最新鲁教版初一下册英语知识点资料(DOC 5页).doc

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1、精品文档鲁教版初一下册英语1-5 知识点Unit 1 重点句型1、你什么时候过生日?我一月一号过生日。When is your birthday ? My birthday is on January the first .2、他什么时候举行生日聚会?在今天下午三点钟。When is his birthday party ? At three this afternoon .3、他弟弟什么时候过生日?在二月二号。When is his brothers birthday ? Its on February the second .4、什么时候学校郊游?在十月十二号。When is the sc

2、hool trip ? Its on October the twelfth .5、艺术节和学校开放日是在十一月举行。The art festival and School Day are in November .6、我们要在十二月二十号举行足球比赛。We have a soccer game on December the twentieth .7、你多大?我十二岁。How old are you ? I am twelve .8、她多大?她二十岁。How old is she ? She is twenty .9、Tom 多大?他三十三岁。How old is Tom ? He is t

3、hirty three .10、你想参加我的生日聚会吗?Do you want to come to my birthday party .11、他的生日是在八月吗?是的。Is his birthday in August ? Yes ,it is .12、你的父母可以来我们学校。Your parents can come to our school .13、这真是一个繁忙的学期。This is a really busy term .14、这学期我们为你们准备了一些有趣的活动We have some interesting and fun things for you this term .

4、15、再见! See you !16、玩的愉快!Have a good time !三月八号是妇女节。Womens Day is on March the eighth .六月一号是儿童节。Childrens Day is on June the first .一月一号是新年。New Year s Day is on January the first .UNIT 2重点句型1、 你最喜欢哪个学科?我最喜欢地理。你为什么喜欢地理?因为地理很有趣。你的地理老师是谁?是于老师。你什么时候上地理课?在星期一和星期三。Whats your favorite subject ? My favorite

5、subject is geography .Why do you like geography ? Because its interesting .Who is your geography teacher ? My geography teacher is Mrs.Yu .When is your geography class? Its on Monday and Wednesday .2、 她最喜欢什么学科?科学。她为什么喜欢科学?因为很轻松。她的科学老师是谁?王先生。她什么时候上科学?从星期二到星期五。Whats her favorite subject? Its science .

6、Why does she like science ? Because its relaxing .Who is her science teacher ? Mr. Wang .When is her science class ? Its from Tuesday to Friday .3、 我认为历史很难但很有趣。I think history is difficult but interesting .4、 我喜欢星期四因为我可以上体育课。I like Thursday because I have P.E.5、 周五我很忙。 I am busy on Friday .6、 星期一你有空

7、吗? Are you free on Monday ?7、 谢谢你的电子邮件。 Thanks for your E-mail .8、 我们八点上语文课。We have Chinese at 8:00 .9、 咱们周六见面吧。 Lets meet on Saturday .10、 我想在周五下午和你见一面。I want to meet you on Friday afternoon .11、 我上两小时的美术课。I have an art lesson for two hours .12、 Frank 和Bob 为什么喜欢数学? Why do Frank and Bob like math ?1

8、3、 他总是和我们一起玩游戏。He always play games with us .14、 你最喜欢的一天是哪天?是星期五?Whats your favorite day ?Its Friday .15、 你为什么喜欢星期五?因为第二天是星期六。 Why do you like Friday ?Because the next day is Saturday .Unit 3重点句型1、你会游泳吗?是的,我会。Can you swim ? Yes , I can.2、他会下国际象棋吗?不会。Can he play chess ? No ,he cant .3、你弟弟会说英语吗?是的,他会。

9、Can your brother speak English ? Yes ,he can .4、Jane 和Jill 会弹钢琴吗?是的,他们会。Can Jane and Jill play the piano ?Yes ,they can .5、你会什么?我会踢足球。What can you do ? I can play soccer .6、你想参加什么社团?我想参加音乐社团。What club do you want to join ? I want to join the music club .7、他们想参加什么社团?他们想参加美术社团。What club do they want t

10、o join ? They want to join the art club .8、我喜欢和人们交谈和玩游戏。I like to talk and play games with people .9、放学后你忙吗?Are you busy after school ?10、你能对老年人相处的好吗?Are you good with old people .11、他们可以给你讲故事而且你们可以交朋友。They can tell you stories and you can make friends .12、打电话给我们电话时689-7729.Call us at 689-7729 .13、你

11、会弹钢琴或拉小提琴吗?Can you play the piano or play the violin ?14、你周末有时间吗?Are you free on the weekend ?Do you have time on the weekend?15、他擅长讲故事。He is good at telling stories .16、咱们现在去参加吧。Lets join now .17、他帮助我学英语。He helps me with English .18、我喜欢打篮球。I like to play basketball .19、我们敬老院需要你的帮助。We need help at t

12、he old peoples home .UNIT 4 重点词组句型1、你通常什么时候起床?我通常在六点半起床。What time do you usually get up ? I usually get up at half past six .2、他们什么时候穿衣服?他们总是在七点二十的时候穿衣。What time do then get dressed ? They always get dressed at twenty past seven .3、Rick 什么时候吃早餐?他在大约七点钟的时候吃早餐。What time does Rick have breakfast ? He g

13、ets up at about seven oclock .4、Scott 什么时候去上班?他总是在十一点钟上班,因此他从不迟到。When does Scott go to work ? He always goes to work at eleven oclock ,so he is never late for work .5、你的朋友什么时候锻炼?他通常在周末锻炼。When does your friend exercise ? He usually exercises on weekends .6、他在一家电视台工作。He works at a radio station .7、这个时

14、间吃早饭多么奇怪啊! What a funny time for breakfast !8、我不喜欢起床早。 I dont like to get up early .9、我通常吃饭很快。I usually eat very quickly .10、我有时候打半小时的篮球。I sometimes play basketball for half an hour .11、我总是首先做作业。I always do my homework first .12、我要么看电视要么玩电脑游戏。 I either watch TV or play computer games .13、她有一个健康的生活,她

15、吃许多水果。She has a healthy life ,she eats lots of fruit .14、我没有太多时间吃早饭。 I dont have much time for breakfast .15、我从来上学不迟到。 I am never late for school .16、她有一份有趣的工作。She has an interesting job .17、在晚上,她做完作业后散步。 In the evening , she does her homework and takes a walk .18、现在几点了?现在是八点四十五。What time is it ? It

16、s a quarter to nine .19、这个冰淇淋尝起来味道不错。The ice cream tastes good .UNIT 5重点词组句型词组步行 walk = on foot 骑自行车 ride a bike = by bike 坐公交车 take the bus =by bus 坐火车 take the train = by train 坐地铁 take the subway = by subway坐小船 take the boat = by boat 一百零二 one hundred and two 一百二十 one hundred and twenty 一百一十一 one

17、 hundred and eleven 到达学校 get to school在。和。之间 between . and .一个十一岁的男孩 one eleven-year-old boy 实现 come true 村民的梦想 the villagers dream 离开家 leave home 考虑 think of 滑铁索 go on a ropeway 害怕 be afraid 地铁站 the subway station公交车站 the bus stop句型1、你怎样到校?我步行上学。How do you get to school ? I walk to school ./ I get

18、to school on foot .2、他怎样去上班?他通常乘坐公交车去。How does he get to work ? He usually takes the bus to work. / He usually gets to work by bus .3、Jane 骑自行车去上学么?是的。The 鍦 plank 尯 Ma 愰? 鑰 ?Does Jane ride a bike to school ? Yes , he does .The 鎹畻 Geng?4、他们做火车上学吗?不,他们步行。Do they take the train to school ? No ,they don

19、t . They walk .The Cong 崟鏃 chops the 偣 Fei Hun 粺5、你家离学校多远?有两千米。How far is it from your home to school ? Its about two kilometers .The Chen 笟 Geng$悊6、上学需要花费你多长时间?需要大约十五分钟。The Mao Ku 寜 Xi with 叡鏈変 manHow long does it take you to get to school ? Its about fifteen minutes .The 鍚堜綔 Xiang 戠偣7、Bob怎样去他祖父母的家

20、?他骑自行车去地铁站,然后乘地铁。The 鍌綅鍦 plank 潃How does Bob get to his parents home ? He rides the bike to the subway station ,then he takes the subway .8、在他们学校和村庄之间有条大河。The 鍦 companion 潰鍌瓨There is a very big river between their school and the village.The Yue 氭椂 Cong breathes heavily9、我喜欢和我的同班同学玩耍。I like to play with my classmates .10、河水太急。The river runs too quickly .11、我通常在八点钟离开家。I usually leave home at 8 oclock .12、上学很容易。 Its easy to get to school .The 鏈嶅姟 Juan?精品文档


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