高一英语上学期期末测试题(含答案)(DOC 13页).doc

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1、高一英语上学期期末测试题20112012学年度高一上学期期末考试 英 语 试 题一、听力: 10% (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What will Dorothy do on the weekend? A. Go out with her friend. B. Work on her paper. C. Make some plans.2. What was the normal p

2、rice of the T-shirt? A. $15. B. $30. C. $50.3. What has the woman decided to do on Sunday afternoon? A. To attend a wedding. B. To visit an exhibition. C. To meet a friend.4. When does the bank close on Saturday? A. At 1:00 pm. B. At 3:00 pm. C. At 4:00 pm.5. Where are the speakers? A. In a store. B

3、. In a classroom. C. At a hotel.第二节 听下面2段对话或独自。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独自读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What do we know about Nora? A. She prefers a room of her own. B. She likes to work with other girls. C. She lives near the city cent

4、er.7. What is good about the flat? A. It has a large sitting room. B. It has good furniture. C. It has a big kitchen.听第7段材料,回答第8至l0题。8. Who is making the telephone call?A. Thomas Brothers. B. Mike Landon. C. Jack Cooper.9. What relation is the woman to Mr. Cooper? A. His wife. B. His boss. C. His se

5、cretary.10. What is the message about? A. A meeting. B. A visit to France. C. The date for a trip.II. 单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)从四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。11. I hope, first of all, that we shall never lose _ heart in face of _ failure. A. the; a B. the; the C. 不填; 不填 D. a; 不填12. He is always h

6、elping people without expecting anything _. A. in commonB. in turnC. in dangerD. in return 13. It is a good plan in theory, but it _ to be seen whether it works in practice. A. keeps B. stays C. stands D. remains14. _ is no doubt _ Jennifer will come to see me this weekend as usual.A. It; that B. It

7、; whetherC. There; that D. There; whether15. Jones, _ you think is very proud, is actually an easy-going lady.A. that B. whom C. 不填 D. who16. Mr. Brown not only works hard, but also is always ready to help others, so all the teachers in our school think _ of him.A. stronglyB. possiblyC. loudly D. hi

8、ghly17. Nobody knows the man killed in the accident, so it is difficult for the police to find out his _.A. thoughtB. heightC. weightD. identity18. My hometown has changed so much that I cant _ it. A. knowB. understandC. recognizeD. realize19. The policeman warned the driver _ so carelessly.A. never

9、 to drive B. to never driveC. to not drive D. doesnt drive20. My uncle _ to see me. Hell be here soon.A. comes B. is coming C. had come D. came21. Mr. Black has been teaching English in a middle school _ he came to China.A. for everB. ever sinceC. ever beforeD. long before22. A teacher who is just i

10、nterested in his teaching but doesnt _ students is not a good teacher.A. argue aboutB. discuss aboutC. dream about D. care about 23. He is one of the most excellent students in our class, and he always _ himself in his studies.A. buries B. hides C. covers D. leaves24. The young man dove into the col

11、d water to _ the drowning boy. Everyone was proud of him.A. rescue B. take C. carry D. serve25. The kind lady devoted all her life to _ those homeless children.A. helpB. helpingC. be helpingD. being helped26. Only _ people can have a good understanding of the lecture given by the scientist.A. educat

12、edB. devotedC. concernedD. relaxed27. There are two small rooms in this house, _ serves as a kitchen.A. the smaller of which B. the smaller of them C. the small one D. the small of which28. He is a new comer. There is no one _, so lets go and help him, shall we?A. who to turn to B. for him to turn C

13、. for whom to turn D. he can turn to 29. _ the doctors really doubt is _ my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.A. What; when B. That; how C. What; whether D. That; what 30. We _ him to give up the plan, but he turned a deaf ear to us.A. tried to persuade B. persuaded C. suggested D. d

14、id persuadeIII. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。I was driving around downtown one afternoon in the winter. I 31 a red light and stopped. As I was 32 , I saw a young guy standing on my left. He was 33 in the face and holding a cardboard sign with some 34 on it. When

15、youre in the heart of downtown, its pretty 35 to see homeless people asking for 36 . Generally, I would pass them, but this time when I glanced over the sign, I 37 . I cant remember what the sign said exactly, but it was something like, “ 38 money/food, have stomach cancer, homeless, anything helps.

16、”I didnt know why, but for some 39 this particular sign struck me. The 40 had just turned green, and there was a line of lunch rush hour traffic behind me. I went back and forth in my 41 a hundred times in that next 42 about whether I should do something. “Should I help? 43 on? Should I do something

17、?I didnt. I did nothing.The traffic moved 44 , and I went with it. About a block or two away, my heart had sunk simply for this guy. I felt so 45 for him. So I decided to go back and ask him 46 I could buy him lunch and hear his story.It took me about five minutes to 47 and back on to the same stree

18、t where I had seen him. It was just five minutes-but he was 48 .“Where did he go so fast?” I wondered. So, there was 49 left to do except drive on.If you get a special nudge (想做的事) from inside you, 50 consider acting on it. Dont miss out-for yourself and for that other person.31.came across B. came

19、from C. came up with D. came up to32.A.resting B. walking C. waiting D. talking33.A.dirty B. pale C. happy D. proud34.A.writing B. saying C. feeling D. painting35.A.unfortunate B. rude C. special D. common36.A.equipment B. advice C. money D. power37.A.laughed B. returned C. continued D. stopped38.A.

20、Spare B. Need C. Keep D. Collect39.A.reason B. purpose C. goal D. condition40.A.face B. sign C. light D. car41.A.body B. pocket C. stomach D. head42.A.hour B. second C. day D. week43.A.Drive B. Work C. Come D. Hold44.A.outside B. upward C. forward D. backward45.A.wonderful B. bad C. easy D. importan

21、t46.A.when B. where C. how D. if47.A.turn up B. turn around C. go away D. go around48.A.gone B. caught C. dead D. blind49.A.anything B. something C. nothing D. everything50.A.seriously B. finally C. usually D. jokinglyIV. 阅读理解 (共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe 16

22、-year-old girl Jessica Watson is said to be the youngest person to sail non-stop alone around the world. But her record has been questioned because someone thought that she has not sailed far enough. She will also not be recognized by the World Speed Sailing Record Council, as it was too dangerous f

23、or someone under 18 years old. Ms Watson sailed into Sydney port on Saturday, seven months after leaving on a hard voyage. Family, friends and Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd have gathered to greet her. Thousands of well-wishers waited at the port and watched from boats as Ms Watson sailed her

24、pink, 10m boat over the finishing line. Many more Australians watched the event broadcast live on television. Watson said she was just an “ordinary girl who believed in her dream”.Ms Watson left Sydney on 18 October, despite that some people disagreed to her plan. Watson traveled northeast through t

25、he South Pacific and across the equator (赤道), south to Cape Horn at the tip of South America, across the Atlantic Ocean to South Africa, through the Indian Ocean and around southern Australia. The route took her through some of the worlds most changeful waters, and she battled through huge storms an

26、d suffered seven accidents of her boat.People around the world have followed Ms Watsons adventures on her blog, which she has daily updated (更新). On her blog, she wrote down beautiful sunrise over seas, the excitement of meeting a blue whale and the bright, terrible sight of a shooting star flying a

27、cross the night sky above her boat. Ms Watson has reportedly sold her story to a news company for $700,000. She is planning to write a book on her experience. 51. Which of the following oceans didnt Ms Watson cross through in her voyage?A. The Pacific Ocean.B. The Arctic Ocean.C. The Indian Ocean.D.

28、 The Atlantic Ocean.52. Ms Watsons voyage will NOT be considered an official world record mainly because _. A. no one can prove that her route was dangerous enough B. she hasnt applied for the recordC. teenagers are not encouraged to take such a dangerous adventure D. girls are not allowed to take p

29、art in the dangerous sports53. We can make a conclusion from this passage that Watson _. A. would make another voyage for money B. made the world round voyage for money C. had no way to communicate with others during the voyage.D. is so confident and brave that she could overcome troubles on her own

30、54. All the following can be inferred from this passage EXCEPT that _. A. her book about her voyage is a best sellerB. people in Australia had much interest in her voyageC. she spent more than 200 days alone at seaD. people have different attitudes towards her voyageB 55. Where will you post a notic

31、e if you need someone to look after your children? A.PERSONAL B.HELP WANTEDC.DOMESTIC SERVICED.ROOMMATES56. A second-hand jacket will probably cost you _. A. $60B. $40C. $20D. $1057. To have your travel notes published, you may contact _. A. Students UnionB. Gayle Moore C. The International CenterD.

32、 Life Planning Workshop58. If you want to have someone wake you up in the morning, you may call _.A.800-5224B.800-5770C.800-7839D.800-0760CChildren have their own rules in playing games. They seldom need a referee(裁判) and rarely trouble to keep scores. They dont care much about who wins or loses, an

33、d it doesnt seem to worry them if the game is not finished. Yet, they like games that depend a lot on luck, so that their personal abilities cant be directly compared. They also enjoy games that move in stages, in which each stage, the choosing of leaders, the picking-up of sides, or the determining

34、 of which side shall start, is almost a game in itself. Grown-ups can hardly find childrens games exciting, and they often feel puzzled at why their kids play such simple games again and again. However, it is found that a child plays games for very important reasons. He can be a good player without

35、having to think whether he is a popular person, and he can find himself being a useful partner to someone of whom he is ordinarily afraid. He becomes a leader when it comes to his turn. He can be confident, too, in particular games, where it is his place to give orders, to pretend to be dead, to thr

36、ow a ball actually at someone, or to kiss someone he has caught. It appears to us that when children play a game they imagine a situation under their control. Everyone knows the rules, and more importantly, everyone plays according to the rules. Those rules may be childish, but they make sure that e

37、very child has a chance to win. 59. What is TRUE about children when they play games? A. They can stop playing any time they like.B. They can test their personal abilities. C. They want to pick a better team.D. They dont need rules.60. One of the reasons that a child likes playing games is that _. A

38、. he can be someone other than himselfB. he can become popular among friends C. he finds he is always lucky in gamesD. he likes the place where he plays a game 61. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about children who play games?A. They have equal chances to win.B. Everyone obeys the rule

39、s.C. They are afraid of their partners.D. The situation they think of is in their control.62. The writer believes that _.A. children should make better rules for their gamesB. children should invite grown-ups to play with them C. childrens games can benefit them a lotD. children play games without r

40、easons DScience cant explain the power of pets, but many studies have shown that the company of pets can help lower blood pressure (血压) and raise chances of recovering from a heart attack, reduce loneliness and spread all-round good cheer. Any owner will tall you how much joy a pet brings. For some,

41、 an animal provides more comfort than a husband or wife. A 2002 study by Karen Allen of the State University of New York measured stress (紧张) levels and blood pressure in people-half of them pet owners-while they performed 5 minutes of mental arithmetic (算术) or held a hand in ice water. Subjects com

42、pleted the tasks alone, with a husband or wife, a close friend or with a pet. People with pets did it best. Those tested with their animal friends had smaller change in blood pressure and returned most quickly to baseline heart rates. With pets in the room, people also made fewer math mistakes than

43、when doing in front of other companions. It seems people feel more relaxed (放松)around pets, says Allen, who thinks it may be because pets dont judge.A study reported last fall suggests that having a pet dog not only raises your spirits but may also have an effect on your eating habits. Researchers a

44、t Northwestern Memorial Hospital spent a year studying 36 fat people and their equally fat dogs on diet-and-exercise programs; a separate group of 56 people without pets were put on a diet program. On average, people lost about 11 pounds, or 5% of their body weight. Their dogs did even better, losin

45、g an average of 12 pounds, more than 15% of their body weight. Dog owners didnt lose any more weight than those without dogs but, say researchers, got more exercise overall-mostly with their dogs-and found it worth doing.63. What does the text mainly discuss? A. What pets bring to their owners. B. How pets help people calm down. C. Peoples opinions of keeping pets. D.


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