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1、参考话题分类:参考话题分类:学校生活学校生活 人物描写人物描写 活动记录活动记录 助人善举助人善举 景致描写景致描写 有感而发有感而发 学校生活学校生活(1)Im getting well with my English study.(2)It takes me a lot of time to accomplish several courses at school.(3)You should put your heart into the main subjects.(4)Which subjects are you interested in?(5)With the help of ou

2、r teachers,I have made great progress.(6)Xiao Ming has the best record in class.(7)I am not satisfied with what I have learnt.(8)I wont go to bed until I finish all my homework,no matter how late it is.(9)We often invite experts to give us reports or lectures.(10)We are taught to read for pleasure.r

3、ather than think of pressure.活动记录活动记录(1)He often makes a schedule to get his reminded of what he is to do in the day.他经常做一个时间表来提醒自己当日要做的事情。他经常做一个时间表来提醒自己当日要做的事情。(2)We took part in a wilderness survival program last month.上个月我们参加了一项野外生存活动。上个月我们参加了一项野外生存活动。(3)On the way home we met an old man who need

4、ed help.在回家的路上我们碰到一位需要帮助的老人。在回家的路上我们碰到一位需要帮助的老人。(4)As we got into a forest,we lost our way.我们进入森林时迷了路。我们进入森林时迷了路。(5)Scattered showers are expected this evening.今晚有零星小雨。今晚有零星小雨。(6)It was quite a dangerous experience for us.这对我们来说的确是一次危险的经历。(7)Several foreign guests will come and visit our school next

5、 week.下周有几个外宾要来我校参观。(8)He decided to go there to have a look personally.他决定亲自去那里看一看。(9)I arrived as the last train was pulling out.我到达时最后一列火车刚刚离站。(10)My fathers birthday will fall on a Sunday this year.我父亲今年的生日是在周日。(1)From the top of the hill there is a fine view over the countryside.从小山顶上俯瞰到乡村美好景象。

6、从小山顶上俯瞰到乡村美好景象。(2)We went to the Great Wall for the air and the magnificent scenery.我们去了长城领略那里的空气和壮观景色。我们去了长城领略那里的空气和壮观景色。(3)It was early morning and the sun was shining.清晨,阳光普照。清晨,阳光普照。景致描写景致描写(4)Clouds,rain and fog moved into the region as night fell.当夜幕降临时,云、雨、雾移动到这个地当夜幕降临时,云、雨、雾移动到这个地区。区。(5)It w

7、as sunny yesterday.Today is cold by contrast.昨天天气晴朗。相比之下今天冷了。昨天天气晴朗。相比之下今天冷了。人物描述人物描述(1)Her encouragement gave me a great sense of uplift.她鼓励我使我有了上进心。她鼓励我使我有了上进心。(2)Zhang Yimou is granted an honorary doctorate.张艺谋被授予名誉博士。张艺谋被授予名誉博士。(3)His industry,administrative activity,and public spirit were unriv

8、alled.他的勤奋,他的行政活动以及他的公益精神,无他的勤奋,他的行政活动以及他的公益精神,无人能与之相比。人能与之相比。(4)His readiness,his apprehension,his resource were extraordinary.他的敏捷他的敏捷,他的颖悟他的颖悟,他的谋略都是出类拔萃的他的谋略都是出类拔萃的。(5)His argument is persuasive.他的论据有说服力。他的论据有说服力。(6)Mary,at 14,was almost a head taller than her mum,bright,thoughtful and levelhead

9、ed.玛丽,玛丽,14岁,个子几乎比她的母亲还要高一头。岁,个子几乎比她的母亲还要高一头。聪明,考虑周到,头脑清醒。聪明,考虑周到,头脑清醒。(7)He was a mature,capable young fellow with a keen mind and the ability to shape his future.他是一个成熟精干的小子。他思维敏捷,有能他是一个成熟精干的小子。他思维敏捷,有能力主宰自己的未来。力主宰自己的未来。(8)Mr.Yuan longping was truly a man before his time.袁隆平先生的确是一个站在时代前面的人。袁隆平先生的确

10、是一个站在时代前面的人。(9)He was a larger-than-life personality.他是个带有传奇色彩的人物。他是个带有传奇色彩的人物。(10)She was a humble,self-effacing person.她是一个谦逊低调的人。她是一个谦逊低调的人。意外事故意外事故(1)He was found dead in the street.There is no clue to the identity of the person.他被发现死在街上。没有这个人的身份的任他被发现死在街上。没有这个人的身份的任何线索。何线索。(2)His death was tota

11、lly unexpected.他的去世是完全没有预料的事。他的去世是完全没有预料的事。(3)You never know what will happen until you experience it.除非你亲临其境,否则根本无除非你亲临其境,否则根本无法了解会发生什么。法了解会发生什么。(4)Unfortunately,he was injured in the traffic accident.不幸的是,他在这次车祸中受伤。不幸的是,他在这次车祸中受伤。(5)We failed to land at the target place as a result of the mechanic

12、al obstacle.由于机械故障我们没能按指定地点着陆。由于机械故障我们没能按指定地点着陆。(6)Millions of people are stranded at the railway station because of the heavy snowfall.上百万人因为强降雪天气滞留在火车站。上百万人因为强降雪天气滞留在火车站。助人善举助人善举(1)He and his classmates help the old man clean the courtyard regularly.他和同学们定期去帮助老人清扫院子。他和同学们定期去帮助老人清扫院子。(2)Many warm-h

13、earted people volunteer to donate their blood for the patient.很多热心人志愿为这个病人献血。很多热心人志愿为这个病人献血。(3)It is the soldier who saved the child from the deep hole.就是这就是这位战士将小孩从深洞里救出来。位战士将小孩从深洞里救出来。(4)The job of a volunteer in disaster-hit areas is to shoulder the pain and burden of others.在受灾灾区一个志愿者的工作就是承担他人的痛

14、苦和负担。在受灾灾区一个志愿者的工作就是承担他人的痛苦和负担。(5)She and her husband donated one million yuan to build up a new school for the villagers.她和丈夫捐出一百万元为村民建了一所新学校。她和丈夫捐出一百万元为村民建了一所新学校。(6)He was determined to help the mother find her lost daughter.他下决心帮助这位母亲找到丢失的女儿。他下决心帮助这位母亲找到丢失的女儿。(7)He donated the 5 million yuan awar

15、d he won to support scientific research and reward those who make progress.他将获奖的他将获奖的500万元支持科研,奖励那些有进步的人。万元支持科研,奖励那些有进步的人。有感而发有感而发(1)His kindness and frankness move me greatly and I appreciate what he has done for me.他的直率和善良让我十分他的直率和善良让我十分感动,我感谢他为我所做的一切。感动,我感谢他为我所做的一切。(2)Its high time we made great

16、effort to protect out environment.早就该为保护环境下大力气了。早就该为保护环境下大力气了。(3)I will always be thankful to his mother for telling me the meaning of life:that we should do everything we can.我会永远感谢他的母亲告诉我生活的意义:我会永远感谢他的母亲告诉我生活的意义:我们应该做我们能做的一切。我们应该做我们能做的一切。(4)On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.我们绝对不能

17、忽略知识的价值。我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。(5)Its that kind of determination that will help him win the game.是决心帮助了他赢得了比赛。是决心帮助了他赢得了比赛。(6)Its the team that counts.还是团队重要。还是团队重要。(7)You dont know what you have until its gone.失去了才懂得珍惜。失去了才懂得珍惜。(8)Anything is possible if you never give up.你从不言放弃的话,任何事都是你从不言放弃的话,任何事都是可能的。可能的

18、。(9)If you believe in yourself and work hard you can achieve great results.如果你相信自己并下苦功你就能取得巨大如果你相信自己并下苦功你就能取得巨大成绩。成绩。(10)Its good to show the world how similar and different we actually are.向世界显示我们实际的相同和不同是很好向世界显示我们实际的相同和不同是很好的事情。的事情。(11)The progress of society is based on harmony.社会的进步是以和谐为基础的。社会的进

19、步是以和谐为基础的。(12)An advantage of taking notes while reading is that can develop your ability.阅读作笔记的一大好处就是能提高你的能阅读作笔记的一大好处就是能提高你的能力。力。(13)Luck is about being prepared for those opportunities that come knocking.运气是做好准备迎来的机会。运气是做好准备迎来的机会。(14)Recovering from failure is often easier than building from succe

20、ss 更上一层楼比从失败中恢复更加不易。更上一层楼比从失败中恢复更加不易。(15)The achievement of ones purpose depends largely on ones perseverance.一个人能否达到目的,主要靠自己的毅力。一个人能否达到目的,主要靠自己的毅力。记叙文的特点记叙文的特点记叙文记叙文-就是对一个事件的描述,叙述就是对一个事件的描述,叙述某个事件发生的过程。有虚构性记叙文某个事件发生的过程。有虚构性记叙文和写实性记叙文。和写实性记叙文。记叙文写人写事写活动,涉及几个方面:记叙文写人写事写活动,涉及几个方面:背景、背景、主题主题、情节、情节、结局、结

21、局 写人物活动及人物心理写人物活动及人物心理 写人与事发展过程中的情感交流写人与事发展过程中的情感交流写记叙文要求做到:写记叙文要求做到:记叙文就是叙事,要做到以下三个方面。记叙文就是叙事,要做到以下三个方面。1.要交代事情发生的地点、时间、起因、要交代事情发生的地点、时间、起因、过程和结果;过程和结果;2.要描写人物的特征和心理状态;要描写人物的特征和心理状态;3.有时还要在篇尾处加上对人和事的结论有时还要在篇尾处加上对人和事的结论性评价或看法态度。性评价或看法态度。记叙文短文示例记叙文短文示例(1)Albert Einstein was born on March 14,1879 in t

22、he Southern German city of Ulm(巴伐利亚乌尔姆)(巴伐利亚乌尔姆)without any indication(迹象迹象)that he was destined(注定注定)for greatness.On the contrary,his mother,a housewife named Pauline,thought Albert was a freak(畸形物畸形物).To her,his head seemed much too large.Einstein(1879-1955)was highly gifted in mathematics and in

23、terested in physics,and after finishing school,he decided to study at a university in Zurich(苏黎克苏黎克瑞士东北部瑞士东北部).(2)At 4 p.m.on 7 September 1940,348 German war planes began to drop bombs on London.The attack lasted for two hours.Two hours later,a second group of planes arrived.The second attack lasted

24、 until 4:30 a.m.the following morning.London was bombed everyday for the next fifty-seven days and the attacks continued into the following year.The bombing campaign lasted until May 1941.In the worst single incident,450 people were killed when a bomb destroyed a school that was an air raid(空(空袭)袭)s

25、helter.After that,up to 200,000 Londoners found shelter from the bombing in underground stations.选自外研社版高二教材选自外研社版高二教材(3)Blogs allow readers to post comments.There millions of blogs out there,so I hardly expected anyone to read mine,let alone respond.But almost immediately they did.Twelve messages we

26、re left after my first entry.I went to the library five or six times that day each time there were more.The next morning I couldnt wait to get up and hurry to the library.Day after day I told my story.It gave structure and a purpose to my day.For so long Id been unable to reach out in the real world

27、,afraid of rejection or pity or scorn(轻蔑).But here it was safe.This connection with people on the other side of the screen,many on the other side of the world,was bringing me back of life again.谈自我感受谈自我感受-选自选自读者文摘片段读者文摘片段参考译文:参考译文:博客读者发出评论。有数以百万的博客,所以我几博客读者发出评论。有数以百万的博客,所以我几乎没有期待有任何人来读我的博客,更别提回应。可是乎



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