外研版一起小学英语三下册《Module 3Unit 1 We'll go to the zoo.》word教案.doc

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1、 Module 3 Unit 1 Maybe well go to the zoo. 教材分析 本课主要学习用英语询问和回答将要做的事。 学情分析 本课适合小学三年级学生,学生在前面一个模块已学习 了如何用将来时表达将要看到的东西。 整合资源 第五册第九模块 教学目标 ( 1 )知识目标: a. 能听、说、认、读单词:Maybe(也许)、tiger(老虎) 和 lots of(许多),能听、说、认单词 countryside(乡 村)。 b. 能用英语询问和回答将要做的事:Will you ? Yes, I will. / No, I wont. ( 2 )能力目标:培养学生在特定的语境中用英

2、语思 维、尽量用准确的句子交流的能力。 ( 3 )情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生在 与教师交流或与同学交流的过程中体会合 作学习的乐趣。 教 学 重 难 点 用英语询问和回答将要做的事。 突破措施 听说法、交际法、游戏法和情景教学法让学生在协 作活动中充分运用探究方式自主学习,以达到最佳的课 堂学习效果。 教学方法 听说法、交际法、游戏法 教学过程: Warmer Sing a song: . Presentation: Step 1 T: What will you do this weekend? Ss: Ill Well -. Let the pupils say out th

3、eir plans as possible as they can. The tell them since their plan can not make sure,so we should use the new words:maybe. Step 2 T: This weekend Amy, Daming, Lingling and Sam have their own plan. Now lets listen carefully and find out: What will lingling do this weekend? What will Daming do this wee

4、kend? What will Sam do this weekend? What will Amy do this weekend? Step 3 Listen and repeat the text . Then practice the text by different ways in their groups. Step 4 Act the text out one group by another group. Step 5 Show the pictures of Part 3. Read it one by one, then play a game: I say and yo

5、u point. Make sentences one by one then play a chain game. Homework: Recite the text. M3 U1 Maybe Ill go to the zoo.(第 1 课时) 2011-03-27 14:16:41| 分类: 2010-2011 上学期|举报|字 号 订阅 M3 U1 Maybe Ill go to the zoo. 一、教学目标与要求 1、 知识与能力目标 能够听说读写下列句子: Well see lions and tigers. Will Sam go, too? Yes, he will. Wil

6、l you go too, Daming? No, I wont. 能听说读写的词语:will, wont, tiger, lion, school, zoo, park 能 听 说 读 下 列 句 子 I /she/he wont Who willWhere dose live?Is there there? 并能用学过的句子进行询问、交流 各自将要做的事情, 例如到哪去, 干什么?用于表达将要上的课程等。 2 情感态度目标 培养学生的表达及交际能力。 使学生在英语学习中获得快乐的学习体 验。 二、 教学重点及难点 一般将来时态的一般疑问句的使用及回答:Will ? Yes,will./No

7、,wont. 三、课前准备 TAPETVHEADDRESSCARDS TEXTBOOK/ACTIVITYBOOK 四教学过程 Step 1 :Warm up Good morning, boys and girls. Do you want to visit London?(computer)What will you see? Ill see(学生说出伦敦的著名城市景点 课件) Boys and girls, this weekend, I will go to the supermarket to buy lots of things. Could you tell us what you

8、 will do this weekend? S:Ill go to T:What will you see at the zoo? T:Ill see (zoo)(板书) Step 2 :Presentation and practice Boys and girls, Let look at the video:?“What will Amy, Sam and Daming do this weekend?” Now, watch the video,please.Then Think it over. (课件) 1.What will Amy do this weekend?2.What

9、 will Amy see? Are you ready?Lets see(go).(课件全课) (Watch TV) Headdress. The student will be Amy. Step 3:Show a picture.(仅一屏) HelloAmy. What will you do this weekend?(为什么用 well, 请记住这个问题)。(Who wants to be Amy?) Listen carefully. S:I dont know. S: Maybe Ill(well) go to the zoo. Lets go on. What will you

10、 see? S: Well see lions and tigers.(板书) (为什么用well?) (read the tiger)Look at the picture:(Listen) Who is he? Daming, how do you ask about Sam? S:Will _go too?(板 书) S: Yes,_will.(板书)(卡片)反复读,跟读,齐读。 Pay attention ,please.Amy and Sam are two children. what will you See? Ill or Well?(头像 Amy and Sam) S: We

11、ll see lions and tigers.(有节奏的读) Show the computer.T:Will Daming go too?(Listen carefully.) S:No, I wont.(板书)(卡) (Read it one by one.) Homework:Recite the text 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1. 能借助图片理解和读懂故事; 2. 能在故事情境中理解“Maybe we/Ill表示某人将要做某事”,以及 “Will you go too?询问对方也要做某事吗”的表达方式,并进行初步的运用; 3. 能在语境中理解单词 maybe,will, w

12、eekend,countryside; 4. 通过在故事中学用语言 Maybe we/Ill 引导学生合理安排周末,过 得既充实而有意义。 教学重点: a)学生对故事内容的理解和朗读; b)用 What will you do this weekend?来询问某人将要做某事,用 Maybe we/Ill 来讲述自己周末将要做的事情。 教学难点:a)在语境中初步用 Maybe we/Ill do讲述自己周末将要做的 事; b)在语境中理解 will,maybe 的含义。 二、教学资源准备二、教学资源准备 常规资源: 1.教材及配套的故事光盘 2.所学单词的卡片及相应的图片 补充资源: 1.自制课

13、件:单词的呈现和活动环节 三、教学过程三、教学过程 Step1 Greet T: Im Miss Li, you can call me Miss Li. Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss Li. Step2 Warm up 1. Listen and do. T: Lets play a game, OK? I say, you do. S: Listen and do. T: Stand up/ run/ jump/ swim/ play football/play pingpong/ play basketball S: Do the actio

14、n. 【设计意图】通过 TPR 活动,复习已学动词,激发学生的学习积极性,快速 进入学习状态。 2. Watch and speak out. T: Show some pictures.(教师播放课件) S: Speak out the words of animals: dog/ cat/ elephant/ pig/ lion/ tiger/ panda T: Where can we see many animals?(教师播放幻灯片 zoo) S: In the zoo. 【设计意图】通过图片展示,感受已经学过的动物单词及动物园 zoo。 Step3 Lead into the st

15、ory 1.T: Look! Here is a calendar. Today is Friday. Saturday and Sunday are our weekend.(教师播放课件日历,圈出即将到来的周末,教授单词 weekend) S:观看课件,learn the word “weekend”. 2T: This weekend, maybe I will go to the Zhuxi park.(教师播放课 件“竹溪公园”) S:学生观看课件,体会 maybe 的含义。 T: What will you do this weekend?引导学生用中文回答,教师用英文重 复:I

16、will (教师出示课件 football、basketball/ pingpong) S:I will (play football/ play basketball/ play pingpong) T:出示课件“I will”,讲解“will”用来表述将来的情况。再举些例子 帮助学生熟悉“will”的用法。I will = Ill/ We will = Well/ He will= Hell/ She will= Shell 【设计意图】引导学生理解 weekend, maybe 的含义,同时运用本模块所学 语言 Maybe we/Ill进行表达。 Step4 Learn the stor

17、y 1. Listen to the story. T: Lets listen to a story. They are talking about weekend.(教师 播放故事视频然后提问: Who are talking in the story?) S: Watch the video and answer the question: They are Amy, Daming and Sam. 板书:Amy/ Sam/ Daming 【设计意图】通过观看故事,了解故事中的人物。 2. Watch the video again. T: Look! This is a house.

18、Is this Damings house?(教师播放视频, 停留在最后画面然后提问) S: No, it isnt. (教师引导学生回答) T: Whose house is this? S: Its Damings grandpas house.(教师引导学生回答) T: Where is the house? Its in the city or in the countryside?(教 师播放幻灯片,理解单词 countryside 和 city) S: Its in the countryside.(教师引导学生回答) 【设计意图】引导学生观察画面,理解单词 countryside

19、。 3. Listen and circle. T: Now lets listen to the story and circle “will, wont”(教师 播放故事视频,第一遍无句子,第二遍显示对话泡) S: Circle the word. T:讲解单词 will 和 wont.(教师播放幻灯片) 【设计意图】 通过学生对书上单词画圈, 理解单词 will 和它的否定形式 won t。 4. Watch and answer. T: What will Amy and Sam do this weekend?/ What will Daming do this weekend?(教

20、师提出问题然后播放故事视频) S: Maybe Amy and Sam will go to the zoo./ Daming will visit his grandpa. (板书:Amy and Sam: Maybe well go to the zoo. Daming: I will visit my grandpa in the countryside.) 【设计意图】回到故事中,通过回忆故事情节进一步理解和巩固词汇,初步 运用语言。 Step5 Practice the story 1. Listen and repeat. T: Now, class. Listen to the

21、story and repeat. S: Listen and repeat. 【设计意图】通过跟读的形式强化对故事的认读。 2. Do role play. 教师扮演 Amy,请一个学得好的孩子来扮演 Daming,示范对话。(播放幻灯 片,出示对话内容) T:Now, you are Amy/ Daming. Two in a group to practice the dialogue. S:学生两人一组进行对话。 【设计意图】用小组分角色的形式,鼓励学生模仿语音语调,体会语言嗦蕴 含的情感。 Step6 Extension 1. Look, ask and answer. 教师播放幻灯

22、片,出示图片和单词 park/ cinema/ school/ zoo/ station/ supermarket. T:This weekend, will you go to ? S:Yes, I will./ No, I wont. 2. Ask and answer. T:What will you do this weekend?(教师请几个孩子回答,然后两个孩子 一组互相询问和回答) S:Maybe Ill 【设计意图】通过互相询问和回答,将所学语言与实际生活结合起来。 Homework: 听录音,朗读课文。 四、板书设计四、板书设计 Module3 Uite1 Maybe well go to the zoo. Amy Maybe well go to the zoo. Sam


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