绵阳市2019年七年级上学期英语期末检测试题(模拟卷二)(DOC 7页).doc

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1、绵阳市2019年七年级上学期英语期末检测试题(模拟卷二)一、选择题1(题文)We play sports _.Aeveryday Beach day Cthe every day Devery day2 Bob, when is your birthday party? Its _ the afternoon of July 16th.A.inB.onC.atD.to3 Hello,Dale! , Frank!A.HelloB.ThanksC.GoodbyeD.Sorry4 _ are the black trousers? They are only 8 _.AWhat price; dol

2、lars BHow much; dollarsCWhat color; dollars DHow many; dollar5She is eleven _.Ayears Byears-old Cyears old Dyears old6Elevenandtwelveis_.Atwenty Btwenty-two Cthirty Dtwenty-three7I like _ football games _ TV.Awatches; at Bwatches; onCwatching; at Dwatching; on8-Happy birthday to you,Gina! -_.AThank

3、youBAll rightCYou are welcome9(题文)The beautiful house is sale. But it wont be sale.Aon; for Bfor; on Cwith; for Dwith; on10- What can you see in _picture?- I can see_ tiger.Athe;a Ba;a Ca;the Dthe;the11 When is Jay Chous concert? Its _ three oclock _ the afternoon.Aat;in Bat:on Cin;in Don;in12(题文)Ja

4、ck, _ are my pens?They are in your pencil box.Awhat Bwhere Chow Dwho13_ name is Jack and _ name is Linda.AHer; his BHis; her CHer; her14His uncle _ have a ball.Adoesnt Bdont Cisnt Darent15I _ a letter(字母).Ais Bare Cam Dits16-_?-Its Sunday.AWhat day is it today BWhen is it today CWhats the date today

5、 DHow is today17I often watch TV_ eight_ _SundayA.in,onB.at,onC.at,inD.in,in18I want _ you.Ahelp Bto help Chelping19_ does he have math?He has math on Fridays.AWhat BWhy CWhen DWhere20 Do you know how to _ a banana milk shake? Sorry, I dont know.A.buyB.writeC.make二、用所给的词填空21用所给词的适当形式填空11 .These _ (b

6、e) my Chinese books.2Lily and Lucy _ (be) her cousins.3Thats _ (he) key.4The books are not _ (we) English teachers.5What are these in English?Theyre _ (watch).22根据句意和首字母提示补全所缺单词。(5)1I m Peter Hunt. My l_ name is Hunt. 2My u_ is my fathers brother.3You can look up(查)the word in the d_ _.4English is v

7、ery i_ _; I like it very much. 5Yao Ming is very tall and he can play b_ _ well. 三、句型转换23句型转换1Im Gina. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ Gina?2Is she Ms. Brown? (补全否定答语)No, _ _.3My name is Eric Miller. (改为同义句)_ _ Eric Miller.4Her first name isKate. (对划线部分提问)_ _ first name?5Franks telephone number is3-1. (对划线部分提问)_ _ tel

8、ephone number?四、完形填空24John is an English boy. He is 11 years old. He likes 1 very much. So he wants to have a friend in China. Let 2 tell you something about him. He likes 3 very much, too. Its relaxing for him. He likes to play volleyball 4 his classmates after class. He 5 five soccer balls, two vo

9、lleyballs and one basketball. But he doesnt like tennis. He thinks its 6 . Jimmy likes fruit and vegetables. 7 are his favorite vegetables. He often has fruit salad 8 dinner. He doesnt have burgers or ice-cream. He doesnt want to be fat. Do you like him? Do you want to be his 9 ? You can 10 him at j

10、immy012.1AEnglish BChinese CScience2Ahim Bwe Cme3Afood Bsports Cbooks4Aof Band Cwith5Aplays Bhave Chas6Acool Bboring Ceasy7ABananas BFruit CCarrots8Ato Bin Cfor9Afriend Bclassmate Cteacher10Acall Be-mail Cask25Hello!I 1 Jim Smith. Im 2 English boy. Here is a photo of my 3 . This is 4 father,John Smi

11、th. And that is Emma Smith. 5 is my mother. Are 6 my brothers? Yes, they are. Those 7 my grandparents. Theyre very kind (和蔼的). 8 are the boy and the girl?The boy is me 9 the girl is my 10 , Jane. I love my family.1AamBisCareDbe2AaBanCtheD/3AfriendBfamilyCteacherDbrother4AmyBhisCherDits5AHeBItCSheDI6

12、AthisBthatCtheDthese7AisBareCamDbe8AWhatBWhereCHowDWho9AandBbut ICsoDor10AfatherBsisterCbrotherDgrandmother26Im Linda. This 1 my room. 2 a nice, big room. Some things are 3 the room. The TV 4 computer are on the table. 5 my schoolbag? It isnt on the table. Oh! Its on the bed. My pencils arent on the

13、 bed. My pencils arent on the desk. Theyre 6 my pencil box and its in my schoolbag. Wheres my watch? 7 on the dresser(梳妆台). Are my key and ID 8 on the dresser? No, they 9 . 10 are on the desk.1AisBamCareDisnt2AItsBTheyreCImDYoure3AonBofCforDin4Aor (或者)BandCisDfor5AWhatBHowCWhatsDWheres6AonBinCofDfor

14、7AItBItsCitsDit is8AbookBpenCcardDTV9AisntBarentCam notDare10ATheyBtheyCitDIt五、阅读理解27Next Tuesday is my mothers birthday.I love her and Id like to give her a nice gift.What should I buy?I hear shopping online is easy and quick And we can buy anything we want through it. But Im not sure whether the t

15、hings are good or not.-AnnaIm busy and tired this week,How I wish to relax myself.So this weekend Im going to the beach with my cousin.When we get there, well swim in the sea walk on the beach and have a picnic,and never think about our homework!Were sure to have fun.-Jack I believe(相信)everyone hope

16、s to see a clean and nice city. But our city isnt as god as we think.So this Sunday Ill help clean the city park with my friends!Were going there by bike.There we will pick up the rubbish and clean the ground.We hope to finish the cleaning in a day.-LucyIts great to help others.As students,we may tr

17、y our best to help people in need.Old people are always lonely and they need care and help.So this weekend Ill visit an old peoples home with my classmates.Well help clean the old peoples rooms,tell them stories and sing or dance for them.-Dave1Who will take a trip this weekend?AAnna. BJack. CLucy.

18、DDave.2What will Lucy do this weekend?ABuy something online.BGo to the beach.CHelp clean the city park.DVisit an old peoples home.3How will Dave and his classmates help the old people this weekend?ABy buying gifts for them online.BBy taking walks with them.CBy cleaning the ground for them.DBy singin

19、g or dancing for them.4How many things may Jack do?ATwo. BThree. CSix. DFive.5What can we know from the passage?AAnna thinks she can buy a good gift online.BJack will do some fun activities on the beach.CLucy will clean the city park with her cousin.DDave will help clean his classmates1 rooms.28Good

20、 morning! Im Dale. What color is my quilt? Its yellow. What color is my jacket? It is yellow, too. This is my key. Its black. My cup is white. What color is the desk? Its purple.Good morning! Im Cindy. This is a ruler. What color is it? Its red and white. Whats this in English? Its a pen. It is a bl

21、ack pen. This is an orange. Its orange.Hello, Im Bill. This is my classroom (教室). Can you see my cup? It is green. That is my pen. Its a brown pen. The pen is on my ruler.1The girl is _.A.BettyB.CindyC.BillD.Dale2What color is Dales key?A.Blue.B.Black.C.Purple.D.White.3The brown pen is _.A.BettysB.D

22、alesC.BillsD.Cindys4The _ are yellow.A.quilt and orangeB.ruler and orangeC.pen and jacketD.quilt and jacket5You can NOT see Bills _.A.penB.rulerC.cupD.jacket29Im a boy. My name is Robert. Im fifteen years old. My birthday is on March 1th. I like volleyball.Im Mary. Im an English girl. Im sixteen. I

23、was born (出生) on May 4th. I like singing.My name is Wang Gang. Im Wang Pings brother. Im a Chinese boy. Im fourteen. My birthday is on February 1st. I like running.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。1Who is 5 years old?ARobert.BMary.CWang Ping.DWang Gang.2Marys birthday is on _.AMarch 1thBFebruary 1stCMay 4thDMay 1th3Wan

24、g Gang is _.Aa Chinese boyBa Chinese girlCan English boyDan English girl4_ is Wang Pings brother.ARobertBMaryCMarys brotherDWang Gang5Wang Gang likes _.Aplaying volleyballBsingingCplaying the pianoDrunning六、书面表达30李华, 英文名叫Tony, 是第一中学一年级二班的学生。他出生于2001年8月12日, 广东深圳, 爱好音乐、篮球、英语、电脑游戏。他经常放学后与同学打篮球。I have a

25、 good pen friend. Let me tell you something about him._【参考答案】*一、选择题题号123456789101112131415161718答案DBABDDDABAABBAAABB题号1920答案CC二、用所给的词填空211are2are3his4our5watches221last2uncle3dictionary4interesting5basketball三、句型转换231Are you 2she isnt 3I am 4Whats her 5Whats Franks 四、完形填空241 B 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 C 6 B 7 C 8 C 9 A 10 B 251A2B3B4A5C6D7B8D9A10B261A2A3D4B5D6B7B8C9B10A五、阅读理解271B 2C 3D 4B 5B 281B2B3C4D5D291A2C3A4D5D六、书面表达30无


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