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1、江西省吉安市遂川县2021-2022学年八年级下学期期末检测英语试题 学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1I saw the light of your room was still on at two oclock last night. Oh, I _ a football match of Russia World Cup.AwatchedBwatchCam watchingDwas watching2Dont talk about this to anyone, _ not to your mother, or she will be worried.AactuallyBsu

2、ddenlyCmostlyDespecially3Will you come and visit my new house in the town?OK. And Ill call you _ I get off the bus.Aeven ifBas long asCas soon asDever since4Which story do you like, the first one or the second one?Both. I think the first one is _ the second one.Amore amazing thanBnot so amazing asCa

3、s amazing asDless amazing than5What did Mrs. Hunt do last Saturday?She_ all her old clothes from her house.Acleared outBtied outCworked outDcut out6My parents dont _ us to hang out on school nights. We must stay home and finish our homework.AofferBpushCexplainDallow7The Summer Palace is also a famou

4、s place to visit in the world.So it is. It is always full of _ from all over the world every week.AcharactersBactorsCtouristsDwriters8 _ I go to the movie tonight? No. You must study for your English test tomorrow.AMustBNeedCShouldDCould二、完形填空Happiness is important for everyone. Most people want to

5、be happy, _9_ few know how to find happiness. Money and success dont _10_ lasting(持久的) happiness. Happiness _11_ ourselves. In other words, we make our own happiness. Here are a few _12_ to help you be happier.The first _13_ of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. We spend so much time _

6、14_ the future that we fail to (未能) enjoy the present (现在).I think we should enjoy our everyday life, such as _15_ a good book, listening to your favorite music, or _16_time staying with close friends. People who have several _17_ friends tend to (有助于) live happier and healthier lives.The second sec

7、ret of leading a happy life is to be _18_. According to studies, many people exercise by dancing, or playing sports. You can _19_ about your problems, and only think about the activity._20_, many people find happiness in helping others. According to studies, people feel good when they volunteer _21_

8、 time to do many meaningful things for other people. If you want to feel happier, do something nice for someone. You can help a friend with his or her lessons, go _22_ to get food for an old neighbor, or _23_ help your mother wash the dishes.9AbutBalthoughCandDsince10AacceptBtakeCbringDcarry11Agives

9、 outBdepends onCputs offDtakes after12AsayingsBwaysCnoticesDmenus13AsecretBmeaningCtruthDproblem14Athinking ofBlooking forCcaring forDdepending on15AseeingBwatchingCreadingDlooking16AspendingBtakingCpayingDcosting17AcloseBusualCwildDweak18AactiveBquietCstrictDshy19ArememberBremindCforgetDwarn20AMost

10、lyBSecondlyCFinallyDSuddenly21AtheirByourCmyDher22AcampingBhikingCshoppingDswimming23AquicklyBhardlyCheavilyDsimply三、短文选词填空hardlybreathesafelychallengefreezingherselfsucceededtrustencouragehighbeganDo you know Malavath Poorna? At the age of 13, the Indian girl became the youngest girl to climb to th

11、e top of Mt. Everest, the _24_ mountain in the world.Climbing Mt. Everest is always a(n) _25_ for most of us. The journey is full of difficulties. To reach the top, climbers must make it through the Death Zonethere isnt enough oxygen (氧气) for people to _26_ in the air. Also, the weather is so _27_.M

12、alavath _28_ her climb on May 24, 2014. She and her team set off late in the nightthey wanted to reach the top as early as possible the next day, so they could have enough time to return to the camp _29_. On the way, she could _30_ see anything but heavy snow. Every step took huge effort (努力). What

13、was worse, she couldnt stop to take breaks.“Keep going,” she said to _31_. “Just keep going.”At last, she _32_. Through the climb, Malavath wanted _33_ other girls and women never to give up on their dreams.“Girls can do anything,” she said. “We just need to _34_ ourselveswe can make it.”四、阅读单选Come

14、and join us!Welcome to We Smile Museum! It is a history and art museum for children under 12. Its on Shannons Main Street and it only takes you 5 minutes to go there from Center Park. Kids can visit it from Tuesday to Sunday. Now were looking for some volunteers aged 13 to 16 as our museum guides. A

15、re you interested in history or art? Are you good at communicating with children? Would you like to give up several hours from Tuesday to Sunday? Come and try out for our volunteer guides. We also need one volunteer aged 25 to 55 as the museum manager (管理员). He needs to help museum workers and other

16、 young volunteers plan group work. Well provide job training before you start working. Im sure youll learn useful skills and make some new friends if you become our volunteers. And any volunteer will get a free ticket to Disneyland after working for 40 hours. Please come and join us!For more informa

17、tion, please call Miss Brown at 385-678989 or send e-mails to wesmile-museum. 35Who can do volunteer work as museum guides?AAn eleven-year-old boy.BA fifteen-year-old student.CA 25-year-old teacher.DA 55-year-old driver.36How many ways are there for you to get more information?AOnly one.BTwo.CThree.

18、DFour.37Which of the following is TRUE about the museum?AIt is a music and art museum.BIt is open to kids every day.CIt is near Shannons Main Street.DIt is a 5-minute walk away from Center Park.Birds are our friends, and they look beautiful. However, some of them are in danger because of human activ

19、ities. Luckily, these years more and more bird lovers have already begun to do something to protect birds. Among them, a farmer sets a great example to us. The farmer Wang Jinshan usually becomes much busier in March or April when groups of migratory (迁移的) birds begin returning from the south to the

20、 Momoge National Nature Reserve in Zhenlai County, Jilin Province. Zhenlai, which has a lot of water and food for birds, provides a perfect place for more than 100 kinds of birds to live and give birth. Over the past 40 years, the 57-year-old farmer Wang Jinshan has saved lots of birds. He has saved

21、 around 10 white cranes (鹤), a kind of endangered bird. Wang started fishing at the age of 17. In his spare time, he likes to watch birds in wetlands (湿地) and slowly develops a deep bond (关系) with migratory birdsespecially cranes. In 2018, he joined a wild bird protection team as a volunteer. During

22、 the migration (迁移) season, Wang walks around the wetlands every day to watch birds and stop people catching or killing birds. In order to ask people to protect birds, team members often share information about bird protection in nearby villages. “Bird protection is a lifelong (终生的) job for me and I

23、 will stick with (坚持) it,” Wang said. “I will protect birds as if Im protecting my own children.”38From which paragraph can we know that Zhenlai is a perfect place for migratory birds?AParagraph 1.BParagraph 2.CParagraph 3.DParagraph 4.39Match the year or the month with the event and then choose the

24、 right answer. In 1982.a. Wang Jinshan watches birds around the wetlands.In 2018.b. Wang Jinshan became a volunteer in a wild bird protection team.In March or April.c. Wang Jinshan started fishing in Zhenlai.Ac b aBa b cCb c aDc a b40What is the passage mainly about?AAn endangered bird.BA beautiful

25、county.CA great bird protector.DA bird protection team.In the past, when people had problems, they went to family members, teachers or friends to get advice. Today, thanks to technology, it is possible to get advice from radio shows, TV programs, telephone hot-lines (热线), and the Internet. Advice is

26、 everywhere. Listeners across the United States can call up radio programs to talk about their problems and get advice on the air. For example, the popular radio show Car Talk gives advice to listeners who have some problems about their cars. TV viewers (观众) can watch some people telling their stori

27、es and describing their difficulties on many well-known talk shows such as Sally called The Sally Jessy Raphael Show before or The Oprah Winfrey Show. There are several ways to get advice on the Internet. Computer users may join a forum (论坛) where people can share their opinions and ideas on a subje

28、ct. For example, while people are interested in improving their golf (高尔夫) game, they can join a forum just for golf. Another way to get advice on the Internet is through chatting, one of the Nets most popular features (功能). In text-based chatting (基于文本聊天), people communicate in real time by typing

29、(打字) messages back and forth (来回). Another way to get advice or solve a problem is through visiting websites (网站). Websites are collections of documents (文档收集) that may have text (文本), pictures, sounds, and videos. Each website has its own electronic address (电子地址). For example, if students want to

30、check English grammar, they can visit the following (下面的) address: http:/www. hiway. co. uk/-ei/intro. html. In a word, it is clear that the development of technology today has given people many more ways to get advice and solve their problems.41How did people get advice when they had problems in th

31、e past?By going to their family members. By going to their teachers. By going to their friends. From radio shows.From the Internet.ABCD42Whats the third paragraph mainly about?ASome ways to have chats on the Internet.BWays to get information by visiting websites.CSeveral ways to get advice on the In

32、ternet.DSome ways to join a forum on the Internet.43What does the underlined word “solve” in Paragraph 3 mean?ACare for.BWork out.CPut off.DTake in.44Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?=Paragraph1; =Paragraph2; =Paragraph3; =Paragraph4A/.B/.C/.D/.Fraser Island is in Queen

33、sland, Australia, about 200 kilometers north of Brisbane. It is about 120 kilometers long and 240 kilometers wide. It is a very important island. It is completely made of sand. In fact, it is the largest sand island in the world. There is no airport on the island, but there is a long beach (沙滩) alon

34、g the east coast (海岸). Planes arrive and leave from here. The sand makes unusual shapes. There are hills made of sand called “sand-blows (沙丘)”. Nothing grows on them. They move one or two meters a year from the northwest towards the southeast of the island, getting bigger and bigger. At other places

35、 on the island, such as Rainbow Gorge, the sandy (多沙的、含沙的) rocks have different colors. Sometimes the rocks are so brown that they turn the sea brown, like coffee. Surprisingly (令人吃惊地), the sandy island has many different plants and animals. There are forests eucalyptus (桉树) woods (森林), beautiful fl

36、owers and over a hundred lakes. There are kinds of birds, like owls (猫头鹰) and curlews (麻鹬). There are many animals, too, such as crocodiles (鳄鱼) and wild dogs called dingoes (野狗). About 500, 000 people visit the island every year to see the islands beauty and nature. People enjoy camping and hiking

37、there. _ They damage (破坏) plants and frighten (恐吓)animals. Their sun cream (防晒霜) makes the water dirty. So it is necessary to manage (管理) the visitors. For example, people may not use motor boats or go fishing in the lakes, and they need official papers (官方的文件) to drive there.45What can we know abou

38、t Fraser Island from Para. 1?AIt is the largest island in the world.BIt lies in Australia.CMany people live on it.DPeople will build an airport there.46What does the underlined word “They” in Para. 2 refer to?AUnusual shapes.BSandy hills.CSandy rocks.DDifferent plants.47Choose the best sentence to f

39、ill in the blank “_” in Paragraph 4.AUsually, lots of visitors visit it each year.BUnluckily, the visitors make problems.CLuckily, the nature of it is very beautiful.DLuckily, the island gets larger and larger.48What does the passage mainly tell us?AThe Shape of Fraser Island.BEveryday Life on Frase

40、r Island.CThe History of Fraser Island.DNature on Fraser Island.These days an article called One Day in Space by the first taikonaut (中国宇航员) Yang Liwei describing his one day in space is popular. Yang was 38 years old when he became the first Chinese person to go into space on Shenzhou 5 on October

41、15, 2003. In his article, he talked about some dangerous moments (时刻) when he didnt think he could travel back. “When the rocket was at a height of about 30 to 40 kilometers above the ground, I felt it start to vibrate violently (剧烈地震动), and that truly (真正地) made me uncomfortable (令人不舒服的). I thought

42、 I was going to die,” he said. The very dangerous moment was 26 seconds (秒) long. When it was over, the taikonaut felt like he had been reborn (重生). In the article, Yang described the “mysterious (神秘的) sounds” from the outside. He also described what the earth, his country, and his city looked like

43、from space. “I flew over Beijing and saw the mountains in the daytime and the lights at night. And my friends and my family live there.”Yang shared another interesting story in the article. After some tries, he could not see the Great Wall, though many people thought taikonauts could see it from spa

44、ce. After he got back to the earth, Yang told the scientists about the vibration (震动), and they dealt with the problem. Later, more taikonauts went to space. When talking about this, Yang said he was happy that those taikonauts could stay in the comfortable home in space.49When was Yang Liwei born?A

45、In 1955.BIn 1965.CIn 1975.DIn 1985.50Whats the fourth paragraph mainly about?AWhat he saw and heard in space.BWhat caused the mysterious sounds in space.CWhy he felt very uncomfortable.DWhere he stayed and lived in space.51What was the process (过程) of Yang Liweis flight (飞行) to space? Put the events

46、 in right order.a. Yang flew over Beijing and saw the mountains in the daytime and the lights at night.b. Yang got back to the earth, he told the scientists about the vibrations.c. The rockets vibrating hard made Yang thought he was going to die.Aabc.Bbca.CcabDcba.52Whats the best title for this passage?AFlying a Rocket into Space.BThe First Chinese Astronaut.CA Travel in Space with Friends.DAn Article by a Taikonaut.五、阅读还原7选5Liu Jing will never forget the day when


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