新人教版八年级上册英语第七单元精选练习题(DOC 3页).docx

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1、新人教版八年级上册英语第七单元精选练习题附答案Unit7 Will people have robots?一.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1One day his _(预测) may become true.2What should we do to save the _(环境)?3Do you know the meanings of the last two _(部分) of the article?4We all know the moon goes round the _(地球)5How many _(行星) are turning around the sun?6Some kids

2、are swimming in the _(海),and some are playing on the beach.7Look!There are a lot of beautiful kites in the _(天空)8Their biggest dream is to live in _(和平)9These workers _(建造) the new bridge last year.10Jenny often _(度过) time with her good friends on weekends.11Write down the two English w_ and remembe

3、r them.12The two s_ had different ideas about the future prediction.13Students have a twomonth h_ every summer.-14Your plan is not good.Thats why I d_ with you.15He got to the park earlier than us.When we arrived at the park,he was a_ there.二.单项选择。( )1.She will be a teacher _ two months.Aon Bafter C

4、in Dat( )2.Now _ is very serious.Some rivers and lakes are _.Apollution;pollute Bpolluted;pollutionCpollution;polluted Dpollute;polluted( )3.You can study _ a computer _ home _ the future.Aon;at;at Bon;at;inCin;at;in Don;in;at( )4.Will there be any paper money?No,_.;Athere wont Bthey wontCthey arent

5、 Dthere will( )5.The doctor wanted my father to eat _ pears and drink _ coffee.Aless;fewer Bfewer;lessCfew;fewer Dless;less( )6.Will there be more tall buildings in 50 years?_.ANo,they arent BNo,there wontCNo,there isnt DNo,they wont( )7.Mr.Liu usually _ to work,but next week he _ to work.Awalks;dri

6、ves Bwill walk;will driveCwalks;will drive Dwill walk;drives( )8.To save money,we have to ask _ people to do _ things.Amore;more Bfewer;moreCmore;fewer Dfewer;fewer( )9.There _ a book sale in our school next month.Awill be Bwill haveCwas Dhas( )10.How soon will your mother come back from Australia?_

7、 a few days.AAt BOn CIn DTo( )11.Now,I live _ an apartment. Ill live _ a space station in the future.Ain;on Bat;in Con;at Dat;on( )12.There will be more people in 100 years,do you think?_,I hope.ANo,there isnt BNo,there arentCNo,there wont DYes,there is( )13.Everyone wants to _ to the moon for vacat

8、ions.Awalk Brun Cswim Dfly( )14.What do you think Sam _ in 10 years?A doctor.Awill be B. is Cwants Dis being】( )15.Nine years ago Helen _ in San Francisco,but now she _ in Canada.Alive;lives Blived;livedClives;lived Dlived;lives( )16.I thought it was nine oclock,but its _ eleven oclock.Aalready Beve

9、nCstill Dyet( )17.There are _ two apples in my schoolbag.I wont take more.Ayet Bstill【Calready Donce( 18.The important meeting is not _ over.Aeven BalreadyCjust Dyet( )19Though it is raining hard,the farmers are working on the farm.Ayet BstillCever Dalready( )20.Where is Mary,Kate?She _ went shoppin

10、g with her parents.Amaybe BpossibleCprobably Dprobable( )21.He works at night and sleeps _ the day.Aduring BatCfor Dwith( )22.Guilin is a beautiful place._ people visit it every day.AHundred BHundreds!CHundreds of DHundred of( )23.Hank lost his job two months ago. He is now _ a new job.Alooking out

11、Blooking afterClooking for Dlooking up( )24.People never know what _ in 100 years.Ahappen Bwill happenChappened Dwill be happened( )25I think math is the most difficult to learn.I _ you.Aagree Bagree toCagree with Dagree on( 26.Jane and her friends all agree _ help the old woman.Ato Bwith Con Din( )

12、27Bill and I often _ with each other,but we are still good friends.Aagree BdisagreeCdecide Dbelieve!( )28.I think Cindy is a quiet girl.I _.She speaks a lot every day.Aagree BhopeCdisagree DRemember三.用few,little,fewer,less,more填空,每词限用一次。1Mr. Jackson is very serious,so _ people want to make friends w

13、ith him.2Tom isnt happy because he has _ time for reading.3Jack has _ pens than his sister.!4With _ pollution,our planet will become greener and our health will be better.5Most of students think they should have _ time to take up their hobbies.四.完形填空。No one knows what our life will be like in the fu

14、ture.Here are some childrens_1_Cindy:In the future,people will have more holidays.They will _2_ a lot of time traveling around the world.Maybe some families will go to the moon _3_ their holidays.Gary:I think the earth will be more crowded and polluted.Maybe some people will _4_ their houses on othe

15、r planets.Sarah:Students in the future wont need to go to school and they will study at home.What will happen _5_ students have problems with a subject?They will _6_ with a teacher through video conferencing(视频会议)Peter:In the future,people will speak fewer languages.Maybe there will be _7_ one langu

16、age in the world.And it will be much _8_ for people to talk with each other.、Laura:Robots will play an important role in our life._9_ will help humans do all kinds of work.These predictions may seem impossible today,but I _10_ they will come true one day because we never know what will happen in the

17、 future.( )1.A.resolutionsBpredictionsCprograms Dactivities( )2.A.buy BloseCshow Dspend( )3.A.for BwithCof Dfrom,( )4.A.draw BbuildCsave Dmove( )5.A.if BorCbut Dthough( )6.A.agree BfightCdiscuss Dlaugh( )7.A.only BstillCalready Dever( )8.A.slower BeasierCluckier Dquieter( )9.A.I BHeCWe DThey( )10.A.

18、mind BbelieveCremember Ddescribe五.阅读理解。In 15 years,I think I will be a doctor._11_ I will do my best to help them and save their lives.I will have a robot assistant(助手)She looks like a human.She can walk like people._12_ But I believe that although scientists are able to make robots look like people

19、 and do lots of work,it will be difficult to make them really think like a human._13_ I will live in a comfortable apartment with my parents.I will probably keep a pet dog.On weekdays,I will be very busy and have little time to stay with my family._14_In 15 years,there will be more cars because ther

20、e will be more people in the city._15_ So in order to have a happy life on the earth,everybody should play a part in saving the earth now.根据短文内容,从短文后所给的选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。AAnd she can help me do lots of work.BThe environment will be in great danger.CAs a doctor,I will meet many patients.D

21、In 15 years,I will live in Beijing.EWhat will the future be like?【FOn weekends,I will be free to enjoy the time with them.GWe can live up to be 100 years old.11 _12_13._14_15._六.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。16机器人无法做到我们能做的事情。Robots will _ _ _ _ do the same things as we can do.17在将来的某个时候,你很可能会卖掉这栋楼。You will probab

22、ly sell the building _ _ _ in the future.,18婴儿学走的时候经常会摔倒。Babies often _ _ when they learn to walk.19老师叫我们反复读这篇文章。The teacher asked us to read the article _ _ _ _20几个孩子正在河里游泳。 _ _ several children _ in the river.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。16这个孩子处于极大的危险之中,他可能会失去生命。The kid is _ _ _ and he may lose his life.17只有少数

23、人能活到100岁。Only a few people can _ _ _ 100 years old.18每个人都应该参与到保护野生动物中来。 Everyone should _ _ _ in protecting wild animals.19我叔叔决定搬到南京去。 My uncle decided to _ _ Nanjing.20今晚将有一场英文电影。 _ _ _ an English movie tonight.16两年前我和我的父母住在天津。I _ _ my parents in Tianjin two years ago.17将来人们可能会在太空站生活。People may liv

24、e _ _ _ _ in a few years.18我们将要把它们发射到月球上。We _ _ them _ the moon.19上周他乘火车去了十堰。He _ _ _ to Shiyan last week.20马克和他的姐姐都是计算机程序师。Mark and his sister are both _ _5他们都同意应该早点儿出发。They all _ _ they should start early.6如果你有更好的计划,我会同意的。If you have a better plan,I will _ _ you.7弗兰克同意替我打扫教室。-Frank _ _ _ my place

25、to clean the classroom.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6I think cities in 50 years will be big and _(crowd)7There are different kinds of green _(plant) in the park.8The _(pollute) in the city is becoming more and more serious.9There is lots of _(paper) on the desk. You can take some.;10Mr.Zhang will _(teach) us mat

26、h this term.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6Judy usually _(play) the violin in the evening.7The little girl _(watch) a cartoon now.8Mom _(buy) a beautiful dress yesterday.9My father _(work) in America next year. 【单元写作目标】1能用“will”描述未来的生活,内容包括居住环境、职业情况、生活水平、出行方式、日常饮食、科技发明等;!2能使用because,however,but,so,so that等连词拓展句子;

27、3能正确使用“there will(not) be”句型对未来的生活进行预测;4能正确使用more,less,fewer和其他形容词的比较级描述将来的变化;5写作微技能:善用连词,使文章逻辑清晰,思路流畅。一、词汇积累1在家用电脑学习 _2活到200岁 _3更多的空闲时间 _4处于极大的危险中 _5长得像人类 _6做和人类一样的工作 _ 7帮忙做家务 _8一遍又一遍 _9从不厌倦 _10能够做某事 _11花数百年时间 _12在不远的将来 _13在某种情况下 _14同意某事 _三、以读促写根据短文内容及首字母或汉语提示,写出空白处所缺单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Life in the f_ i

28、s different from now.For example,there wont be _ (纸) money any more. People will shop on the Internet.And the Internet will play an important p_ in our daily life. Of course the net _ (环境) will never be _ (危险的)As for education,there _ (甚至) wont be any schools on the _ (地球)Students will have lessons

29、at home on computer._ (很可能,大概) teachers will teach them and give out homework on the Internet. Children hand in their homework and they can also check it by themselves on the Net.Today there are _ (已经) robots working in different _ (工厂). They do some simple jobs all day and all night. We _ (相信) ther

30、e will be more machines in our future life. Robots will do all the boring and tiring housework for _ (人类)Parents wont cook or wash clothes. A cooking robot will cook breakfast and a servant r_ will wake us up and serve breakfast to us.Thanks to robots,its _ (可能的) that people will be much freer.There

31、 will be more _ (假期)Families will be able to spend more time staying together._ (在期间) their holidays,people will go sightseeing or traveling around the world more often.Life in the future will certainly be easier and more comfortable.四、篇章训练假如你是杨立,你的美国好友吉姆(Jim) 来信询问你对未来生活的畅想。请你根据下面的内容提示,发挥想象,给吉姆写一封回信。提示:1.your job;2your home;3your free time activities;


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