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1、肥东为民学校16-17学年度第一学期第一次月考八年级英语(时间:100分钟 总分:120分)第卷 选择题(共55分)I. 单项选择从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案(25)1. Guangzhou is _ the south of China. A. inB. on C. to D. from 2. China is famous _ the Great Wall. A. at B. for C. of D. as3. _ is the population of Hefei? A. How many B. How often C. How much D. What4.

2、-What are you doing?- Im reading _ .A. todays newspaper B. today newspaper C. todays newspaper D. newspapers today5. Did Lucy enjoy _ at the party? A. her B. himself C. oneself D. herself6. Our teacher is pleased _us. A. as B. for C. with D. in7. Im 1.70 metres. Yao Ming is 2.27 metres. I am _ Yao M

3、ing.A. as tall as B. taller thanC. not as tall as D. so tall as8. There is _ river in my hometown.A. two-metre-deep B . a two-metre-deep C. two metres deep D. a two metres deep 9. They dont know what _yesterday.A. did he happen B. he happenedC. happened to him D. happened to he10. Those stories are

4、very_ , so Betty is _ in them.A. interesting, interesting B. interested, interesting C. interesting, interested D. interested, interested 11. He tries_ English well, so he practises _English every day.A. to learn; to speak B. learning; speaking C. to learn; speaking D. learning; to speak12. _speak m

5、ore English in class? A. You should B. What about C. Why dont D. Why not13. -Can he work out the maths problem? -I think _ hard for him to work it out.A. its B. thats C. this is D. theyre14. Mr. Lin gave us some _ how to learn English well last week.A. advice on B. advices on C. advice in D. advices

6、 in15. -How about going for a walk outside? -_. A. I would be B. I like C. I do D. Id like to16. _ do you visit your grandmother? Once a month.A. How often B. How long C. How far D. How soon 17. -Wheres your homework? -Oh, I _ it at home. A. forget B remember C left D. bring18. Remember _ this book

7、to the library tomorrow.A. returning B. to borrow C. to return D. borrowing19. Is there _ in the bag?A. something new B. new something C. anything else D. else anything 20. Beijing is bigger than _in Jiangsu.A. any other city B. any city C. any other citiesD. other cities21. How could he _?A. makes

8、you laugh B. make you laughC.makes you laughingD. make you laughing22. Whose room is _,Kates, Millies or Bettys?A. bigger B. the bigger C. the bestD. best 23. Wang Fang is_ of the five basketball players, but she plays very well.A. thinner B. thinnest C. the thinnest D. very thin24. He tries to spen

9、d as much time as he can _ Chinese well.A to study B studies C studying D study25. What kind of food is_ , Chinese food, Japanese food or the western food?A. most delicious B. more deliciousC. the most delicious D. the more deliciousII.完型填空(15)John lived with his mother in a very big house, and afte

10、r she_26_ , the house became too big_27_him, so he bought a _28_one in the next street. There was a very nice, old clock in his _29_house ,and when the workers came to take his things to the new house, John thought,“ Im not going to let them _30_my beautiful old clock in their truck. Perhaps they wi

11、ll break it, and then it will be very expensive to repair it.” So he_31_and began to carry it down the road in his arms.It was heavy ,so he stopped two or three times to have_32_.Then suddenly a small boy came along the road. He stopped and looked at John for_33_seconds. Then he said to John, “Youre

12、 a _34_,arent you? _35_dont you buy a watch like everyone else?”26 A. worked B. studied C. died D. played27. A. at B. with C. about D. for28. A. larger B. bigger C. nicer D. smaller29. A. second B. third C. first D. new30. A. to put B. putting C. puts D. put31. A. picked it up B. picks it up C. pick

13、s up it D. picked up it32. A. a look B. a drink C. a walk D. a rest33. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little34. A. great B. fool(傻子) C.clever D. bright35. A. where B. Why C. How D. WhenIII.阅读理解(40)(A) My hometown is Tianjin.It is one of the biggest cities in China. It is next to Beijing-the capital

14、of China. So people say, Tianjin is the eastern gate of Beijing.Bohai Bay is in the southeast of Tianjin.It is famous for the Haihe River which runs through the city.There are eighteen districts (区)in Tianjin. Heping District is the center. Its the busiest district in Tianjin. Binhai New District is

15、 in Tanggu. There are many big foreign companies there.It is a beautful district.Jixian is in the north of Tianjin.It is famous for the Great Wall. Thousands of people visit it on holidays. Farmers there are very kind and friendly. You can buy some fruit and nuts (坚果) there. They are very fresh. Wel

16、come to Tianjin ! Welcome to my hometown !36. The writer was born in _.A. BeijingB. Bohai Bay C. TianjinD. Nanjing37. Tianjin is on the _of Beijing.A. south B. east C. northwest D. southeast38._ is the busiest one in Tianjin.A. Heping District B. Binhai New DistrictC. Jixian District D. Bohai Bay39.

17、 The _ runs through the city.A. Bohai B. Tongding RiverC. Haihe River D. Changjiang River40. Jixian is famous for _.A. the Great WallB. the Bohai BayC. Haihe River D. the foreign companies(B)we each have a memory(记忆力). Thats why we can still remember things after a long time. Some people have very g

18、ood memories and they can easily learn many things by heart, but some people can only remember things when they say or do them again and again. Many of the great men of the world have got surprising memories.A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his mother language w

19、hen he is a small child. He hears the sounds, remembers them and then he learns to speak. Some children are living with their parents in foreign countries. They can learn two languages as easily as one can , because they hear, remember and speak two languages every day. In school it is not so easy t

20、o learn a foreign language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects , too.But your memory will become better and better when you do more and more exercises.41.Some people can easily learn many things by heart because _.A.they always sleep very well B.they

21、often eat good foodC.they read a lot of books D.they have very good memories42. Everybody learns his mother language _ .A.at the age of six B.when he is a small child C.after he goes to school D.when he can read and write43. Before a child can speak, he must _ .A.read and write B.make sentencesC.hea

22、r and remember the soundsD.think hard44.In school the pupils cant learn a foreign language well because _ .A.they have no good memoriesB.they have no recordersC.they have too much time for it D.they are busy with other subjects45.Your memory will become better and better .A.if you have plenty of goo

23、d food B.if you do more and more exercisesC.if you do morning exercises every dayD.if you get up early(C)Do you know the nameRain? Yes, he is a popular star of South Korea. Rains music teacher gave him that name. His real name is Jung Ji Hoon. The 27-year-old singer is very good at dancing, too. His

24、 eyes are bright and his smiles are sunny.When he was a child, Rain was very quiet. But in Grade Six, Rain surprised all of his classmates. He danced for them. After the excellent dancing, everyone looked at him in a different way.Rains songs sell well, and he acts(扮演) in a few TV shows., Rain doesn

25、t want to sing forever. “When I stop singing, Id like to design(设计)clothes. Being a designer is my childhood dream,” he said.46. Where does Rain come from? A. China B. Japan C. South Korea D. America47. Who gave him the name Rain? A. His father B. His classmate C. His teacher D. His mother48. Why di

26、d Rain surprise his classmates?A. Because he was good at singing.B. Because he danced well.C. Because he got a good mark.D. Because he worked hard.49. What did Rain want to be when he was a child?A. A singer B. A dancer C. A star D. A designer50. What does the passage tell us?A. Rain is a very popul

27、ar star.B. Rain is a popular designer.C Rain was very active when he was a child.D. Rain will stop singing next year. (D)Thanksgiving Day is a holiday in Canada and the United States.Nobody goes to work or school on Thanksgiving Day . Thanksgiving Day is not on the same day every year,but it is alwa

28、ys in the same month. In Canada , Thanksgiving Day is on the second Monday in October. But in the US, it is on the fourth Thursday of November.Thanksgiving began in the US in 1621. In 1620, over one hundred people sailed across the Atlantic Ocean (跨过大西洋) to live in the New World . Their first winter

29、 in the New World was hard .They arrived too late to grow any crops ( 庄稼). Without food ,half the people died.The Indians taught them how to grow crops .The next year ,in the fall(秋季),there was a great harvest(收成). These people were very thankful so they had a feast(筵席)to celebrate the great harvest

30、 .That was the first Thanksgiving Day .People in Canada began cerebrating it in the 1750s .Families make special food and eat them together.They eat the roast(烤制的)turkey and pumpkin pies .After the dinner they like to play games together.51. Thanksgiving Day is a holiday in _. A.the world . B. China

31、 C. Canada and the US D. Europe52. Thanksgiving celebrates the _. A. Indians B. crops C. Feast. D. harvest53. The first Thanksgiving began in _.A. 1620 B. 1621 C. 1750 D. late November54. The underlined words the New World mean _. A. 新世界 B. 新大陆 C. 新家园 D. 新国家55. Which of the following is true? A. Can

32、adians and Americans celebrate Thanksgiving in the same month .B. Thanksgiving Day isnt a holiday in Canada. C. After Thanksgiving dinner people often went to the stores .D. Canadians and Americans all have Thanksgiving dinner with the families.第卷 非选择题(共40分)IV用所给词的适当形式填空(10)56. How about _(listen) t

33、o the radio?57. Dont forget _(turn) off the TV.58. It is a great idea _ (check) your vocabulary book every day.59. I enjoy _(listen) to real English songs.60. This is a good way _(learn) English.61. Yao Ming is 2.26 _ (metre) tall.62. Would you like _ ( go )to visit Diwang Tower with us?63. He is mu

34、ch _(tall) than his sister.64. You _ ( not need ) to understand every word.65. We lost to the other team when we _ ( pass ) the ball last year.V.句型转换(10)66. I like living here because everyone is so friendly. (就划线部分提问) you like living here?67. My father gave me my first violin eight years ago. (就划线部

35、分提问) your father you your first violin?68. Our school is close to the train station.(改为同义句) Our school isnt _ _ the train station.69. 事实上,麦克不太喜欢流行音乐。 _ _ , Mike doesnt like pop music very much.70.How many people are there in Hefei? (改为同义句)_ _ is the population of Hefei?VI.书面表达(20)假如你叫李楠,你的网友王丹得知你的英语学得很好,昨天给你发了一封电子邮件,请你介绍一下学好英语的成功经验。请你根据下面的中文提示,用英语给王丹回一封电子邮件。(80词左右)提示: 早晨读英语;上课认真听讲;空余时间和朋友练习说英语; 多听广播,可以纠正单词发音;放学回家看英语新闻、睡觉前听英语。Dear Wang Dan,_ Yours, Li Nan


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