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1、学习必备 欢迎下载2015年六年级下册复习重点Unit1 A family outing.家庭出游一、 词组go on an outing 外出旅游 take a walk/have a walk 散步 ride bicycles骑自行车 go shopping 去购物 have a good time过得愉快 family outing 家庭出游 do things together在一起做事情 watch a movie看电影 look at the flowers赏花enjoy oneself 玩得开心 二、 句子1、 Many families go on an outing toge

2、ther at weekends.许多家庭在周末一起出游。2、 Where are we going today?今天我们去哪里?3、 Shall we go to the park?我们去公园怎么样?4、 We visited your grandpa and grandma.我们将拜访你们的外公外婆。5、 We can ride bicycles and look at the flowers.我们可以骑车和赏花。6、 We will have a good time together.我们会过得很愉快。7、 My family goes to the beach on Sundays.星

3、期天我们全家去海滩。8、 Mr. Liu likes to take his family to the beach for a swim and a picnic.刘先生喜欢带他的家人去海边游泳和野餐。9、 Mr. Lius daughter doesnt like to play on the beach.刘先生的女儿不喜欢在海边玩。Unit2 Some stories are more interesting.一些故事更有趣。一、 词组 a piece of 一块 drop into 掉落 fairy tale 神话故事 a lot 许多 be good for 对有益二、句子 1、Th

4、e man in the shop gave a piece of meat to the dog.商店的人给狗一块肉。 2、There was a small river near its home.在它家附近有一条小河。 3、That piece of meat is better than mine.那块肉比我的好。 4、I like swimming more than running.比起跑步我更喜欢游泳。 5、Reading is good for us.阅读对我们有益。 6、Its meat dropped into the water.它的肉掉进了水里。 7、The dog l

5、ost its meat.狗丢了它的肉。Unit3 We should learn to take care of ourselves.我们应该学会照顾我们自己。一、 词组 take care of照顾 look after 照顾 do exercise做锻炼 have a rest 休息 listen to music听音乐 watch TV看电视 go to bed去睡觉feel happy 感觉开心三、 句子1、 We should learn to take care of ourselves.我们应该学会照顾自己。2、 We should wash our hands before

6、eating.我们应该吃饭之前洗手。3、 We should keep our body clean.我们应该保持身体干净。4、 We should eat healthy food.我们应该吃健康的食物。5、 We should do exercise every day.我们应该每天做锻炼。6、 He usually reads newspapers and listens to music.他常常读报纸和听音乐。7、 Listening to music is good for us.听音乐对我们有益。Unit4 Planting trees is good for us.植树有益于我们

7、。一、 词组 Plant trees 植树 cut down 砍伐 more and more 越来越多 二、句子1、Planting trees is good for us.植树有益于我们。2、My friends and I enjoy planting trees.我的朋友和我们喜欢植树、3、Trees can keep the air clean.树能保持空气清新。4、I will water the yong trees every day.我每天给小树浇水。5、We need to plant more trees.我们需要种植更多树。6、Lets plant more tree

8、s to make the Earth clean and green.让我们种植更多树美化环境。Unit5 Our earth look like this.我们的地球看起来像这样。一、 词组 Watch a film 看电影 talk about 谈论 look like 看起来像 be interested in 对.感兴趣 find out 找出 look for寻找 get to 到达二、句子 1、Peter and his mother went to the Space Museum.彼特和他的妈妈去太空博物馆。 2、Peter was interested in the fil

9、m.彼特对电影感兴趣。 3、He wanted to find out more and more about the Earth and the stars.他想要找出更多关于地球和星星的知识。 4、The Earth looks like a ball in space.地球在太空上看起来像一个球。 5、The Earth takes one year to go round the sun.地球亿年绕太阳转一圈。 6、Animals and plants can live on the Earth.动物和植物能在地球上生存。 Unit6 Anne wanted to dance.安妮想跳

10、舞。一、 词组Step on 踩上 paint a picture绘画 play the piano弹钢琴 二、句子1、Lingling was dancing in the dancing room.玲玲在舞蹈室跳舞。2、Anne wanted to dance like Lingling安妮想像玲玲一样跳舞。3、Anne went to the dance floor and danced with Lingling.安妮去舞池和玲玲跳舞。4、Anne wanted to stand on one foot.安妮想单脚站。5、There will be a school concert a

11、fter the exeams.考试之后有一个学校音乐会。6、Anne and Lingling are going to do a modern dance.安妮和玲玲打算跳现代舞。Unit 7 Im not afraid.我不害怕。一、 词组Be afraid of害怕 later on 以后 swimming pool 游泳池二、句子 1、You shouldnt sleep in the library.你不应该在图书馆睡觉。 2、Im not afraid of difficulties, but Im not clever.我不怕困难,但我不聪明。 3、You will be be

12、tter later on.你以后将会更好。 4、You cant learn to swim till you jump into the water.你如果不下水就学不会游泳。Unit 8 International Childrens Day.国际儿童节一、 词组have a party办聚会 have fun 有趣 play games 玩游戏 have a rest 休息 have a picnic野餐 go to the museum去博物馆二、句子 1、Tomorrow will be International Childrens Day.明天将是国际儿童节。 2、Were g

13、oing to play games and have a party.我们打算玩游戏和办聚会。 3、We will have fun tomorrow.我们明天将很有趣。 4、Miss Li will let us enjoy ourselves.李老师让我们过得愉快。 5、The children dont have to go to school.孩子们不用去学校。 Unit 9 Look at these beautiful places in the world. 看世界各地的魅力风景一、 句子1、 My family went to Beijing.我们全家去了北京。2、 We e

14、njoyed walking on the Great Wall.我们喜欢在长城上走。3、 I took a picture of the Eiffel Tower我拍了诶菲尔铁塔的照片。4、 I have a picture of the Great Wall.我有一张长城的照片。5、 Last week,my mother took me to Beijing by train.上星期我妈妈带我坐火车去北京。6、 He always brings back beautiful pictures for Peter.他总是带回一些漂亮的图片给彼特。常见的各种单词形式1、 缩写及全写形式are

15、ntare not dont do not Ill I will theyrethey aredoesntdoes not wont will not Itsit is cantcan not werewe are IdI would didntdid not letslet usthatsthat is theresthere is thererethere are hereshere is whatswhat is isntis not shouldntshould notImI am 2、第三人称单数的特殊变化形式do-does go-goes have-has wash-washes

16、teach-teaches 3、名词性物主代词 He-his she-her it-its you-your I-my we-our they-their 4、宾格 He-him she-her it-it you-you I-me we-us they-them 5、现在分词(ing形式)Swim-swimming run-running shop-shopping skip-skipping get-getting 6、比较级、最高级的变化few(少的)fewerfewest tall(高的)-taller-tallest long(长的)longerlongest short(短的)sh

17、ortershortest small(小的)smallersmallest strong(强壮的)strongerstrongest tall(高的)-taller-tallest big(大的)biggerbiggest fat(胖的)fatterfattest hot(热的)hotterhottest red(红的)redderreddest sad(伤心的)saddersaddest thin(瘦的)thinnerthinnest funny(好玩的)funnierfunniest happy(开心的)happierhappiest healthy(健康的)healthierhealt

18、hiest heavy(重的)heavierheaviest early(早的)earlierearliest easy(容易的)easiereasiest good/well(好的)betterbest bad(坏的)worseworst little(少的)lessleast many/ much(多的)moremost 7、 过去式的特殊变化 win-won feel-felt hold-held say-said ride-rode buy-boughteat-ate write-wrote begin-began do-did have-had go-wentlearn-learnt take-took read-read speak-spoke teach-thought give-gavelose-lost drop-dropped think-thought get-got see-saw make-madecan-could run-ran come-came am/is-was are-were tell-told


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