牛津上海版八年级第一学期英语期末复习:语法易错题+语法词汇句型综合+阅读综合-练习题汇编(含答案)(DOC 20页).docx

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牛津上海版八年级第一学期英语期末复习:语法易错题+语法词汇句型综合+阅读综合-练习题汇编(含答案)(DOC 20页).docx_第1页
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牛津上海版八年级第一学期英语期末复习:语法易错题+语法词汇句型综合+阅读综合-练习题汇编(含答案)(DOC 20页).docx_第2页
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牛津上海版八年级第一学期英语期末复习:语法易错题+语法词汇句型综合+阅读综合-练习题汇编(含答案)(DOC 20页).docx_第3页
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牛津上海版八年级第一学期英语期末复习:语法易错题+语法词汇句型综合+阅读综合-练习题汇编(含答案)(DOC 20页).docx_第4页
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牛津上海版八年级第一学期英语期末复习:语法易错题+语法词汇句型综合+阅读综合-练习题汇编(含答案)(DOC 20页).docx_第5页
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1、牛津上海版八年级第一学期英语期末复习:语法易错题+语法词汇句型综合+阅读综合 练习题汇编语法易错题PracticeI. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案)1. I have just watched a good film about _ elderly fisherman in Guilin.” (2013徐汇一模) A. a B. an C. the D. /2. Have _ try, and maybe you will win the free tickets to Italy? (2013徐汇一模)Sure, Id love to.A. anoth

2、er B. The other C. other D. others3. Meeting different people _ help children learn to get along with others. A. shouldB. needC. mayD. must4. Youd better book the tickets as early as possible, _ they will be sold out soon. A. andB. butC. soD. or5. Every year the worlds top tennis players _ to Shangh

3、ai to compete against each other. A. comeB. will comeC. have comeD. comes6. After the conversation with the teacher, Jennys mother looked a little _.(2013徐汇一模)A. happinessB. happierC. happyD. happily7. The policeman caught the drunk driver, but he didnt remember _ the old lady. A. knock downB. to kn

4、ock downC. to knocked downD. knocking down8. That rude man seldom uses kind words, _ ? A. does heB. isnt heC. was heD. hasnt he9. You must do something to prevent your house _. A. to be broken inB. from being broken inC. to break inD. from breaking in10 .Im sorry I forgot _ your dictionary. Lets bor

5、row one from Li Ming. A. to takeB. takingC. to bringD. bringing11. He finished his homework, and then he went on _ a letter. A. writeB. writingC. withD. to write12. You didnt need _ him the news; it just made him sad. A. tellingB. tellC. to tellD. that you would tell13. I meant _ you, but I was so b

6、usy. A. to call onB. calling onC. to call atD. calling at14. It is no good _. You should give_. A. to smoke, it upB. smoking, it up C. smoking, up itD. to smoke, up it 15. Why are you late? My bike broke down. I had it _. A. repairedB. repairsC. repair D. Repairing16. He _back until the work _ done.

7、 A. isnt; will beB. isnt; is C. wont be; will beD. wont be; is17. We have _ computer at _ home, and were going to buy _ second one. A. athethe B. the.the C. a.theD. a.a18. Would you please show me the way to the _ shop. A. shoeB. shoesC. shoes D. shoes19. -How far is your restaurant from here? -Not

8、very far. Its about fifteen _ walk. A. minutesB. minutesC. minuteD. minutes20. Could you give me some books to read? _ will do. A. AnyoneB. Any oneC. Everyone D. Every one21. Mary Lee is _ old. She works in a hospital. A. 21-yearB. 21 yearC. 21 years D. 21-years22. Tom has _ one-eye dog. A. aB. theC

9、. /D. An23. - Do you know when Dr. White _ for dinner this evening? - No, but I think he _ when he is free. A. will come, comes B. will come, will come C. comes, comes D. comes, will come24. - Did you watch the movie Nanjing! Nanjing in the school hall last night? - Yes, though it _ hard all the tim

10、e. A. is raining B. was raining C. has rained D. had rained25. I have three cousins. One is in Grade 6,_ is in Grade 7 and _ is in Grade 8. A. other; the otherB. another; the other C. the other; the thirdD. the other; another【答案】1. B; 2. A; 3. C; 4. D; 5. A; 6. B; 7. D; 8. A; 9. B; 10. C; 11. D; 12.

11、 C; 13. A; 14. B; 15. A; 16. D; 17. D; 18. A; 19. D; 20. B; 21. C; 22. A; 23. B; 24. B; 25. B HomeworkI. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)1. -What are they talking about? () -They are talking about _. A. what to eat dinnerB. when to eat dinner C. where to eat for dinnerD. what will they eat2. Its ni

12、ce _ her _ so. () A. for, to sayB. for, sayingC. of, to sayD. of, saying3. Their wish is _ a house of their own. () A. to haveB. for havingC. haveD. of having4. Mrs. Smith warned her daughter _ after drinking. () A. never to driveB. to never drive C. never drivingD. never drive 5. Frank is the kind

13、of person who people like to _. () A. make friend withB. make friends of C. make friendsD. make friends with6. Computers_ our life greatly since they came into use many years ago.(2011崇明一模)() A. changeB. have changedC. will changeD. would change7. The lady is always _ in white at the party.(2011宝山一模

14、)() A. wearingB. dressingC. wornD. dressed8. This book _ everybody. () A. is known by B. is known for C. is known to D. is known as9. They _ their classroom to welcome the coming Christmas tomorrow afternoon. (2011金山一模)() A. decorateB. will decorateC. are decoratingD. decorated10. How long ago _ pla

15、ying soldiers? () A. have you stopped B. had you stopped C. did you stop D. do you stop11. Since 1978, great changes _ in China. () A. took place B. have been taken place C. have taken place D. are taken place12. Since you dont want to go, I _ alone. () A. will go B. go C. went D. have been13. Its t

16、he third time you _ late this week. () A. had arrived B. arrived C. have arrived D. arrive14. John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes _. () A. open B. to be opened C. to open D. opening15. When I spent holidays Europe, I bought _ vases. () A. two lovely big old German B. two lovely old

17、 big German C. two German big old lovely D. lovely big two old German16. _ anywhere in the United States costs less than a dollar when you dial it yourself. () A. Three-minute call B. A three-minutes call C. A three-minute call D. A three-minutes-call17. Of the two cars that the Smiths have, the Ply

18、mouth is, without any question, _. () A. the cheapest to run B. the cheaper to run C. cheaper D. more cheaper18. Have you been to _ United States? () No, but I have been to _ Canada. A. theB. .C. thethe D. .the19. The bridge is three hundred _ long. () A. feetB. feetsC. footD. feets20. Please come a

19、t _ time. Ill show you _ my stamps. () A. any, all B. all, any C. some, some D. any, every21. Even while he was in _ hospital, he went on writing songs. () A. aB. anC. theD. /22. He hit his sister in _ face. () A. herB. aC. theD. His23. Theres no water in my cup. Could you let me have_? () A. a fewB

20、. a little C. fewD. little24. The man hurried _aboard while the woman hurried _hospital. () A. to; to B. /; / C. to; / D. /; to25. Could you tell me _? () A. how much did you pay for the jacket B. how many did you pay for the jacket C. how much you paid for the jacket D. how many you paid for the ja

21、cket【答案】1. B; 2. C; 3. A; 4. A; 5. D; 6. B; 7. D; 8. A; 9. C; 10. C; 11. C; 12. A; 13. C; 14. A; 15. A; 16. C; 17. C; 18. A; 19. A; 20. A; 21. D; 22. C; 23. B; 24. D; 25. C语法词汇和句型综合PracticeI. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)1. -Do you know _ lady in front of the park? () -Yes, She is _ university t

22、eacher. A. a; anB. the; anC. a; theD. the; a3. This is a photo of _. I stood between my parents in the photo. () A. meB. mineC. ID. his3. Georges ambition is _ an architect when he grows up. () A. to becomeB. to becomingC. becomeD. will become4. My mother was cooking lunch in the kitchen _ my father

23、 was repairing his car in the garage. () A. whenB. while C. ifD. before 5. This mobile phone is not expensive. It only _ me 500 yuan. () A. costB. spentC. takeD. paid6. China has become the third country_ its astronauts into space after Russia and the US.(2011崇明一模)() A. sendB. sendsC. sendingD. to s

24、end7. My school bag is _ than yours.(2011宝山一模)() A. a little heavierB. heavyC. more heavierD. much heavy8. I will go to Mount Tai with my friends _ next week. () A. in B. on C. / D. at9. All the girls went to the Grand Theatre_ my daughter. () A. exceptB. except forC. besidesD. beside10. I want to k

25、now _. () A. what the matter is B. what matter it is C. whats the matter D. the matter is what11. Many students asked _. () A. why wont they allowed to play during lunch break B. why during lunch break werent they allowed to play C. why they during lunch break werent allowed to play D. why they were

26、nt allowed to play during lunch break12. Jenny was too sad to _ last night. () A. feel sleepy B. go to bed C. fall asleep D. be asleep13. I cant afford _ toy robot. Ive got _ money. () A. more; none B. to buy; now C. another; no D. the; none14. _ the night _ National Day we can watch many fireworks.

27、 () A. On; / B. On; of C. In; in D. At; of15. Everyone must be responsible _ what he has done and said. () A. to B. for C. in D. at16. _ anywhere in the United States costs less than a dollar when you dial it yourself. () A. A three minutes call B. A three-minutes call C. A three-minute call D. A th

28、ree-minutes-call17. Mr. Wang looked up and saw an old man_ beside him. () A. stand B. standing C. standed D. to stand18. Im sorry that I cant _ the lecture at the City Hall? () A. attendB. take part inC. join D. enter19. I will tell them the news as soon as they _ back. () A. cameB. comeC. will come

29、D. are coming20. Dad looked very _. He looked at my report _. () A. angry; angry B. angrily; angrily C. angrily; angry D. angry; angrily【答案】1. D; 2. A; 3. A; 4. B; 5. A; 6. D; 7. A; 8. C; 9. A; 10. A; 11. D; 12. C; 13. C; 14. B; 15. B; 16. A; 17. B; 18. A; 19. B; 20. D II. Complete the sentences wit

30、h the given words in their proper forms. (用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)1. Many slaves buy their_ with what they save from working. (free)2. I have already checked the bag _, but there is no sign of your glasses. (two)3. _, all the money I lost on the train was returned to me. (lucky)4. Its necessary to _ the na

31、rrow road to avoid traffic jam. (wide)5. It rained so hard that the road was _ covered by water soon. (complete)6. There are two changes in the world, _ (physics) change and _ (chemistry) change.7. I want to know the history of dinosaurs _. (exist)【答案】1.freedom; 2.twice; 3.Luckily; 4.widen; pletely;

32、 6.physical, chemical; 7.existence III. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子)1. She lay down on her bed. (改为一般疑问句) _ she _ down on her bed?2. The man who is fishing by the river is my grandpa. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is your grandpa?3. You dislike playing the violin at all. (改为反意疑问句)You disli

33、ke playing the violin at all, _ _?4. They will get close to the great cliff in a few minutes. (对划线部分提问) _ _ will they get close to the great cliff.5. My home is near my school. (保持句意基本不变) My home is _ _ my school.6. The tiger gave a roar. The roar made the girl cry. (合并为一句) The tiger gave a roar _ _

34、 the girl cry.7. My mother told me. Light travels faster than round.(合并为一句) My mother told me _ light _ faster than sound.【答案】1. Did, lie; 2. Which man; 3. dont you; 4. How soon; 5. close to; 6. to make; 7.that, travels HomeworkI. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)1. The man who is wearing a pair of

35、glasses is _ European scientist, hell give us a talk? () A. theB. /C. aD. an2. _ of the film is good. I dont like them. () A. EitherB. NeitherC. BothD. All3. In the cliff, there were _ doors. () A. two-storey-highB. two-storeys-highC. two storeys highD. two storeys high4. -Is this radio _? () - No,

36、it belongs to _? A. yours; meB. yours; his C. her; himD. yours; her 5. Captain King is thinking of _ from the cave. () A. escapeB. escaping C. escapedD. to escape6. Underground trains _ run _ planes. () A. dont; as quick asB. dont; as quickly asC. not; as quick asD. not; as quickly as7. Let me pick

37、the fruit, _ ? () A. dont IB. dont youC. will youD. shall we8. I dont know _ life in the future will be like. () A. what B. how C. if D. when9. I will never make mistakes _ this kind. () A. ofB. inC. onD. for10. Yesterday morning I got up early _ be late for the exam? () A. in order to B. in order t

38、o not C. so as not to D. so as to11. The Class Four students had a barbecue in Luxun Park _ last Sunday. () A. / B. in C. on D. at12. _night they usually sit together, talking happily, but _ the night of last Friday, they had to be busy with the work. () A. In; on B. At; on C. In; inD. At; at13. The

39、 farmers began to work in the fields _ dawn. () A. in B. on C. at D. until14. - Its kind _ you to come to see me. () - Its a pleasure. You were so kind _ me. A. of; with B. for; with C. of; to D. for; to15. _ the age of fifteen, she had written scores of articles for a magazine. () A. At B. Before C

40、. Since D. By16. The monster has a _ eye. () A. huge single glowing red B. single huge glowing red C. glowing single red huge D. single huge red glowing17. I have already spent _ the money given by my grandmother. () A. a part of B. part of C. a lot D. much18. Have you been to _ United States? () No, but I have to _ Canada. A. theB. .C. thethe D. .the19. We asked our teacher _. () A. how will we have a restB. how we will have a restC. when would we have a restD. when we would have a rest20. What are you going to do t


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