间”。夜间娱乐消费经济迅速发展,夜班制等劳动制度应运而生,甚至照明技术的应用和推广也是资本运作的结果。19 世纪末 20 世纪初,资本主义世界体系最终形成,时间与空间被极度压缩的社会现实,改变着人们的生产方式、生活方式与时间观念,也改变着人们的黑夜观。(5 分)综上所述,近代欧洲的黑夜史,反映了欧州人黑夜观的重大转变,折射出欧洲社会走进黑夜、享受夜生活并把黑夜整合进日常生活与生产过程的体制性转变。这是一个长期的演变过程,本质上是近代欧洲社会的生产方式与生活方式近代化的历史缩影。(2 分)【说明】示例只提供答题角度与思路,不作为唯一答案,其它角度,言之成理亦可酌情给分。 年 聊 城 市 高 考 模 拟数学(二)参考答案及评分标准一、单项选择题 二、多项选择题 三、填空题 ,槡(四、解答题 解:()因为数列犛狀犪狀是首项为,公比为的等比数列,所以犛狀犪狀()狀,分?则犛狀()狀犪狀,从而犛狀()狀犪狀,分?两式作差得:犪狀()狀犪狀()狀犪狀,即(狀)(犪狀犪狀),所以犪狀犪狀,分?则数列犪狀 是以犪为首项,以为公比的等比数列,故数列犪狀 的通项公式为犪狀狀分?()犫狀狀(犪狀)(犪狀)狀(狀)(狀)狀狀(),分?犜狀()()狀狀()狀()(狀),因为(狀),所以犜狀 分?解:()由已知得,狓,狔 ,犻狓犻狔犻 ,犻狓犻 ,分?则犫犻(狓犻狓)(狔犻狔)犻(狓犻狓)犻狓犻狔犻狓狔犻狓犻狓 ,分?犪狔犫狓 ()所以“湖南沃柑”销量狔(件)关于试销单件狓(元)的线性回归方程狔 狓 分?()当狓时,狔 ;当狓时,狔;当狓时,狔 ;当狓时,狔 ;当狓时,狔 因此该样本的残差绝对值依次为,所以“次数据”有个分?“次数据”个数犡可取,犘(犡)犆犆,犘(犡)犆犆犆,犘(犡)犆犆犆 页第)页共(案答考参)二(学数所以犡的分布列为:犡犘 分?则数学期望犈(犡)分?解:()由正弦定理及犪 犅犫 犃犫犮得,犃 犅 犅 犃 犅 犆,即 犃 犅 犆分?再由正弦定理可得犪犫犮分?由余弦定理犫犪犮犪 犮 犅得,所以犪犮犪 犮 犅犪犮即犪犮 犅,分?故犪犮 犅分?()由犪犫犮及犫,可得犮犪由犮得犪,所以犪在犃 犅 犆中 犅犪犮,分?所以 犅犪 犮槡分?所以犃 犅 犆面积犛犃 犅 犆犪 犮 犅犪 犮犪 犮槡犪 犮犪槡 犪(犪槡)犪 犪()当且仅当 犪 犪,即犪 (,)时等号成立 分?故犃 犅 犆面积的最大值为 分?解:()连接犆 犈,交犇 犉于犎,连接犌犎因为犌,犎分别为犅 犈,犆 犈的中点,所以犌犎犅 犆且犌犎犅 犆分?又犃犇犅 犆且犃犇犅 犆,所以犃犇犌犎且犃犇犌犎,所以四边形犃 犌犎犇为平行四边形,从而犃 犌犇犎分?又犃 犌平面犆 犇 犈 犉,犇犎平面犆 犇 犈 犉,所以犃 犌平面犆 犇 犈 犉分?()因为四边形犆 犇 犈 犉为矩形,所以犇 犈犆 犇,因为平面犃 犅 犆 犇平面犆 犇 犈 犉,平面犆 犇 犈 犉平面犃 犅 犆 犇犆 犇,所以犈 犇平面犃 犅 犆 犇因为犃犇平面犃 犅 犆 犇,所以犈 犇犇犃以点犇为坐标原点,分别以犇犃,犇 犈所在直线为狓轴,狕轴,建立如图的空间直角坐标系分?则犅(,),犆(,),犈(,槡),犉(,槡),犆 犅(,),犆 犉(,槡),页第)页共(案答考参)二(学数 犇 犅(,),犅 犈(,槡),犇 犉(,槡)设 犅 犌 犅 犈,则 犆 犌 犆 犅 犅 犌(,槡)分?设平面犅 犇 犉的法向量犿(狓,狔,狕),由犿 犇 犅,犿 犇 犉,得狓狔,狓狔槡 狕,令狕,则犿(槡,槡,)分?设平面犆 犌 犉的法向量狀(狓,狔,狕),由狀 犆 犌,狀 犆 犉,得()狓()狔槡 狕,槡 狕烅烄烆,令狓,得狀(,)分?设平面犆 犌 犉与平面犅 犇 犉的夹角为,则 犿狀犿狀()槡 槡()槡槡 ,解得 分?从而犈 犌()(槡)(槡)槡槡 故犈 犌的长度为槡 分?解:()因为双曲线犆的一条渐近线与直线狓槡 狔互相垂直,所以其中一条渐近线的斜率为槡,则犪槡犪槡,则犪所以双曲线犆的方程为狓狔分?设点犕的坐标为(狓,狔),则狓狔,即狓狔双曲线的两条渐近线犾,犾的方程分别为槡狓狔,槡狓狔,则点犕到两条渐近线的距离分别为犱槡狓狔,犱槡狓狔,分?则犱犱槡狓狔槡狓狔 狓狔所以点犕到双曲线犆的两条渐近线的距离之积为定值分?()存在分?当狓时,犕犉犃 犉,又犖是犃犕的中点,所以犃 犉犖犕犉犖 ,所以犃 犉犕犃 犉犖,此时分?当狓时)当犕在狓轴上方时,由犃(,),犕(狓,狔),可得犽犃 犕狔狓,所以直线犃犕的直线方程为狔狔狓(狓),把狓代入得犖,狔(狓()所以犽犖 犉狔狓狔狓,则 犃 犉犖狔狓分?由二倍角公式可得 犃 犉犖狔(狓)狔狓()(狓)狔(狓)狔狔狓 分?页第)页共(案答考参)二(学数因为直线犕犉的斜率犽犕 犉狔狓及 犃 犉犕犽犕 犉,所以 犃 犉犕狔狓,则 犃 犉犕 犃 犉犖因为犃 犉犕(,),犃 犉犖,(),所以犃 犉犕犃 犉犖 分?)当犕在狓轴下方时,同理可得犃 犉犕犃 犉犖故存在,使得犃 犉犕犃 犉犖 分?解:()函数犳(狓)定义域为(,),犳(狓)狓犪狓狓犪狓分?当犪时,犳(狓),犳(狓)在(,)上单调递增,不符合题意分?当犪时,若狓犪,犳(狓),犳(狓)在(,犪)上单调递减;若狓犪,犳(狓),犳(狓)在(犪,)上单调递增,所以犳(狓)的最小值为犳(犪)犪由犳(犪)犪,可得犪故实数犪的取值范围犪分?()不妨设犿犪狀先证明犿 狀犪要证犿 狀犪,即证狀犪犿因为犪犿犪,狀犪,且犳(狓)在(犪,)上单调递增,故只需证明犳犪()犿犳(狀)犳(犿)分?令犵(狓)犳犪()狓犳(狓)狓犪 狓犪狓 犪(狓犪),则犵(狓)犪狓犪狓犪 狓(狓犪),所以犵(狓)在(,犪)上单调递增,所以当狓犪时,犵(狓)犵(犪),则有犳犪()狓犳(狓)因为犿犪,所以犳犪()犿犳(犿),则犳犪()犿犳(狀),故犿 狀犪分?再证犿 狀犪,即证狀犪犿因为狀犪,犪犿犪,且犳(狓)在(犪,)上单调递增,只需证明犳犪()犿犳(狀),即证 犪 犿犿因为犳(犿)犿犪犿,所以 犪 犿 (犿)所以只需证明犿 (犿)分?令(狓)狓 (狓)(狓),则(狓)狓(狓)令狋(狓)狓(狓)(狓),当 狓 时,狋(狓)狓,所以狋(狓)在(,)上单调递增当 狓 时,狋(狓)狋(),于是(狓)从而可得(狓)在(,)上单调递减,故(狓)()所以犿 (犿)成立,故犿 狀犪综上,犪犿 狀犪 分?页第)页共(案答考参)二(学数 2023 年聊城市高考模拟试题 英语(二)英语(二)本试卷分三部分,共 10 页。满分 120 分。考试用时 100 分钟。注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。A Whether we live in an urban studio,or a modest-size home filled with people,space in our homes can be hard to come by.Even without a lot of stuff,keeping everything organized presents a challenge.To make the most of the space you have,incorporate these clever ideas that may help.Double up.Consider multipurpose for every piece of furniture.Buying a coffee table?Get one with storage drawers beneath,or use a large basket topped with a pretty serving tray instead.If you need a bench,choose one that includes under-seat storage for,say,some magazines.Get high.Always consider vertical(32H J)space.Shelves high on walls can store books,photo albums or holiday decorations.Hanging hooks for pots and pans can give you back whole kitchen cabinets,and hooks on walls provide a spot for jackets,belts or keys.Shadow boxes on bathroom walls can house pretty perfume bottles,lotions and toiletries.Sink a basket.Baskets can help organize every area of your home.You can toss hardware tools,all the kids toys or several pairs of sandals in large baskets.Stick small containers in kitchen drawers to keep pens,rubber bands,stickers and magnifying glass organized.Top drawer.A set of drawers beneath stairs can make use of otherwise-wasted floor space especially for articles not.so often used.DIY Life offers instructions for three ways of adding under-stair storage.Get them at naturalhomeand is the purpose of“double up”?A.To make use of space on the wall.B.To leave more space on the floor.C.To keep small articles in drawers.D.To generate more functions of furniture.2.Which cant be a good solution to storing rarely-used items?A.Double up.B.Get high.C.Sink a basket.D.Top drawer.3.Where is the text probably from?A.A magazine.B.An advertisement.C.A news report.D.A tour guidebook.B An important life lesson that I ve drawn from running is to run at my own pace.It has guided me in many ways.In particular,it made me challenge the fixed expectations of retirement and aging.Running is a metaphor(隐喻)for life.I realized this while training for a marathon to celebrate my 60th birthday.All the other runners being faster than me made me embarrassed.But my coach shared some valuable advice;run at your own best pace.Setting a goal or target time could be a limitation.He was right.Over time,I ran more easily and faster.I also enjoyed the experience much more.I have applied this principle to other areas of my life.Finding a rhythm(743%)is not about efficiency or how many things I can get done in a day.It has more to do with what I decide to do at this stage in my life.Running carries its own set af expectations,including what it means to be a strong runner.But expectations also extend to other areas of life,including what people at certain life stages should be doing or not doing.Expectations at my age can center on how leisure time is spent,decisions dheriternileyahertt,and even the role of a grandmother.I used to think it was young people who bore peer pressure,but its easy to view retirement as another occupation with benchmarks(基准)to be met.We often make what someone else does the reference point.Its a comparison trap.Forget what others are doing.Their pace is not necessarily the pace you should run at.Run in your own way.Its not better or worse only different.4,What does the author intend to tell in paragraph 2?A.The origin of a life principle.B.Her misunderstanding of running.C.The importance of life expectations.D.Her unpleasant training experience.5.What does the author think about life expectations?A.They are vital for retired people.B.They vary at different life stages.C.They cover every decision in life.D.They are usually too high to fulfill.6.What can we infer from paragraph 5?A.Young people often compete with old people.B.Retired people take up bad occupations.C.Retired people are also under peer pressure.D.A comparison trap makes young people stronger.7.What message does the author mainly want to convey?A.Retirement cant stop old peoples dreams.B.People should live life to the fullest.C.People should live at their own speed.D.Running at a fixed pace is beneficial to retired people.C Today,battery power per kilowatt hour costs around only ten per cent of what it did a decade ago.And the expectation is that the costs will continue to fall,because battery chemistry improves and manufacturing(批量生产)lots of batteries on a massive scale makes the production of individual batteries cheaper.You can be forgiven for thinking that this might only be of interest to accountants,but the possible effects of this are enormous,and will benefit all of us.First and most obviously,it has made the batteries in electric cars cheaper and longer-lasting.And brilliantly,because electric batteries are improving so dramatically,we can already see the results.Last September,15 per cent of all-new vehicle registrations were pure electric vehicles.So the change is starting to happen.Better batteries does not just mean better te however.They can also help us decarbonise the entire national grid(输电网).Storing energy has always been a problem for the grid.Today,only a tiny amount of generated electricity is stored for later use,which leads to lots of power going to waste.But better batteries make it technologically and economically viable to store large amounts of energy from the grid.Its possible that in the not-too-distant future,we might have an enormous battery in the garage.It would take power from the grid(or maybe even solar panels on the roof),and power appliances and lights in our homes at the times when demand for electricity is high.Home batteries are not yet as established as electric cars but-they are also growing in popularity.So,given how much technology has improved batteries over the last decade,I cant help but be strangely optimistic about the future.Batteries may not be as flashy(华丽的)as phones,rockets or other new technologies.But when it comes to technology to fight climate change,theyre definitely leading the charge.8.What contributes to the popularity of electric cars?A.The production of individual batteries.B.The longer duration and less cost of batteries.C.Accountants interest in cheaper batteries.D.The increasing vehicle registrations.9.What does the underlined word“viable”mean in paragraph 3?A.Cheaper.B.Dramatic.C.Workable.D.Exceptional.10.What does the author expect of batteries?A.They will become smaller.B.They will help make the world greener.C.They will sell better than phones.D.They will replace chargers on a lois trip.11.Which is the most suitable title for the text?A.Home Batteries Will Catch On-B.Batteries Are Getting Better and Better C.Battery Technology Needs Improving Urgently D.Petrol-powered Cars Will Be Upgraded D Researchers have recently discovered that gut bacteria(肠道细菌)that grow within our body helps.the brain build important social skills.According to a paper published in PLOS Biology in November,zebra fish were used as research subjects to test how a lack of bacteria could affect social skills.Zebra fish are social animals as even 2-week-old fish start to hang out in groups of four to twelve.The experiment started with making a group of fish“bacteria-free”through their diet.The other group were injected with a healthy mix of gut bacteria after they were hatched.About 15 days later,the second group began a in groups while the“bacteria-free”group“shockingly,didnt,”Judith Eisen,a co-author of the new research,said to Quanta Magazine.The team then examined the fishs brains,discovering obvious differences between the two groups.The ones who lacked the gut bacteria had more interconnections among the neurons(#45C)in their brains in charge of social behavior,and social neurons were seen to have overgrown.This made the fish more cautious in social situations.Scientists said that the bacteria might release a special chemical that crosses the bloodbrain barrier to reach the brain directly.Although the experiments were only on fish,the findings can theoretically be applied to humans.The team wishes to explore how gut bacteria affects the human brain in the future,which may lead to solutions to mental health problems.Perhaps many people who claim that they have“social phobia(社交恐惧症)”can:blame their guts.However,social phobia,or social anxiety disorder,can be a serious illness if 6verlooked.According to the National Health Service in the UK it is more than shyness but instead a constant fear of social situations.Patients may experience panic attacks which are an overwhelming fear and anxiety that last for a few minutes.12.What does the research focus on?A.The growth of gut bacteria.B.The way zebra fish build social skills.C.The influencing factors of social behavior.D.The link between gut bacteria and social behavior.13.What was found in the experiment?A.The two groups of zebra fish became different in size.B.The bacteria-free zebra fis