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1、 Table manner is an important part of cross-cultural communication.Chinese and Western people have been deeply influenced by different social cultures,historical cultures and various social backgrounds,so two different cultures between China and Western countries generate,and then table culture aris

2、es so fast at the historic moment.1.Introduction2.2.M Ma ain Contentsin Contents Seats Arrangement The Use of Tableware Atmosphere on table Seats Arrangement In China,people used to use the number of the tables to define the size of banquet(宴会).In small banquets which have two tables,the table on th

3、e left or farther to the portal(大门)is the top table.At bigger banquets that have three or more tables,the rules are much more complicated.Seats Arrangement Generally,seats that closer to the top table take precedence(优先).For example,on the wedding party,family members of the bride or the leaderships

4、 are arranged to the table that closest to the top table.Hosts show their reverences(尊严,尊敬)to the guests by arranging seats by this way.一般来说,座位接近顶部表优先。例如:在婚礼上,家庭成员或新娘的领导人在排列表最接近顶部的位置。通过这种安排座位的方法来显示主人对客人的尊重。Seats at one table also have different meanings.In Chinese table manner,the seat opposite to t

5、he door is the honor seat,which is for chief guests or elders;the seats beside are the second honor seat which are for other guests;the seats that opposite to the honor seat are the inferior(下级的)(下级的)seat.Inferior seats are for the host and hostess.在中国餐桌文化中,位于门在中国餐桌文化中,位于门对面的位置是最尊贵的,这对面的位置是最尊贵的,这个位置

6、是给高贵的客人或者个位置是给高贵的客人或者长者。它旁边的是第二重要长者。它旁边的是第二重要的位置,是留给其他的位置,是留给其他的。的。主位位置的对面的劣质座位主位位置的对面的劣质座位是留给主人和女主人的。是留给主人和女主人的。So before the banquet,hosts should first invite the chief guest or elders to the honor seat,and then invite other guests to the second honor seat.Hosts sit down on the inferior seats afte

7、r all the guests sit down.所以在宴会之前,主人首先会邀请尊贵的客人或者老者入座主位,然后邀请其他的客人入座二等座为。等所有客人入座以后,主人才做到劣等的座位上。Western people prefer long table to round table when entertaining friends.The host and the hostess seat at both end of the table,while guests seat at other seats.The chief guest sits at the upper right side

8、of the hostess,and the wife of the chief guest seats at the upper right side of the host.重要的客人坐在女主人的右上角,而重要客人的妻子坐在主人的右上角位置。In China,left is honor and right is secondary.While in western,right is honor and left is secondary.The proper way to take the seat in western is to sit by the left hand.It is b

9、etter not to walk out before the banquet is finished.ChineseChinese table wares involve chopsticks,small dish,bowl and glass.Chopsticks and spoon are always put together on the right hand of the plate.Toothpick and ashtray are also necessary.Western In western meals,they use so much table wares with

10、 different kinds and sizes.the use of table wares also shows different food culture in different countries,the main table wares in western are knives,forks,spoons,glass and napkin.Chopsticks are the main table wares in Chinese food culture.It is impolite to use chopsticks to clean tooth,or pick othe

11、r things that arent food.It is also bad manner to talk with chopsticks in hand.The right way to use spoon is:scoop the food,and wait for seconds to make sure that the soup will not splash out,and then move the spoon back.It is impolite to put the spoon in to mouth,or lick(舔舔)the spoon over and over

12、again.knife is used to cut food and fork is used to carry food into mouth.during the dinner,you should put them on both sides of the plate,and knife and fork should be put in the way that looks like the Chinese word“八八”.刀是用来切割食物,叉用来携带食物进嘴。晚餐期间,你应该把它们放在两边的碟上。刀和叉的摆放应看起来像中文的“八”。you can also use them in

13、 a way that handle knife in your right hand and fork in the left hand.Soup spoon is always put on the outermost right side,together with the knife.Dessert spoon is put together with dessert knife and fork.你可以用左手拿叉右手拿刀这种方式来用它们。汤匙总是与刀一起放在右边。甜点匙与甜点刀具和叉子放在一起。Noisy and quiet is the main different of tabl

14、e atmosphere between Chinese and western.Chinese table atmosphere always noisy and always the noisier the better.While western table atmosphere is quiet.吵闹和安静是中西方餐桌气氛最主要的不同之处。中国的餐桌气氛总是吵闹的,而且最热闹越好。而西方的餐桌文化总是安静的。People begin to talk at the time they sit down,and they would keep talking during the whol

15、e dinner.Everybody at the table talking,drinking,eating,and enjoying the pulsating(活跃的活跃的)atmosphere.Noisy atmosphere can reflect the guests happiness from their hearts.In china Westerners also talk at table,but they talk quietly and keep the voice at the stage that can only be heard.You can not mak

16、e noises when drinking soup.Chewing with your mouth closed and do not making noises when eating.In western Conclusion Through comparing the table manners of Chinese and Western countries and keeping pace with the changing world can be more meaningful to all people.Every culture in the world is equal,We should avoid using our own culture,morality and value to judge foreign culture.We should treat foreign culture objectively.


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