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1、speakingringingwritingtypingSpoken languageWritten languageBody languageWays of communicating gesturing gesture 手势,姿势n.thumbs upgood job/the number one gesture 手势,姿势n.OKbad gesture 手势,姿势n.Come here.Be quiet!expression 表情,神态shockedthoughtful expression 表情,神态 excited tiredsurprise anger sadnessIts unf

2、air!Wheres myMum?I won a tour around world?n.芭蕾舞Ballet dancers practise their skill every day.She danced the principal role in the ballet.v.接受(建议、邀请等)n.接受,接纳adj.可接受的词语辨析:accept receive“接受接受”,主观意愿决,主观意愿决定的,含有承诺之意。定的,含有承诺之意。“收到收到”,客观上接收,接,客观上接收,接受,与主观意愿没有关系受,与主观意愿没有关系1.I have _ your invitation,but I a

3、m sorry,I cant _ it.2.Her advice is quite _.v.拒绝接受;不予考虑If you do not want to do that,reject them completely.adj.拒绝的;排斥的n.抛弃;拒绝;被抛弃物n.意义;意思v.意思是;意味着adj.有意义的1.What do you _by saying hes not important to us?2.Can you explain the _ of these foreign words?n.信息;消息搭配:take a message leave a message捎口信捎口信留口信

4、留口信Shes not in at the moment.Can I _?Im not at home now.Please _ after the beep.adj.厌倦的;烦闷的adj.令人厌烦的v.使厌烦搭配:be bored with对对感到厌烦感到厌烦1.His lecture _me.2.dont think I will be _in Mrs Lis class.3.She thinks the film is so _.n.女士;女子The elderly lady lifted her eyes from the book.n.(询问某人的情况)怎么了I saw some p

5、ersons around your house,whats the matter with you?prep.向;朝;对着He walked towards his office.They all moved towards the fire to get warm.搭配:v.使保持(在某个位置)hold on不挂断电话,等一下 get hold of 把握;抓住;得到 Well hold a meeting to exchange experiences.Hold on!I said to him,and pulled out my little book.v.举行;保持搭配:adv.以后

6、;后来I went there once again ten years later,but nothing changed.All stood there.sooner or later迟早,早晚 adv.晚;迟adj.晚的;迟的adj.最新的,最近的,最迟的搭配:n.颈;脖子neck and neck 并驾齐驱,不分上下 I mean my neck hurts every day.he says.In career,were neck and neck,but in life hes above me.crossing n.十字路口Turn to the left at the seco

7、nd _.The wolf walked _the bridge.We have to_ our legs every time.He _the road slowly.v.使交叉;使交叠across prep.穿过;横过v.穿过;横过v.点头When you tell them its from America,they will nod.Both of them smiled and nodded at friends.nodding adj.点头的,低垂的;昏昏欲睡的点头的,低垂的;昏昏欲睡的搭配:v.(与某人)握手v.摇头shake hands with与握手 Though it wa

8、s strong,it still would shake when elephants went by.Both boys and girls should be taught to shake hands when they are introduced to new adults.搭配:adj.确信;肯定I am sure you can get with it if you try.Sure,what can I do for her?make sure确信;证实 adv.当然;的确 well-dressed 穿着讲究的adj.vPeople are well-dressed at t

9、he wedding.enter 进入,登台 v.vDont enter the office without knocking.exit 退出,退场 v.出口 n.entrance 入口 n.exit visa出境签证 fire exit安全出口 sigh 叹气 v./n.How can I lose my weight?,he sighed.Miss Cat left with a sigh.Poor guy!Whats the matter,Simon?vWhats up?=What happened?v=Whats the matter?=Whats wrong?a part-time

10、 job一份兼职a full-time job 一份全职工作Communicating is more than just speaking.沟通比说话更重要v communicate with sb.与某人沟通vParents should always communicate with their children.v communication沟通,交流 n.vSpeech is not the only method of communication.v语言并不是唯一的沟通方式You whole appearance communicates things.v你的整体外貌都能传达信息v

11、appearance外观,外貌出现n.vDont judge by appearances.v切勿以貌取人v appear出现 v.vHe didnt appear until 9pm.v直到点他才出现Simon He does not make a good impression on people.make a good impression on sb.给某人留下好印象给某人留下好印象She wanted to remind me that tomorrow is her birthday.v remind 提醒 v.vDo I have to remind you again?v需要我再次提醒你吗?v remind sb of sth.提醒某人某事vThis song reminds me of my hometown.v这首让我想起了我的家乡v reminder提示信,通知信 n.)


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