1、【核心素养核心素养】2019-20202019-2020年新高考备考策略年新高考备考策略考前指导1 英语考试时间:120分钟(2小时)2 稳定心态,自信,考出自己的水平,不留遗憾3 认真对待考试,为自己负责,为自己的付出;为家人负责,为了父母的期盼;为老师负责,为了老师的期待。作 一位有责任心 的人。4 进步是目标。5 0.5毫米黑色中性笔,墨水饱满。6 选择题要早涂在答题卡上。到点收卷,监考老师不可能等。考试要求:1 认真答题。争取每一分。每一分都有你的智慧。2 把握时间,时间分配合理。学会有限的时间获得更好的分数。3.科学答题。不在不会的题目上浪费时间。注意技巧。4 必须认真写完作文。13
2、行,分三段,着陆,间距一个字母,书法最好水平。必须完成。时间大体分配:(因人而异,参照)听力 18分钟阅读 35分钟完形 15分钟 完成选择题,涂卡单词填空 5分钟改错 8分钟作文 30分钟涂卡 与检查 8分钟 认真书写。考前5 分钟1 发答题卡。一定要正确填涂。(不能填上不涂,也不能光涂不填。填涂一致。2 如果早发第二 卷,写上信息(姓名,班级,考号,座号等,不得有误。填好后,可以看改错题。平时考试可能跟试卷一块发,那就现在二卷上写上信后,快速看听力题。3 到点播放听力,如出现故障,不要慌,可以快速做第二卷。听力 全神贯注,不得东张西望。阅读理解 认真读,注意速度。不要纠结生词。认真看题目。
3、选出答案,不要随便更改,除非有把握。完形填空 找蛛丝马迹,前后有突破口。作文保分,只要写,就得分。不得抄阅读理解等。只要做到,书写认真,段落 分明,句首字母大写,15分左右。Wulian Middle SchoolWulian Middle SchoolWulian Middle School 2014全国高考卷改错 Nearly five years before,and with the help by our father,My sister and I planted some cherry tomatoes in our back garden.Since thenfor all t
4、hese yearwe had beenallowing tomatoes to self-seed where they please.As result,the plants are growing somewhere.The fruits are small in size,but juicy and taste.There are so much that we often share them with our neighbors.Although we allow tomato plants to grow in the same place year after year,but
5、 we have never had any disease or insect attack problems.We are growing wonderfully tomatoes at no cost!介词副词,名词单复数,时态,冠词少用,地点副词,名词变形容词,修饰词,连词,形容词变副词2015年全国卷-改错题 When I was a child,I hoped to live in the city.I think I would be happy there.Now I am living in a city,but I miss my home in countryside.T
6、here the air is clean or the mountains are green.Unfortunately,on the development of industrialization,the environment has been polluted.Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very seriously problem.The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier.Much rare ani
7、mals are dying out.We must found ways to protect your environment.If we fail to do so,well live to regret it._thought_with_the_and_serious_air_Many_find_our时态,语态,冠词少用,并列连词,介词错,形容词与副词,名词单复数,修饰词,时态,语态,冠词少用,并列连词,介词错,形容词与副词,名词单复数,修饰词,动词形式,代词动词形式,代词热爱生命汪国真 Wang GuozhenThe Passion For Life我不想是否能够成功既然选择了远方
8、便只顾风雨兼程I care not whether I could harvest any achievementIf bound to a land afar,Just enjoy the journey despite the storms我不想未来是平坦还是泥泞只要热爱生命一切,都在意料之中I worry not about a smooth or muddy road aheadWith the passion for lifeEverything shall be the best arrangementWish you all success in the coming exam!Thank you for your listening!谢谢!