六年级上北京版知识点(DOC 11页).doc

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1、六年级上北京版知识点一、动词及过去式六年级上北京版知识点stay-stayed play-played go-went write-wrotedo-did visit-visited have/has-had make-made二、重点词组went back to Canada回加拿大了 had a great time过的愉快did many things做了许多事情 visited my grandparents看望我爷爷奶奶played with my friends 和我的朋友玩 just stayed in Beijing待在北京Worked on my uncles farm在我叔

2、叔的农场劳动 went swimming去游泳learned to sing Peking Opera学唱京剧visited some museums参观一些博物馆played with my cousins和我的堂兄弟姐妹玩had an interesting vacation度过了一个有意思的假期三、重点句型What did you do this summer?I went back to Canada.What did Lanlan do this summer?She wrote a story.What did Qiangqiang do this summer?He made c

3、akes.四、我会说I went to Niantan park .I had a great time ,and did many things.I went to the beach. I played with my friends .I had an interesting vacation.Lesson 2一、 动词及过去式不规则:(1)docame (3)swimswam (4)gowent (5)catchcaught(6)letlet (7)amiswas (8)arewere (9)taketook (10)havehashad规则:(1)climbclimbed二、 重点词

4、组回来 夏令营 上周四 爬山(5)swam in the river (6)went fishing (7)caught three fish在河里游泳 去钓鱼 抓了三条鱼 (8)good for you (9)had a lot of fun 你真好 过的非常快乐三、 重点句型I came back last Thursday. She finished piano lessons last week. When did he go to the airport?He went to the airport last Monday morning.四、我会说My parents and I

5、took a trip last weekend.I flew to Hangzhou. We went there by airWe visited many places and saw green hills, blue water, small bridges, and old houses.We came back last weekend.Today I was happy.Today we had a lot of fun.Lesson 3 1.动词及过去式 dodid buybought givegave likeliked 2.重点句型 Did you go to see y

6、our grandparents? Yes, I did./No, I didnt. Did you return the books? Yes, I did./No, I didnt. Did they win the football match? Yes, I did./No, I didnt.3 .重点词组 a pair of Chinese shoes a pair of glasses Sure, what can I do for you? No problem. 4.我会说 My parent and I went to Xiangshan by car last weeken

7、d. We saw a lot of colourful leaves on the hills. We walked around and took many photos. We stayed there for three hours and went back home.Lesson5一、重点单词wrong aches terribly practice kung fu 有问题的 疼 很 非常 练习功夫Interested lucky dangerous X-ray neck对感兴趣 幸运 危险的 X-射线 脖子二、 动词及其过去式happen-happened stand-stood

8、 do-did want-wanted 发生 站立 做 想要think-thought is-was hurt-hurt dont-didnt 认为,想 是 受伤 没有,不是isnt -wasnt不是三、 重点词组My neck aches terribly practice kung fu be interested in 脖子疼的厉害 练习中国功夫 对-感兴趣四、重点句子1. Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?2. Whats happened to your neck? 你的脖子怎么了?3. Im very interested in it. 我对这个非常感兴趣。五、

9、重点句型1. Why did you stand on your head? 你为什么倒立?Because I wanted to practice kung fu. 因为我要练习中国功夫。 2. Why did you go to hospital? 你为什么去医院? Because I cut my finger. 因为我切着我的手指了。 3. Why did she cry? 她为什么哭? Because she fell down.因为她摔倒了。 六、我会说When did you do last see the doctor? What was wrong with you?Last

10、 Sunday morning. I had a stomachache. Lesson 6一、 重点词语happenhappened won,t -will not 发生 不会二、重点词组A football match I hurt my right leg you hurt yourself again一场足球比赛 我伤着我的右脚了 你伤着你自己了All right next Be careful我最近会好的 小心三、重点句型。What happened to you? I hurt my right leg. 你怎么了? 我伤着我的右脚了。My cat scratched me. I

11、broke my arm.我的猫抓伤了我 我摔断了胳膊What happened to you? Don,t be upset. I,m really worried about you. 你怎么了? 不用担心 我非常担心你 That sounds good. He hurt his right leg 听起来还不错 他伤着他的右脚了四、我会说Yangyang is a good football player. He hurt his right leg. His mum was upset because Yangyang often hurts himself .He said he w

12、ould be careful next time. Lesson 7一、 动词及其过去式drink-drank喝 have/has-had有 eat-ate 吃 take-took 拿取say-said 说 二、重点词组 have a stomachache 肚子疼 had a bad toothache.牙疼A big bowl of soup 一大碗汤A big piece of chocolate cake 一大块巧克力蛋糕 two cakes 两个蛋糕honey cookies 蜂蜜饼干 three candies 两块糖 sweet 甜take a long walk 长时间散步h

13、ave supper 吃晚饭 三、重点句子Why are you crying?你为什么哭?What did you have for lunch today?你今天午饭吃的什么?Im afraid you ate too much.我认为你吃多了。What did you say, doctor?你说什么,医生?I said you should stop eating too much and exercise more.我说你应该停止吃太多并且多锻炼。 四、 重点句型What did you say? I said you should stop eating too much. Wha

14、t did you say? I said you should stop smoking. 五、 我会说I said you should stop eating too much.I said you should stop smoking.Lesson 9一、 动词原形以及过去式Do-did 做 take-took 拿 取 miss-missed 错过 leave-left 离开fly-flew 飞 find-found 寻找 go-went 去二、重点词组1. take a trip - took a trip 旅行 2. miss our flight- missed our fli

15、ght 错过了我们的航班4. go back - went back 回去 5.last Sunday 上周日 6 last weekend 上周末 7 at the airport 在机场 8 in the hotel 在旅馆三、重点句型1. Where did you go last weekend? 上个周末你去哪儿了We flew to Hangzhou. 我们飞到杭州。2. Where did you go yesterday afternoon? 昨天下午你去哪儿了?We drove to Xiangtan. 我们开车去香山3 Where did you go on Friday

16、morning?周五上午你去哪儿了We took the train to Tianjin. 我们坐火车去了天津四、我会说How do you go to school? How did you go to Hangzhou?I go to school by bike. I went to Hangzhou by car.I was very happyIm sorry to hear that. Your parents must be upset. Lesson 10一、 动词及过去式buybought买 iswas是 arewere是 leaveleft 离开 findfound 寻找

17、 flycame gowent 去 missmissed错过 seesaw 看见 looklooked 看 二、 重点句子It was fantastic 这是极好的 we went there by air 我们坐飞机去那That sounds special 这听起来十分特别三、重点句型1、How did you go to Hangzhou? 2How did you go to the train station? We went there by air. We went there by taxi.3How did you go to the Spring Festival Fai

18、r We went there by bus.4 How did you go to Shanghai. We went there by train. 四 我会说 Last week my parents and I went to Taishan by car. We have a lot of fun there .The mountain is very long. and I took many photos there.Lesson11一、 动词及其过去式1、do-did 做 2、walk-walked 走 3、ride-rode骑4、was-were 是 5、invent-inv

19、ented 发明 二、重点句子1、Who invented those vehicles? 2、Who invented the plane?是谁发明了那些交通工具? 谁发明了飞机?Some smart people did. The Wright brothers.一些聪明的人。 莱特兄弟。3、Who invented the telephone? 4、 How would you like to travel? 谁发明了电话? 你愿意怎么样去旅行? Mr Bell. By air. Its fast. 贝尔先生。 坐飞机,因为很快。三、重点词组及单词1、rode horses 2、slow

20、 3、difficult 4、easy 骑马 慢 困难 容易 舒适 安全 快速四、根据课文内容写一段话(主要以Lets do 为主)s easy.我会写1 一次旅行 When where how what My parents and I took a trip last weekend. I went to Hangzhou. We went there by air.We visited many places and took many photos. We came back last weekend.We had a lot of fun.2 仿照第一课写自己的暑假生活Lesson

21、15 一、 动词及其过去式dodid做 beginbegan开始 learnlearned学习 thinkthought想 ,认为 have/hashad有 arewere是 taketook带 isntwasnt不是 holdheld举办 gowent去 二、 重点词组1.the ancient Olympic Games古代奥运会 2.the modern Olympics Games现代奥运会 3. be different from不同于 4. all over the country全世界 5.take part in参加三、 重点句型1、When did ancient Olymp

22、ic Games begin?古代奥运会什么时候开始的?They began in 776 BC.古代奥运会开始于公元前776年。2、When did the Qin Dynasty begin? 秦朝是什么时候开始的?It began in 221 BC.秦朝开始于公元前221年。3、When did the Tang Dynasty begin? 唐朝什么时候开始的?It began in 618 AD.唐朝开始于公元618年。四、 我会说The ancient Olympic Games began in 776 BC ,about 3000 years ago. It had a hi

23、story of 3000 years. The first Olympic Games were held in Olympia, a city of Greece. There were no women in the ancient Olympic Games. Only men could take part . Lesson 16一、 原形以及过去式(1) stop-stopped 停止(2)hold-held 举行(3)do-did做二、 重点词组(1) a long time ago (2)What a shame (3)the capital city of Greece 很久

24、以前 好遗憾呀 希腊的的首都 (4)take part in (5)each other better (6)Higher, Faster, Stronger 参加 互相 更高,更快,更强(7) the motto of the modern Olympics现代奥运会的主题二、 重点句子1、When did people hold the first modern Olympics?人们什么时候举行了第一届现代奥运会?They held them in 1896 in Athens. 1896年他们在希腊举行的。2、When did hold the 29th modern Olympics

25、? 人们什么时候举行了第29届现代奥运会? They held them in 2008 in Beijing.2008年他们在北京举行的3、When did people hold the 30th Olympics? 人们什么时候举行了第30届现代奥运会?They held them in 2012 in London. 2012年他们在伦敦举行的。 三、 我会写The ancient Olympic Games stopped in Greece a long time ago. They held them in 1896 in Athens. The motto of the mod

26、ern Olympics is Higher, Faster, Stronger .The 29th modern Olympics were held in 2008 in Beijing. I love my country and I love Beijing. The 30th modern Olympics were held in 2012 in London.Lesson 17一、 动词及其过去式hosthosted 举办 arewere 是 am/iswas 是 buy-bought 买 winwon 赢;获胜 dodid做 have/hashad 有borrow-borrow

27、ed 借buy-bought 买 borrow-borrowed借二、 重点词组at that time all over the world be proud of 那时 来自全世界 感到骄傲三、 重点句型1、How many medals did the Chinese athletes win? 中国运动员赢得了多少个奖牌?They won 51 gold medals, 21 silver medals, and 28 bronze medals. 他们赢得了51块金牌,21块银牌,28块铜牌。2、How many shirts did he buy? 他买了多少件衬衫?He boug

28、ht 3 shirts. 他买了三件衬衫。3、How many books did she borrow? 她借了多少本书?She borrowed six books. 她借了六本书。 四、 我会说Beijing hosted the 29th Olympic Games in 2008.They were a great success .Chinese athletes won 51 gold medals,21 silver medals and 28 bronze medals .China was number one on the gold medal table. Lesson

29、 19一、 重点单词二、standstanding站着 waitwaiting talltallerthe tallestwearwearing穿着 等待 高的比较高的最高的二、重点词组wait for a blue suit with a silver tie a pair of black shoes. 等待 蓝色的西服和银色的领带。 一双黑色的鞋子三、重点句型1、What is he wearing? 他穿着是什么? He is wearing a blue suit with a silver tie. 他穿着蓝色的西服和银色的领带。 2、What is she wearing? 她穿

30、着什么? She is wearing a denim skirt. 她穿着牛仔裙。3、What is she wearing? 她穿着什么? She is wearing a pair of jeans. 她穿着一条牛仔裤。4、What is she wearing? 她穿着什么? She is wearing a hoody. 她穿着套头衫。5、What is she wearing? 她穿着什么? She is wearing a pair of pajamas. 她穿着睡衣。四、我会说 I wear a pair of pajamas at home . I wear a coat a

31、t school . Lesson 20一、 重点词组Look at 看 a photo of her 她的一张照片 How beautiful she Looks 她看起来很漂亮 on stage 在舞台上 pretty dresses 漂亮的连衣裙 a pair of sunglasses 一副太阳镜 would love to wear我也想穿 at home在家 at school在学校二、 重点句型1、What does she wear on stage?她在舞台上穿什么?She wears pretty dresses. 她穿漂亮的连衣裙。2、What does he wear

32、at work ? 他工作时穿什么?He wears a suit with a tie. 他穿西服和打领带。3、What does she wear at school? 她在学校穿什么?She wears formal clothes. 她穿正装。三、 我会说My friend Lingling likes pink. She often wears a pink coat. My teacher often wears formal clothes at school.Lesson21一、 原形以及过去式 (1)is-was (2)make-made (3)do-did 是 制作 做二、

33、 重点单词或词组(1) a Medium (2)a Large (3)by hand (4)made clothes 中号 大号 手工 做衣服三、 重点句子(1)What size do you wear? I wear a Medium and she wears a Large . 你穿多大号的? 我穿中号的,她穿大号的。 (2)What size do you wear? .I wear a 42 and he wears a 34. 你穿多大号的? 我穿42号的,他穿34号的。 (3)What size do you wear? I wear an XS and she wears a

34、n XL. 你穿多大号的? 我穿XS的,她穿XL的。(4) Those two colours go well together. 这两种颜色搭配在一起很好看。三、 我会说Who is she?She is not very tall. She has a round face like an apple. She has small eyes. Her hair is short .She is wearing a pair of sunglasses. She likes red. She is wearing a red coat.My friend has a new sweater.

35、 It looks nice and warm. It was from her cousin. I wear a Medium and she wears a small. She likes pink and blue. She thinks those two colours go well together .I think so. Lesson 23一、 过去式name-named 命名 enter-entered 进入 二、 重点词组1 the year of the tiger 2 the Chinese calendar 3 how often 虎年 农历 多久一次4 ever

36、y twelve years 5 birth-year animals 6 name after 7 was/were born 每十二年 生肖 以-命名 出生三、 重点句子 1 Happy Chinese New Year. 2 I was born in the year of the tiger. 新年快乐。 我出生于虎年。 3 My birth-year animal is the tiger. 4 How interesting! 我的生肖是虎。 多有趣啊四、 重点句型 每种动物多长时间轮回一次? 每十二年。 How often does the girl go to the den

37、tist? Every six months. 这个女孩多长时间看一次牙医? 每六个月。 How often do the boys practice together? Every three days. 这些个男孩们多长时间一起练习一次? 每三天。五、 我会说 I was born in the year of the horse, so my birth-year animal is the horse. 我是在马年出生的,所以我的生肖是马。 My father was born in the year of the sheep, so his birth-year animal is

38、the sheep. 我爸爸是在羊年出生的,所以他的生肖是羊。 My mother was born in the year of the rabbit,so her birth-year animal is the rabbit. 我妈妈是在兔年出生,所以她的生肖是兔。 Lesson 24一、 重点词组the order of the birth year animals many different stories one of them十二生肖的顺序 许多不同的故事 他们中的一个Jade Emperor the first of the twelve each of them玉皇大帝 十

39、二个中的第一个 他们中的每一个二、重点句型1、Which animal was the first of the twelve? 谁是十二种动物中的第一个? It was the rat. 是鼠。 2、Which season is the first of the four? It is spring. 哪个季节是四季中的第一个 是春天。 3、Which month is the first of the year? It is January. 哪个月份是一年当中的第一个? 是一月。四、 我会说1 The Jade Emperor held a swimming race to choos

40、e animals for the named of the years. 玉皇大帝为选择给年命名的动物举行了一场游泳比赛。2 Those twelve animals was the faster than others.这十二种动物比其他动物快一些。 3 The rat won swimming race. 老鼠赢得了游泳比赛。4 So rat was the first of the twelve.所以老鼠是十二只动物中的第一个。 Lesson25一、 动词原形及过去式(1) are-were (2)got-get是 给二、重点词组(1)a tiger-year stamp(2)in Canada(3)the year of the tiger 虎年邮票 在加拿大 虎年


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