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1、牛津译林英语单元复习课件8AUnit6 BirdwatchingRevision重点词组 1.nature_ (adj.)2.easy_(adv.)3.fisherman_(复数复数)4.clear_(adv.)5.describe_ (n.)6.tour_ (n.)7.important_(n.)8.speak_(n.)9.address_ (复)复)10.介绍介绍_11.主席主席_ 12.理解,明白理解,明白_13.记录记录_ 14.完美完美_naturalfishermeneasilyclearlydescriptiontouristimportancespeakeraddressesi

2、ntroducechairpersonunderstandrecordperfect1.1.使湿地更小使湿地更小2.2.为了(不)做某事为了(不)做某事 3.3.导致(做)某事导致(做)某事 4.4.鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事5 5.宽大的翅膀宽大的翅膀 6 6.稀有的鸟类稀有的鸟类 broad wingsrare birdslead to(doing)sth.make the wetlands smallerin order(not)to do sth.encourage sb.to do sth.7.一个自然保护区一个自然保护区 8.越来越少的空间越来越少的空间9.世界上最重要的湿地之一

3、世界上最重要的湿地之一 10.为某人提供某物为某人提供某物 11.全年,一年到头全年,一年到头 12.作短时间的停留作短时间的停留 a nature reserveprovide sth.for sb./provide sb.with sth.all year roundone of the worlds most important wetlandsfor a short stayless and less space13.13.观鸟的完美地方观鸟的完美地方14.14.一副望远镜一副望远镜15.15.口渴口渴 16.16.拨打拨打号码打电话给某人号码打电话给某人 17.17.有足够的食物吃有

4、足够的食物吃 18.18.阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事 19.19.发邮件给某人到发邮件给某人到邮箱邮箱have enough food to eat prevent/stop/keep sb.from doing sth.a perfect place to go birdwatchinga pair of binoculars get thirsty call sb.on+号码号码 email sb.at+邮箱邮箱 20.20.自我介绍自我介绍21.21.理解湿地的重要性理解湿地的重要性22.22.占地面积为占地面积为23.23.写下,记下写下,记下 24.24.发出优美的声音发出优美的声

5、音25.25.出生日期出生日期26.26.喜欢自然世界喜欢自然世界 understand the importance of the wetlands write downdate of birthintroduce myself cover/have an area of.make beautiful sounds enjoy the natural world 重点句子1.我们喜欢观鸟;我们每年两次统计鸟儿的数量,以研究我们喜欢观鸟;我们每年两次统计鸟儿的数量,以研究鸟儿在数量方面的变化。鸟儿在数量方面的变化。2.现在我们邀请学生们帮忙;需要更多的人帮我们点数。现在我们邀请学生们帮忙;需要

6、更多的人帮我们点数。We like birdwatching.We do a bird count twice a year to study the changes in bird numbers.We are now inviting students to help.We need more people to help us count.3.许多人不知道湿地的重要性;我们希望这则信息许多人不知道湿地的重要性;我们希望这则信息会有助于他们理解。它可以使他们采取行动来保会有助于他们理解。它可以使他们采取行动来保护野生动物。护野生动物。Many people do not understan

7、d the importance of the wetlands.We hope this information will help them understand.It may make them take action to protect wildlife.4.扎龙自然保护区是世界上最重要的湿地之一;许多鸟儿扎龙自然保护区是世界上最重要的湿地之一;许多鸟儿生活在那里;湿地里有许多鱼,鸟儿很容易找到食物。生活在那里;湿地里有许多鱼,鸟儿很容易找到食物。Zhalong Nature Reserve is one of the worlds most important wetlands.M

8、any birds live there.There are many fish in the wetland,so the birds can easily find food.5.现在,越来越多的鸟儿因为没有足够的生存空间而处于危险现在,越来越多的鸟儿因为没有足够的生存空间而处于危险当中;当中;它们中的许多已经死掉了。它们中的许多已经死掉了。6.中国政府想要保护这些濒危鸟类;它们在像扎龙这样的保护中国政府想要保护这些濒危鸟类;它们在像扎龙这样的保护区会是安全的。区会是安全的。More and more birds are now in danger because they do not

9、have enough living space.Lots of them have died.The Chinese government wants to protect these endangered birds.They can be safe in reserves like Zhalong.6.I think it is important for me to do something to protect them.It is+adj.+for sb.to do sth.表示对某人来说做某事表示对某人来说做某事怎么样。怎么样。e.g.对我来说对我来说,解决这道数学题很容易。解决

10、这道数学题很容易。Its easy for me _ _ out the math problem.towork 7.Studying Zhalong helps us learn about protecting wildlife.研究扎龙帮助我们了解保护野生生物。研究扎龙帮助我们了解保护野生生物。studying 放在句首,动名词作主语。放在句首,动名词作主语。e.g.每天认真完成作业是个好习惯。每天认真完成作业是个好习惯。_ _ _every day is a good habit.Finishinghomeworkcarefully 8.Moreover,fishermen keep

11、fishing there.keep doing sth 一直做某事一直做某事 keep sb from doing 阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事 stop/prevent sb(from)doing sth。e.g.在过去,很多人砍伐树木。幸运的是,现在政在过去,很多人砍伐树木。幸运的是,现在政 府己经制定法律阻止人们砍伐树木了。府己经制定法律阻止人们砍伐树木了。In the past,many people kept _ _ trees.Luckily,the government has made laws to _ people _ _ trees.cuttingdownprevent

12、cuttingdown 9.Millie visited many places of interest during her stay in Beijing.在北京逗留期间,米莉参观了许多名胜古迹。在北京逗留期间,米莉参观了许多名胜古迹。拓展拓展 stay n.停留,逗留停留,逗留用作不及物动词时,意为用作不及物动词时,意为“停留,留下停留,留下”;用作连系动词时,意为用作连系动词时,意为“保持保持”。搭配搭配 stay out待在外面待在外面 stay up熬夜熬夜 go there for a short stay 在那里做短暂停留在那里做短暂停留10.The area provides

13、 food and cover for a lot of wildlife.该地区为很多野生生物提供食物和栖息该地区为很多野生生物提供食物和栖息地。地。搭配搭配“为某人提供某物为某人提供某物”provide sth for sb =provide sb with sth offer sb sth.=offer sth.to sb.11.Many birds live in Zhalong all year round,while some go there only for a short stay.许多鸟常年生活在许多鸟常年生活在扎龙,而有些鸟仅去那儿作短暂停留。扎龙,而有些鸟仅去那儿作短暂

14、停留。点拨点拨(1)all year round意为意为“一年到头;全年,常一年到头;全年,常年年”,相当于,相当于the whole year或或all the year round。The tree is green all(the)year round.这棵树常年都是绿色的。这棵树常年都是绿色的。(2)句中句中while 意为意为“却;但是;而却;但是;而”,表示前后两种,表示前后两种情况的对比。情况的对比。He likes singing while his sister likes dancing.他喜欢唱歌,他喜欢唱歌,而他的妹妹却喜欢跳舞。而他的妹妹却喜欢跳舞。拓展拓展 all

15、day long 整天;整天;all night long 整夜;整夜;all winter long 整个冬天整个冬天 It rained all day long.雨下了整整一天。雨下了整整一天。12.Take a notebook with you to write down what you see.带上笔记本,把你看到的记下来。带上笔记本,把你看到的记下来。I always _ some important things that the teacher says in class,and then I can use them to prepare for my exams.A.f

16、all down B.write down C.cut down D.sit down B13.write down 的用法的用法 write down意为意为“写下,记下写下,记下”,其中,其中down为为副词,接代词作宾语时,代词必须放在副词,接代词作宾语时,代词必须放在write和和down之间,接名词作宾语时,名词既可以放在之间,接名词作宾语时,名词既可以放在write和和down之间,也可以放在之间,也可以放在write down之后。之后。14.thousands of 数以千计的数以千计的Thousands of people come to Beijing for a visi

17、t during May Day.五一国际劳动节期间,数以千计的人来北京参观。五一国际劳动节期间,数以千计的人来北京参观。拓展拓展 hundred,thousand和和million的用法说明:的用法说明:(1)当这些词与具体数字连用,表示确定的数目时,用当这些词与具体数字连用,表示确定的数目时,用单数,而且其后不接介词单数,而且其后不接介词of。More than two hundred people lost their lives in the earthquake.在这次地震中,有二百多人失去了生命。在这次地震中,有二百多人失去了生命。(2)当这些词不与具体数字连用,表示不确定的数目时

18、,要当这些词不与具体数字连用,表示不确定的数目时,要用复数,而且其后接介词用复数,而且其后接介词of。There are hundreds of people gathering on the square.有数有数以百计的人正聚集在广场上。以百计的人正聚集在广场上。(3)当这些词后面的名词前有当这些词后面的名词前有the,these,those等表示特指的等表示特指的限定词修饰时,或其后接的是限定词修饰时,或其后接的是us,them 等人称代词时,必等人称代词时,必须用介词须用介词 of。About three hundred of them have left there.他们当中约有他们

19、当中约有300人已经离开了那儿。人已经离开了那儿。重点语法1.Using to-infinitives for purpose1.We can use to-infinitives to expresspurpose.(表目的表目的)2.We can also use in order(not)to to express purposes.This is more formal than to-infinitives.(表达更正式,更清楚表达更正式,更清楚)(Sb.do sth.to do sth.)第二个动作,使用不定式第二个动作,使用不定式1.他留在学校打扫教室。他留在学校打扫教室。He

20、stayed at the school _ _ the classroom.()2._ the important exam,he will study hard.A.Pass B.Passing C.Passed D.To pass()3._,or you wont pass the exam.A.Work hardB.Working hard C.To work hard D.Worked hard to cleanDAUsing verbs+objects+to-infinitives1.常跟常跟带带to的动词不定式的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有作宾语补足语的动词有:ask,tell

21、,order,invite,get,allow,wish,want,encourage,advise,warn,like,love,hate等。等。)_(ask sb not to do sth.)2常跟常跟不带不带to的动词不定式的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有作宾语补足语的动词有3.动词动词 后面的动词不定式后面的动词不定式可带可带to,也可不带也可不带to。(动词不定式在句中作宾语补足语动词不定式在句中作宾语补足语)感官动词感官动词hear,see,watch;使役动词;使役动词let,make和和have。help1.Ask your family (turn)off the TV w

22、hile you are studying.2.I need someone (check)my computer.3.I advise him _(show)me his problems.4.He told me _ (not,worry)about my study.to turnto checkto shownot to worryadd not before to-infinitive to express a negative meaningsmake or let+object+infinitive without toe.g.Max tells funny jokes and

23、often makes me laugh.Mr Wu agreed to let me join their school trip.常跟常跟不带不带to的动词不定式的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:作宾语补足语的动词有:感官动词感官动词hear,feel,see,watch,notice等;使役动词等;使役动词let,make和和have。Using verbs+objects+infinitives(without to)make sb do sth let sb do sth see sb do sth hear sb do sth watch sb do sthmake sb(not)

24、do sth let sb(not)do sth see sb(not)do sth hear sb(not)do sth watch sb(not)do sth注意:注意:hear/see/watch/notice等词后还可跟等词后还可跟doing,表,表示听到示听到/看到看到/注意到某人正在做某事。注意到某人正在做某事。1.Lets (put)on our sports shoes first.2.She thinks it makes her (look)fat.3.My father often watches the fish (swim)around in the tank.4.C

25、an you hear him (read)English every night?putlookswimread动词动词help后面的动词不定式可带后面的动词不定式可带to,也可不带也可不带to。help+object+infinitive with or without toe.g.1.This will help people(to)understand the importance of the wetlands.2.She often helps me(to)do the housework.练讲重难点练讲重难点 尾页尾页首页首页 目录目录 in order to 的用法的用法考向考

26、向1:in order to意为意为“以便,为的是以便,为的是”,表示目,表示目的,引导目的状语。常可以转化成的,引导目的状语。常可以转化成 in order that 或或so that引导的目的状语从句。引导的目的状语从句。考向考向2:in order to 结构可以用于句首或句中,其否结构可以用于句首或句中,其否定形式为定形式为 in order not to.构词法后缀-er,-or,-istWe can add-er,-or and-ist to some words(n./v.)to form nouns for people.Verb/Noun+Suffix Nounspeak+

27、er speakervisit+or visitortour+ist tourist给下面的动词加上正确的后缀给下面的动词加上正确的后缀1 act _ 6 play_2 art _ 7 report_3 drive _ 8 science_4 farm _ 9 work_5 paint _ 10 write_11 dance _ 12 speak_ 13 visit _ 14 piano_ 15 win _ 16 swim_17 teach _ 18 drive_actorplayerartistreporterdriverscientistfarmerworkerpainterwriterd

28、ancerspeakervisitorpianistwinnerswimmerteacherdriver 1.Internet users now use the character“duang”to _ any kind of special effect.(描述描述)2.As times goes,my grandmother cant see as _(清楚清楚)as she used to.3.Johnson likes to take down what happens every day in the _(形式形式)of diary.4.I cant hear you _.Some

29、thing may be wrong with my telephone.A.carefully B.clearly C.quietly D.slowly5.There is no need for you _(go)to school tomorrow.6.Our teachers often tell us _(calm)down first when we are in danger.7.Guo Chuan is the first Chinese _(realize)the dream of sailing around.describeclearlyformBto goto calm

30、to realize8.Nothing would prevent UNICEF,an International charity,_ the living standards of the children in poor areas.(raise).9.Please turn off the light when you leave the room in order _ save electricity.A.to B.with C.at D.for10.Please _ the radio,Tom.Mom is sleeping in the room.A.take down B.go down C.turn down D.fall down11.She tried to prevent him from _,but he still left.A.go B.going C.gone D.to goraisingACBWildlife are our good friends.Lets take action to protect them!thank you


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