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1、济宁市济宁市 2023 年高考模拟考试英语试题年高考模拟考试英语试题2023.04注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWith two documentaries-All

2、 That Breathes and The Elephant Whisperers-making it to theOscars,theres renewed interest in Indias diverse wildlife.However,most popular wildlifeparks are usually expensive.Here are four less-known reserves that are not so costly but equallyworth exploring.Coringa Wildlife ReserveCoringa is the sec

3、ond largest mangrove forest in the country.It is a birders paradise and alsohome to otters,jackals,fishing cats and estuarine crocodiles.Endangered Olive Ridley sea turtlesnest here during January-March every year.COST OF RIDE:400-2,500 per person by boatBEST TIME TO VISIT:November to FebruaryNation

4、al Chambal ReserveThe 5,400 sq km reserve is the only one in India with three keystone species-Ganges riverdolphin,ghariyal and red-crowned roof turtle-along with eight rare turtle species and about 300species of migratory and resident birds.COST OF RIDE:1,800 per person by boatBEST TIME TO VISIT:No

5、vember to MarchGulf of Mannar Marine National ParkThe park has 21 small islands and three distinct coastal ecosystems-coral reef,seagrass bedand mangroves-with over 4,200 species of plants and animals.It is the last reserve of the unique“living fossil”Balanoglossus that links vertebrates(脊椎动物)and in

6、vertebrates.COST OF RIDE:200-400 per person in a glass-bottomed boatBEST TIME TO VISIT:October to MarchManas National ParkThis reserve is a UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site.It is home to the threatened IndianRhinoceros and other rare species like the Red Panda,Golden Langur and Pygmy Hog,and is al

7、so aProject Tiger Reserve and an elephant reserve with around 55 species of mammals,450 species ofbirds and 50 species of reptiles.COST OF RIDE:1,150 per head on elephant,4,400 for a jeep with four people,8,200 per person to10,600 for six people in a boatBEST TIME TO VISIT:October to May1.What is pr

8、obably the major concern of visitors choosing these less-known reserves?A.Season.B.Security.C.Price.D.Transportation.2.Which attracts tourists who hope to see different turtle species most?A.Coringa Wildlife Reserve.B.National Chambal Reserve.C.Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park.D.Manas National Pa

9、rk.3.How much does it cost for 4 people to explore Manas National Park on elephant?A.4,400.B.4,600.C.8,200.D.10,600.BWhen 76-year-old Antoinette-Marie Williams played 17-year-old Emmett Daniels in chess forthe first time,she gave Daniels a run for his money.Paired through DOROT,a New Yorkorganizatio

10、n which was launched in 1976,they are a.perfect match.“I was a good opponent forhim.I dont think he expected it.”Williams told the CVS Health blog Fortune Well.Their weeklygames have led Daniels and Williams to a cross-generational relationship that they both enjoy.Williams and Daniels relationship

11、disproves the idea that people of different generations havelittle in common.Since its founding,DOROT has achieved a reputation of excellence and innovation in thefields of aging services.Volunteers of young ages offer critical resources to older adults,in servicesspecific to the persons needs and i

12、nterests,with the ultimate goal of lessening loneliness of the old.Loneliness has been recognized as a significant social issue for many years,but theclassification of loneliness as an epidemic(流行病)has emerged only in recent years.In 2018,the UK government appointed a Minister for Loneliness,highlig

13、hting the increasing concern aroundthe issue.This followed the publication of the 2017 report by the Jo Cox Loneliness Commission,which found that loneliness was a growing social epidemic and called for a national strategy toaddress the issue.Fortunately,there are ways to battle loneliness,including

14、 the intervention in the lives ofisolated seniors by organizations like DOROT.It advocates building a support network by reachingout to family and friends,joining a community or social group,or volunteering to connect with like-minded people.The connection between Williams and Daniels shows that the

15、se inter-generationalrelationships play an important role in reducing loneliness and adding joy to the lives of all theparticipants,young and old.Another way to battle loneliness is to use technology to stay connected with loved ones whichfosters meaning and purpose through online activities and con

16、versations.Practicing self-care is alsoencouraged,as is being patient because strong relationships take time and effort to create.4.What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 1 probably mean?A.She had a running race with Daniels.B.Daniels felt disappointed.C.Daniels had a tough win.D.She gave Da

17、niels money as a gift of greeting.5.What is the purpose of DOROT?A.To make technological innovation.B.To enhance the living standards of the elderly.C.To offer job opportunities for people of all ages.D.To provide seniors with inter-generational connection.6.What does the author try to stress in par

18、agraph 3?A.The solution to loneliness.B.The root cause of loneliness.C.The classification of loneliness.D.The growing attention to loneliness.7.In which section of a newspaper does this passage probably come from?A.Society Watch.B.News Express.C.Page Turner.D.Science Study.CSeveral years ago,I was a

19、t a pre-season football practice at a high school where I was workingwith the team on.a concussion(脑震荡)research project.The players were lined up in two rowsfacing each other and with little more instruction from the coach than,“on the whistle,hit the manacross from you”,great concern rushed through

20、 my mind.Professional sports get the lions share of attention,but over three million children andteenagers in the United States play the same game.This directly places concussions as a significantpublic health concern for all.However,for decades,concussion has been considered a temporary injury with

21、 no long-termconsequences.Many athletes will do just about anything to stay on the field and“play through thepain”as a sign of toughness.In 2005,with the release of the brain tissue pathology(病理学)report of Mike Webstera,a retired National Football League player,our thinking on concussionbegan to shi

22、ft.Since then,public attention has focused on this link between brain injury and blowsto the head.As our understanding of concussion progressed to understanding its significance as aninjury,so too did the development of player equipment.In the early 1900s football was played without helmets(头盔),but

23、severe injuries,likeskull fractures,led to the occasional use of leather helmets in the 1920s.The first face mask enteredthe game in the 1950s.Modern helmets use advanced shel1 materials,have moveable panels toabsorb forces,and multi-layered padding that responds to different impacts.Companies willc

24、ontinue to improve helmets as new materials become available,guided by the newest science.Sports are an important part of a societys culture and they give millions of children much-needed exercise.Yet,participation in any sport carries injury risk,and concussion will always bepart of that.As those c

25、hildren become adults and make sport their hobby or even career,ensuringthem play safely at all levels is essential.8.What made the author feel concerned?A.The coachs inexperience.B.The physical conflicts among the players.C.Unawareness of the potential injuries.D.Unpredictable outcome of the projec

26、t.9.What did athletes use to do when meeting with sports-related concussion?A.They tended to ignore it.B.They felt scared about it.C.They quit playing immediately.D.They refused medical assistance.10.What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about concerning the helmet?A.Its gradual improvement.B.Its widesp

27、read influence.C.The discovery of its new materials.D.The difficulty of its mass production.11.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A.Exercise is vital for children.B.Sports safety cant be overemphasized.C.No participation in sports is without injuries.D.Concussion is the most common injury

28、in sports.DPeople generally feel secure with certainty.To be certain is to have power and control.Certainty is often used as a metric(衡量标准)of value,shaping how people view themselves andothers.For example,people tend to respect those who present themselves as certain while viewingthose who express u

29、ncertainty as wishy-washy,and untrustworthy.Young people growing up in aculture that identifies strongly with certainty are told that to be certain is to be secure,right,andgood.It is the idea,more than uncertainty itself,that causes great anxiety.But the reality is that certainty is transient;it is

30、 more a feeling than a fact.Too often people actas if certainties are drawn in permanent marker:Thick,clear,definitive,and rigid.But they are not.They are actually drawn with pencil-ready for revision,editing,and change.Springtides recent report,The State of Religion and Young People:Navigating Unce

31、rtainty,allows us to hear how young people are questioning certainty and increasingly rejecting the rulesthat isolate them from themselves and one another.Milly,a 25-year-old quoted in the report,described her experience in a group discussion where uncertainty was welcomed rather thancriticized:“Lik

32、e,struggling to know what or what not to believe.Thats something we talked aboutin the group.It actually makes me feel a little bit better.Its like,oh,like we can have doubts.Wecan struggle with these feelings and theyre still,were still accepted,you know?So that wasactually kind of refreshing(Sprin

33、gtide,2021,p.46).Young people are not rejecting certainty,but they are not accepting prepackaged answers orone-dimensional solutions.They are reexamining pre-drawn labels,beliefs,and identities anddaring to ask“Why?”Their courage to question is an invitation to all of us to reconsider andrediscover

34、uncertainty.We can listen to and learn from young people,embracing(拥抱)thisopportunity as a moment of critical self-reflection and growth.If we will accept uncertainties,wemight discover the ways that multiple beliefs,practices,values,identities,and communities cancoexist and develop together.12.What

35、 is the purpose of paragraph 1?A.To explain a concept.B.To advocate a culture.C.To introduce a different opinion.D.To confirm an assumption.13.What does the underlined word transient”probably mean in paragraph 2?A.Changeable.B.Predictable.C.Popular.D.Objective.14.What was Millys attitude towards the

36、 group discussion?A.Intolerant.B.Doubtful.C.Unconcerned.D.Positive.15.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A.Unmask the Culture of CertaintyB.Embrace the Gift of UncertaintyC.Certainty:Should It Be Rejected by the Young?D.Uncertainty:Should It Be Blamed for Anxiety?第二节(共 5 小题;

37、每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。As the snow melts and flowers begin to bloom,many of us look forward to experiencingwarmer weather and brighter,longer days.16 While the act of sorting and dusting arent necessarilyfun,getting the house cleaned and organized is good for you

38、r mental health for several reasons.17 Spring cleaning is an example of what psychologists refer to as temporal landmarks”.Those are the moments in the time that signify a change,like a new term at school.A well-organized or redecorated living room might help your brain make that shift that youre en

39、tering intoa new phase of the year.It gives you a sense of control.18 Cleaning your house is a great way to achieve that.After all,you might not be able to control the price of groceries,but you can control how organized your deskis.And while you cant control the weather,you can control how comforta

40、ble your home feels.It may set other good habits in motion.19 Getting your house in order may motivate you to getother areas of your life in order.You might feel inspired to get more exercise now that youveremoved the stuff on your treadmill(跑步机),or you might go to sleep earlier because yourroom fee

41、ls more peaceful.It can improve social life.If youve ever felt uneasy about the condition of your home to letanyone come inside,youre not alone.20 However,a cleaner space might help you feel morecomfortable about opening up your home to others.A.It signals a fresh start.B.Good habits can have a snow

42、ball effect.C.You may experience anxiety when focusing on things you cant control.D.We feel best when we take charge of the things that we do have control over.E.Spring cleaning is the practice of thoroughly cleaning a house in1 the springtime.F.But this season can also bring with it a sense of anti

43、cipation for spring cleaning.G.Sometimes,the embarrassment of a messy house keeps people from hosting dinner parties.第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One summer night in a seaside cottage,a small boy was in bed,sound asleep.Suddenly,he felthims

44、elf 21 from bed and carried in his fathers arms onto the beach.Overhead was the clear starrysky.“Watch!”As his father spoke,22,one of the stars moved.It_23 across the sky like a goldenfire.And before the 24 of this could fade,another star leapt from its place,then another.“What is it?”the child aske

45、d in _25.“Shooting stars.They 26_every year on a certain night in August.”That was all:just an 27 encounter of something magic and beautiful.But,back in bed,thechild stared into the dark,with mind full of the falling stars.I was the 28 seven-year-old boy whose father believed that a new experience 2

46、9 more for asmall boy than an unbroken nights sleep.That night,my father opened a door for his child,leading him into an area of splendid 30.Children are naturally curious,but they need someone to 31 them.This art of adding newdimensions to a childs world doesnt 32 require a great deal of time.It si

47、mply 33 doing things moreoften with children instead of for them or to them.Good parents know this:The most precious giftthey can give a child is to spark their flame of 34.That night is still deeply 35 in my memory.Next year,when August comes with its shootingstars,my son will be seven.21.A.hiddenB

48、.robbedC.liftedD.kicked22.A.incrediblyB.accidentallyC.apparentlyD.actually23.A.explodedB.circledC.spreadD.flashed24.A.successB.wonderC.exhibitionD.discovery25.A.amazementB.horrorC.reliefD.delight26.A.blow upB.turn upC.show offD.give out27.A.uncomfortableB.unbearableC.undetectedD.unexpected28.A.curio


50、.rooted第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Chinese acupuncture,also known as the art of“magic needles”,is 36 branch of traditionalChinese medicine.It has a long history 37(date)back to the Stone Age.It has been used to treata wide 38(vary)of health problems,like severe pains,


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