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1、仁爱版英语仁爱版英语七年下册复习课件七年下册复习课件一、重点语法一、重点语法1.1.动词时态动词时态 2.2.祈使句祈使句动词时态动词时态名称名称 特征词特征词 肯定句的动词肯定句的动词一般现在一般现在sometimes,usually,often always,every.,原形原形 第三人称单数第三人称单数现在进行现在进行look,listen,now,Its.(几点了几点了).后的句子后的句子Dont do sth.后的句子后的句子 be+doing一般过去一般过去yesterday.,just now,.ago,this morning,When I was young,过去式过去式1

2、.The twins _(wash)the clothes every day.2.Sometimes he _(play)basketball over there.3.How often _ Sally _(sing)?washplaysdoessing1.If Mike_up earlier,he can finish the work in time?A.get B.will get C.gets D.is getting2.-What did the teacher say just now?He said that the earth _round the sun.A.go B.g

3、oes C.going D.will goCB1.-Hi,Kate,you look tired.Whats the matter?-I_well last night.A.didnt sleep B.dodnt sleep C.havent slept D.wont sleep2.Mr.Zhang_us English three years ago.(teach)Ataught1.The twins _(wash)the clothes yesterday.2.The day before yesterday he _(play)basketball over there.3._ Sall

4、y _(sing)two hours ago?washedplayedDidsing1.The twins _(wash)the clothes now.2.Look!He _(play)basketball over there.3.Listen!_ Sally _(sing)?are washingis playingIssinging1.Listen!They_about Harry Potter.Lets join them.A.are talking B.talk C.have talked D.talked2.Im sorry,Mr.White cant come.He_a mee

5、ting.A.has B.will have C.is having AC二、祈使句二、祈使句无人称、动词开头,无人称、动词开头,带命令色彩的句子。带命令色彩的句子。肯定式肯定式 否定式否定式Open the window,please.Look at here.Please read after me.Dont open the window.Dont look at here.Dont read after me.二、话题二、话题1.1.天气及季节天气及季节2.2.学校生活(交通)学校生活(交通)3.3.居住环境居住环境4.4.生日生日三、句型三、句型(及交际用语及交际用语)1.某人用多长

6、时间某人用多长时间/多少钱做某事多少钱做某事:It takes/took sb.+时间时间/钱钱+to do sth.2.提问时间提问时间:Whats the time?What time is it?What time is it by your watch?3.提问日期提问日期:Whats the date today?What was the date yesterday?4.提问星期几提问星期几:What day is it today?What day was yesterday?5.提问某人的生日提问某人的生日:When is ones birthday?When were you

7、 born?6.提问天气提问天气:What is the weather like today?(How is the weather today?)What was the weather like yesterday?(How was the weather yesterday?7.提问温度提问温度:Whats the temperature?How about the temperature?8.提问人的相貌提问人的相貌:What does.look like?9.提问人的性格提问人的性格:What is.like?10.询问对方情况询问对方情况:Whats wrong with sb.

8、?Whats the matter with sb.?11.到该做什么事的时候了到该做什么事的时候了。Its time to do sth.Its time for sth.12.提建议用语提建议用语:Why not do sth.?Why dont you do sth.?What about sth./doing sth.?Its best to do sth.Youd better do sth.13.问路 Is there a near here?How can I get to the?Which is the way to the?Excuse me,could you tell

9、me the way to the?Excuse me,where is?How far is it from here?它距这里多远?14.指路 Go along(until)沿着走(直到)walk on 继续走 Go up(to the end)沿着走(直到尽头)turn left/right 向左/右拐 Go across the bridge.过桥 take Bus No.50 乘坐50路公交 change to the No.100 bus 换乘100路公车四、词类四、词类1.动词动词6.形容词、副词形容词、副词2.系动词系动词7.数词数词3.代词代词8.频率副词频率副词4.不定代词

10、不定代词9.介词介词1.动词动词(谓语谓语)He watches TV every day.He is watching TV now.He watched TV a moment ago.2.系动词系动词(+形容词的动词形容词的动词)look看起来看起来turn 变得变得sound 听起来become 成为成为taste 尝起来尝起来be 是是feel 感觉smell 闻起来闻起来get 得到得到4.不定代词不定代词1.other,others,the other,the others,another,One.,the other.,any other2.one,ones,ones 3.so

11、methingsomebody/someone anythinganybody/anyone everythingeverybody/everyone nothingnobody/no one5.形容词、副词形容词、副词形容词形容词与副词与副词的转换的转换在词尾处在词尾处+lyy结尾时结尾时,去去y+ily有的有的e结尾的单词结尾的单词,需去需去y+ly,有的则直接,有的则直接+ly。1.quickquickly 2.easy-easily3.terrible-terribly 4.true-truly5.brave-bravely 6.careful-carefully形容词、副词的使用形容

12、词、副词的使用形形容容词词副副词词修饰修饰名词名词修饰修饰动词、形容词动词、形容词They are clever boys.I prefer long hair.It really sounds nice.They work very hard.6.数词数词数数词词基数词变序数词基数词变序数词百百,千千,万万,的表达的表达几分之几几分之几用来表达时、分用来表达时、分用来表达年、月、日用来表达年、月、日7.频率副词频率副词8.与与时时间间相相关关的的介介词词for 时间段前时间段前in 某年、某月前某年、某月前on 具体日子、节日、具体日子、节日、生日、星期几前生日、星期几前at 某分,某时前某

13、分,某时前当当“早上、下午、晚早上、下午、晚上上”被修饰被修饰时不用时不用 in 而用而用on.with 的多的多种用种用法法do sth.with sb./sth.a girl with long haira room with two doorsa city with large populationbe busy with sth.talk with sb.help sb.with sth.an action movie with Jackie ChanWhats wrong/the matter with.?说明:红色代表动词短语绿色名词短语蓝色介词短语是必会句型/表示选择关系,不可同

14、时使用()内的内容表示可以选择项,可有可无五、常用短语五、常用短语 learn to do sth 学习做某事 want to do sth 想要做某事 plan to do sth 打算做某事 wish to do sth 希望做某事 hope to do sth 希望做某事 would like to do 想要做某事 begin to do sth 开始做某事 start to do sth 开始做某事 need to do sth 需要做某事 remember to do sth 记得要做某事 10介词后用介词后用-ing做某事有了好的计划树变绿了。树变绿了。花开了。花开了。三月份春天

15、来了。三月份春天来了。秋天接着夏天来了。秋天接着夏天来了。秋天树叶从树上掉下。秋天树叶从树上掉下。11 A对B很友好。take a walk 散步 perform Beijing Opera 表演京剧 fly kites 放风筝 climb hills 爬山 have a rest 休息 later on 之后,随后 right away=right now 立即,马上 get back home 返回家 enjoy ourselves/myself/herself/himself/themselves 我们/我/她/他/他们玩的愉快12 find out 找出,发现 in different

16、 places 在不同的地方 take an umbrella 带一把伞 travel around the country 游遍整个国家 take pictures=take photos 照相 go back to+地名 回到某地 celebrate 节日 with sb 和某人一起庆祝 each of us 我们中的每一个人13 be over 结束 the light rain 小雨 the heavy rain 大雨 one by one 一个接一个?情况怎么样?write a letter to sb 给某人写信?你最喜欢哪个季节?make snowmen 堆雪人 learn do

17、ing sth 学习做某事14 Thank you for(doing)sth 谢谢你做某事 play the piano 弹钢琴 play the guitar 弹吉他 have a birthday party(for sb)(为某人)举办生日聚会 buy sb sth=buy sth for sb 给某人买某东西 bring sb sth=bring sth for sb 带给某人某东西 give sb sth=give sth to sb 给某人某东西 make birthday cards 制作生日卡片 by hand 手工 sit around 围着坐 make a wish 许愿

18、1 blow sth out 吹灭 in one breath 一口气 at the party 在聚会上 last night 昨晚 at that time 在那个时候 lie to sb 对某人撒谎 play video games 玩电子游戏 come back 回来 forget the time 忘记时间 tell sb the truth 告诉某人真相 tell a lie to sb 对某人撒谎2 让某人(伤心,生气等)lose the game 输了比赛 the next morning 次日早晨 fall down 跌倒 at once 立刻 请这边走!stand up 起

19、立 hurt himself/herself/yourself/yourselves 他/她/你/你们受伤3 recite a poem 朗诵一首诗 sing Chinese songs 唱中文歌 dance to disco 跳迪斯科 perform kung fu 表演功夫 perform magic tricks 表演魔术 live in+地名 住在某地 live with sb 和某人居住 at the age of+数字 在某人几岁的时候 his eyes six years ago.六年前他的眼睛出了一些问题。4 时间段+ago 多久以前(过去式句子)不再.某事对某人来说很难。wi

20、th sbs help=with the help of sb 在某人的帮助下 may be 也许是你是什么意思呢?last year 去年 this year 今年.该到做某事的时间了。56 perform ballet 表演芭蕾 just a little 只是一点点 very well 很好 not at all 根本不 not very well 不是很好 play ball games 进行球类活动 擅长做某事 play ping-pong 打乒乓球 在某方面做很好 speak Japanese 讲日语7 draw pictures 画画 read English books 读英语

21、书 make model planes 制作飞机模型 play basketball 打篮球 play soccer/football 踢足球.祝你生日快乐.你是如此聪明。你还能做什么?take sth/sb to+地方地方 带某物/某人去某地方8 so many+可数名词复数 如此多的 so much+不可数名词 如此多的 climb trees 爬树!没门,不可能 ride a bike 骑自行车 drive a car 开小汽车 Sb be sure 某人确定 cook a big dinner 做一顿大餐 do some cleaning 做清洁 do some reading 阅读9

22、 生于某一天 cook a special dinner 做一顿特殊的晚餐 light blue 淡蓝色的 give sb a surprise 给某人一个惊喜 to ones surprise 让某人惊喜的是 What shape is it?=Whats the shape of it?它是什么形状?What do we use it for?我们使用它做什么?use sth for(doing)sth 使用某东西做某事 have a look 看一看10。know about 了解,知道的情况 sports star 体育明星 a big fan of sb 某人的超级影迷1 on th

23、e second floor 在二层 next to A 紧邻着A in the study 在书房 near B 在B附近 on the shelves 在架子上 in the front of C 在C的前部 in front of D 在D的前面 at the back of E 在E的后部 behind F 在F的后面2 come upstairs 上楼 talk about 谈论关于 give back 归还 work out 算出,实现 put away 把收好 on the wall 在墙上面 in the wall 在墙里面 under A 在A下面 in the tree 外

24、来的东西在树上 on the tree 本来在树上的叶子或者果实34 in the center of B 在B的中央 in the garden 在花园里 love doing sth 爱做某事 on the left of A 在A的左面 on the right of C 在C的右面 be glad to do sth 很高兴做某事 write to sb=write a letter to sb 给某人写信 hear from=get a letter from 收到来信 What kind of home do you live in?你住在哪种房子里?5 with two floo

25、rs 有两层的 in the country 在乡下 like doing sth 喜欢做某事(长期的)like to do sth 喜欢做某事(暂时的)look for 寻找 house with furniture 有家具的房子 family of four 四口之家 room for two people=double room 双人间 per month 每月 call sb at+电话号码 打某电话联系某人6 would like sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 on the street corner 在街角 hear sb doing sth 听到某人正在做某事 hea

26、r sb do sth 听到某人做了某事 I am afraid 恐怕 at the end of 在末端,尽头 in the end 终于,最后 a lot of=lots of=many/much 很多 far from A 离A很远 close to B 离B很近7 call sb for help 打电话给某人求助 be like 像,询问性格和特征 look like 看起来像,专门询问外貌.A出毛病了。要求/告诉/想要/派某人(不要)做某事 heavy traffic=busy traffic 繁忙的交通 the cost of living 生活开销 too much+不可数名词

27、 太多的8 get hurt 受伤 lose ones life 失去生命 in traffic accidents 在交通事故中 keep safe 保证安全 obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则 cross the street/road 过马路.做某事是好的。ride skateboards 滑滑板 make a wrong turn 拐错弯 park in the wrong place 违章停车9 be late for 迟到 wait for 等待 at the traffic lights 在交通灯处 on the corner of+两街道名 在两街道拐角

28、处 across from 在对面 between A and B 在A和B之间 Be careful!小心!注意!Keep quiet!保持安静!at the foot of a hill 在山脚1 Happy New Year!新年快乐!The same to you.你也一样!come to school 来学校 come on 加油 on weekdays 在平日,在工作日.早起的鸟有虫吃。take the subway 乘地铁 take a bus 乘公交 take a school bus 乘校车 eat out 下馆子吃饭2 have a short rest 短暂休息 in o

29、nes free time 在某人的空闲时间.很高兴和你谈话。.工作第一。listen to music 听音乐 meet friends 见朋友 go to the zoo 去动物园 have breakfast 吃早饭 课在几点开始 in the morning 在早晨3 after dinner 晚饭后晚饭后 for a little while 一会一会 after school 放学后放学后 in the library 在图书馆在图书馆 on the playground 在操场在操场 in the dormitory 在宿舍在宿舍 at the moment 目前目前 in th

30、e gym 在体育馆在体育馆 in the swimming pool 在游泳池在游泳池 borrow sth from sb 向某人借某东西向某人借某东西 on time 准时准时4 do better in sth 在在方面做得更好方面做得更好.同样要谢谢你。同样要谢谢你。What else?还有什么?还有什么?over there 在那边在那边 do ones homework 做家庭作业做家庭作业 one day 有一天有一天 have a music class/lesson 上音乐课上音乐课 on+星期复数星期复数 每逢星期几每逢星期几 class meeting 班会班会六、易混

31、淆的词、词组六、易混淆的词、词组1.2.in the cornerat the cornerwake upwake sb.up3.4.there behave/hastriptravel5.a little,little,a bit,a bit of.a few,few6.get to.arrive in/at.reach7.too muchmuch too8.by car,in Jims carby bike,on Jims bike9.noise,voice,sound10.hear,listen,listen to11.say,tell,talk,speak12.wear,put on,

32、be in,get dressed13.read,watch,see,look,look at七、易七、易错错的词的词+doing还有还有介词介词busyfinish enjoy spend keepmakelet+do+doingplanorderdecidewantask wishhope would like +to do1.Without thinking more,he left here.2.I cant finish writing it in only a few minutes.3.Everyone is busy getting ready for the final ex

33、ams.4.Mother always spends much time doing such foolish things.5.Jim was good at dancing when he was young.6.Lets practice speaking English,OK?八、不易用对的词八、不易用对的词 enough (名词名词前前)enough water enough books enough time enough people enough (形容词、副词形容词、副词后后)tall enough strong enough good enough big enough.连

34、词连词1.and 7.when2.but 8.before3.or 9.after4.so 10.as5.though 11.if6.because易错题集锦易错题集锦1.Mom doesnt have much free time weekdays.She is very busy.A.in B.on C.at D.by2.My son never reads books at home.What can I do?A.a B.some C.much D.any3.school over at four every afternoon?A.Does B.Will C.Do D.Is4.Our

35、 school has two (图书馆).One is for students and the other is for teachers.5.Some people say a cat has nine (life).6.Kevin is a smart boy in the (America)movie Home Alone.7.你的意思是我们可以去看电影吗?we can go to watch a movie?8.Only children know their parents birthdays.But parents always know their childrens bir

36、thdays.A.little B.a little C.few D.a few9.-Can I the book for two more days?-Of course.A.return B.keep C.borrow D.have10.-How long do you read English every morning?-about half an hour.A.For B.In C.At D.After11.Some (Japanese)are coming to our school this afternoon.12.Some of my friends are dancing

37、in the room.(对划线部分提问)dancing in the room?13.Cindys biology is the (good)in our class.14.We have lots of after-school (activity).15.-Who is the girl on your computer?-She is my American pen pal.Here are some photos of .A.her B.hers C.she D.his16.-What are you?-My pen.I need it right now,but I cant it

38、?A.finding,look for B.looking for,find C.finding,find D.looking for,look for17.Here are English newspapers for you.A.a little B.little C.a few D.few18.-May I drink some Coke,mom?-Sure.But you can drink only .A.a few B.a little C.few D.little19.-Jimmy,why are your books on the floor again?-Sorry.I wi

39、ll right now.A.put it away B.put away it C.put them away D.put away them20.Look!In the front of the classroom two chirs.A.has B.have C.there are D.there is21.-Excuse me,are there any stores near here?-Yes,there is behind that building.A.one B.some C.any D.many22.Look!There is a cat fish in the kitch

40、en.A.eat B.eating C.eats D.to eat23.Mike is sitting in the study a book in his hand.A.in B.with C.for D.under24.Li Mings apartment is on a (noise)street.25.There is no (park)here between 9 a.m.and 6 p.m.26.-Excuse me,can you tell me the way to Peoples Hospital?-down the road and youll see a white bu

41、ilding.Thats the hospital.A.To walk B.Walk C.Walking D.Walks27.Tom,play on the road.There are so many cars.A.dont B.not C.doesnt D.cant28.You must look ways before you cross the road.A.all B.every C.each D.both29.My mom likes shopping.She often walks aound the shop it closes.A.so B.until C.after D.b

42、ecause30.The house close to the shop is Uncle Toms home.(对划线部分提问)is Uncle Toms home?31.在路上行走的时候,我们必须要小心。When we are walking on the road,we .32.游过这条河需要10分钟。It takes ten minutes to the river.33.There lots of traffic on this road.You cant drive so fast.A.are B.is C.has D.have34.Claire,so fast.We have e

43、nough time.A.not walk B.doesnt walk C.dont walk D.not to walk35.I want to buy a new bike,but I only have money.A.a few B.few C.a little D.little36.of Mikes hands get hurt in the traffic accident.A.All B.Every C.Each D.Both37.There are months in a year,and August is the month.A.twelfth,eight B.twelft

44、h,eighthC.tewlve,eight D.twelve,eighth38.There are students in my school.A.Two thousands of B.two thousandC.Two thousands D.two thousand of39.Jimmy was a short boy three years .(以前)40.Look at the pictures on the wall.of them is very beautiful.A.Each B.Every C.Both D.All41.Xian is an old city in Chin

45、a.It has a history of over three years.A.thousands B.thousand C.thousands of D.thousand of42.Jack (洗)the apples one by one before he gave them out.43.My birthday is on the (twenty)of this month.44.It is very hot noon.It is not a good idea to go shopping.A.for B.in C.on D.at45.The temperature was so

46、last Sunday.There was ice on the road.A.low B.high C.cold D.little46.It is Childrens Day today.Each of the kids in my family a gift.A.get B.gets C.got D.getting47.Mr.Brown lives (单独)in her old house.48.Its very (danger)to drive so fast.49.I dont think it is an (interest)story.50.Oh,it is raining hea

47、vily.Please dont leave it stops.A.when B.since C.after D.until51.They were good friends before,but they like each other .A.not,any more B.dont no more C.dont any more D.not,no more52.Its cold today.Please your coat.A.wear B.put on C.wear on D.be in53.John often plays t on me.54.My mother is making d

48、 soup.55.We each have awonderful time in Wanfeng Forest.of us a wonderful time in Wanfeng Forest.56.Everyone read English carefully.(改为反义疑问句)Everyone read English carefully,?57.There people in Peoples Park.A.have,lots of B.has,lots of C.are,a lot ofD.are,much58.One of my to go abroad.A.friends,want

49、B.friend,want C.friends,wants D.friend,wants59.The little girl pianted one side of the paper green but side black.A.the others B.others C.another D.the other60.It is i to fly kites in spring.61.They often have lunch in the .(餐馆)62.I enjoy reading and look forward to (learn)more.63.He had better (tal

50、k)with his parents now.64.I didnt like this book because it is too boring.(对划线部分提问)you like this book?65.I believe he is friendly to everyone.(改为否定句)I he friendly to everyone.66.You mustnt eat in the classroom.(改为祈使句)eat in the classroom.67.Each class lasts 45 minutes.(对划线部分提问)does each class last?6


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