常州市初中统考2019年七年级上学期英语期末试卷(模拟卷一)(DOC 7页).doc

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1、常州市初中统考2019年七年级上学期英语期末试卷(模拟卷一)一、选择题1Our new English teacher is Alice Green. So we can call(呼)her .AMr. Green BMiss Green CMs. Alice DMiss Alice2Lets _ computer games. That sounds _. I like it.Aplay; more good Bplays; difficult Cplay; fun Dplays; interesting3My name is Bob Green. _ is my _ name.ABob;

2、 firstBBob; lastCGreen; firstDGreen; middle4Is this your pencil?No, it isnt. _ pencil is in the pencil box.A.YourB.HisC.HerD.My5- you busy, Lucy ? -Yes.ACan BDoCAre DHave6My dog white and black.A.isB.amC.areD./7英语中有 个字母,其中 个是元音字母,其余 个是辅音字母。A.26; 21; 5B.26; 5; 21C.48; 5; 218(题文)_ your sister and brot

3、her like bananas? _.ADo; Yes, she does. BDo; No, they dont.CDoes; Yes, she does. DDo; Yes, they are.9 Is the schoolbag under the desk yours? No, its my _. He put it there just now(刚才).A.brotherB.brothersC.brothersD.sisters10Is this _ new bag? No,its_.Ahis; her Bhis; hers Cyours ;my Dhers;your11How m

4、any people are there in your ?-Six. They are my grandparents, my parents my sister and me.Ahouse Bhome Cfamily Droom12This book is mine. that book? Its Lindas.A.WhatsB.What aboutC.HowsD.Is13Today we have _ classes, and the _ class is math.A.three;treeB.first;threeC.three;thirdD.third;three14_ Yes.Th

5、ey are my favorite days.AWhat are your favorite days? BDo you like Saturday and Sunday?CWhat about your favorite days? DHow about Saturday and Sunday?15When is Toms birthday? _ birthday is May 6th.AMy BYour CHis DHer1626个字母中小写字母手写体占三格的字母是 _ 。Af,jBf,j,gCg,q,yDi,f,g17一Mom, please give me two . I want

6、to make vegetable salad.一OK. Here you are.Atomato Btomatoes Ctomatos18下列四组字母按字母表的顺序排列正确的一组是_。A.DCAB.BEGC.HGFD.FDE19(题文)Is John your brother?Yes, _ is.Ashe Bhe Cit Dthat20Hello, my name is Alice._AFine, thanks.BHello, Alice. My name is Lucy.CWhats your name?DAre you Alice?二、用所给的词填空21用所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一

7、次your, find, be, e-mail, spell1I must _ my dog.2How do you _ the word?3These watches _ new.4This is my e-mail address. Please _ me.5Is the computer game _?22()用所给词的适当形式填空。1The boy likes _(play)tennis.2My sister wants _(be)healthy.3Lets _(have)chicken for dinner.4Eric _(have)bread for lunch.5He has t

8、wo _(watch).三、句型转换23句型转换1My name is Jack. (对划线部分提问)_ _ name?2Im Jim. (改为同义句)_ _ _ Jim.3She is Gina. (用I改写句子)_ _ Gina.4My telephone number is 4. (对划线部分提问)_ _ telephone number?5His name is Tom. (改为一般疑问句) _ his name _?四、完形填空24There is a lost and found box in our classroom. There are lots of things 1 it

9、. This is a school-bag. 2 color is it? Its brown. That is 3 eraser. Whose is it? Is it 4 ? And whats that? 5 a watch. Oh,I find my 6 keys. One is to my classroom,and the other(另一个)is to my house. I 7 them in the playground(操场). That phone is 8 . This baseball is 9 too. Three books,two dictionaries a

10、nd some nice pens 10 also in the box. Whose are they? I dont know.1A.inB.atC.onD.under2A.WhoB.WhatC.HowD.Where3A./B.aC.theD.an4A.myB.yoursC.yourD.her5A.ItsB.ItsC.ItD.He6A.twoB.threeC.fourD.five7A.askB.findC.thinkD.lost8A.MingmingB.MingmingsC.MingmingsD.Mingming is9A.herB.hisC.myD.your10A.amB.isC.beD

11、.are25A: Excuse 1 , whats 2 , please? B: My name is Ann Read. And 3 ? A: Wei Hua, 4 you do? B: How do you do? A: 5 in the bag? Is it a pear? B: No, Its 6 orange. A: What 7 that in English? B: Its a bus, a 8 bus. A: 9 . Can you 10 “bus”? B: Yes, I can. b-u-s, bus.1Amy Bme CI Dyou2Athat Bit Cthis Dyou

12、r name3Aare you Byour Cname Dyour name4AHow BHow do CHow are DHow old5AWhat BIs CWhats DHow6A Ba Can Dthe7Ais Bare Cam Dbe8Achinese BChinese CChina DEnglish9ASorry BExcuse me CGood DNo10Asay Blook Cmeet Dspell26A: Good 1 ,Eric!B: Good afternoon, Grace!A: 2 are you?B: Fine, 3 . A: Whats this 4 Englis

13、h?B: Its a(n) 5 . A: Please 6 it!B: O-R-A-N-G-E. A: 7 is it?B: Its green. A: Oh, no. It is 8 . And whose(谁的)orange is 9 ?B: It 10 Franks.1AeveningBafternoonCmorningDnight2AWhatBWhoCHowDWhen3AthanksByesCOKDno4AatBinConDto5ArulerBjacketCorangeDpen6AsayBspellCseeDdo7AWhat colorBHowCWhatDWhen8ApurpleBwh

14、iteCorangeDblue9AitBoneCtheD/10AareBisCamDbe五、阅读理解27阅读理解。One morning, Mr Green and his son, Bill, are inabig shop. Mr Green wants to buy a new sweaterand a skirt for Mrs Green, and a shirt for himself (他自己). Bill likes apples, so (所以) his father buystwo kilos of apples. Bill wants to buy a black T-s

15、hirtand some picture books, too. There are many peoplein the shop. They all want to buy something in theshop.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。1Bill goes shopping with Mrs Green.2Mr Green wants to buy a new skirt forMrs. Green.3Mr Green buys a T-shirt for himself.4Bill wants to buy some books.5Many people buy t

16、hings in the shop.28Good morning.Im Dale.This is a jacket.Its a nice jacket.What color is it? Its red and white.And whats this in English? Its a pen.It is a black pen.This is a quilt.Its yellow.1Im _.AEric BCindyCDale DFrank2The jacket is _.Ared BwhiteCred and black Dred and white3The quilt is _.Aye

17、llow BwhiteCred Dgreen4The pen is _.Anice Bblack Cwhite Dgreen5文章中提到几种颜色?_种。A2 B3C4 D129Now let me tell you something about the world. France and the U.K. are western countries. China, Korea and Singapore are eastern countries. Different countries have different food. Hamburgers, donuts and hot dogs

18、 are the favourite food in the western countries. Dumplings, rice and noodles are popular in China. The U.S. is very far from China. It is east of China. Singapore and Korea are near China. People in different countries speak different languages. Chinese speak Chinese and people in France speak Fren

19、ch. Do Canadians speak English? Yes, they speak English and French. People in the U.S. also speak English. We call it American English.1 is in the west in the world.AChina BSingapore CKorea DThe U.K.2People in the U.S. like to eat .Anoodles Bdumplings Chot dogs Drice3Korea is in the of the world.Aea

20、st Bwest Csouth Dnorth4We call people from Canada .AChinese BCanadians CFrench DKorean5 is near China.AThe U.S. BKorea CFrance DThe U.K.六、书面表达30(题文)假设这是你房间的照片,请根据照片内容以及英文提示词,写一小段话,向你的加拿大笔友露西(Lucy)介绍一下你的房间。不少于25词(开头已经给出,不计入总词数)。提示词:map; blue and white; jacket; black; quilt; whiteHi, Lucy! This is my

21、room (房间). _【参考答案】*一、选择题题号123456789101112131415161718答案BCADCABBBBCBCBCABB题号1920答案BB二、用所给的词填空211find2spell3are4e-mail5yours221 playing 2 to be 3 have 4 has 5 watches 三、句型转换231Whats your 2My name is 3I am 4Whats your 5Is Tom 四、完形填空241A2B3D4B5A6A7D8C9B10D251B 2D 3D 4B 5C 6C 7A 8B 9C 10D 261B2C3A4B5C6B7A8C9A10B五、阅读理解271F2T3T4T5T281C2D3A4B5C2912D34C5ABB六、书面表达30无


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