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1、 Unit Five ( Comic StripTask)Step One Consolidation and Extension (巩固与拓展)1. same adj. 同样的,相同的反义词是_1) the same idea/class/size相同的主意/ 班级/尺寸 2) the same as 像.一样 -反义短语 different from我们住在同一个房间。We live _ _ _ room.这本书和那本一样。This book _ _ _ _ that book.= The two books _ _ _.2. birth n.出生,诞生 1)at birth 出生时, f

2、rom birth 从出生时 2)birth还可以与部分名词构成合成词:_ 出生地; _ 生日。3. Fish sleep with their eyes open. 鱼睁着眼睛睡觉。 with their eyes open在句中作伴随状语,表示动作发生时伴随的情况。 e.g. 他喜欢关着窗子睡觉。He likes _ _ the windows_. 我不喜欢开着灯睡觉。 I dont like sleeping _ the lights _.4. stop doing sth.停止做某事(指停止正在做的事,停下来,不做了) stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事(指停止做一件事,来

3、做另一件)1)上课了,我们不要讲话了。Its _ _ class. Lets _ _.2) If you feel tired(累), you may stop _(have) a rest. 5. The Sun is about 1,300,000 times larger than the Earth.太阳比地球大1,300,000倍。 比较级中表示“倍数”用“主语+times +形容词或副词比较级形式+than” once 一倍 twice 两倍, three times 三倍, four times 四倍e.g. 我们学校比你们学校大两倍。Our school is _ _ than

4、 _.公交车跑得比自行车快四倍。The bus runs _ _ _ than the bicycle.6. amazing adj. 令人吃惊的-amazed 感到惊讶的 Im very _ at the _ news. 7. reply vi. 答复,接宾语时常和to连用reply to sb. /reply to a question answer vt. 回答 answer a question; answer the telephone 我想要回复格林小姐的电子邮件。 I want to _ _ Miss Greens e-mail. The telephone is ringing

5、. Please go to _ it.8. leaveleavesleavingleft (过去式)leave London 离开伦敦leave for London =go to London 出发去伦敦 leave New York for London 离开纽约去伦敦 -leave+出发地+for+目的地leave也可表示“遗忘”之意,-leave sth. in/at spe.g. 1) 她今天要离开北京到无锡来。She will _ _ _ _ today.2) 我把书忘在家里了。 I _ my book _ _.9.happen vi. happenshappeninghappe

6、ned (表示某事突然发生)sth. happen +时间/地点sth. happen to sb. 某事发生在某人身上。 (主语只能是事情) 1) 昨天一件奇怪的事情发生在他身上。Yesterday a _ thing _ _ _. 2) 外面发生什么事了? _ _ outside?10. everything 不定代词,指“每件事,每样事物,一切”虽然着眼整体,但其作主语时,动词要用三单。 Everything _(be) ready.表示“东西,物”的不定代词还有something,anything,nothing,不定代词的定语必须放在后面。e.g. 我有一些有趣的事要告诉你。I ha

7、ve _ _ _ _ you.11. wonder=want to know 我想知道下一步做什么。 I _ _ _ _ next.12. surprised adj. 主语通常为人 be surprised at sth.; 对某事感到惊讶;be surprised to do惊讶地做某事 be surprised that e.g.听到这个消息,我们都很惊讶.We are very _ _ _ the news.=We are very _ _ the news. *surprising adj. 令人惊讶的,可作表语和定语。 *interested- interesting, amaze

8、d-amazing13. on ones /the way home/here/there on ones way to school/the zoo在她来这的路上,她帮助了一位老人。She helped an old man _ _ _ _.14. say to oneself 自言自语 他是个奇怪的人,经常自言自语。He is a _ person and he often_ _ _.15.search vt./vi. searches-searchingsearch sp. 在搜, search sb搜身search for sb./sth. =look for sb./sth. 搜寻s

9、earch sp. for sth在搜寻; search sb for sth在某人身上搜1) 警察们昨天在山上搜寻那个男孩。The police _ the _ _ _ _. 2) 我想要在网上查找一些关于西方国家的信息。I want to _ _ some _ about _ countries on the Internet.16. quickquickly; carefulcarefully; usual -usually; suddensuddenly quickly,carefully, usually, suddenly 这四个副词都是由形容词+ly构成的,在句中可以作状语,修饰

10、句中的谓语动词。* beautifulbeautifully; quiet-quietly; wonderful-wonderfullye.g. He is a _ boy and he always does his homework _. (细心)The man left the classroom _(突然) .17.without wiaut介词without 表示没有之意时,和with“具有,带有”是一对反义词。都是用来表示附带、伴随的情况等。 Mike often goes to school _ _ _(没有吃早饭) She is standing there _ _ _ in

11、her hand(手里拿着一本书)without 还可以表示条件,意思是“如果没有;要是没有 ”, 这时和if条件句所表示的意思基本相同。Without your help, we cant finish the work in time(及时).If_ _ _ _, we cant finish the work in time.18. hear of /about 听说.你听说过一家叫“小土豆”的饭馆吗?Did you_ _ _ _ called little potato?19.notany more (=no more) 再也不,不再,是固定句式。指次数不再增加。Ill (=I wil

12、l)_ be late _ _(不再迟到)notany longer(=no longer),指时间不会再延续。Its getting late. I _ _ _him _ _(不再等他)20.-ed结尾的动词过去式, 词尾ed有三种读音t d id。清对清 清辅音后的-ed读音为清辅音t 如:danced 浊对浊 浊辅音后的-ed读音为浊辅音d 如:called 元对浊 元音后面的-d读音为浊辅音d 如:enjoyed t d后面为id 如:wanted21. be late( for) .迟到Its six thirty now. Hurry up, or you will _ _ _ _

13、(上学迟到)22. a lot .用作名词短语,意为“很多,大量 ”There is _ _ _ _ (很多可看之处)in my city.用作副词短语,在句中作状语,意思为“很,非常”,多用于修饰动词等.Thanks a lot.=Thank you very much.a lot of =lots of (用于肯定句) (=many /much)plenty of =more than enough 大量的,很多很多的23. let sb do sth 让某人干某事 let sb not do sth 让某人不要干某事24 . two pieces of breada piece of 意

14、为“一片、张.”, 常用于表示不可数名词的量。There are _ _ _ _ (几张纸) on the desk.25. the others 意为“其他人”,“其它的东西”。特指某一范围内的其他人、物。 There are many different kinds of animals in the zoo. _(一些) are from western countries and _ _(其余所有的)are from China. others 还有一些人或物,没有范围。some.others 意为“一些.还有一些” _ families _ cows , and _ _ wheat.

15、 一些家庭养牛,还有一些家庭种小麦。26. asas结构中,第1个as是副词(后接形容词或副词),第2个as是连词(后接名词或代词),表示“像一样”之意。 A is asas B. A和B一样. A is not asas B. A不如B.Now most families have at least one TV and they are as _(大) as 32 inches.Step Two Grammar Revision(语法回顾)1. 一般过去时(1)1)带有确定的过去时间状语如:yesterday,yesterday morning,two days ago,last year

16、,the other day(前几天),once upon a time ,just now,in the old days(过去的日子里)等时要用过去时。e.g 前几天,你们开了晚会了吗?_2)表示过去连续发生的动作时,要用过去时。这种情况下,往往没有表示过去时间的状语,而是通过上下文来表示。e.g 首先我完成了作业,接着我弹了钢琴,然后给作物浇了水,那以后我和我父亲在电视上看了一部电影。First I _ my homework. Then I _ the piano. Next I _ the plants. After that, I _ a film on TV with my fa

17、ther.3)表示过去一段时间内经常或反复的动作,常与always,never连用。e.g 格林太太过去老是带着一把伞。(说明她过去的动作,不表明她现在是否带着伞)_2. 动词过去式的构成规则1)规则动词的过去式的构成在动词原形后直接加ed。 e.g listen_ open_ finish_ 以不发音的e结尾的加d。 e.g like_ close_ use-_重读闭音节末尾仅有一个辅音字母的,先双写这个辅音字母,再加ed。 e.g drop_ plan_ stop_以辅音字母+y结尾的,先变y为i再加ed。 e.g worry_ study_2)不规则动词的过去式不规则动词的过去式要多下功

18、夫,才能牢记不忘。e.g cost-_ put-_ come-_ ring-_ make-_ send-_ do-_ buy-_ Exercise( )1. We were in Qingdao last week and great fun there.A. will haveB. have hadC. hadD. have( )2. you afraid of late for school?A. Are; beB. Do; beC. Are; beingD. Do; being( )3. We carefully, but we didnt anything.A. listened; h

19、eardB. listened; hear C. listen; heardD. listen;hear( )4.Is Jim at home by ?No. His little sister is with .A. him; himB. him; himselfC. himself; himselfD. himself; him( )5. There only one foreign teacher in our school in 2005,and now six.A. isB. wasC. areD. were( )6. Do you like sleeping with the wi

20、ndows ?A. openB. be openedC. openingD. opens( )7. If you see any litter (垃圾) on the school playground, youd better .A. put it upB. pick it upC. turn if offD. put it on( )8. to school, they met their Chinese teacher.A. On their waysB. On them waysC. On their wayD. On them way( )9. I am afraid of anim

21、als .A. no; any moreB. not; moreC. not; any moreD. no; more( )10. He often up at 5:30,but he up at 6:00 yesterday.A. gets; gotB. gets; getsC. got; getsD. got; got( )11. The teacher told her late, but she late this morning.A. isnt; isB. not to be; isC. wasnt; wasD. not to be; was( )12. Gina and I wen

22、t to school by bus this morning.A. usuallyB. as usualC. as usuallyD. as unusually( )13. Did you see Tom in the classroom?No, he there five minutes ago.A. leftB. was leavingC. leavesD. has left( )14. Who to visit our school last Wednesday?Mr Smith did.A. did comeB. cameC. comeD. comes( )15. The black cat often a ghost at night.A. makes a sound likeB. makes a sound likesC. made sound like D. make sound like4


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