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1、一、话题相关词汇和短语一、话题相关词汇和短语1大气_2气候_3气温_4天气_5季节_6春_7.夏_8秋_9冬_10.霜_ atmosphere climate temperature weather season spring summer autumn/fall winter frost 11.冰雹_12.雪_13.雷_14.风_15.雾_16.云_17.雨_18.闪电_19.飓风_20.旋风_21.台风_22.龙卷风_23.微风_ hail snow thunder wind fog/mist cloud rain lightning hurricane cyclone typhoon t

2、ornado breezefreezeflood earthquake drought alarm snowball snowman umbrella sunny/fine cloudy windy rainy 24.冰冻_25.洪水_26.地震_27.干旱_28.警报_29.雪球_30.雪人_31.雨伞_32.晴朗的_33.多云的_34.多风的_35.多雨的_36.多雾的_37.干(燥)的_38.湿的_39.暖的_40.潮湿的_41.湿气,湿度_42.冻结的;极冷的_43.现象_44.数据_45.环境_ foggy dry wet warm humid humidity freezing p

3、henomenon data environment46.污染_47.雷电交加_48.天气预报_49.温室效应_50.全球变暖_pollution thunder and lightning weather forecast greenhouse effect global warming一、基础写作一、基础写作写作内容 请根据下面的提示写一段未来二十四小时的天气预报。1华北和华南地区:冷湿天气,部分地区将有大 风。2东北地区:晴转多云,白天气温将在零度以 上,晚上将下降到零度以下。3西北地区:夜间有雪,部分地区将有大雪,最 低气温将达零下8度。写作要求1.必须使用5个规范的英语句子表达全部的

4、 内容;2.将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。Here is the weather report for the next 24 hours.Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day and there will be a strong wind in some places.In the Northeast it will be fine but sometimes cloudy.The temperature will stay above zero in the daytime,but at night it will fa

5、ll below zero.In the Northwest there will be snow during the night and in some places the snow will be heavy,with the lowest temperature to be 8 degrees centigrade below zero._二、读写任务二、读写任务 During the last thirty years,the economy of the world has increased sharply,and it is the same with the tempera

6、ture.Global warming is an extremely serious problem facing the world today.As we all know that there is an atmosphere around the earth,which is mainly composed of nitrogen and carbon dioxide.More and more carbon dioxide from burning the coal and oil is discharged into the air every year.Thecarbon di

7、oxide can absorb the heat from the earth.The more carbon dioxide in the air,the more heat it will absorb,and the warmer the earth will be.Since the industrial revolution,coal and fossil oil have been wildly used which produce plenty of greenhouse gases.That may be one of the reasons caused the earth

8、 to be warmer.Ruining the forest is also accelerating the process of the global warming.In the recent past the IPCC(政府间气候变化委员会)predicted a sea level rise of 6inches to 37 inches by 2100.The scientists also say that the predicted Arctic(北极的)warming of 4 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100,will be at least as

9、warm as it was 130,000 years,when sea level was 20 feet higher.Thus,cities like New York,London,Hong Kong,Shanghai and entire countries like Holland will disappear forever.写作内容1以大约30词概括短文内容。2以约120词就“G1obal Warming”这一话题发 表自己的看法,内容包括:(1)全球变暖给我们的生活带来的影响;(2)如果全球一直持续变暖,最终会导致什么 结果;(3)你的看法。写作要求以使用实例或其他论述方式

10、来支持你的观点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。In order to arouse the attention of the public to global warming,the author mainly explains the meaning,the cause,and the consequences of continuous global warming.From my point of view,global warming is a very dangerous message for us human beings.It has brought u

11、s the warmer days which make our life very terrible.Along with it,all kinds of disasters appear more frequently such as typhoon,earthquake,flood,drought and so on.The balance between nature and human beings in some areas has been broken.Whats worse,some _ _species have disappeared.In this circumstan

12、ce,if we still keep on neglecting the current situation,the future coming disaster will be desperate.The ice at the North Pole and South Pole will melt.Meanwhile the sea level will rise,and such cities like New York,Hong Kong,London will be flooded.Global warming going on,in the end,all rivers,lakes,oceans will dry up,all creatures will disappear from the earth,human beings included.That is to say,it is an end of the planet._ _ To make it short,after realizing the effects of global warming,we should take actions to protect the earth to protect our homes and ourselves._


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