英语选修八第一单元练习题(DOC 7页).docx

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1、虎式教育内部资料.单项填空1Some students find it hard to _ the new teachers dialect.Atake inBtake upCtake overDtake on2It suddenly _ to me that we could use a computer to do the job.Atook placeBhappenedCcame aboutDoccurred3I dont think all this bad language on TV should be allowed; there are certain standards th

2、at should be _.Akept upB kept downCkept outDkept off4Our classmates who prefer to hold a party for him are _ the majority.AatB inConD to5 The digging willseem easier ifyou divide up the garden by marking_ small sections with your spade 铲(子 ) AdownB upCoutDwith 。6The agreement indicates that the two

3、companies will _ with eachother again.Ateam upBturn upClook upD pick up7Did you catch the early bus this morning?No. It had left the stop _ I arrived there.Aas soon asBas the timeCby the timeDduring the time8We express our thoughts _ words and body language.Ain terms ofBin spite ofCby means ofDin ca

4、se9A red sky at night _ that the following day will be fine.AdirectsBindicatesCinfluencesDguides10 In my opinion, it is not so helpful to give someone some bread as it is toteach him how to _.Amake sense B make progressCmake a lifeDmake his way11Im told that you are going to Canada to have a three-

5、month further study.Dont let such a good chance to improve your English _ through your fingers.AskiBspreadCslipD skip12 _ the students in our school go to college in their teens.AA good manyBA great many ofCA great deal ofD A lot of13 It is said that the headmistress _ three months ago willsoon_.1虎式

6、教育内部资料Ahired; firedB dismissed; be firedChired; be firedDhiring; be dismissed14 As is known to all, the president is _ every four years.AboomedBhiredCelectedDgrasped15 The _ cause of his illness was excessive drinking, but the real causewas his deep grief at his wifes death.AapparentBobviousCclearD

7、distinct.完形填空On the first day of my school life in the USA, I showed a great interest in mymarketing class. Myteacher, Mrs. Tolman, suggested I_16_a nationalmarketing club called DECA attracting many students withtalent and interest in_17_. So I did.The first_18_was to raise money for the marketing

8、competitionlater in the year by selling candles. Mrs. Tolman said the competitionwas due in aweek and that 40 percent of the_19_ would go into my personal account.At the beginning, I tried to sell some candles to my host mom. She said thatif I could_20_confidence and do a wonderful sales presentatio

9、n, she wouldcertainlybuysome. I started my_21_with a firm handshake. Then Iintroduced allthe different kinds of candles and the special sales I could offer and_22_her that our candles were the best choices for gifts and home decorations.Finally she bought three candles.Greatly_23_Idecidedto sell myc

10、andlesaround theneighborhood. On Saturday morning, with great courage, I knocked at the door of my first potential _24_.“Im a student at Skyline High School and we are _25_ money for DECA. Im trying to sell. ”“Not today, sorry,” the man interrupted me and _26_ the door.Embarrassed,I walked away and

11、said to myself the _27_ thing that might happen was being refused like that again. I couldnt even count how many times I was _28_ with reasons like “ Not today”, “ I dont have any _29_ money right now” or “I just bought some”. _30_, I had to continue with theday. _31_, a woman kindly bought nearly $

12、 60 worth of candles. I couldnt even hide my _32_ and said “Thank you very much” to her with a bow.After a_33_hard work, I turned in my $408 worth of sales ofcandles, which gave me $163 in my own account. I was _34_ to find out I was the second highest seller in all classes.It was the first time tha

13、t I had worked as a sales person. This experience let me know that _35_ difficulties was only wasting time and a barrier in my way to success.16.A. holdB. joinC. buildD. set17.A. businessB. EnglishC. mathD. sports18. A. chanceB. wayC. challengeD. choice19.A. incomeB. candles2虎式教育内部资料C. businessD. ex

14、pense20.A. expressB. showC. makeD. expect21.A. presentationB. businessC. clubD. interest22.A. toldB. convincedC. explainedD. requested23.A. puzzledB. surprisedC. shockedD. encouraged24.A. buyerB. sellerC. business manD. shop keeper25.A. lendingB. raisingC. returningD. borrowing26.A. openedB. knocked

15、C. burst intoD. shut27.A. worstB. uneasyC. bestD. unhappiest28.A. allowedB. permittedC. refusedD. demanded29.A. moreB. extraC. littleD. left30.A. HoweverB. SoC. ThereforeD. For31.A. SoB. SecondlyC. FirstlyD. Finally32.A. angerB. embarrassmentC. happinessD. sad33.A. weeksB. hoursC. yearsD. months34.A

16、. puzzledB. surprisedC. calmD. lucky35.A. overcomingB. dealing withC. acceptingD. worrying about3虎式教育内部资料答案与解析:1 答案与解析:A句意:许多学生发现很难接受这位新老师的方言。take in“ 理解;接受;吸收 ” ,符合句意。 take up“ 开始从事; 占据 ” ;take over“ 接管,接收 ” ;take on“ 呈现;承担 ”。2 答案与解析: D It occurred/ occurs to sb. that.为固定句式,意为 “ 某人突然想起, ” 。其他三项不能用于

17、此结构。3 答案与解析: A句意:我认为电视节目中不应当允许使用粗俗的语言,应当维持某些标准。 keep up“ 保持; (使 )不停止 ” 。keep down“ 控制,抑制 ” ;keep out“ (使) 不进入 ” ;keep off “ (使 )不接近,挡开” ,均不符合句意。4 答案与解析: Bin the majority “ 占多数 ” ,为固定搭配。5 答案与解析: C 句意:如果你用铲子把每一小部分划分出来,花园里的挖掘工作会容易很多。 mark out “ 画线;标出 , 的界限 ” 。6 答案与解析: A句意:这个协议表明两家公司将会重新合作。team up with

18、“ 与 ,合作或一起工作” ,为固定搭配。turn up“ 出现;露面 ” ; look up “ 向上看;查阅 ” ; pickup“ 捡起 ”。7 答案与解析: Cby the time, each time, every time, immediately, the moment等词或短语常用做连词,引导时间状语从句,因主句用过去完成时,故用by the time 。8 答案与解析: Cby means of“通过 ,手段;借助 , ”,本题指语言和身势语是我们表达思想的手段。in terms of“ 在 ,方面;就 ,而言 ” ; in spite of “不管 ” ; incase“

19、 以防 ” 。9 答案与解析: B考查动词辨析。 句意:晚上天边红预示明朝天气好。indicate “ 表明 ” ;direct“ 指引 ” ;influence “ 影响 ” ; guide“引导 ” 。10 答案与解析: C考查动词短语辨析。句意:以我的观点,给人面包不如教他如何适应新生活。 make sense“ 有意义 ”;make progress“ 取得进步 ” ;make a life “适应新生活 ” ;make ones way“ 前进 ” 。11 答案与解析: Clet sth. slip through your fingers 是一习惯用语,意思是“错过 (机会) ”。

20、12 答案与解析: Ba great deal of 后接不可数名词,故可排除C 项;由于 students 前有定冠词 the,所以应排除A、 D 两项。13 答案与解析: C句意:据说三个月前被雇用的女校长马上就要被解雇了。hire“ 雇用” ; fire “解雇 ” ; dismiss“ 开除 ” 。由句意可知,选 C 项。14 答案与解析: C考查动词辨析。句意:众所周知,总统每四年选举一次。elect“ 选举” ; boom“ 猛涨 ” ; hire“ 雇用 ” ; grasp“ 掌握,抓住 ”。15 答案与解析: A 句意:表面上他生病的原因是过度饮酒,但实际原因是丧妻之痛。 ap

21、parent“ 显然的, 表面上的 ” ;obvious “ 明显的 ” ;clear“ 明白的, 清楚的 ” ;distinct “ 清晰的,明确的 ” 。本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章,以叙述为主。作者在美国求学时,选修了市场营销课。在推销蜡烛时,艰难的经历使作者悟出了一个道理:害怕困难、 为困难担忧就是浪费时间,也是成功路上的障碍。16 B从下文的 “ a national marketing club” 来看,应该是加入俱乐部。故答案为B项。17A 从上文的 “ a great interest in my marketing class ” 来看,此处应该是与市场销售有关,所以选 busi

22、ness。18C 从下文销售蜡烛的过程来看,作者非常艰难,所以对作者来说销售蜡烛挣钱是一个挑战,而不是机会。19 A从文章倒数第二段中的“ . I turned in my $ 408 worth of sales of candles, whichgave me $ 163 in my own account. ” 可以看出这里指40%的收入进入作者的个人账户。20 B如果作者能表现出自信并能做一个精彩的销售演示,房东就会买一些蜡烛。4虎式教育内部资料21 A从前面的 “ She said that if I could _20_ confidence and do a wonderful

23、salespresentation.”可看出答案为 A 项。22B作者向房东介绍各种各样的蜡烛以及一些特卖,并极力让房东相信作者的蜡烛是作为礼物和家庭装饰的最好选择。故答案为B 项。23 D卖了三支蜡烛后,作者受到极大鼓舞。24 A作者鼓足勇气,敲了第一个潜在的买主的家门。25 B从第二段中的 “ The first _18_ was to raise money for the marketing competitionlater in the year by selling candles. ” 可知答案。26 D从前半句 “ Not today, sorry , the man inte

24、rrupted me. ” 来看此处应该是指关上门。27A从下半句的信息 “. that might happen was being refused like that again. ”可看出作者鼓励自己 “ 最坏的事情也无非就是像这次一样被拒绝”。28 C结合下面列举的原因可知,这里应是指作者无数次被人们以各种理由拒绝。29 B人家不想买,所以就说没有闲置的钱。30A前面说自己被人们以各种理由拒绝,这里说还要继续下去,显然前后是转折关系。31 D最后,一位女士买了近60 美元的蜡烛。32 C最后有人买了,所以作者难以掩饰自己的高兴。33A从第二段中的 “Mrs. Tolman said t

25、he competition was due in a week. ” 可看出是一周的时间。34B从下半句的 “ to find out I was the second highest seller in all classes ” 可看出作者非常吃惊。35 D从下半句的 “. was only wasting time and a barrier in my way to success ” 可看出,应该是指为困难而烦恼。5虎式教育内部资料Sunday, October 1FineToday, I with my foreign friend Jack, visited some plac

26、es of interest in Qingdao. Early in the morning, we first went to the attractive seaside, where we took some photos, walked on the sands and swam in the sea as much as we liked. At noon, we visited the famous Beer Castle and ate much delicious sea- food and barbecue there, drinking the well - known Qingdao Beer, from which we learned more about this modern city. After lunch, we drove to Mountain Lao and on the mountain we enjoyed the wonderful scenery of green trees and white clouds. We were both completely exhausted but happy, because we spent an unforgettable National Day.6


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