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1、Unit 3 My school calendarPEP 五年级下册 题目题目:请写一写自己喜欢的月份请写一写自己喜欢的月份/节日及其节日及其原因,要求不少于原因,要求不少于50个单词。个单词。三步法介绍月份及节日三步法介绍月份及节日第一步第一步:总体介绍:总体介绍:一年中有一年中有12个月及一年中有许个月及一年中有许 多节日。多节日。第二步第二步:明确自己喜欢的月份及节日。明确自己喜欢的月份及节日。第三步第三步:重点介绍自己最喜欢的月份及节日并说重点介绍自己最喜欢的月份及节日并说 明理由。明理由。必备单词必备单词:(1)月份单词:月份单词:May,June,.(2)节日单词节日单词/短语:短

2、语:Mothers Day,Fathers Day,.必备句型:必备句型:(1)节日节日 is in月份月份(2)Ill.There are twelve months in a year.And there are many holidays in a year.I like May.Because Mothers Day is in May.And my birthday is in May,too.Ill have a birthday party.Ill get many gifts.I also like June.Because I like Childrens Day.And F

3、athers Day is in June.I love my parents.范文:范文:一年中有一年中有12个月。并且一年中有许多节日。个月。并且一年中有许多节日。我喜欢五月。因为母亲节在五月。还有我的生日我喜欢五月。因为母亲节在五月。还有我的生日也在五月。我将有一个生日聚会。我将收到很多也在五月。我将有一个生日聚会。我将收到很多礼物。我也喜欢六月。因为我喜欢儿童节。在六礼物。我也喜欢六月。因为我喜欢儿童节。在六月还有父亲节。我爱我的父母。月还有父亲节。我爱我的父母。译文:译文:小练笔:小练笔:如果为你举行一次生日聚会,你会做些什如果为你举行一次生日聚会,你会做些什么?想一想,写一写。要求

4、不少于五句话。么?想一想,写一写。要求不少于五句话。提示词:提示词:dance,play games,make a wish,sing a birthday song,eat noodles,eat the birthday cake.参考例文:参考例文:My birthday is in _.If I have a birthday party,I will _ _February ask some friends to come to my party.Ill buy a birthday cake.Ill make a wish.Ill eat noodles.Then well dan

5、ce.Well play games.Well sing a birthday song and eat the birthday cake.Unit 3 My school calendarPEP 五年级下册 对话、课文复习对话、课文复习语音复习语音复习词汇复习词汇复习句句型型复复习习当堂检测当堂检测/t/China chicken lunchsh/k/chemistry stomach/chefch/sheep fish shirt shorts读句子,圈出句子中与单词划线部分的读音相同的读句子,圈出句子中与单词划线部分的读音相同的单词。单词。1.I have chicken for lu

6、nch.2.She sometimes goes shopping on Saturday.3.The children like the shop very much.4.We finish our English class at 11:40.5.This green chair is cheap.backThere are twelve months in a year.There are twelve months in a year.back根据句意填空。根据句意填空。1.Spring is from _ to _.2.Summer is from _to _.3.Autumn is

7、 from _ to _.4.Winter is from _ to _.MarchMayJuneAugustSeptemberNovemberFebruaryDecemberWhen is Mid-Autumn Day?When is Tree Planting Day?Its in March.Its in September or October.Ill eat mooncakes with my family.同桌两人问答,填空。同桌两人问答,填空。Its.When is?Teachers Day is in September.New Years Day is in _.Chinas

8、 National Day is in _.American Thanks giving Day isin _.Christmas is in _.Childrens Day is in _.JanuaryOctoberNovemberDecemberJuneback听录音,给下列句子排序。听录音,给下列句子排序。()Its in May.()Cool!()We have a few fun things in spring.()When is the party?()After the sports meet,we have an Easter party.()When is that?()

9、Its in April.We have a school trip,too.1234567听录音,判断正(听录音,判断正(T)误()误(F)。)。()1.Oliver likes fall.()2.Oliver doesnt like the colours in autumn.()3.Chen Jie also likes autumn.()4.Oliver usually has a school trip in autumn.()5.Chen Jiell go to the Great Wall this autumn.TFTFTback听录音,回答问题。听录音,回答问题。1.When

10、 is the party?Its on _ _.2.When will the party start?Itll start at _.3.Where will the party be?Itll be at _.4.What will we do at the party?You will roll Easter _,_ _ eggs and _ chocolate eggs.You will _ the Easter Bunny.April 12th7pmWu Yifans homeeggslook foreatmeetback一、按要求写出下列单词。一、按要求写出下列单词。1.Janu

11、ary _(缩写(缩写)2.Feb.(完整形式完整形式)_3.September _(缩写缩写)4.Nov.(完整形式完整形式)_5.I am(缩写缩写)_ Jan.FebruarySept.NovemberIm6.cant(完整形式完整形式)_ 7.7 a.m.(汉语意思汉语意思)_8.you will (缩写形式缩写形式)_9.child(复数复数)_ can not上午上午7点点youllchildren二、单项选择。二、单项选择。()1._is Womens Day?Its on March 8th.A.What B.Where C.When()2.What will you do t

12、onight?I _ TV.A.will watch B.watch C.am watching.CA()3.My friend send _ an e-mail from Australia.A.my B.I C.me()4.Fathers Day is _ June.A.in B.on C.at()5.Well dance _the party.A.in B.at C.onCAB三、连词成句。三、连词成句。1.is when birthday your(?)_2.I because like vacation summer(.)_When is your birthday?Because

13、I like summer vacation.3.party start at will 7 p.m.the(.)_4.have usually a school we trip autumn in(.)_The party will start at 7 p.m.We usually have a school trip in autumn.三、将下列句子翻译成汉语。三、将下列句子翻译成汉语。1.We have a few fun things in spring._2.Thats very kind of you._在春天,我们有一些有趣的事情。在春天,我们有一些有趣的事情。谢谢你。谢谢你

14、。3.When is the party?_4.Its usually in September or October._聚会什么时候举行?聚会什么时候举行?通常在九月或十月。通常在九月或十月。四、选句子补全短文,使其意义完整。四、选句子补全短文,使其意义完整。Tree Planting Day is March 12th.On that day,_.In April,_.I will run at the sports meet.My friend Bob will do the long jump.After the sports meet,_.My mothers birthday is

15、 in April,too._I will make a card for her.A.My father will cook for her B.we will plant trees in the park C.there is a maths test D.We will have a sports meetBDCA1 复习课本,背诵重点单词和句型。复习课本,背诵重点单词和句型。2 写一写:写一写:假如明天是你妹妹的生日。你一家想假如明天是你妹妹的生日。你一家想 给她办一个生日聚会,写一写你们的计划吧。给她办一个生日聚会,写一写你们的计划吧。Tomorrow is my sisters

16、birthday.My father will _.My mother will_.My aunt will_.I will_.We will _.Unit 3My school calendarPEP 五年级下册 习题课件习题课件提示提示:点击点击 进入习题进入习题四四六六七七二二三三一一五五趣听练趣听练趣读写趣读写趣说练趣说练一、Tom很乐意把学校的事情和爸爸妈妈分享,他正跟爸爸讲学校的活动。听录音,选择正确的活动图片。BAAB二、课堂上老师进行提问,John回答不上来。听录音,帮助John选择正确的答案。()1.A.Its in May.B.Its in October.C.I love

17、 my mother.()2.A.Yes,it is.B.No,it isnt.C.Its in January or February.AA()3.A.Yes,it is.B.No,it isnt.C.Thats right.()4.A.At 12:00.B.On Monday.C.In April.BA三、王老师正在告诉同学们本学期即将举行的一些活动。听录音,在活动对应的月份表格打“”。March April MayJunesports meet maths test school trip dancing contest 四、王老师用猜谜的方式告诉同学们本学期要做的事情。读句子,并选择正

18、确的选项。(有两项多余)()1.We do the thing in the playground.You can run and jump.Lots of pupils will cheer for you.CA.School trip B.Planting trees C.Sports meet D.English party E.Singing contest F.English test()2.We do the thing in the park.Some of us dig holes and some of us water them.When they grow up,they

19、 are green.BA.School trip B.Planting trees C.Sports meet D.English party E.Singing contest F.English test()3.Youll be happy to do this.We go for a walk in the park or on the hill.You can fly a kite.You can go on a picnic.AA.School trip B.Planting trees C.Sports meet D.English party E.Singing contest

20、 F.English test()4.Some of you dont like this.Because your English isnt good.But you have to do it.When you write,your English teacher will look at you!FA.School trip B.Planting trees C.Sports meet D.English party E.Singing contest F.English test五、Sam在给新交的笔友Lin Fei写信,介绍自己和家人的生日及活动。请阅读这封信,判断句子正(T)误(F

21、)。Dear Lin Fei,I have a happy family.There are six people in my family.My fathers birthday isin January.Its in winter,so we can make a snowman.My grandpas birthday is in March.We can plant trees and fly kites.My mothers birthday is in May.We usually go on a picnic on her birthday.My sisters birthday

22、 and mybirthday are in June,and my grandmas birthday is in June,too.We can have a good time,because June is in summer.We can go fishing and swimming.Yours,Sam(一)根据信件内容,在人物的生日月份处打“”。Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.May Jun.Grandpa Grandma Father Mother Sister (二)根据信件内容,判断正(T)误(F)。【抓关键信息法】方法点拨:方法点拨:本题用本题用抓关键信息法抓关键信息法解

23、答。通读短文解答。通读短文可知短文主要描述了可知短文主要描述了“我们我们”一家人生日的相关一家人生日的相关信息。做题的时候先读题目,看看题目是关于哪信息。做题的时候先读题目,看看题目是关于哪个人物的,然后将人物名称作为关键信息,快速个人物的,然后将人物名称作为关键信息,快速在短文中定位到相应的人物,然后找出相应的信在短文中定位到相应的人物,然后找出相应的信息,判断句子是否正确。息,判断句子是否正确。()1.My fathers birthday is in June.()2.There are three birthdays in summer.()3.My birthday is in au

24、tumn.()4.My fathers birthday is in winter.()5.We can plant trees on my grandpas birthday.FTFTT六、Lin Fei收到了Sam的信,感觉很开心,他想要回信给Sam。请仿照上题的信件格式,给Sam回信。Dear Sam,There are three people in my family.My fathers birthday is in March.We often eat a big meal.And sometimes we go on a picnic.My mothers birthday i

25、s in June.We usually buy some flowers for her birthday.Yours,Lin FeiMy birthday is in May.My parents often buysome books for me.I love them.They love me.七、Sam正在教Lin Fei如何提问和回答节日的时间。根据图片提示,仿照例子说一说。例:When is Childrens Day?Its in June.When is Fathers Day?Its in June.1.2.When is Tree Planting Day?Its in

26、 March.一、1.The singing contest is in May.2.In April,there is a sports meet.3.We have a school trip in March.4.There is a Chinese test next Friday.二、1.When is Mothers Day?2.Is New Years Day in January?3.Is June in spring in China?4.When do you eat lunch?三、We have a few fun things this term.In March,w

27、e have a sports meet.We have a school trip in April.In May,we have a maths test.There is a dancing contest in June.Unit 3My school calendarPEP 五年级下册 习题课件习题课件提示提示:点击点击 进入习题进入习题四四六六二二三三一一五五趣听练趣听练趣读写趣读写趣说练趣说练七七一、乌鸦喝水。乌鸦只有把正确的单词石子放入瓶子中才能喝到水。听录音,帮乌鸦圈出正确的单词石子。圈出的单词石子分别是圈出的单词石子分别是:few;May;March;July;game二、

28、五年级(二)班将要举办一场班级派对。听录音,完成下列信息。Our Class PartyWHEN:1._WHY:2._WHERE:3._WHAT:Youll play 4._.April 18th,6:30 p.m.class partyin our classroomgamesYou will read 5._.You will 6._stories.You will meet Robin the 7._.He is a great English 8._.riddlesact outRobotteacher三、下面是Sam的暑期安排。听录音,根据他的暑期安排给下列图片排序。1234四、一年

29、有十二个月,每个月都有不同的节日,这让人们对生活充满了期待。请你根据Zhang Peng的描述猜一猜是哪个月份。1.Its in spring.Tree Planting Day is in it.Its_.2.Teachers Day is in this month.We say“Thank you”to our teachers.Its _.MarchSeptember3.Its in autumn.Chinas National Day is in this month.Its _.4.Its in winter.Christmas is in this month.Its the l

30、ast month of the year.Its_.OctoberDecember五、John的生日就要到了,他打算怎么过生日呢?选择恰当的选项补全对话,并根据对话内容完成任务。Mary:Whats the date today?John:1._ Mary:What will you do this weekend?A.When is your birthday?B.My mother will make a birthday cake for me.C.Today is April 30th.D.Its at 7:00 p.m.on May 7th.E.What about Sunday?

31、C John:Ill visit my grandparents on Saturday.Mary:2._ John:Ill play football with my friends.Mary:3._ John:My birthday is on May 7th.Its next Friday.A.When is your birthday?B.My mother will make a birthday cake for me.C.Today is April 30th.D.Its at 7:00 p.m.on May 7th.E.What about Sunday?EAMary:Wow!

32、Will you have a party?John:Yes,I will.My father will buy me a toy plane.4._ And shell buy lots of food and fruit.Mary:When is the party?John:5._ Mary:What will you do at the party?A.When is your birthday?B.My mother will make a birthday cake for me.C.Today is April 30th.D.Its at 7:00 p.m.on May 7th.

33、E.What about Sunday?BD John:Well sing songs and dance.Well play many games.Well eat the cake.I hope you can come to my home that day.Mary:Sure.Ill come.A.When is your birthday?B.My mother will make a birthday cake for me.C.Today is April 30th.D.Its at 7:00 p.m.on May 7th.E.What about Sunday?(一)根据对话内

34、容,判断正(T)误(F)。()1.Its May 7th today.()2.John will visit his grandparents on Sunday.()3.John will play football with his friends this weekend.()4.Next Friday is Johns birthday.()5.Mary will come to Johns birthday party.FFTTT(二)根据对话内容,完成信息卡。May 7th;7:00 p.m.Johns Birthday PartyWHEN:1._WHY:2._WHERE:3._W

35、HAT:Well 4._.Well 5._.Well 6._.Johns birthdayJohns homesing songs and danceplay many gameseat the cake六、核心素养练你的生日妈妈总是记得很清楚,妈妈的生日你记得吗?你为妈妈做过哪些事情呢?行动起来,让我们做感恩少年!请查一查今年的日历,记下妈妈的生日,并写一写你要为她做的事情。My mothers birthday is _.I will_.I will_.I will_._My mothers birthday is on October 16th.I will cook noodles f

36、or her.I will make a card and say“Happy birthday”to her.I will sing to her.七、计划是连接目标和行动的桥梁。根据表格内容仿照例句说说周末计划。A:What will you do on Saturday?B:Ill study for a maths test.AmySamSaturdayStudy for a maths testread some booksSundayvisit my grandparents make a card A:What will you do on Sunday?B:I will vis

37、it my grandparents.A:What will you do on Saturday?B:I will read some books.A:What will you do on Sunday?B:I will make a card.一、1.We have a few fun things in spring.2.The singing contest is usually in May.3.When is Tree Planting Day?Its in March.4.Ill go to Sanya in July.5.You will play a game.二、Well

38、 have a class party at 6:30 p.m.on April 18th.Please come to our classroom on time.You will play games.You will read riddles.You will act out stories.You will meet Robin the Robot.He is a great English teacher.三、1.Ill go to the Great Wall in July.2.Ill read some books about pandas then.3.In August Ill go to Mount Tai.4.Then Ill go to Huangshan Mountain in Anhui.


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