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1、 八年级(下)期末英语试卷 题号IIIIIIIVV总分得分一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)1. Thesebookswerereallygood,soshecouldnt()A. putdownitB. putitdownC. putdownthemD. putthemdown2. -DoyouthinkifTomtheworkwell?-Ithinkhewillifhehisbest()A. does,willtryB. willdo,triesC. does,triesD. willdo,willtry3. _haveyoulearnedtoplaythepiano?_five

2、yearsago.A. Howlong; ForB. Howoften; ForC. Howlong; SinceD. Howsoon; Since4. -Areyouworriedaboutthecomingexam?-NoIthinkthemore_youare,mistakesyoullmake()A. careful;thelessB. carefully;thefewerC. carefully;theleastD. careful;thefewer5. -I_anewhouserecently-GreatWhen_you_it?()A. havebought,did,buyB. h

3、avebought,have,boughtC. bought,did,buyD. bought,have,bought6. Ihave_decidedwhentoleave,butmysisterhasntdecided_()A. yet,yetB. already,alreadyC. already,yetD. yet,already7. Dontworry!IlldowhatIcanyouwhenyouareintrouble()A. tohelpB. helpC. helpingD. helped8. -ImgoingtovisitYellowMountainwithmyfamilyth

4、isweekend-_()A. Good luckB. CongratulationsC. HaveagreattimeD. Thatsoundsgood9. Thepolicemanaskedthechild_crossthestreet_thetrafficlightsturnedgreen()A. not,whenB. notto,untilC. didnt,beforeD. notto,after10. -IhaveneverbeentoAfricancountriesWhataboutyou?-_()A. NeitherhaveIB. SodoIC. NeitherdoID. Soh

5、aveI11. -Doyouknow_?-Sorry,IdontButIsawherjustnow()A. wherehasshegoneB. whereshehasgoneC. whereshehasbeenD. wherewillshego12. Twothirdsofthepopulationofthevillage_farmersThenumberofthem_about2,000()A. is,isB. is,areC. are,areD. are,is13. -_isyourschool?-IcantrememberitwellI_fortenyears()A. Howbig,ha

6、veleftB. Whatbig,havebeenawayC. Howbig,havebeenawayD. Whatbig,haveleft14. -Icalledyoulastnight,butnooneansweredme-Oh,I_ashower()A. havetakenB. wastakingC. tookD. willtake15. -ImleavingfortheexamBye-bye,Mum-Well,makesureyougetready()A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing二、补全对话(本大题共1小题,共5.0分)1

7、6. A: Hello, Helen The happy summer vacation is coming( 1) _ B: Yes Im not busy at all Ive just finished my homework A:( 2) _ B: I have no ideas What about you? A: Let me see Wed better do something interesting and helpful( 3) _ B: Certainly Where? A: In the new museum B: Oh, I remember I heard of i

8、t last week( 4) _ A: By bike Its Saturday tomorrow The traffic must be heavy, I think B: I agree( 5) _ A: At the gate of our school at nine in the morning B: OK See you then A Would you like to see some old things with us B I will help my parents do much housework C When and where shall we meet? D H

9、ow shall we get there? E What are you going to do? F Are you free tomorrow? G Wed better stay at home三、阅读理解(本大题共10小题,共20.0分)AMobile phones(手机) have become a problem for middle schools Some middle schools in Australia have stopped students from carrying mobile phones during school hours The mobile ph

10、one use among children has become a problem for the school this year Several children have got mobile phones from their parents and friends as Christmas gifts, and more students will want them Mary, a teacher, said the mobile phone use is a distraction to students during school hours and it also giv

11、es teachers so much trouble in their classrooms Teachers also said that sometimes students might use phone messages to copy during exams She said some schools tried to stop mobile phones Some parents felt unhappy because they couldnt get in touch with their children Many teachers said students shoul

12、d not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reason, they could leave their phones at the school office They also said there were many reasons why the students should not have mobile phones at school, they were easy to lose and were a distraction for studies Many people say that they

13、understand why parents would want their children to have phones, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones17. Some middle schools in Australia have stopped students from carrying mobile phones _ A. because they are studentsB. when they are freeC. when

14、they are at schoolD. because they are children18. We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones from _ A. the makers and sellersB. the teachersC. their parents and friendsD. some mobile phone users19. What does the underlined word distractionmean in the passage? _ A. 鼓舞B. 分心C. 奖励D. 核

15、对20. ome parents felt unhappy because they couldnt _ during school hoursA. use their mobile phonesB. leave their mobile phones at the school officeC. help the teachers with their workD. get in touch with their children21. The passage mainly tells us that _ A. students shouldnt have mobile phones at

16、school except(除外) some special reasonsB. it is impossible to stop students from using mobile phones at schoolC. some parents felt unhappy because they couldnt use their phones at schoolD. parents should teach children how to use mobile phones during school hoursBHundreds of years ago, life was much

17、harder than it is today People didnt have modern machines Life today has brought new problems One of the biggest is pollution Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty It kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water Noise pollution makes us talk louder and become angry more easily Air po

18、llution is the most serious kind of pollution Its bad to all living things in the world Polluted air from cars, planes and factories is so thick that it is like a quilt(被子) over a city This kind of quilt is called smog(烟雾) Many countries are making rules to fight pollution Factories must now clean t

19、heir water before it is thrown away And they mustnt blow dirty smoke into the air We need to do many other things We can put waste things in the dustbin and not throw it on the ground We can go to work by bus or with our friends in the same car If there are fewer people driving, there will be less p

20、ollution Rules are not enough, every person must help to fight pollution22. Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today because _ A. there were fewer modern machines at that time than todayB. people didnt like to use modern medicinesC. there were no modern machines at allD. there wa

21、s no pollution at all23. What is the biggest problem in todays life? _ A. Dirty waterB. PollutionC. NoiseD. Too crowded24. The most serious kind of pollution is _ A. noise pollutionB. air pollutionC. water pollutionD. waste paper25. Factories must clean their water _ A. before they use itB. when the

22、y use itC. before it is thrown awayD. whenever they use it26. From the passage we know that _ A. a few years ago, there was no smog at allB. today people dont have to talk to each other in a loud voiceC. people are making rules in order to fight pollutionD. people can only use rules to fight polluti

23、on四、单词拼写-单句(本大题共5小题,共5.0分)27. Peoplelivedinbad_(条件)inthepast28. Thecountrysideisa_(完美的)placetotakeaholiday29. Weshouldbehoneststudentsinsteadof_(欺骗)ourteachers30. Withthe_(发展)ofthemoderncity,weneedmorelivingabilities31. OurEnglishteacheroften_(鼓励)ustostudyEnglishhard五、书面表达(本大题共1小题,共10.0分)32. 假如你是Sal

24、ly,是个中学生,经常收听音乐节目(program),请你用英语给节目主持人写一封信,信的要点如下: 1、你听这个节目已经3年了,很喜欢这个节目,特别(especially)是英文歌曲节目,到目前为止已学了10首英文歌曲; 2、当你学习繁忙或疲劳时,你常会打开收音机(recorder)去收听这个节目; 3、自己也已经写了1首英文歌曲,并寄到了这个节目; 4、你最喜欢Yesterday Once More这首歌,希望能得到歌词(lyrics); 5、你在英语学习上已经取得了巨大进步,感谢这个节目 要求:语意连贯,语法正确,注意时态,80词左右 Dear sir, _ yours Sally答案和

25、解析1.【答案】D【解析】put down 放下,动副词组,宾格放于中间,排除A,C;此题中再根据前面主语Thesebooks 是复数,故用them 故选:D这些书真的很好,所以她不想放下他们此题考查动词短语辨析,在孰知词义基础上,结合语境,仔细分析,便可得出正确答案2.【答案】B【解析】根据DoyouthinkifTom theworkwell,可知这里if引导一个宾语从句,这里动作还没有发生,用一般将来时;而-Ithinkhewillifhe hisbest这里if引导一个条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时 故选:B-你认为汤姆会做好这项工作吗? -我想如果他尽力,他会做好的

26、本题主要考查动词时态,做此类题目要注意时间状语、标志词根据上下文所表达的含义,做出判断3.【答案】C【解析】句意:你学钢琴多长时间了?自从五年前。how long多久,对一段时间提问;how often多久,对频率提问,常与一般现在时连用;how soon“多快/多久以后”,常与一般将来时连用。根据“have you learned”可知是现在完成时,排除B和D。for和since加时间都可以用于现在完成时,但for加时间段,since加时间点。答语中的“five years ago”是时间点,应用since。故选C。4.【答案】D【解析】答案:D考查比较级the+比较级the+比较级越就越第

27、一个空,系表结构,用形容词careful第二个空,修饰可数名词复数用the fewer答案是D-你担心即将到来的考试吗? -不,我认为你越小心,你犯的错误就越少考查比较级,要熟练掌握比较级的变法,根据具体的语境仔细分析选择恰当的比较级形式5.【答案】A【解析】从recently判断句子使用现在完成时,构成have/has+动词的过去分词;而When_you_it,这里买房子这个动作应该发生在过去,时态用一般过去时 故选:A-我最近买了一栋新房子 -太好了你什么时候买的?本题主要考查动词时态,做此类题目要注意时间状语、标志词根据上下文所表达的含义,做出判断6.【答案】C【解析】already已经

28、,用于肯定句中;yet已经,用于否定句或疑问中;此题前半句是肯定句,用already后半句是否定句用yet 故选:C我已经决定了什么时候出发,但是我妹妹还没决定此题考查同义词近义词词义辨析,在孰知词义基础上,结合语境,仔细分析,便可得出正确答案7.【答案】A【解析】根据Dontworry!IlldowhatIcan youwhenyouareintrouble可知这里用to引导的不定式短语表目的 故选:A别担心!当你遇到困难时,我会尽我所能帮助你本题考查不定式短语的及固定短语的用法,根据句意和语境,从而判断出正确答案8.【答案】C【解析】答案:C考查交际用语句意-这个周末我将要和我的家人参观黄

29、山-玩得愉快A祝您好运B恭喜C玩得愉快D那听起来很好结合语境这个周末我将要和我的家人参观黄山,可知,应该说玩得愉快,过得开心答案是C其它不符合-这个周末我将要和我的家人参观黄山 -玩得愉快考查交际用语,在日常学习中要从实际情景交际中多练习,掌握一些习惯用语结合语境,分析选项,选择正确的回答,完成练习9.【答案】B【解析】正确答案:B根据题干可知警察告诉孩子不要横穿马路,其中ask sb(not) to do sth表示告诉某人(不)要做某事,则第一空应填写not to,则可先排除AC;第二空指直到红绿灯变绿,则第二空应填写until,故选择B警察叫孩子不要横穿马路,直到红绿灯变绿本题考查动词不

30、定式及连词,考点较细,应有扎实的词汇语法基础,再根据题干作出选择10.【答案】A【解析】根据IhaveneverbeentoAfricancountries我从未去过非洲国家,这是一个现在完成时的表示否定意义的句子,主语是I,谓语是have been,结合选项,故用否定词neither+have+I,这是一种省略句,这里表示我也没去过 故选:A-我从未去过非洲国家你呢? -我也没有考查省略句这里要掌握so和neither开头的省略句用法,还要掌握so+人称+助动词/情态动词/be动词及so+助动词/情态动词/be动词+人称的区别,结合语境,完成试题11.【答案】B【解析】考查宾语从句宾语从句通

31、常用陈述语序,A,D不正确结合语境对不起,我不知道但是我刚才看见她了可知,应该是她去哪儿了表示去了某地,还没回来,用have goneC不正确 故选:B-你知道她去哪儿了吗? -对不起,我不知道但是我刚才看见她了宾语从句中一般为陈述语序,关于引导词的区分需结合引导词的基本含义及其在句子中所承担的句子成分进行具体分析宾语从句的时态和主句没有必然的联系,需结合语境具体分析12.【答案】D【解析】根据Twothirdsofthepopulationofthevillage_farmersThenumberofthem_about2,000,可知Population前有分数修饰,谓语动词要用复数The

32、numberof的数量做主语,谓语动词用单数 故选:D这个村庄三分之二的人都是农民他们的数量是2000熟悉主谓一致的基本用法,结合题意,给出答案13.【答案】C【解析】考查特殊疑问句及现在完成时第一个空,结合语境你们学校有_可知,应该是多大,用how bigwhat big不搭配B,D不正确第二个空,for+段时间通常与延续性动作连用,leave离开,过去分词left非延续性动词D不正确 故选:C-你们学校有多大? -我记不起来了,我已经离开十年了疑问词通常用来构成疑问句,要根据回答的具体内容进行选择,注意一些固定搭配for+段时间通常与延续性动作连用结合语境,选择合适答案14.【答案】B【解

33、析】从Icalledyoulastnight,butnooneansweredme,判断时态是一般过去时,而I_ashower这里表示过去某个时间正在进行的动作,时态用过去进行时,构成were/was+Ving 故选:B-我昨晚打电话给你,但是没人接 -哦,我正在洗澡过去进行时主要表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作,或表示过去某一阶段一直在进行的动作15.【答案】C【解析】答案:C everything每件事情something某事anything任何事nothing没事根据Well,makesureyouget ready,可知好的,一定要把一切准备好这里用everything故选C-我要去参加

34、考试了,再见,妈妈 -好的,一定要把一切准备好理解各个选项的含义,及其用法的区别,根据具体内容作答16.【答案】【小题1】F【小题2】E【小题3】A【小题4】D【小题5】C【解析】1 F;根据下一句 Yes Im not busy at all是的,我一点也不忙,可知问你明天有空吗?故选F Are you free tomorrow? 2 E;根据下一句 I have no ideas What about you?我没有主意,你呢?可知问你打算怎么办?故选E What are you going to do? 3 A;根据下一句 Certainly可知问你想和我们一起看一些旧的东西吗?故选A

35、 Would you like to see some old things with us 4 D;根据下一句 By bike可知问交通方式,故选D How shall we get there? 5 C;根据下一句At the gate of our school at nine in the morning早上九点在校门口可知问 我们何时何地见面?故选C When and where shall we meet?A:你好,海伦快乐的暑假就要到了你明天有空吗? B:是的,我一点也不忙,我刚做完家庭作业 A:你打算怎么办? B:我没有主意,你呢? A:让我想想我们最好做一些有趣的和有益的事情

36、你想和我们一起看一些旧的东西吗? B:当然可以哪里? A:在新博物馆里 B:哦,我记得我上星期听说的我们怎么去那儿? A:骑自行车明天是星期六我想交通一定很拥挤 B:我同意我们何时何地见面? A:早上九点在校门口 B:好的,到时见此题考查补全对话,在理解语境基础上,结合前后句,仔细分析,便可得出正确答案17.【答案】【小题1】C【小题2】C【小题3】B【小题4】D【小题5】A【解析】1-5:CCBDA 1:C 细节理解题根据第一段第二行Some middle schools in Australia have stopped students from carrying mobile phon

37、es during school hours澳大利亚许多学校已经禁止学生在上课期间带手机可知学校不允许学生在学校期间带手机故选C 2:C 细节理解题根据第一段最后一句Several children have got mobile phones as Christmas gifts, and more students will want them一些学生在圣诞节时候得到的礼物是手机,更多的学生希望能够得到手机可知在圣诞节时家长和朋友送他们手机作为圣诞礼物故选C 3:B 词义猜测题联系上下文,由第二段第二行it also gives teachers so much trouble in th

38、eir classrooms会给教师在上课时带来许多麻烦,可知该词意思应为对课堂教学及学生学习不利的故选B 4:D 细节理解题根据第二段最后一句Some parents felt unhappy because they couldnt get in touch with their children许多家长因不能及时联系到他们的孩子而不高兴可知他们不高兴的原因是不能及时的联系到他们的孩子故选D 5:A 主旨大意题根据最后一段Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have ph

39、ones, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones许多人说,他们理解为什么父母希望自己的孩子拥有手机,但他们认为学校应该让他们知道什么时候可以使用他们的手机及本文大意本文主要讲述内容为学生除特殊情况,否则在学校时不应带手机故选A本文主要讲中学生在学校使用手机已经成为一个问题学校教师认为在学校用手机会影响学习但是家长却认为学生带着手机可以方便联系许多人理解家长希望学生带手机去学校的原因,认为学校应该对学生使用手机的时间做出规定本文是一篇人物故事类阅读,题目涉

40、及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对 性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案推理判断也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确的答案22.【答案】【小题1】A【小题2】B【小题3】B【小题4】C【小题5】C【解析】本题考查细节理解题 1A根据People didnt have modern machines 可知是因为过去没有现代的机器,故选A 2B根据One of the biggest is pollution可知最大的问题之一是污染,故答案是B 3B根据Airpollutionisthemostseriouskindofpollution可知大气污染是最严重的,

41、故选B 4C根据Factoriesmustnowcleantheirwaterbeforeitisthrownaway可知工厂在倾倒水之前要先净化,故选C 5C根据文章最后一段内容以及Many countries are making rules to fight pollution 可知人们制定法律是为了与污染抗争,故选C文章介绍了现代社会的环境污染的问题,号召所有人作出自己的努力与环境污染做斗争集中考查细节题,在解答这类问题时要求学生抓住题干文字信息,采用针对性方法进行阅读,因为这类题的答案在文章中可以直接找到27.【答案】conditions【解析】答案:conditions 根据题干P

42、eoplelivedinbad-(条件)inthepast可知句意为:人们过去的居住环境很糟糕In bad conditions处于糟糕的条件之中,因此答案为conditions故填:conditions人们过去的居住环境很糟糕本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式28.【答案】perfect【解析】答案:perfect 完美的:perfect形容词;题干中perfect修饰名词place,用形容词形式即可乡下是一个完美的度假地点翻译填空题考查的是词汇的记忆和运用能力,平时要注意积累和运用同时还要注意区分近义短语29.【答案】chea

43、ting【解析】答案:cheating 欺骗:cheat动词;题干中cheat作介词of的宾语,要用动名词形式cheating我们应该做诚实的学生,不应该欺骗我们的老师翻译填空题考查的是词汇的记忆和运用能力,平时要注意积累和运用同时还要注意区分近义短语30.【答案】development【解析】答案:development 发展:develop动词;题干中develop作介词with的宾语,且被定冠词the限定,要用名词形式development随着现代城市的发展,我们需要更多的生活能力翻译填空题考查的是词汇的记忆和运用能力,平时要注意积累和运用同时还要注意区分近义短语31.【答案】encourages【解析】答案:encourages 根据题干OurEnglishteacheroften-(鼓励)ustostudyEnglishhard可知句意为:老师经常鼓励我们更加努力学习often,经常,通常用于一般现在时,主语是OurEnglishteacher,是单数形式,所以谓语动词应该用第三人称单数形式故填:encourages老师经常鼓励我们更加努力学习本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合


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