译林版英语四年级下册Unit5-seasons-单元测试题(DOC 4页).doc

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1、Unit 5 测试卷 考试时间:50分钟 满分:100分听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍,10分) ( )1.A.cool B.cold C.coat( )2.A.spring B.season C.swim( )3.A.white B.like C.time( )4.A.come B.cousin C.climb( )5.A.sorry B.hurry C.every( )6.A.fine B.fly C.five( )7.A.to B.two C.today( )8.A.snowman B.snowmen C.snow( )9.A.in autumn B. in

2、summer C. in winter( )10. A. go climbing B. go boating C.go skating二、听录音,判断所听内容与图意是否相符,相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”。(听两遍,5分) 三、听录音,选出合适的答句。(听两遍,5分)( )1.A. I have a bag. B. Its my bag. C. He buys a white bag.( )2.A. Its winter. B. He flies kites. C. I make a snowman.( )3.A. Yes, I do. B. We go climbing. C. No. I

3、ts hot.( )4.A. Good idea! B. I can eat ice creams. C. Lets have a picnic.( )5.A. Lets go boating. B. Heres an ice cream for you. C. Heres a jacket for you.四、听录音,填入所缺单词。(听三遍,10分)1. Its in .We usually go .2. They can play basketball in .3. is this?4.Im . Id like to ice .5.I dont like this .笔试部分(70分)五、

4、判断下列单词画线部分的读音是否相同,相同的写“S”,不同的写“D”。(6分)( )1.time night ( )2.kite big ( )3.nine five( )4.white fine ( )5.three dress ( )6.Chinese English六、英汉互译。(8分)1.放风筝 2.去游泳 3.进行野餐 4.去滑冰 5.make snowmen 6.hot summer 7.a sunny day 8.whose big bag 七、根据首字母或所给单词提示,完成句子或对话。(7分)1. These are some b on the river. Lets go bo

5、ating.2. Its a c autumn. Lets go c on Sunday3.Its a (sun) day today.Lets go to the park.4.Helen (make) a (snowman) this afternoon.5.-W basketball is this? -Its my basketball.八、单项选择。(10分)( )1.-Are you cold? -Yes, .A.Im not B.I am C.I do( )2.Its in autumn.A.cold B.sunny and cold C.cool and sunny( )3.

6、I can . What about you ?A.swimming B.swiming C.swim( )4. - When do you have ice creams ? - We have ice creams school.A.after B.on C.in( )5. The days in summer are .A.short B.long C.big( )6.Summer is my favourite .A.seasons B.season C.day( )7. Its a fine day. Lets go to .A.boat B.boating C.the park(

7、)8. - book is this ? - Its Bens.A.What B. Whos C.Whose( )9. - What can you see ? - I can see many flowers.A. in the spring B. in spring C.on summer( )10.-Your snowman is very nice. - .A . No , it isnt B. Im sorry C.Thank you九、情景选择。(5分)( )1.你在电子邮件中告诉远方的朋友今天天气很好,你可以说:A . Im fine today. B. Its hot in s

8、ummer. C. It is a fine day today.( )2.你想告诉妈妈,你和你的朋友都喜欢春天,你可以说:A . I like spring. B. They all like spring. C. We all like spring.( )3.你想知道这是谁的风筝,你可以说:A. Whose kite is this? B. Who is this? C.Whose ball is it?( )4.你想知道草地上的外套是不是迈克的,你可以对迈克说:A. Is this your jacket ? B. Is that a coat? C.Is this your coat

9、?( )5.你告诉朋友你喜欢秋天,因为秋天凉爽,你可以说:A. I like autumn. Because its cold. B. I like autumn. Because its cool.C. You like autumn. Because its cool.十、从栏中找出与I栏相对应的句子,将其序号填在题前的括号里。(6分)I II( )1. What can you see in summer? A. Theyre on the sofa.( )2. What would you like? B.I can climb hills.( )3. Im hungry. C . I

10、 can see many flowers.( )4. Where are my new caps? D.OK.( )5. What can you do in autumn? E. Heres a hamburger for you.( )6. Lets draw a boat. F. Id like an ice cream.十一、选择正确的选项完成下面这段小诗。(8分)A.white and cold B.go skating and go skiingC.yellow and cool D.go swimming and eat ice creamsE.red and hot F.fl

11、y kites and go boatingG.green and warm H.go climbing and pick pearsSpring,spring, . We can .Summer,summer, . We can .Autumn,autumn, . We can .Winter, winter, . We can .十二、连词成句。(5分)1. you, kites, see, the, can, small(?) 2. in, cool, is, it, autumn,very(?) 3. go, I, swimming, can, summer, in(.) 4. to,

12、 snowman, do, make, want, a, you(?) 5. there, jacket, is, your, over, brown(.) 十三、根据中文提示完成句子或对话。(10分)1.你们在哪里进行野餐?在公园里。- do you ? -In the park.2.我会划船。我也会滑冰。I can . I can go .3.今天天气凉快。让我们去爬山吧。Its today. go .十四、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(5分)There are four seasons in a year. Theyre spring, summer, autumn and winter.

13、Helen likes winter. She can make snowmen with her brother. Wang Bing likes summer. Its hot. He can eat ice creams. Nancy likes autumn. She can go to the farm. I like spring. Its warm. I usually fly kites in the park with my friends.( )1. There are seasons in a year.A. four B. two C.five( )2. like(s)

14、 winter.A.I B.Helen C. Nancy and Helen( )3.Wang Bing can in summer.A. go swimming B. eat ice creams C. make snowmen( )4.Nancy can go to in autumn.A. the park B. the zoo C.the farm( )5.I usually in spring.A.go boating B. fly kites C.play with my brother亲爱的读者:春去春又回,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳

15、光,心情像桃花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。1、只要朝着一个方向努力,一切都会变得得心应手。月-2316:262、心不清则无以见道,志不确则无以定功。二二三年四月二十七日2023年4月27日星期四3、有勇气承担命运这才是英雄好汉。16:264.27.202316:264.27.202316:2616:26:504.27.202316:264.27.20234、与肝胆人共事,无字句处读书。4.27.20234.27.202316:2616:2616:26:5016:26:505、阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。星期四, 四月 27, 2023四月 23星期四, 四月 27, 20234/27/20236、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。4时26分4时26分27-4月-234.27.20237、自知之明是最难得的知识。23.4.2723.4.2723.4.27。2023年4月27日星期四二二三年四月二十七日8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。16:2616:26:504.27.2023星期四, 四月 27, 20234


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