译林牛津八年级上英语第一单元测试卷含答案(DOC 18页).doc

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1、八年级(上)英语第一单元测试卷 姓名 得分 一、选择题 ( ) 1. I am_ tired. Lets stop to have a rest. A. a little B. a few C. little D. few ( ) 2. It doesnt matter this time. But_ late next time. A. isnt B. not be C. arent D. dont be( ) 3. What about _ the restaurant for lunch? OK. Lets go.A. to go B. going to C. to going D. t

2、o going to( ) 4. Dont drink _ soft drink, or you will be _ fat.A. too much; much too B. much too; much too C. too much; too much D. much too; too much( ) 5. Mr. Smith made Kitty _ clean the classroom alone. This made her _.A. to clean; sad B. clean; sadly C. clean; unhappy D. cleaned; unhappy( )6. L

3、earning English is really a helpful newspaper. It makes learning English _. A. more easy B. more easier C. much easier D. easiest( )7. How do you like camping? I enjoy it so much. _ is more exciting than camping, I think.A. Nothing B. Something C. Anything D. Everything( )8. Do you like LeBron James

4、 more than Kobe Bryant? I like them both. Kobe may be not as _ as James, but he is _ at shooting (投篮) than him. A. stronger; better B. stronger; good C. strong; good D. strong; better( )9. Many children in Yaan earthquake (地震) lost their schools. But we all believethat things will get better because

5、 so many people_ them.A. care about B. worry about C. wonder about D. afraid of( )10. Andy gets 100 points again. He is the _ us. I dont agree. The key to his good grades is his hard work, not good luck.A. luckiest in B. luckier than C. luckiest of D. luckiest than ( )11. I thinks Chinese is as _ as

6、 Maths. A. useful B. more useful C. most useful D. the most useful( )12. Eddie is eight years old, but we have seven candles only. We need _ candle. A. only one B. one more C. some more D. one much( )13. What _ honest boy! And he is _best student in our class.A. a, a B. a, the C. an, the D. the, the

7、( )14. They are _ at the _ news. A. excited, excited B. exciting, excited C. exciting, exciting D. excited, exciting( )15.If you have any trouble, be sure to call me. _. A. Im glad to hear that. B. I will. Thank you very much. C.I have no trouble. D.I will think it over.二、完形填空 Our English teacher wa

8、s like a friend to us, and we all liked her. One day she came _1_ the classroom and shouted, “Who did this? ”She held up a piece of broken glass and asked, “Who _2_ the window? ”She seldom became angry._3_ this time she was. I broke the window. I had done that _4_ throwing a baseball. I didnt want t

9、o admit (承认) it _5_ I didnt have enough money to pay for a big window _6_ that .“My father will be _7_,”I thought. At first I didnt put up my hand, but later something strong in my heart suddenly made me _8_ up. “I did it,” I said .How difficult it was for me to say that! My teacher _9_ a book from

10、one of our book shelves and then began walking towards my desk. I was afraid that she was going to punish(惩罚) me. “I know you like collecting _10_ very much, ”she said, looking down at my _11_ face. “Here is the book about collecting stamps that you are looking for. Now, the book is _12_ and I shall

11、 not punish you. Remember, its because you _13_ the truth.” I couldnt believe it! My teacher wasnt punishing me. I didnt _14_ to pay for the broken window. And I got my favourite book! _15_ time goes, the book is gone, so is my wonderful teacher. But I will never forget the lesson the teacher gave m

12、e that day.( )1. A. intoB. onto C. on D. out( )2. A. cleaned B. climbed C. broke D. mended( )3. A. And B. But C. So D. Or( )4. A. by B. in C. on D. to( )5. A. because B. if C. when D. though( )6. A. likeB. on C. to D. of( )7. A. pleasedB. excited C. frightened D. angry( )8. A. to standB. stand C. st

13、anding D. stood( )9. A. read B. wrote C. took D. bought( )10. A. books B. desks C. stamps D. windows( )11. A. nervous B. pretty C. happy D. square( )12. A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself( )13. A. talked B. spoke C. said D. told( )14. A. like B. want C. use D. need( )15. A. To B. As C. When D. Whil

14、e三、阅读理解 ANick is my friend. He is a 14-year-old school boy. His life is full of exams and studies on weekdays. He has little free time. He thinks playing computer games is the best way to make him relax. When he has free time, he sits in front of the computer without eating or drinking for some hour

15、s. Last weekend, he played games on the computer again. He was too excited and didnt want to move. He didnt have anything for six hours. When he had to go to the bathroom, he found he could not move. He was taken to the hospital. The doctor told him he should do some different kinds of activities. I

16、n other words, he needs to do more exercise and outdoor activities to make him have a healthy body.After coming back from the hospital, Nick follows the doctors advice. He often plays soccerwith his friends. Sometimes he still plays computer games on weekends, but he never does it for long. Now, he

17、lives a happy and healthy life.( )1. How old is Nick? A. 13.B. 14.C. 15.D. 16.( )2. Nick likes _ in his free time.A. riding a bikeB. playing the guitarC. playing computer games D. having a school trip( )3. Who took Nick to the hospital?A. His dad. B. His mom. C. His neighbour. D. We are not sure.( )

18、4. Why was Nick taken to the hospital?A. Because he was too excited.B. Because he had a cold in the morning.C. Because he was too nervous of his studies.D. Because he couldnt move after playing computer games so long.( )5. Nick should to follow the doctors advice.A. go to a movie B. listen to musicC

19、. take more exerciseD. play more computer gamesBMy daughter finally lost her first tooth. She waited for this moment for more than a year.Most of the kids in the first grade lost not only one tooth, but several (好几个). But my daughter kept waiting impatiently (不耐烦地). Then, she finally got a loose (松的

20、) tooth. I never saw her so happy except on Christmas, Childrens Day or her birthday. Last Friday night, she was eating an apple, and the tooth started to become loose. Minutes later, my daughter shouted happily. The tooth was out!I cleaned it off and put it under her pillow (枕头). When she went to b

21、ed that night, my daughter wondered, “Will the tooth fairy (牙仙) let me keep the tooth?” I told her she might and shed have to wait and see.The tooth fairy comes from an old story. Its believed that when a kid loses his first tooth and puts it under his pillow, the tooth fairy will come to visit him

22、when he is sleeping. If the tooth fairy sees the kid and loves him, she will leave some money under his pillow without taking away the tooth. If she doesnt think the kid lovely enough, she will still leave some money but take the tooth away.And then I put a dollar in my bag so that Id remember to pu

23、t it under my daughters pillow. However, I forgot. Luckily, her dear dad remembered.( )6. How many of the following things make the writers daughter happy?a. Christmas b. Childrens Day c. her birthday d. the missing tooth A. One. B. Two.C. Three. D. Four. ( )7. What do we know about the family? A. I

24、t makes the girl unhappy.B. Its full of love. C. Its good for teeth to grow. D. It welcomes fairies.( )8. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The daughter is a second-grader.B. The writer is a mother. C. The real tooth fairy in the story is the writer. D. Several kids in the daughters class lost one

25、tooth.( )9. What do the two underlined words in Paragraph 3 mean?A. my daughter; the tooth fairy B. my daughter; my daughterC. the tooth fairy; my daughter D. the tooth fairy; the tooth fairy( )10. What may be the best ending of the story? A. A new tooth grew during my daughters sleep that night. B.

26、 My daughter woke up at midnight and saw the beautiful tooth fairy. C. The next morning my daughter was glad to find the money and the tooth. D. The other kids in the first grade laughed at my daughter because she lost a tooth. CKate and Peter like sports. In summer they swim and in winter they ski.

27、 Today they are planning a ski trip for this weekend(周末),but they dont know the weather. Its 7:30 now and they are listening to the weather report on the radio .The weatherman is giving the weather for the weekend:Friday is going to be cold and cloudy, but its not going to rain. The temperature is g

28、oing to be minus(零下)4 degrees. Its going to snow Friday night. Saturday and Sunday are going to be clear, cold and sunny.Now Kate and Peter are excited .The weather is going to be perfect for skiing. They are going to have a wonderful weekend in the mountains.( ) 11. Kate and Peter like _. .A. baske

29、tball B. football C. sports D. music( ) 12. They are planning _ for this weekend. A. a picnic B. to fish C. to skate D. a ski trip( ) 13. They want to know about _. A. the temperature B. the time C. the weather D. the degrees( ) 14. It_ on Saturday and Sunday. A. will rain B. will be stormy C. will

30、be snowing D. will be clear, cold and sunny ( )15. Kate and Peter are excited because _. A. the weather is going to be perfect for a ski tripB. they are going to visit their hometownC. they are going to see their old friendsD. they are going to have a good meet with their friends四、词汇 A)根据汉语意思或首字母提示写

31、单词,每空一词。注意词形变化。 1. Dont _(信任)him again. He always tells lies.2. We never feel _(无聊)in English class.3. Please draw a _(直的)line here. Dont you think so?4. Sandys drawing is the best in the drawing _(比赛).5. Can you talk to Tom about anything? Yes. He can keep _(秘密).6. My Chinese teacher often tells us

32、 jokes. He is very h_.7. Laura is a lovely girl with big s_ eyes and she smiles often.8. Children under 1.2m in h_(high) cant go to the cinema by themselves.9. When something w_ me, I can always go to her for help.10. Most of us are ready _(help) people when they have problems.B)形容词比较级最高级,注意词形变化。(每空

33、1分,计5分)11. Summer is the _(hot) of the four seasons.12. Who is _(pretty), Amy or Elsa?13. I think Maths is _(difficult) than English.14. Millies English is_(good) in her class, but her Maths is _(bad) than Peters.五. 根据所给汉语意思填空,完成下面的句子。 1. 与朋友分享快乐时,我们会变得更快乐。 When we share our joy with friends, we .2.

34、 我们英语老师善于用英语讲有趣的笑话。这就是我们喜欢她的课的原因。 Our English teacher in English. Thats why we like her classes. 3. 作为一个朋友,你不应该在他背后说他坏话。 As a friend of his, you should not behind his back.4. 和家人一起环游世界真的是太棒了! It is really great to with the family! 5. 不要对任何人讲我们的计划,要保密。 Dont tell anyone about our plan; .六. 任务型阅读 阅读下面的

35、材料,根据其内容填空,完成后面的表格。Vanilla is my best friend. She is a lovely girl with two big, beautiful eyes. But she always hides them behind a pair of glasses. One day, though, I nearly ended our friendship. I remember that day clearly. We were sitting in the classroom. The teacher was giving us our results of

36、 a Chinese test. I had done badly. I felt so sad that I wouldnt talk to anyone. At lunchtime, I even stayed in the classroom alone. Suddenly, I heard a voice. It was Vanilla. “You look very unhappy,” she said. “Whats wrong?” I looked up at her, but said nothing. I knew Vanilla had got a good mark in

37、 the test. I thought she was making fun of me. I kept in silence, but Vanilla didnt go away. She kept asking me questions, “Is it because of the exam? Do you want me to show you the right answers?” I looked away from her. When I looked up again, Vanilla had gone. And so had my exam paper! I looked e

38、verywhere for my paper, but couldnt find it. In the afternoon, Vanilla came up to my desk and gave me my exam paper back. I looked at it and got a big surprise. Vanilla had written the right answers next to every one of my mistakes. My face went red. Vanilla had been trying to help me all along. How

39、 nice she was! I wanted to hug (拥抱) her, but all I did was to hold her hands and say, “Thank you.” That afternoon, Vanilla and I went home on foot together. I felt so happy that we were still best friends.Who is Vanilla?Vanilla is my best friend. She wears a pair of (1) _What happenedone day?I did v

40、ery (2) _ in the Chinese test.I felt very sad and I wouldnt talk to anyone. I stayed in the classroom alone at lunchtime.What did Vanillado?She kept (3) _ me questions.She (4) _ away my exam paper.She wrote the right answers next to my mistakes.What didI do then?I held her hands and thanked her. We

41、(5) _ home together and we were still best friends.七、根据短文内容及首字母提示完成短文 Mr. Smith, a young man, works for a computer c_1_. He is an e_2_. He has a beautiful girl friend. One day his girl friend tells him that the next day will be her 24th b_3_. Mr. Smith wants to give a p_4_ to her to show his l_5_. A

42、nd then, the next m_6_ Mr. Smith calls a f_7_shop and asks the shopkeeper to send 24 roses (玫瑰) to his girl friend. When the shopkeeper is preparing(准备) the flowers, he thinks, “Mr. Smith is a k_8_ man. He often helps me f_9_ my computer. Ill g_10_ him ten more roses.” And so he sends 34 roses to the girl.1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _


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