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1、Writing SentencesTypes of Sentence 1.Function Declarative,interrogative,imperative,and exclamatory sentences 2.Structure Simple,compound,complex,and compound-complex sentences Compound sentence:coordinating conj.Complex sentence;subordinating conj.3.rhetoric Loose,periodic,and balanced sentences 4.s

2、hort and long sentences 1.sentence patterns SV:The sun rises from the east.SVC:This picture is beautiful.SVO:She hopes that the weather will be fine soon.SVOC:the teacher encourages us to work hard.SVOO:Her father bought her a new tape-recorder.Quality 1.clarity 2.emphasis 3.economy 4.variety Period

3、ic sentence&loose sentence 掉尾句就是中心意思放在句尾的句子 松散句则相反 Example 掉尾句 1.Although she was interested in music,she finally decided to study English.2.It is universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of(需要)a wife.3.According to newspaper reports,after winning th

4、e Olympic gold medal for figure skating,she was offered a professional contract.4.In the nineteen-fifties,for reasons that were never revealed to me,for my relations with academic administration have often been somewhat painful,I was made a trustee(理事)of Radcliff College.5.John,office manager,staff

5、supervisor,and report writer,is crucial to the companys success in Beijing.松散句:Canada is certainly a less violent place than the United States,since in the U.S.a violent crime is committed every thirty-one seconds,compared with one every four minutes in Canada.掉尾句:Since in the U.S.a violent crime is

6、 committed every thirty-one seconds,compared with one every four minutes in Canada,Canada is certainly a less violent place than the United States.松散句:Dont order spaghetti when you go to an important business lunch,where you must present a neat,efficient controlled image.掉尾句:When you go to an import

7、ant business lunch,where you must present a neat,efficient controlled image,dont order spaghetti.重写句子:短句与长句短句少于10个词。长句大于10。短句改写长句的方法1.并列连词:and并列,but转折,or选择,so果,for因,yet尽管;然而,nor也不。并列词加逗号。2.从属连接词:after,before,if,because,though,although,when,as,once,since,unless,until,as long as,in case,in order that,

8、as if,every time,till,provided that,so that,now that,while.in so far as在的范围,in as much as在的范围3.逗号:开头时,加上逗号。Im a happy man now that Ive solved my problems.无逗号Now that Ive solved my problems,Im a happy man.有逗号4.分词:将其中的一句变为另一伴随结构。短句Mark is a certificated accountant.Even Mark was stumped难住by a third pro

9、blem.长句Even Mark,a certificated account,was stumped by a third problem.重写句子:简单句与并列,复合,并列复合 Simple sentence 类型 1主1谓:The city was destroyed by the earthquake.2主1谓:His teeth and his eyes hurt.1主2谓:The factory chimney smoked and polluted the air.2主2谓:Tom and Finn went into the forest and collected mushr

10、ooms.没有并列,复合,并列复合的特点,基本就是没有并列,复合,并列复合的特点,基本就是简单句。改时注意介词的运用。简单句。改时注意介词的运用。简单句:结构类型主谓(宾)主谓(宾)Learning a foreign language takes both practice and patience.主谓(宾)介词词组主谓(宾)介词词组 作状语(作状语(prep.+n.)They used to get to school half an hour before class.主谓(宾)不定式主谓(宾)不定式 作状语(作状语(to do sth.)I am pleased to be here

11、 on this occasion to congratulate you on your success.To be frank,I dont quite agree with you.主谓(宾)现在分词过去分词主谓(宾)现在分词过去分词 作状语作状语 He decided to return to China,not knowing a word of French.As walking down the corridor,I heard my quite footsteps distinctly.主谓(宾)独立主格结构(主谓(宾)独立主格结构(n./pronoun.+doing/done

12、/to do sth./adj./adv.)1.All things considered,the planned trip will have to be called off.2.After the Arab states won independence,great emphasis was laid on expanding education,with girls as well as boys being encouraged to go to school.3.Her face black from the sun,she came back from the countrysi

13、de.4.The soldier stood still,his lips slightly moving.5.The policeman was searching the house,gun in hand.6.He rode along,his dog running and baking after him.Compound sentences 用并列连词:and,but,or,so,nor,for,yet 结构:独立分句+逗号&并列连词+独立分句 *两句句子间,都有主语,如果一句没有主语,是一个介词短语前面加and之类,算是平行一类,或简单句的一种。1.and并列:Roads wer

14、e flooded,and entire homes were washed away.2.but转折:The coat was thin,but it was warm.3.or选择:You must work hard,or you will fail in the final exam.4.so因果:The rain began to fall,so we went home.用分号;什么都不用1.两个分句特别短,逗号省掉。I went to his house and he came to mine.2.如果独立分句内有逗号,并列连词前用分号。,;nor.3.也可不用连词,而用分号将分

15、句分开。No one is born with knowledge;knowledge must be taught and learned.用连接性副词 连接性副词 example 用besides,furthermore,moreover,in addition等表示递进关系例The river sustains many forms of wildlife;in addition,it provides children with a safe place to swim.用likewise,similarly,in the same way等表示“相同”的意思例 You must pa

16、ck plenty of food for the journey;likewise,you will need warm clothes,so pack them.用however,nevertheless,still,instead,in contrast,on the other hand,otherwise,on the contrary等表示转折和让步关系例Many junior college do not provide dormitories;however,they provide housing referral services.用accordingly,conseque

17、ntly,hence,therefore,as a result等表示因果关系 You can receive individual guidance from your counselor;therefore,you should take advantage of this service.用 for example,in fact,for instance等表示强调和说明例The center offers a variety of exhibits and events;for example,just last week students could see paintings by

18、 French Impressionists,attend a performance of Othello,and hear music by Mozart.用meanwhile,then,subsequently,afterwards,earlier,later等表示先后 They will be here in 15 minutes;meanwhile,we will have some coffee.复合句状语从句1.时间:after,as,as soon as,as long as,before,since,ever since,until,when,while While the

19、drought was going on,many people took fewer showers and baths.As soon as I have finished,Ill give you a call.2.原因:because,as,since,for,now thatAs he wasnt ready in time,we went without him.He couldnt come to our party because he has broken her beg by accident.3.地点:where,wherever,everywhere,anywhere

20、I usually shop for dinner anywhere that is handy.WuHan lies where the Yangtze River and the Han River meet.4.条件:if,provided that,unlessYou can join us for the supper unless you dislike fried squid(鱿鱼).As long as we dont lose heart,well find a way to overcome the difficulty.5.让步和对比:although,even thou

21、gh,though,whereas,whileHorses and mules require water at frequent intervals,whereas camels can go without drinking water for several days.Although he was seriously ill,he stuck to the post.Much as I admire his courage,I dont think he acted wisely.6。结果:由so that,so/such that The cost of education is r

22、ising so rapidly that students are looking for ways to cut expenses.They had such a fierce dog that no one dared to go near their house.7。目的:so that,in order that,lestOn long trips the Grants check off the days on a calendar lest they forget the date.We sent the letter by air mail in order that it m

23、ight reach them in good time.8。方式:as if,as though,as(as if,as though引导的状语从句动词用虚拟语气)The students completed the experiment as their professor has instructed.He babbled as if he had seen a ghost.He acted as if nothing had happened.9。比较:so as,not as/so as,more than,lessthan,the morethe more 名词性从句:可用作句子的

24、主语、表语、宾语和介词宾语。引导词包括that,what,whatever,who,whoever,when,whenever,where,wherever,how,which,why,whether.Compound-Complex Sentences 常用的连接词由and,but,for,so,or,nor等并列连词。加上:because,before,after,when,although等(也包括关系代词和疑问代词)构成 example(1)Because it was the snowstorm,a lot of trains were delayed yesterday,so th

25、ey would leave after the snow was cleaned.(2)If the students wish to park in the campus parking lots,they must pay for a permit,or the campus police will tag their cars.(3)Before he began to work,he didnt get higher education,but he went to a technical school.(4)She might have some difficulties in h

26、andling the class,for she was not yet experienced in teaching,although her students loved her very much.(5)Although the class was over,some students played on the playground,but other students went home to finish their homework.(6)Before he moved to this city,he had competed his study before 1989,an

27、d he had appointed Director of a Medical Research center.(7)When the power line snapped,Jack was listening to the stereo,and Linda was reading in bed.(8)The neighborhood that Henry grew up in was fairly prosperous,but it was by no means wealthy.(9)The policeman looked at me suspiciously,and he asked

28、 me what I wanted.(10)While the men worked to strengthened the dam,the rain continued to fall;and the river,which was already well above its normal level,rose higher and higher.She knew Italian very well.She had a good command of Italian.She had a good knowledge of ItalianThe case is being investiga

29、ted.The case is under investigation.He is very interested in collecting stamps.He takes a great interest in collecting stamps.The book reflects the Chinese society of my fathers time.The book is a reflection of the Chinese society of my fathers time.They made Jim captain.Jim was made captain.He foun

30、d George a seat.A seat was found for George.重写句子重写句子简单句与并列句的转换:短语变分句。She sat and talked,forgetting what she was there for.She sat and talked,and so forgot what she was there for.He succeeded through hard work.He worked hard and so he succeeded.Tom wants to buy a car,so hes saving up.Tom is saving up

31、 for a car.I help him and he helps me He and I help each other.简单句与复合句的转换:短语变从句。*介词短语的使用They suggested setting up more nurseries in this district.They suggested that we should set up more nurseries in this district.We went all the same although it was raining.We went all the same in spite of the rai

32、n.The table which has three legs is made of steel.The table with three legs is made of steel.重写句子 并列句与复合句的转换:把一个分句变成从句Ive been away only for three years,yet I can hardly recognize my hometown.Although Ive been away only for three years,I can hardly recognize my hometown.I lent my bicycle to John who

33、 lent it to George.I lent my bicycle to John,and he lent it to George.She did not come to class yesterday because she was ill.She did not come to class yesterday,for she was ill.Effective Sentences 1.Unity 2.Coherence Clear and reasonable connection between parts Incoherent:faulty parallel construct

34、ion pron.with ambiguous reference dangling or misplaced modifiers confusing shifts in person and number,or in voice,tense,and moodParallelism 1.Definition:A grammatical structure in which similar ideas are expressed in similar grammatical forms 2.Function Impressive and easy to remember E.g.I came,I

35、 saw,I conquered.(Caesar)Government of the people,by the people,for the people(Lincoln)Ask not what your country can do for youask what you can do for your country(John Kennedy)3.Use (1)Use parallel structure for coordinate sentence elements.Eg.The young man is intelligent,witty,and energetic.They w

36、aited at the bus stop,talking and laughing.In the midst of battle,in the roar of conflict,they found serenity in death.(2)Use parallel sentence elements after each pair of correlatives:bothand;eitheror;neithernor;not onlybut(also).Eg.His uncle is both a poet and a painter.On New Years Day we either

37、make new year calls or watch TV at home.(3)Repeat words to make the parallel structures more emphatic.Eg.My teacher told me that I spent too little time writing the essay and that I made many careless mistakes in grammar and spelling.(4)Avoid faulty parallelism When sentence elements that are simila

38、r in ideas are not made similar in structure we have faulty parallelism.Eg.She is tall,slender and with fair complexion.Revised:She is tall,slender and fair-complexioned.She is sympathetic by nature and who is always ready to help others.Revised:She is sympathetic by nature and is always ready to he

39、lp others.She is sympathetic woman who is always ready to help others.Confusing Pronoun Reference 1.Ambiguous Reference Either of two antecedents Eg.Jane told her friend Ann that she had won a scholarship.Revised:Jane told her friend Ann,“I have won a scholarship.”Jane told her friend Ann,“You have

40、won a scholarship.”Jane and Ann kept up their correspondence after she went abroad.2.General pronoun reference which,this,that,and it Eg.The student used some mixed metaphors in his composition,which the teacher disapproved of.Revised:The teacher disapproved of the students use of mixed metaphors in

41、 his composition.The room was crowded with people.Some were joking and laughing nosily.Others were drinking and smoking.This made him sick.3.Indefinite use of the pronouns It,They,and You.Eg.In the article,it points out that the air pollution of the city is serious.Revised:The article points out tha

42、t the air pollution of the city is serious.It is pointed out in the article that the air pollution of the city is serious.4.Implied reference Eg.She believes in Christianity,but she doubts whether he really exists.Revised:She believes in Christianity,but she doubts whether God really exists.The nove

43、list spent most of his time writing,but none of them was published during his lifetime.Revised:The novelist spent most of his time writing,but none of his novels was published during his lifetime.Dangling or Misplaced Modifiers Dangling modifier A modifier must clearly and sensibly modify a word or

44、group of words in the sentence.Eg.Crossing the bridge,our university campus came in sight.1.by adding a noun or pronoun that the dangling phrase can sensibly modify.Eg.Crossing the bridge we came in sight of our university campus.2.By changing the dangling phrase into a clause.Eg.After we crossed th

45、e bridge,we came in sight of our university campus.Kinds of dangling modifiers 1.Dangling participial phrases eg.Opening the door,an amusing scene caught my eyes.Revised:Opening the door,I saw an amusing scene.When I opened the door,an amusing scene caught my eyes.Ex.Used properly we can make our wr

46、iting vivid,impressive,and interesting.2.dangling gerund On seeing the old photo,my childhood came back to my memory.Revised:When I saw the old photo,I recalled my childhood.On seeing the old photo,I recalled my childhood.Ex:after reading the letter my heart throbbed violently.Misplaced Modifiers Cl

47、ose to the word it modifies Eg.In utter despair we could imagine what a man would do.Revised:We could imagine what a man in utter despair would do.Ex:The United States only has a history of 200-odd years.Confusing Shifts Person and number,or voice,tense,and moodConciseness A concise sentence gives t

48、he necessary details without wasting words.A brief sentence may lack details that are necessary to make the statement clear.Eg.Born in a small town,he grew up to be a famous writer.Wordiness:the use of more words than are necessary in expressing our thoughts.Eg.He was not only a famous scholar but a

49、lso a great patriot as well.1.Avoid the unnecessary repetition of words similar in meaning.Eg.As a rule my father usually worked late into night.We wish to improve our work better.2.Avoid awkward repetition of the same word.Eg.The problem of cheating at examinations is a serious problem.They heard a

50、n interesting account of the customs of the inhabitants.Revised:They heard an interesting account of the villagers custom.3.Remove deadwood Deadwood:words and phrases that clutter up a statement without adding to its meaning There is bridge which spans the river.Revised:A bridge spans the river.4.Av


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