新人教版七年级英语上册期末复习知识点归纳(DOC 16页).doc

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1、 七年级上册期末复习知识点归纳Unit 11、Good morning/ afternoon / evening早上/下午/晚上好 Good night 晚安(晚上告别)2、Nice /Glad to meet you认识你很高兴(初次相识)(回答也一样)Nice /Glad to see you 见到你很高兴(熟人见面)3、welcome to + 地点 欢迎来到 (回答:Thank you 或者Thanks)4、Are you ? 你是吗? 回答:Yes,I am.(不用Yes,Im.)5、Hello!/Hi! 你好!6、this is- 这位是 (用于介绍他人)7、How do you

2、do ?你好 (回答也是:How do you do ? )8、How are you ?How are you doing ? 你好吗?Fine ,thank you .and you ? 很好,谢谢,你呢?Im OK / Im fine , too .我也很好。9、see you = see you later = see you next time= good-bye=Bye.再见/下次见10、excuse me 打扰一下;请问(要打扰他人前的礼貌用语;Sorry是道谦用语)11、Im -= my name is - 我是/我叫12、be(am,is,are) from = come f

3、rom来自13、in English/Chinese 用英语/汉语14、Can you spell it ?你能拼写它吗?Yes,I can / No,I cant 是的,我能/不,我不能15、Thats OK = Thats all right= Youre welcome= Not at all不用谢16、years old岁 how old 多大,几岁17、telephone number 电话号码; QQ number QQ号码; ID number 身份证18、 the same (相同的,后常跟单数名词)反义词: different 不同的,后常跟复数名词)例: We are in

4、 the same grade, but we are in different classes.19.What is your telephone number? 你的电话号码是多少?(注意:疑问词用what,而不能用how many/how much)(回答:My telephone number is-或者Its -)20.what class are you in ? 你是在几班? I am in Class Five. (注意:Class 和 Five要大写) What grade are you in ? 你是在几年级?I am in Grade Seven.21.Whats th

5、is/ that (in English) ? 这是什么? (回答:Its a/an + 单数名词. 这是) Whatre these/ those (in English) ? 这些是什么?(回答:Theyre + 复数名词. 这些是)22.How do you spell it? 你怎么拼写它? E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.Unit 21、描述长相:某人+ has/ have +( an /a ) +形容词+五官= 某人的 五官 is / are + 形容词 例:Lily has a small nose. = Lilys nose is small. I have big n

6、ose.=My nose is big2、I know = I see我明白了3、Thats right=Youre right那是对的,你说的对。 比较:Thats OK = Thats all right不用谢 Youre OK = Youre all right你很好呀。(指身体好)OK = All right 好的、好吧(表示同意,答应)4、look the same 看起来像(后不跟宾语) look different 看起来不一样(后不跟宾语)look like 看起来像(后须跟宾语)例: Jim and Lilei look the same.= Jim looks like L

7、ilei. .5、look at+名词 看某物; look for +n 寻找某人/某物; look after +n 照顾某人6、both 两者都; all 三者以上都. both 和 all放在be动词或情态动词后,行为动词前。(简称:Be后行前) 例: We are both students.(are后) We both have black eyes.行为动词前) We can both speak English.(情态动词后)7、give sth to sb = give sb sth 把某物给某人;(注意:如果sth是it或them,只能用前者) 例:give the book

8、 to me=give me the book把书给我Give it to me 不能说give me it.8、have different looks= look different 有着不同的长相 (看起来不像)have the same look = look the same 有着相同的长相 (看起来很相像)9、a big one 一个大的; an old one 一个旧的10、in + 颜色或 in a/an/the +颜色 + 衣服 表示穿着颜色的衣服; 用法:接在名词的后面,如:The girl in red is my sister.穿红衣服的女孩是我的姐姐接在Be的后面,如

9、:Maria is in the red coat. Maria 穿着红上衣。注意:她喜欢穿红衣 she likes red clothes;不能说She likes in red clothes.应去掉in.11、My favorite color is red.我最喜欢的颜色是红色/我最喜欢红色。注意:不能说:I favorite red.因为favorite不是动词,不能作谓语。 favorite前必须用物主代词或名词所有格。如: Dogs are I favorite animals. I应改为 my或Jims等词。12、 clothes, pants 和 shoes 做主语,谓语动词

10、用复数;但a pair of pants/ shoes作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式. 例:His shoes are black. A pair of shoes is on the sofa.一双鞋子在沙发上。13、Sorry = Im sorry 对不起 回答常用:Not at all=Thats OK=Thats all right没关系14、名词所有格:名词(一般是指人的名词)+s ,表示“某人的”。如:李老师的:Mr lees;注意:s结尾的名词的所有格是直接加上.如:我父母的:my parents; 15、of 介词,表示“某物的”与中文的顺序相反。简的宠物的名字:the name

11、 of Janes pet.16、junior high school 初中 a junior high school student =a student in a junior high school 一名初中生17、This bike is mine = This is my bike.这个自行车是我的这是我的自行车。注意:物主代词的使用方法:后有名词时用形容词性的,后无名词时用名词性的,即:有名则形,无名则名。18、who 谁; whose 谁的,是who 的所有格。如:Whos that boy?那个男孩子是谁? Whose baby is that?那是谁的小孩呀? 19、What

12、 do/does + 某人 + look like ?询问人的长相 例: What does your English teacher look like ? He is thin and tall.他又瘦又高。20、 Whatsand? 加是什么?(回答:Its ) 例:Whats red and yellow?Its orange. Whats two and five? Its seven. 2 加5 等于几?等于7。 21、Janes and Marias:Jane的和 Maria 的(两人共有)Jane and Marias:Jane和 Maria 的(各自拥有)22、Who is

13、the letter from? Its from my penpal, Sam. (不用where)23、What color be + 东西? (回答:Its +颜色 或者 Theyre + 颜色) 例:What color is your dress? Its black. What color are your pants? Theyre black.英文一般疑问句及肯定和否定回答一般疑问句是以be动词、情态动词和Do/Does开头的,用Yes或No回答的疑问句。、以be动词开头的一般疑问句及答句 Am I ? Yes,you are./No,you arent. Are you ?

14、Yes,I am./No,Im not.Is he/she/it? Yes,he/she/it is. No,he/she/it isnt.Are we/you/they ? Yes,we/we/they are No,we/we/they arent.、以情态动词开头的一般疑问句及答句Can ? Yes,can. No,cant(cannot).、以Do/Does开头的一般疑问句及答句Do you +行为动词 ?Yes,I do/No, I dont.Do we/you/they+行为动词 ?Yes,we/they do. No, we/they dont.Does he/she/it+行为

15、动词 ?Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesnt.注意事项:1、肯定和否定回答中必须用人称代词主格,即只能用I,we,you,he,she,it,they等,不能出现其它词,特别注意不能用this,that,these,those等指示代词。2、肯定和否定回答要保持三个单词,因此当am,is,are出现在句尾时,一定不能缩写。如:不能用Yes,Im; Yes,hes;Yes,theyre.3、am not 不能缩写,如:No,Im not不能用No.I amnt.4、肯定和否定回答不能出现前后矛盾。如:不能说 Yes, he isnt; No,I do

16、; Yes, she doesnt.Unit 31、Could you(please)+动词原形?你能做某事吗?是礼貌问句,答句不能用Yes,I could(can).No,I cant等。答句常用:Sure/Ok/All right/No problem/ Srry, I cant等礼貌用语。May I +动词原形?我能做某事吗?也是礼貌问句,答句也常用:Sure/Ok/All right/No problem/Sorry, you cant等礼貌用语。2、help sb. ( to ) +动词原形= help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事 例:Could you help me

17、(to) study my English?=Could you help me with my English? 3、live in +地点 住在某地; 4. live with +人 和某人住在一起5、a lot = very much 放在句末,很,非常 例I like the boy a lot/ very much. notat all 一点也不,not要放在be动词、情态动词或do/does的后面。 例:I like the boy a lot(改否定句):I dont like the boy at all.6、each other 相互,彼此,要放在动词后。 例:Student

18、s often help each other in class. (相互帮助 )7、tell sb sth=tell sthto sb 告诉某人某事。如:Please tell me your name=please tell your name to me.8、No problem没问题,表示同意All right/OK/Sure.Speak ,say ,tell ,talk几个词的区别.speak(1)speak + 语言 说某种语言,例如:speak Chinese(2)表示说话的能力。e.g. The baby cant speak.(3) speak to +某人 和某人说话 I

19、want to speak to Mr Lee.我想和李老师说说话speak可用于打电话时句型May I speak to sb.e.g. Hello! This is Tom.May I speak to Mary? Speaking .tell(1)告诉 告诉某人某事tell sb. Sth .e.g. 1.Can you tell me your phone number?2.Can you tell me the way to the post office?告诉某人(不)要做某事tell sb. (not) to do sth 告诉某人关于某事tell sb. about sth.(

20、2 )讲。后接故事,笑话。 e.g. 1.Jack likes telling stories. 给某人讲 用tell sb. sth= tell sth to sb. .say(1)后面接具体内容,就像有引号那样的,想表达某个人说什么具体事情的时候用say(2) 你会用某种语言说某物吗? Can you say sth in English? /in Chinese?(3)对某人说:say to sb sth My father often says to me “Be careful when crossing roads(过马路时).talk是指(1)谈论,有词组talk about e

21、.g. They are talking about weather.(2)谈话 交谈。 talk to sb.= talk with sb.表示和某人说话,和某人谈话e.g. 1. Who is your mother talking to /with?2.She is talking to/ with my aunt.talk on the phone 表示在电话里谈 10.talk with sb face to face 译为和某人面对面谈话。即和某人面谈。11、come/go to + 地点“来/去某地”, 但home、here、there这些是副词,前面不能加to. 例:go ho

22、me回家;come here来这里;go there去那里 go for +事情 例:go for a picnic 去野餐 go + 动词ing 例:go fishing 去钓鱼;go shopping去购物go to +动词原形 去做某事 例:They all go to look after him.他们都去照看他12、like + 动词ing 喜欢做某事 like to +动词原形 想要做某事13、think of 认为,think about 考虑 ;I think +句子 我认为 I think he you are right. 否定句常否定think。(否定前置)例:I don

23、t think he can come. 我认为他不会来了.(不能说:I think he cant come)14、a little 一点放在句尾 放在不可数名词前。如: She likes milk a little.她有点喜欢牛奶。She often drinks a little milk.她经常喝一点牛奶。15、in a school 在学校;in a hospital在医院; in an office在办公室;但是:on a farm在农场上; on the sofa在沙发上16、in a hospital 在医院里(只表示地点) He is ill in hospital. 他生

24、病住院 in hospital 住院(因病) He is in a hospital.他在医院里 (不一定是因为生病来到医院)17、look after sb照顾某人18、teach sb sth = teach sth to sb 教某人某东西 Michael teaches me English.(不用my)19、help yourself to sth. 请随便吃(招呼一个人) help yourselves to sth请随便吃(招呼多人)20、Id like = I would like我想要 Would like + to +动词原形 = want + to +动词原形想要做某事2

25、1、something to eat 一些吃的东西food食品 something to drink一些喝的东西=drink饮料22、Here you are.给你 Here we are. 我们到了23、a kind of一种;all kinds of各种各样的24、Why not +动词原形? = Why dont you +动词原形? 为什么不做某事呢? What /How about +动词ing ? 怎么样?好不好?25、wait a moment= just a moment 等一下,请稍侯 wait for sb 等待某人26、May I take your order ?可以点

26、菜了吗?你要点什么?(餐馆用语)Can I help you ?= May I help you ?= What can I do for you ? 需要点什么帮忙吗?(服务员用语)27、be kind to sb 对某人友好be friendly to sb 例: Miss Gao is kind to her students.高老师对她的学生很友好28、be glad + to +动词原形 很高兴地做某事 例: I am glad to meet you. I am glad to be here.29、What do/does + 某人+ do ? = What +be+ 某人? =

27、 Whatsones job ? 回答:某人+ be + 职业. 例如:What does your father do? = What is your father? = Whats your fathers job? 回答:He is a teacher.Unit 4 1、tryon 试穿 (try on 不简单,it/them放中间)2、We/I will take it 我们/我 买下了(这里的take 相当于buy) 3.buy sth for sb = buy sb sth 给某人买某物;例:Buy a shirt for Jim=buy Jim a shirt 给Jim买个衬衫4

28、、Im just looking 我只是看看;5、three hundred and sixty-five 365 (hundred不用复数;百位数和十位数之间加and , 十位数和个位数之间加”-“)6、a pair of一对/一双/一条/副例:a pair of pants 一条裤子 a pair of shoes一双鞋子 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜7、over there 在那边 8、Are you kidding ?你开玩笑吧9、a bottle of milk一瓶牛奶 three bottles of milk三瓶牛奶 10、thank you all the sa

29、me 仍然谢谢你;11、Is that all? 就这么多吗?Thats all. 就这么多吧I2、I think so. 我认为是这样的. (否定前置)I dont think so. 我认为不是这样的. 13、当把东西给某人时可以说: Here you are 或 Here it is. (给你)14、Dont worry.别担心 worry about + 宾语 如:Do you worry about your English?15.a little +不可数名词 (肯定); 一点,一些; 16、be free= have time 有空的;反义词:be busy = have no

30、time Are you free tomorrow? = Do you have time tomorrow ?17、in,on,at表示时间的用法 在具体某一天使用介词on :On Sunday 在星期天On Sunday morning 在星期天上午On Sunday afternoon 在星期天下午On Sunday evening 在星期天晚上在某个时刻用at:at five oclock 在5 点 at a half past six 在6 点半在上午,下午,晚上用in:in the morning 在早上/上午 in the afternoon 在下午 in the evenin

31、g 在晚上(但 at night 在夜里;at noon 在中午)this 接时间,不用介词: this Sunday在这个星期天this morning 在今天早上/上午 this afternoon 在今天下午this evening 在今天晚上tomorrow前不用介词:tomorrow morning 在明天早上/上午tomorrow afternoon 在明天下午tomorrow evening 在明天晚上next前不用介词: next time 在下一次 next Sunday 在下周日next morning在第二天早上/上午 next afternoon在第二天下午 next

32、evening在第二天晚上18、Whats up 什么事?19、forget + to +动词原形. 忘记去做某事(事还没做) forget + to +动词ing 忘记曾做过某事(事已做完)20、ask/tell sb + to +动词原形 叫某人做某事 ask/tell sb not +to+动词原形叫某人不要做某事 例:Please ask Tom to do some shopping. Tell Maria not to fly a kite tomorrow.叫Maria不要明天放风筝。 请叫Tom买点东西。21、电话用语: Whos this/that? 你是哪位?(不用you)

33、 Is this /that你是吗?(不用you) This is (speaking) 我是(不用I)May I speak to我可以找说句话吗?请找接电话好吗?22、do some shopping买东西23、Its fun真是有趣的事24、call sb = give sb a call 打电话给某人 call sb back 给某人回电话25、Im afraid 恐怕26、I have no time= I dont have any time 我没有时间 ( no = not any )27、be in =be at home 在家; go home 回家; get home到家;

34、 in ones home 在某人的家里; be not in = be not at home = be out出去了,不在家;28、sing a song/ sing some songs唱歌fly a kite放风筝;watch TV看电视; read books看书29、let sb+动词原形 让某人做某事 例:Let Jim carry water 让Jim提水吧。 Lets go home.我们回家吧。30、时间读法:顺读法(eleven thirty-six 表示11:36)逆读法1、分钟数30,分钟+past+ 整点 , 如: five past ten 表示 10:05;ha

35、lf past six 表示6:30 , 2、分钟30,(60分钟)+to+(整点+1),如:five to ten 表示 9:55; a querter to six 表示 5:45 注意:a querter常代替fifteenhalf常代替thirty31、后跟两个宾语(指人和指物)的动词:、用介词to(传递类的动词):give sth to sb = give sb sth 把某物给某人;show sth to sb = show sb sth 把某物拿给某人看;tell sth to sb = tell sb sth 把某事告诉某人teach sth to sb =teach sb s

36、th 教某人某事take sth to sb =take sb sth 给某物给某人带来bring sth to sb =bring sb sth给某物给某人带去来、用介词for:buy sth for sb=buy sb sth 给某人买某物cook sth for sb=cook sb sth 给某人做某物carry sth for sb=carry sb sth 给某人提某物(注意:某物是it或them时,不能放在后面。)32、go for a picnic 去野餐 have a picnic 进行一次野餐33、have to+动词原形 “不得不, 必须” 三单式是:has to34、g

37、o to bed上床睡觉 go to school去上学 go to work 去上班35、Its time to +动词原形 该到做的时候了。 Its time for +名词/ 动词ing Its time for sb to+动词原形 是某人做某事的时候了 如:Its time to go home 该回家了。Its time for supper=Its time for having supper =Its time to have supper是吃晚饭时间了。Its time for kangkang to carry water. 是康康提水的时间了。36、do ones hom

38、e-work 做家庭作业;37、have短语:have a picnic 野餐;have class 上课 have a party 举办聚会have dinner/ breakfast /lunch/supper吃正/早/午/晚 餐 have +东西 吃/喝 have a good time 玩得很愉快 have to 不得不,必须38、get up起床 39、表示数量的词:许多的,大量的:a lot of = lots of = many =muchmany +复数名词much +不可数名词a lot of = lots of +复数名词/不可数名词一些,几个:some ,any+复数名词

39、/不可数名词some 用在肯定句和礼貌问句;any 用在否定句和其它问句。一点:a little + 不可数名词40、in the sun在阳光下;41、Whats wrong with you? 你怎么啦?42、on ones way to +名词/动词原形(注意:ones指某人的,代表物主代词和名词所有格。)“在某人去的路上”; on ones way home 在某人回家的路上(注意home前不用to)如 on Jims way to school=on Jims way to go to school在吉姆去上学的路上43、go shopping = go to the shop 去购

40、物 类似的go swimming /fishing/skating 等等44、Its very kind of you 你真是太好了;45、thanks / thank you for +名词/动词ing “为而感谢你”;46、in the tree 在树上(外物附着) the kite is in the tree; the birds are singing in the treeon the tree 在树上(树上本身长出的东西)apples are on the treeIn the wall 在墙里 (如 window ) on the wall 在墙上 47、What do you

41、 think of -?= How do you like - ?你认为怎么样?例:What do you think of your English teacher ? = How do you like your English teacher ?48、 How much be + 主语?=whats the price of ( 回答:Its / Theyre + 价钱.) Eg. -How much is your English book ? -Its ten yuan.49、 What time is it ? = What is the time? 几点了?(回答:Its +时间

42、) 50、fine, nice, good, well四者都可用作形容词表示好之意,主要区别在于: (1) fine指物时表示的是质量上的精细,形容人时表示的是身体健康,也可以用来指天气晴朗。例如:Thats a fine bike. 那是一台很好的机器。 Your parents are very fine. 你父母身体很健康。Its a fine day today. 今天是散步的好时候。(2)nice主要侧重于人或物的外表,有美好,漂亮的意思,也可用于问候或赞扬别人。例如:Lucy looks nice. 露西看上去很漂亮。These coats are very nice. 那些裙子很

43、好看。Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。 Its very nice of you. 你真好。(3)good形容人时指品德好,形容物时指质量好,是表示人或物各方面都好的普通用语。例如:Her son is a good student.她儿子是一个好学生。The red car is very good.那辆红色小汽车很好。(4)well只可用来形容人的身体好,它也作副词,多放行为动词之后。例如:Im very well(fine), thanks. 我身体很好,谢谢。 My friends sing well. 我的朋友们歌唱得好。本册重点内容归纳1、目前所学的动词的形式有4

44、 种:动词原形;如:do;have;like 动词的三单式(常在动词原形后加s);如:get-gets动词不定式(to+动词原形);如:meet-to meet 动词ing式(动词原形后加ing)如:look-looking2、表示征求意见或建议邀请的礼貌用语Would you like +to+动词原形? (你想要吗?)How about+动词ing ?(怎么样?好不好?)What about +动词ing? (怎么样?好不好?)Why not +动词原形? (为什么不呢?)Why dont you +动词原形 ?(你为什么不呢?)Lets +动词原形.(让我们吧。) 表示同意、答应:Yes, Id like to./Oh, Id love to. All right/OK.Great!Sure.Good idea!Thanks. Ill be glad to Thanks.That would be very nice.Id like that.表示不同意、拒绝No, thanks. Sorry, I cant.Id like to. But Im afraid I cant/I have no time.3、目前


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