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1、英语虚拟语气练习题1. Yang Li wei has won great honor for our coun try.Who is Yang Liwei?What a question! It is surprising the first spacemanin China.A. you did n know our n ati onal hero B. to you not to know himC. you should know nothing aboutD. you knew nothing about him2. Robert wishes that hebus in ess i

2、n stead of history whe n he wasin uni versity.A. studies B. studiedC. has studied D. had studied3. He was very busy yesterday, otherwise heto the meeti ng.A. would come B. cameC. would have come D. had come4. Without electricity huma n lifequite differe nt today.A. isB. will beC. would have bee nD.

3、would be5. If on ly Ihow to operate an electro nic computer as you do.A. had knownB. would knowC. should knowD. knew6. But for the party, heof hun ger fiftee n years ago.A. would have died B. would dieC. must have died D. must die7. I would have come earlier, but Ithat you were wait ing forme.A. did

4、n know B. hadnknowC. would have knownD. haven t known8. more careful, his ship would not have sunk.A. If the capta in were B. Had the captai n bee nC. Should the captain be D .If the captain would have been9. Were it not for the snowy weather, weall right.A. would beB. would have bee nC. wereD. may

5、be10. He hesitated for a mome nt before kick ing the ball, otherwise hea goal.A. had scored B. scoredC. would score D. would have scored11. HowI wish every family a large house with a beautiful garden!A. has B. hadC. will have D. had had答案解析1. C.因为在it is surprising后的that从句中,谓语要用“ should +动词原形”其中shou

6、ld含“竟然”之意,不可省略。2. D.因为wish后的宾语从句中的谓语动词要用过去式, 此题的study business是与过去事实相反的情况,所以用 had studied busi ness3. C.因为句中otherwise (否则)表示与过去事实相反的情况,所以用wouldhave done。4. D.因为介词短语without表示与现在事实相反的情况,所以用 would be。9. B.由had not gone可知,条件句是与过去事实相反的情况,而now提示我们,主句是与现在事实相反的情况,所以用 would be。10. D.因为if only ( 要是就要了)其后的句子要用

7、过去式表示虚拟语气,由as you do可知,是与现在事实相反,所以选 knew。11. A.因为but for (要不是因为、如果没有)通常要与虚拟语气连用,由fifteen years ago可知,这是与过去事实相反的情况,所以选 would have died12. A.因为would come earlier是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,而后面分句表示的是事实:当时我的确不知道所以用一般过去时,选A。13. C.因为that从句是suggestion的同位语,应当用“(should+) 动词原形” 表示虚拟语气,又因the students 与give是被动关系,所以选be given

8、。14. A.因为Wang Ling是中国人的名字,显然不是英国人,所以as if从句的谓语要用与现在事实相反的情况,所以用were。15. A. 因为 had it not been for the policeman = if it had not been forthe policeman (如果没有警察),显然是与过去事实相反的情况,主句中的谓语应是 would have lost 。16. B.因为由主句谓语可判断,表示的是与过去事实相反的情况,所以虚拟条件句中的谓语应用过去完成时,Had the capta in bee n = If the capta in hadbee n。1

9、7. A.由于从句谓语为一般过去时,表示的是对现在的虚拟,故主句谓语用过 去将来时,表示。 Were it not for the snowy weather=lf it were not for the snowy weather.18. B。这是个错综时间虚拟条件句:主句与现在事实相反,条件句与过去事实相反。句意为“如果我不是在七岁时就迷上了Melinda Cox图书馆,我真不能想象我如今会在做什么”。19. B 本题考查目标与1996上海同。由otherwise和hesitated 可知,这是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,谓语动词用would+ have+过去分词构成20. B。wish后面

10、宾语从句的谓语总是用过去时态。此题是表示与现在事实相反 的愿望,从句谓语用一般过去时。句意为“我多么希望每个家庭都有座有一个漂 亮花园的房子呀1. ( Sorry, Professor Smith. I did nt finish the assig nment yesterday.-Oh, you have done it as yesterday was the deadline.A. must B. must ntC. shouldD. should nt答案:C考点:本题考查的是虚拟语气解析:此处表示和过去事实相反的情况,应该用 should + have + 过去分词。 本来应该做,

11、而未做2. Bob would have helped us yesterday, but he-A. was busyB. is busyC. had been busy.D. will be busy答案:A.考点:本题考查虚拟语气与时态。解析:前句表示对过去的虚拟,而but之后表示过去的客观事实,故用一般过去 时态3. If he my advice, he would nt have lost his job.A. followedB. should followC. had followedD. would follow答案:C考点:考查虚拟语气。解析:根据“ wouldn t ha

12、ve lost ”可判断if引导的状语从句表示与过去事实 相反的虚拟,故选C项。4. Joh n went to the hospital alon e. If he me about it, Iwould have gone with him.A. should tellB. tellsC. toldD. had told5. George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but I d rather hemore on its culture.A. focus B. focusedC. would focusD. h

13、ad focused答案:选B解析:would rather后应用虚拟语气,表示与现在时间相反,用动词的过去式6.If wethe other road, we might have arrived here in time for themeeti ng.A. takeB. had take nC. tookD. have take n答案:解析:考查虚拟语气。所填词做虚拟语气中 条件状语从句的谓语,根据主句的谓 语动词形式might have arrived可知题干是与过去事实相反,故所填部分用had+过去分词形式,7. Mr. Joh nson in sisted that the pr

14、oblem worthy ofatte nti on( 讨论)at the meet ing. (discuss)答案:(should) be discussed考点:虚拟语气解析:“insist ”引导的宾语从句要用虚拟,从句结构是“ should ”(可省略)加动词原形,主语 “ problem ”是要“被讨论”。8. -The weather has bee n very hot and dry.-Y es. If it had rained eve n a drop, things wouldbe much better now! And my vegetablesB. did nt

15、dieA. would nt dieC.had nt diedD. would nt have died答案:D9. Had I known about this computer program, a huge amountof time and en ergyA. would have been savedB. had been savedC. will be savedD. was saved答案:A10. But for the help of myEnglish teacher, Ithefirst prize in the En glish Writ ing Competiti o

16、n.A. would not winB. would not have wonC. would winD. would have won答案B11. He did not regret say ing what he did but felt thathe it differently.A. could expressB. would expressC. could have expressed D. must have expressed 答案C12. This prin ter is of good quality. If itbreakdow n within the first yea

17、r, we would repair it at ourexpense.A. wouldB. shouldC. couldD. might答案B虚拟语气专项练习题1. My father insisted that Ito sea.A. (should )not goB.(would )not goC. (could )not goD.(might )not go2.1to you party, but I did nhave time.A. would have come B. should comeC. could have come D. would come3. It difficul

18、t for a more careful person to find sucha mistake.A. should not be B. would not beC. should have not bee n D. would have not bee n4. If youthe movie that late last ni ght, you wouldnot be so sleepy now.A. havenwatchedB. didnwatchC. hadnwatchedD. would nhave watched5. I wouldhave gone swim ming yeste

19、rdayafter noon if Itime.A. hadB. have had C.had had D. would havehad6. If it, the crops would be saved.A. should rainB. would rainC. will rainD. is to rain7. the frie ndship betwee n us last forever!A. Could B. Will C. May D. Wish8. If only youthe doctor advice!A. liste n toB. has liste ned toC. had

20、 liste ned toD. had liste ned9. If shetomorrow. I would tell her the n ews.10. It is requiredbe,A. come B. would come C. to come D. should comeA. pays11. The liftit,Ithat every bicycle rider, whoever he may tax at the beg inning of each year.B. pay C. would pay D. to paywasn working when I come back

21、 last night fwould have to use the stairs.A. is still not worki ngC. were still12. If sheB. was still not worki ngnot work ing D. would still not work ingmore polite, sheless trouble.A. had bee n, would have hadC. were, had n had13. -Where have you been?-I got caught in traffic,B .was, would have ha

22、dD. were, would haveI should have been heresoon.A .however B .although C.any way D. otherwise14. He is a very brave man.-Y es, I wish Ihis courage.A. have B. had C .will have D. would have15. Without your help, wein such a short time.A. will not do it B. did not do itC. cannot have done it D.wouldn

23、have done it16. It is high time youmind.A.change B.changed C. need change D .are to change17. Were the shirt cheaper, IIt.A. should buyB. should have boughtC. buyD. bought18. May youin good health!A. are B. be C. were D. would be19. What, if there were no air, water or sun?A. would be happe ned B. w

24、ould happe nC. happenedD. happen20. If the sunrise in the west, my love for you wouldbe cha nged one day.A. will B. were C. were to D. shall21. The chairman requested that.A. the members studies more carefully the problemB. the problem was more carefully studiedC. with more carefu In ess study the p

25、roblemD. the members study the problem more carefully22. -Il tell Mary about her new job.-Youher last week.A. ought to tell B. must tellC. would have told D. should have tol23. -What is your opinion?-It natural that an employeehis work on time.A. finishes B. to enter C. can finish D. finish24. My si

26、ster is thirtee n, but she talked as if shethe Long March.A. has take n part in B. took part inC. takes part in D. had take n part in25. If hebus in ess, he might become a rich man.A. enter B. to enter C.should enter D.entered26. If hea gen tlema n, hethings like that!A. were, would not have saidB.

27、would be, would not have saidC. were, would not said D. was, would not said27. It was the drug, not the disease, that killed him. Hewould still be alive if hethat drug.A. didn take B. would not takeC. have not take n D. had not take n28. Suppos ing youwrite, what would you do?A. couldn B. can C. may

28、 not D. are unable29. How I wish Isuch a good cha nee before.A. didn miss B. hadnmiss C. met D. have got30. Did you go to see football match yesterday?No, I felt unwell, but I would have gone if I feltbetter.A. did B. have C. would D. had31. But for his help, I.A. should not have succeeded B. had no

29、t succeededC. did not succeeded D. have not succeeded32. I am sorry that heso rude to her mother.A. is B. was C. should be D. shall be33. the exam, he would have en tered the college.A. If he passed B. Had he passedC. Were he passed D. If he passed34. hehard last year, he would have lost his firstpr

30、ize.A. Hadn , studied B. Had, studiedC. Didn , study D. If, had studied35. He in sisted thatearly the next day.A. start B. stared C. would start D. had stared36. I would rather you anything about it for the timebeing.A. didn do B. dondo C. do D. did37. His advice that itat once is reas on able.A. wi

31、ll be done B. can be doneC. may be done D. be done38. Longour great motherla nd!A. lives B. live C. should live D. would live39. If I were in your positi on, Ivery happy.A. am B. would be C. would be D. were40. , we might go on a trip.A. Should the weather fine B. Were the weather fineC. Should the weather be fine D. The weather were fine


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