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1、中考英语一词多义(一)01.postA.c.n.邮政;邮寄;邮件B.c.n.(网上发布的)帖子C.n.岗位;(尤指士兵的)哨所D.vt.邮寄E.vt.张贴;公布(1) Students canposttheir questions and answers onto the help center.E(2) Rain or shine, the soldiers remained at theirposts.C(3) Youll receive it a few days later bypost.A(4) I love readingpostsabout travelling.B(5) Ipo

2、stedJane the letter and waited for heranswer.D02.passA.vi/vt 经过B.vi/vt 通过(考试);(考试)及格C.vt 传递D.vi/vt (时间)流逝;度过(时间)E.c.n 通行证;入场券(1) Paul didntpassthe test and only got a D.B(2) Many years havepassed, but I think of my teacher from time to time.D(3) Reading is a fantastic way topassmy free time.D(4) You

3、 cant get in without apass.E(5) Shepassedme in the street.A(6) Hepassedme a hot cup of coffee.C03.setA.vt.放;摆放(餐具)B.vt.设置;设定;以.为背景C.vt.使处于;使开始D.vt.树立(榜样);创造(记录)E.vi.落下F.c.n (一)套;(一)部(1) We sat on the beach and watched the sunset.E(2) Could yousetthe table for dinner?A(3) Mandela wassetfree after 27

4、years in prison.C(4) The story issetin Paris in the 1960s.B(5) Shesether alarm for 7 oclock.B(6) Harry Potter is asetof popular books.F(7) The teachers in this schoolseta good example to the pupils in protecting the environment.D(二)01.hitA.v.击;打B.v.撞击;碰撞C.v.袭击;使受害D.v.使突然想起E.v.遇到(困难)F.n.很受欢迎的人(或)事物G.

5、n.(网页的)点击(1) Their website gets over a millionhitsa day.G(2) Its hoped the new museum will be a bighitwith families.F(3) I couldnt remember where Id seen him before,and then it suddenlyhitme.D(4) The project went smoothly at first, but then we started tohitsome problems.E(5) Im sorry Ihityou with th

6、e basketball.A(6) I washitby a falling stone.B(7) A terrible stormhitthis area.C02.appearA.v.看来;似乎B.v.出现C.v.出版;刊登;发表D.v.抵达;来到(1) Her first bookappearedin 1995.C(2) Sheappearesa nice enough person.A(3) As soon as heappears, we can get started.D(4) Smileappearedon everyones face.B03.causEA.n.起因;原因B.n.

7、事业;目标C.v.引起;导致(1) Joes father had goodcauseto be proud of him.A(2) They raised more than💲 7,000 for theircauselast year.B(3)Various kinds of pollution willcausemany health problems.C04.fielDA.n.(一块)田地;田野B.n.运动/比赛场C.v.(研究或知识等的)领略;范围(1) He is famous in the field of music.C(2) He was the fastes

8、t player I ever saw on a baseball field.B(3) My class in planning a field trip to the countryside.A(三)01.lightA.adj.容易做的,轻松的B.adj.少量的;程度低的;C.adj.愉快的D.颜色浅的E.轻的F.明亮的G.v.照亮;使明亮H.u.n光;光线I.c.n灯(1) They used candles tolightthe room.G(2) Its a big job,but many hands makelightwork.A(3) Its onlylightrain.You

9、 dont need an umbrella.B(4) She left the doctors with alightheart.There was nothing wrong with her after all.C(5) Thelightwas not very good, so it was difficult to read.H(6) You can go when the trafficlightsare green.I(7) The room has many windows,so itslight.F(8) I like listening tolightmusic.E(9)

10、He looks good in alightblue shirt.D02.fitA.adj.健康的;健壮的B.adj.合适的;能胜任的C.v.安装D.v.(使)适合,合身(1) Those shoesfitperfectly.D(2) To keepfit, youd better exercise more.A(3) My uncle wa busyfittinga spare tire to his car.C(4) I think Imfitfor the job.B03.downA.adv.向下;下;在下面(南方)B.adv.(水平、数量等)下降;减弱;降低C.adv.记下;写下D.

11、prep.顺着;沿着E.adj.沮丧的;情绪低落的F.adj.停机;停止运行(1) Price have gonedownrecently.B(2) The sun wentdown.A(3) Please writedownyour answers on the paper.C(4) Tears randownmy face.D(5) We cant get any work done while the network isdown.F(6) Tims been feelingdownbecause of his low test scores.E(四)01.matchA.c.n 比赛;竞

12、赛B.c.n 火柴C.v 满足D.v 配对(1)There will be a footballmatchin our school next Monday.A(2)Matchthe words on the left with the meanings on the right.D(3) Well help you find a home that willmatchyour requirements.C(4) I like reading the book The LittleMatchGirl.B02.stillA.adv.仍然;还B.adv.(修饰比较级)更C.adj.静止的;不动的D

13、.adj.无风的E.v.(使)静止,平静(1)It was a hotstillday. D(2) Her quiet wordsstilledthe animal. E(3) Just sitstilland let me tie your shoe.C(4) We arestillreally good friends today.A(5) It was cold yesterday, but today its colderstill.B03.runA.v.跑步B.v.运转;操作C.vt.经营;管理D.vi.流动E.v.(按某路线)行驶F.开设(服务、课程等)G.v.连续上演H.n.跑步

14、I.n.态势;趋势J.adj.流动的 (1) The playranfor two years.G(2) The busrunsto the city center.E(3) He has no idea how toruna business.C(4) The collegerunssummer courses for foreignstudents.F(5) I oftenrunthe washing machine more than onceaday.B(6) I enjoy sport, and I canrunreally fast.A(7)The river wasrunning

15、very slowly.D(8) I can see therunningwater from the highmountain.J(9)He should decide what he wants to be in the longrun.I(10) I go for arunevery morning.H(五)01.work2A.v.开动,操作B.v奏效;产生预期的结果C.n.工作所需的材料(1)Who is working the machine? A(2)She brought some work home with her from the office. C(3)The idea

16、sounds good, but it will never work in practice. B02.catchA.v.当场发现B.v.使突然遭受C.v.听清楚;领会(1)She got caught in a storm. B(2)The police caught him trying to stealthe painting. A (3)What was that again? I didnt catch what you said. C 03.turnA.v.转弯B.v.到达,超过(某一年龄或时间)C.n.(依次轮到的)机会(1) I turned the car into the

17、 car park. A (2)You have to wait your turn in line. C (3)She turned two years old last week. B 04.guidEA.n.旅行指南人B.v.指导,影响C.v.搀扶(某人朝方向)走(1) I bought him a guide to China. A (2) Teenagers need adults to guide them. B (3) Lucy took the old mans arm and gently guided him to his chair. C 05.linEA.n.皱纹B.n

18、.合词C.n.电话线路D.v.沿形成行(或列、排)(1)The actor forgot his lines. B (2)There were small lines around her eyes. A (3)Its a very bad line.Put the phone down and Ill call you back. C (4)Hundreds of students lined the streets to welcome the scientist to their school. D 06.drivEA.n.私人车道B.n.活动,运动C.v.驱赶;赶走(1)Theyuse

19、d dogs to drive the sheep into a field. C (2)A white car was parked in the drive. A (3)The school holds a canned (罐装的) food drive every winter.B (六)01.behinDA.prep.支持;赞成B.prep.成为(某人的)过去C.prep是产生(或发展)的原因(1)I wonder whats behind this change of plan. C(2)The accident is behind you,so try to forget it.

20、B(3)To my great joy, my family is always behind mewhatever Idecide to do.A 02.stanDA.v.经受,承受,经得起B.v.处于(某种状态或情形)C.n.货摊;售货亭(1) There is a hot-dog stand over there. C(2) His books have stood the test of time. A(3) The kitchen door stood open so she went in. B03.finEA.adj.晴朗的B.adj.值得尊敬的C.n.罚款D.adv.够好;蛮不

21、错(1) If its fine tomorrow, Ill visit you. A(2) She has already paid over 2,000 in fines. C(3) Jacksfather is a fine man. B(4) Dont worry if you cant work as quickly as the othersyouredoing fine. D04.bookA.n.本子;簿子B.n.装订成册的一套东西C.v.预约;预订(1) Tim bought a book of stamps yesterday. B(2) I booked a table at our favorite restaurant. C(3) Write the answers in your exercise books. A05.seEA.v.认为;看待B.v.碰到;邂逅C.v.查看,发现(1)Guess who I saw at the party last night! B (2) Looking back, I see things differently now. A (3) She went outside to see what was happening. C


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