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1、贵州省贵阳市2022-2023学年八年级下学期期中联合统一检测英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、未知1Whats wrong with you, David?I have a_and I have to see the dentist.AfeverBheadacheCtoothache二、单项选择2Betty feels _ in her new school, so she joins some clubs to make new friends.AlonelyBsleepyChungry3Mom, today is Saturday. Could I hang out with

2、my friends?_ But you must come back before 9:00 p. m.ASorry, you cant.BYes, you can.CI dont know.三、未知4Jane is afraid of dogs. She will run away_she sees them.AalthoughBso thatCas soon as四、单项选择5Jack went home _ after school. Whats the problem?He did so badly in math today.Ain surpriseBin silenceCin t

3、rouble五、短文选词填空阅读下面一篇短文,从短文前的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一个为多余选项。AandBagreeC adviceDsomeoneE. properF. butIf you plan to take a trip with your friends, your parents may be worried about you. So how to let your parents _6_ to your plan? Good communication is necessary. You can find a _7_ time to talk with yo

4、ur parents. Then you can carefully explain your trip to them.First, you should let them know the friends you will go with. They will be more likely(可能的) to let you travel with _8_ they know. Then you need to tell them why this trip is important to you. Dont say relaxation as a reason. Instead, you c

5、an talk about how it will make you learn more. Then they may understand you better and allow you to go for the trip. Of course, you need to tell them your budget(预算) _9_ how you will use the money. If you have enough money, you can offer to pay for a part of the trip. After that, you can ask for the

6、ir _10_ on your trip. Last but not least, you should keep in touch with them on the phone when you travel. Then they can know that you are safe.六、完形填空People found that even 18-month-old children can help with chores. When parents tell these children to look at the paper on the floor, the kids will p

7、ick _11_ up. However, some parents think childhood(童年) is just for playing, so they dont ask their children to do any _12_. But other parents believe that doing chores is good for kids. Doing chores helps _13_ childrens independence. Children learn to help, share and care about others by doing chore

8、s. Things like taking care of a pet or a baby and helping cook meals are some examples of helping others.Here are some reasons for doing chores.To learn responsibility(责任). Doing chores helps kids be responsible.To learn to share. Kids who help to clean wont make a _14_ at home. They know everyone d

9、oes a lot to clean it up.To learn skills. Kids will learn _15_ to cook, clean and do other things in the house. Doing chores teaches kids many important things. So children should help their parents with some chores. Theyll learn a lot by doing chores.11AhimBherCit12AhouseworkBhomeworkCshopping13Ade

10、pendBdevelopCchange14AdifferenceBplanCmess15AwhereBhowCwhen七、阅读单选16According to the picture, what is harmful to polar bears?ASea ice.BClimate change.CFood shortage.17Which country has the largest number of polar bears?ACanada.BRussia.CThe USA18How far can a polar bear take a walk every day?AAbout 3,

11、000 km.BAbout 600 km.CAbout 100 km.19How many ways of helping polar bears are there in the picture?AThree.BFour.CFive.Once upon a time, there was a wife and a husband named Sue and John. Both of them were artists.In the late autumn, John became sick in bed with pneumonia(肺炎). After the doctor visite

12、d John several times, he told Sue, “He is in a very bad situation. John seems to lose all hopes to live. If he doesnt want to live, no medicine will help him.”Sue tried her best to make John take an interest in things around him. She sang and danced, she painted their favorite pictures, she told jok

13、es, but John did not respond(回应).“Five,” he said in a low voice one day, as he looked out of the window. When Sue asked what John meant, he explained slowly, “There are.only five leaves left on the tree now. When the last leaf falls, I.shall go with it.” Hearing this, Sue burst into tears(放声大哭). She

14、 went to their neighbor, Mr. Smith, also an artist.Mr. Smith was shocked by the news of Johns poor health. He wanted his friend to get better.Over the next few days, it rained terribly and the wind howled(呼啸), but the last leaf on the tree held on firmly(牢固地). Every day, John would look out and see

15、the same lone leaf on the tree.Then, one day, the doctor came in and said Johns condition was improving. John said to Sue, “I realized that life is hard, but I shouldnt give up. That leaf has stayed on that tree for so long. It has taught me to live!”“You know what? Mr. Smith painted that leaf.” sai

16、d Sue.20In Paragraph 2, what do the doctors words mean?AHe cannot stop John from dying.BHe doesnt want to visit John anymore.CThe medicine John needs is too expensive.21From what John said in Paragraph 4, we can guess that .AJohn feels betterBJohn thinks he will die soonCJohn cant think clearly22Why

17、 did the last leaf stay firmly on the tree?AMr. Smith painted that leaf on the tree.BThere was no heavy rain in autumn.CThere was no wind strong enough to shake it.23From the passage, we know helped John get back his hopes to live at last.ASueBthe doctorCJohn himself八、未知Hiking(远足)for fun can be a gr

18、eat way to spend time outdoors. However, basic hiking rules are necessary in order to make sure you have a safe trip. With enough preparations, hiking can be a safe sport.Map out your route before setting off. Tell friends or relatives where and when you will go hiking,and when you expect to return.

19、 Buy a map of the area and study the routes.Water is the most important thing,and hikers often fail to bring enough with them. Your body can only take in about I liter(升) of water per hour,so drink 0.5 to 1.0 liter of some type of electrolyte replacement drink(补充电解质的饮料)each and every hour that you a

20、re hiking in the heat(高温).In case of storms,stay away from tall trees and go quickly to the lowestlying land you can find. On hot summer days,take enough water and sunscreen(防晒霜),as the temperature may rise fast.In the fall and winter,pack warm clothing and matches in case you need to build a fire.T

21、he best course of action is to stay in one location(位置) so that search parties can find you. I fyou have mapped out a hiking plan and told friends or family of your location,help will be on the way as soon as they realize that you are missing.24What does the underlined word route mean in Chinese?A地形

22、B路线C天气25Whats the most important thing when hiking?ABuying a map.BHiking with friends.CBringing enough water.26Staying in lowlying areas helps you_.Aprotect yourself from stormsBstay warm in cold weatherCbuild a fire more easily27Which is the right structure of this passage? (P1=Paragraph 1)ABCAfter

23、 work,you go back home,open an app,place your order and wait for your food to be delivered(投递)to your home.This is how many young people eat in China these days. There is the latest report from the China Internet Network Information Center. _28_ Thats just half of the total number of Internet users

24、in China.Which group of people is ordering food online the most? _29_ A recent report by Meituan,a food delivery service,showed that 86. 3% of the services users are between 20 and 34 years old. These people are the main force driving the development of the food delivery industry(产业).Small families

25、depend largely on food delivery services. _30_ In 2002,only 7.7% of families have only one person. But this number increased to 15. 6% in 2017. Twoperson families rose from 18. 4% in 2002 to 27. 2% in 2017. For small families.coking always takes a lot of time and energy. _31_The improvement of China

26、s food delivery services has also made more customers interested. According to(根据)Meituans report,the average(平均的)time it takes to make a food delivery dropped from 38 minutes in 2016 to 29 minutes in 2020,_32_Delivering products, like fruit,vegetables,medicine and even flowers, is also the service

27、of these apps. As their services continue to improve,its certain that the food delivery industry will keep growing in the future.AFor sure, it is mainly young people.BSo,ordering food online has become more popular.CMany delivery apps are also offering more services.DYou can never imagine how many p

28、eople are using these apps.E421 million Chinese people use online food delivery services.FChinese families have changed in size over the past ten years.On June 5th,2022,China launched(发射)the threeperson Shenzhou XIV,which is the third crew(乘组)for the countrys space station project. The astronauts wi

29、ll work with the ground team to finish the building of the Tiangong Space Station. The crew arrived at Tiangong on Sunday afternoon.Liu Yang,the first Chinese woman in outer space,said on Saturday in Jiuquan,that she and the other two astronautsChen Dong and Cai Xuzhewould be very busy during their

30、stay,and they were going to do their job while Tiangong Space Station was changing its shape. With the help of the ground team,it would change itself nine times.At the same time,the astronauts would also need to prepare for the arrival of the Shenzhou XV crew and Tianzhou 5 ship near the end of thei

31、r journey, Liu added.“In addition,we will use a new hatch(舱门)and a new small robotic arm to do spacewalks.We will perform a large number of scientific experiments and also offer educational activities for pupils online, she said. This is also the first time that Chinese astronauts will celebrate our

32、 National Day in space.In an interview(采访) with China Central Television before they flew to the space, Liu said she had talked to her daughter and son about her sixmonth trip.I explained why their mom needed to take part in this great project and why I would be away from home for half a year.I also

33、 told them what they needed to do during this period of time. At first,they were not so happy about my leaving,but they finally said that they understood, she said.They told me that they wanted me to take as many pictures as possible so they could share the beauty of space with their classmates.33Th

34、e threeperson Shenzhou XIV reached Tiangong Space Station_.34The space station will change its shape_,in six months.35The crew is going to do spacewalks by_and a new small robotic arm.36Although Lius children can share their moms many beautiful photos with their classmates, they felt_at first.37We m

35、ay read this passage in_.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个恰当的词或括号内单词的正确形式。Real HeroesAn important event that I remember well was a forest fire in Sichuan. The story happened _38_ March 30th,2019. In the end,thirtyone firemen lost their lives when they were fighting against the fire. What sad news it _39_ (be) !I reme

36、mber _40_ (clear) I was busy doing my homework in the study when I heard the news of this event. My parents were at home,too. My father was watching TV while my mother was _41_ (cook) dinner. We were all completely shocked and then finished _42_( we) dinner quietly, saying nothing.The event has mean

37、ing to me because the spirit of the firemen moved me so much. In time of difficulty, they never gave up helping the people out of danger. It is _43_ ( much) important that they risked their lives to put out the fire without thinking twice, In my opinion,these brave firemen never die because they wil

38、l always be in our hearts. They were surely real heroes and never should we forget them!九、多句选词填空根据语境,选择恰当的短语完成下列各句。短语中有一个为多余短语。cut outat firstgive awaytake outat the age ofcame up with44The students talked a lot about the problem, and finally they _ a good idea.45Your passage is too long. Please _ s

39、ome useless words in it.46Bob, could you please help me _ the rubbish?OK, no problem.47_, Mike and I didnt get on with each other, but little by little we became good friends.48My brother is very smart and he could read books _ four.十、完成句子49直到公共汽车停了才能下车,否则很危险。_ get off _ the bus stops, or its very d

40、angerous.十一、未知50你没有必要为他而担心。_ _no need for you to worry about him.十二、完成句子51你做作业时越仔细,出的错误就会越少。The _ _you do your homework, the fewer mistakes you will make.52为什么不好好休息一下?你看上去很疲劳。_ _ you have a good rest? You look so tired.53我姐姐当时正在打电话,突然灯就灭了。My sister _ _on the phone when the lights went off.十三、未知54身心健康是正常学习和生活的一个必备条件,如果没有健康的身体,就不能长时间保持充沛的精力和蓬勃的朝气,甚至还会被一些疾病困扰,根本无法进行正常的学习活动。请你根据以下思维导图的内容,以“How to Keep Healthy”为题写一篇英语短文。要求如下:1.包含思维导图中所有内容要点,可适当发挥,不少于70词;2.重点谈谈保持健康对你所产生的意义;3.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。_试卷第9页,共10页


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