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1、Unit 1 问题: 1.CPU2.personal computer 3.AI4.neural network 5.parallel processing 6.output device 7.VLSI8.instruction set 9.supercomputer 10.microcomputer答案: 1. 中央处理机2. 个人电脑 3.人工智能 4.神经网络 5.并行处理 6.输出设备 7.超大规模集成 8.指令集 9.超级计算机 10.微机Unit 2 问题: 1.显示器2. 输入设备3. 输出设备4. 数据总线5. 芯片6. 键盘7. 激光打印机8. 平板式扫描仪9. 光盘10.

2、基本输入输出系统1.display 2.Input device 3.Output devices 4.The data bus 5.chip 6.The keyboard 7.Laser printer 8.Flatbed scanner 9.Compact Disc 10.Basic I/o system问题:A digital computer is not a single machine: rather, it is a system composed of five distinct elements: (1) a central processing unit; (2) inpu

3、t devices; (3) memory storage devices; (4) output devices; and (5) a communications network, called a bus, which links all the elements of the system and connects the system to the external world.答:数字计算机不是一台机器,而是由五个不同的部分组成的系统:(1)一个中央处理器;(2)输入设备;(3)存储设备;(4)输出设备;(5)称为总线的通信网络,它连接系统的所有元素并将系统连接到外部世界。Unit

4、 3问题:1. 机器语言2. 汇编语言3. 高级语言4. 面向对象语言5. 数据声明6. 计算机程序员7. 源程序8. 目标代码9. 系统调用10. 编译器答 :1.Machine language 2.Assembly language 3.High-level language 4.Object-oriented language 5.Data declaration 6.Computer programmer 7.Source program 8.The target code 9.The system calls 10.The compiler问题:Three types of app

5、lication programs translate from source code to object code: compilers, interpreters, and assemblers(汇编程序). The three operate differently and on different types of programming languages, but they serve the same purpose of translating from a programming language into machine language.答:三种类型的应用程序从源代码翻

6、译成目标代码:编译器、解释器,汇编(汇编程序)。这三种语言在不同类型的编程语言上操作不同,但它们的目的是相同的,即将编程语言转换成机器语言。Unit 4问题:1. 软件工程2. 软件生命周期3. 系统分析4. 需求分析5. 集成测试6.whitebox testing 7.waterfall model 8.software engineer9.software maintenance 10.software reuse答:1. Software engineering2. 2.Software life cycle3. System analysis4. Demand analysis5.

7、Integration testing6. whitebox 测试7. 瀑布模型8. 软件工程师9. 软件维护软件重用Unit 5问题1. A database consists of data and metadata.2. Database systems are designed to manage large bodies of information.3. A database-management system (DBMS) consists of a collection of interrelated data and a setof programs to access th

8、ose data.4. Tables have columns and rows. Column represents one property or field, and row represents one instance of each property.5. A relationship describes how one entity relates to another.答:1. 数据库由数据和元数据组成。2. 数据库系统旨在管理大量的信息。3. 数据库管理系统(DBMS)由一组相互关联的数据和一组访问这些数据的程序组成。4. 表有列和行。列表示一个属性或字段,行表示每个属性的一

9、个实例。5. 关系描述一个实体如何与另一个实体相关联。Unit 6 问题1.TCP/IP2.ISO/OSI3.file server 4.LAN5.WAN6.C/S7.B/S8.star topology 9.wireless network 10.Gateway1. 互联网协议2. 国际标准化组织3.文件服务器4.局域网5.广域网6.周/秒,赫7.(浏览器/服务器)结构8.星形布局9.无线网络10.网关问题1.A network, in computer science, is a group of computers and associated devices that are conn

10、ected by communications facilities. A network can involve permanent connections, such ascables, or temporary connections made through telephone or other communications links.2.A network can be as small as a local area network consisting of a few computers, printers, and other devices, or it can cons

11、ist of many small and large computers distributed over a vast geographic area.答:1.网络,在计算机科学中,是一组由通信设备连接起来的计算机和相关设备。网络可以包括永久连接,如电缆,或通过电话或其他通信链路建立的临时连接。2.一个网络可以像由几台计算机、打印机和其他设备组成的局域网一样小,也可以由分布在广阔地理区域内的许多大小计算机组成。Unit 7问题:1.FTP2.URL3.DNS4.HTTP5.HTML6.XML7.ISP8.broadband connection 9.host address10.top-level domain(TLD)答:1.文件传送输协议2.网址 3.域名服务器 4.超文本传输协议 5.超文本链接标示语言6.可扩展标记语言7.服务提供者8.宽带连接9.主机地址10.顶层域(TLD)Unit 8问题1. List at least five types of malicious software(恶意软件). 2.List some ways of increasing the security of your computer. 答:1.列出至少 5 个类型的恶意软件(恶意软件)。2. 列出一些提高计算机安全性的方法。


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