
上传人(卖家):清风明月心 文档编号:5719783 上传时间:2023-05-05 格式:PPT 页数:69 大小:4.80MB
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1、小组对话lGood morningafternoonevening!lHollo!Im Cara.My names Dale.lWhats your name?My names Bob.lNice to meet you!小组对话lSorry,Im late.Thats all right.lThis is my father,and this is my mother.lWhats this?Its letter A.lWhos that?Its Kay,my good friend.小组对话lWhats this in English?lIts a clockmilk.lThank you

2、!lThats all right.小组对话What colour is it?Its red green blue orange yellow white black.What letter is this?Its X.48个音标个音标元音(元音(20个个)辅音(辅音(28个个)长元音长元音 5个个短元音短元音 7个个双元音双元音 8个个清辅音清辅音浊辅音浊辅音其它辅音其它辅音10对对8个个 元音:元音:发音时发音时不受到不受到发音器发音器官的阻碍发出的声音。官的阻碍发出的声音。辅音:辅音:发音时发音时受到受到发音器官发音器官的阻碍发出的声音。的阻碍发出的声音。清辅音:发音时声带不震动,送气

3、浊辅音:发音时声带震动,不送气freemeetteacherpleaseeachmagazine舌尖抵下齿,舌前部尽量向上舌尖抵下齿,舌前部尽量向上颚抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成颚抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形,注意一定要把音发足扁平形,注意一定要把音发足l1.be me see we he she eat meat l beat deed feel meal free tree three lClean grief please breeze.2.evil seed free speech she feels sleepy we need some meat for dinner In the

4、evening,we eat under the trees.These three teachers are having a meeting.There is a little bee.Coming from the apple tree.Flying in the flowers.And cant see me.busyprettysymbol milkfillvillage舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,舌舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口型扁平,两侧抵上齿两侧,口型扁平,发此音时要短促而轻快发此音时要短促而轻快l1.it sit bit fit big pig kick pick

5、give livel kiss miss ill fill sink think rich whichl fish wish.2.dig and pick an English village.a pretty little kid a big elecrtonic dictionary she filled my dish with fish.The fishermans ship was hit by the wind.lsit sit lpig pigliz is lsiks sixlit itldipdipldi:p deepl i:p sheeplmi:t meetlti:teali

6、:t eatlsi:t seatii:educationlectureenemymanytelevision舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,上下齿之间可容一个食指上下齿之间可容一个食指l 1.get debt yet wet neck check bed l dead egg beg pen ten tell fell best l text next spend friendl 2.press the bell a television set the next lesson They are selling pens and pencils.He slept in a

7、red and yellow tent in the desert.3./e i/对比:对比:/pet-pit/fell-fill/set sit/when-win/hell-hill/dead-did/tent-tint/peg-pig/lest-list/6.1 Good better,best,Never let it rest;Till good is better,And better best.marriagedamageanimalnationalnarrowham舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬高,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬高,舌位比舌位比e更低,双唇向两旁平更低,双唇向两旁平伸,成扁平形伸

8、,成扁平形,开口较大,响,开口较大,响亮一些亮一些l 1.cap map fat hat bad mad backl gas mass catch match man ran l hand land bank thank lampl stamp act fact l 2.bags of apples a happy marriage the handsome yong man Jack and his hat on Saturady They were happy listening to the band Eleven engineers are examing the crashed pl

9、ane.l 3./-e/对比对比l/bag-beg/gas-guess/mat-met/l/sad-said/bad-bed/land-lend/l/sand-send/pack-peck/ham-hem/l/pan-pen/lad-led/5./-/对比对比This bed is bad.This is a bad pen.I guess they want gas.Can you bend that iron band?What daddy said made me sad?下一页下一页lb e gl e mlb e dl e tld e dlb gl mlb dl tld d a red

10、 dress a bed and a desk get ten eggs beg for some bread again and againa happy man caps and hats catch and cat draw a map hand in hand.A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。患难见真情。.It is never too late to mend.亡羊补牢,为时未晚。亡羊补牢,为时未晚。.Cat,cat,catch that fat rat.He went to sea to see what he could see

11、 at sea to draw,but all he saw is what we always see at sea see?gaspdanceheartcastlebarkglass发音时,口张大,舌头平放发音时,口张大,舌头平放后缩,舌尖离开下齿,舌后后缩,舌尖离开下齿,舌后部略打起部略打起Rather fastLarge gardenA hard-hearted artistThe car is rather smart.He cant answer the question of his father.I started to laugh when I looked into the

12、 glass.colordoublecustomerthundersupperugly发音时发音时,舌尖和舌端两舌尖和舌端两侧轻触下齿侧轻触下齿,舌后部靠舌后部靠前部分稍抬起前部分稍抬起,口形稍口形稍扁扁,开口度较大开口度较大Some luckA tough sonA funny coupleMy other son is in the room above.A dozen cousins are coming this Sunday.He cut the bread and it fell onto the rug.a:pa:k a:sk fa:st la:st l k d st kl b

13、pl kBark.Bark.Bark.The dog is barking after the car.originbecausecottoncocksorrynovel口张大,舌身尽量降低并后缩,双唇稍微收圆office documenta novel on dogsobvious obstaclesHe lost his job in the Foreign Office.The doctor forgot to stop at the crossing.The boss was not sorry for calling off the talk with Tom.Look.This i

14、s little John.Goes to bed with his trousers on.One shoe off and one shoe on.Look.This is little John.daughterbeforewarjawthought舌后缩,舌后部抬得比略高,双唇也收的更圆更小,并向前突出:t :k k :z l :t s :s g d d k h t k pmore horsesan ordinary storychalk and blackboardJhon bought a lot of hot dogs.They are four more balls by th

15、e wall.Her daughter put some salt in the water.pushwoodpuddingbutcherwomanlook舌后部向软腭抬起,舌身后缩,舌尖离开下齿,双唇收圆,稍向前突出。look for the bookThe bull stood in the bushes.The woman is cooking some good food.Your cant eat the pudding mom cooks.Dont stand in the wood on the moonless night.movementspoongroupglueooze舌

16、后部尽量抬起,舌舌后部尽量抬起,舌位更高位更高双唇收圆并突出双唇收圆并突出口形比更小口形比更小发音时保持嘴形不变发音时保持嘴形不变a useful rulea gloomy rooma huge pool full of waterThe rumor was eventually proved to be true.Mankind flew to the moon many years ago.They chose some blue shoes and went out in groups.u:u ru:l rule blu:blue hu:who put put luk look gud

17、good kud couldmethodinventorgeneralfamouseffortreporter舌身平放,舌中部舌身平放,舌中部稍抬起,双唇扁平稍抬起,双唇扁平lattend a lecturelfewer and fewerla hundred lawyerlThe singer in the center looks younger.lI mixed the butter,sugar,and water togther.lGenerally,the inventors work was quite difficult.earnoccurserviceworsejouralse

18、rve舌身平放,舌中部稍抬起,比 略高,双唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形the third worldwork in this firmin the early1930sHe started the journey early on Thursday.The nurse was nervous at the burned wound.The journalists has a worse journey than the clergyman.:n :sb :df :st bet d kt bautinvitelieheightice-creamfryisland先发a 再滑到i,舌尖抵下齿,注意从开到

19、合的滑动time and tidelife on the islandfrom time to timeout of sight,out of mind.I think I climbed several miles.The price for a flight is sky high these days.obeypayaimnationbreakdecade先发先发e 音,然后音,然后发发 i 音,双唇稍音,双唇稍扁,口形从半开扁,口形从半开到合到合 the railway stationthe name of eight playersTake-away food displayed w

20、ayside.No pain,no gain.The actors left and the play failed.There are many railways in the United States.employjoydestroydisappointchoice口形从开到合口形从开到合,关键是关键是 把元音把元音 发足发足,然后滑向然后滑向i 音音The noise of the coinsThe spoiled boys annoying voiceThe boys are playing joyfully.The teacher showed the boys a map of

21、Troy.The office boy is trying to avoid seeing his girlfriend.She was annoyed when she broke the point of her pencil.bike baik waste weistsize saiz make meik same seimKite Kaitvoice v is soil s i point p it Kate and May are playing with the baby.Mikes white bike is nice.I like the grapes and May like

22、s the cakes.nobleloadflowtoelowalthough由不圆唇 滑向U 舌位由半低到高,口形由半开到收圆shoutoutgroundallowdowntowncowboy由由a滑向滑向U 舌位由半低到高,舌位由半低到高,口形由大到小,双唇逐渐收圆口形由大到小,双唇逐渐收圆The brown cow is out now.earneardearfearbeer从从i滑向,开始用扁唇,滑向,开始用扁唇,嘴不要张开太大,舌身嘴不要张开太大,舌身稍向后缩稍向后缩airplanebearchairscarehairpair舌身稍向舌身稍向 后缩,由后缩,由滑向滑向,双唇半开双唇半

23、开surecuretourpoorpureu 嘴唇从收圆到半开,u音发出,滑向 音。mi pi ti m p t m u pu tu 音标拼音练习音标拼音练习/ei/ei/p pt/p pt/ud/ud/du/du/kait/kait/i:t/i:t/drg/drg/beti/beti/jlu/jlu/di/di/b/b/f:ti/f:ti/uz/uz/ep/ep/kmpju:t/kmpju:t/f:m/f:m/1./v /+/l i/+/b:/=?2./in/+/tris/+/t i /=?3./f:/+/n i/+/t/=?4./i g/+/z m/+/p l/=?5./e n i/+/b

24、/+/d I/=?6./s p/+/tem/+/b/=?7./k/+/t u/+/b/=?8./k /+/m /+/d i/=?9./his/+/t/+/ri/=?10./fei/+/v/+/rit/=?一一.请请“”出该单词的正确音出该单词的正确音素素.1.peach (),()2.former (),()3.matter (),()4.large (),()5.cloudy (),()6.strange (),()7.thousand (),()8.weather (),()1.The baby and the lady are playing by the lake.2.The four

25、 tall reporter are talking about sports.3.I like the toy bear.I often brush its hair.I have a pear near the chair.4.Today is cold.Dont forget to put on your coat.You can go to school by boat.5.Kate often makes birthday cakes on holiday.6.David is saying”Maybe Kate cant skate.”7)The ugly man has one hundred ducks.8)The farmer has a large farm and a car.9)After art class we put down sunglasses and sit on the grass10)Miss Mo,Shes tall.She has a dog,its small.She likes walking and riding a horse.


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