小学英语单词分类+语法时态汇总(附练习题)(DOC 14页).docx

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1、1. 动物:cat 猫sheep羊kangaroo袋鼠zebra斑马dog 狗donkey 驴goose鹅giraffe 长颈鹿pig 猪squirrel 松鼠monkey 猴子rooster 公鸡duck 鸭fish 鱼panda熊猫lion 狮子rabbit 兔子bird 鸟bear 熊zebra斑马horse 马eagle鹰lion 狮子dragon 龙elephant大象snake 蛇tiger 老虎ant 蚂蚁mouse 老鼠fox 狐狸swan 天鹅hen 母鸡cow 牛2. 水果蔬菜mango 芒果watermelon 西瓜tomato 西红柿green bean青豆apple

2、苹果grape葡萄potato 土豆cucumber黄瓜banana香蕉peach桃子onion 洋葱cabbage卷心菜pear 梨strawberries 草莓carrot 胡萝卜orange桔子lemon 柠檬eggplant 茄子3. 食物fish鱼sausage 香肠sweet and sour fish 糖醋鱼noodles 面条jam 果酱bread 面包cake 蛋糕sweet potato 白薯meatballs 肉丸子tofu豆腐milk 牛奶chicken nuggets 炸鸡块nut坚果cherry pie樱桃派fruit 水果meat肉onion 洋葱a bowl o

3、f soup 一碗汤beef 牛肉chicken鸡肉cookies 曲奇pork猪肉oil 油a dish 一道菜sandwich 三明治pizza 披萨salad 沙拉vegetable 蔬菜yogurt 酸奶green bean 青豆rice米饭chocolate巧克力dessert 甜点biscuits 饼干pork ribs排骨ketchup 番茄沙司egg鸡蛋ice cream 冰激凌hamburger汉堡hot dog 热狗French fries炸薯条4.饮料coffee 咖啡coke 可乐milk 牛奶water 水beer 啤酒tea 茶juice 果汁orange juic

4、e 橙汁5. 交通工具bike 自行车boat 小船car 小汽车subway 地铁bus 公共汽车ship 轮船jeep 吉普车taxi 出租车train 火车yacht 快艇plane 飞机spaceship宇宙飞船6. 颜色red 红色orange橘色black 黑色grey 灰色blue 蓝色green绿色white 白色purple 紫色yellow 黄色pink 粉色brown 棕色silver 银色7. 学习 用 品computer 电脑pencil-box 铅笔盒schoolbag 书包knife 小刀ruler 尺子eraser橡皮pen 钢笔book 书math book

5、数学书pencil 铅笔bag 书包sharpener转笔刀pencil-case铅笔盒newspaper报纸storybook 故事书English book 英语书Chinese book语文书notebook 笔记本crayon 蜡笔8. Family Tree 家庭成员之间的关系mother 母亲uncle 叔叔grandpa爷爷father 父亲aunt 阿姨grandma奶奶sister 姐妹dad 爸爸cousin 堂兄弟姐妹brother 兄弟mom 妈妈nephew 侄子son 儿子grandfather祖父niece 侄女daughter女儿grandmother祖母9.

6、用来形容某人的词汇: 例:“ He is kind.”(他是 善良的 )clever(聪明的)funny(有趣的)slow(迟钝的)cute(可爱的)great(了不起的)smart(聪明的)dangerous(危险的)lovely(可爱的)wonderful (奇妙的)famous(著名的)nice(和蔼的)fine(美好的)shy(害羞的)10. 体貌特征 。例:“ He is tall and strong.”(他 高大而强壮 。)还有一些词语是:healthy(健康的)short(矮的)beautiful(美丽的)little(小的)thin(瘦的)dirty (脏的)old(年老的)

7、ugly(难看的)fat(肥胖的)pretty(漂亮的)young(年轻的)11. 职业 “He is a lawyer(律师) .”。其他表示职业的单词还有:cook(厨师)policewoman(女警察)dentist(牙科医生)postman(邮差)pilot(飞行员)professor(大学教授)doctor(医生)driver(驾驶员)engineer(工程师)farmer(农民)manager(经理)nurse(护士)policeman(警察)12. 体育用品: ball 球basketball 篮球 volleyball 排球 tennis 网球13. 课程、科目:Chinese

8、语文 math 数学 English 英语14. 方位:east东15. 餐具:plate 盘子 knife 刀16. 地点:home 家room 房间bedroom 卧室bathroom 浴室living room 客厅kitchen 厨房washroom 洗手间pupil(小学生)scientist(科学家)singer(歌手)student(学生)teacher(教师)waiter(服务员)worker(工人)ping-pong 乒乓table tennis乒乓球football 足球soccer英式足球music 英语art 美术P.E体育west 西south 南fork 叉spoo

9、n 勺子study 书房classroom教室library 图书馆bookstore 书店playground 操场gym 体育馆computer room电脑教室coach(教练)teacher(教师)barber(理发师)tour guide(导游)writer (作家)golf 高尔夫rugby 橄榄球badminton 羽毛球go skating 滑冰science科学M.E 品德computer 计算机north 北pot 锅chopsticks 筷子music room 音乐教室 art room 美术教室 office 办公室 school 学校 post office 邮局c

10、linic 诊所hospital 医院shop 商店museum博物馆gas station加油站bank 银行park 公园the Great Wall 长城company 公司amusement park游乐园the Summer Palace颐和园factory 工厂theme park主题公园the Palace Museum 故宫farm 农场zoo 动物园cinema 电影院supermarket超市17. 国家、城市:ChinaEnglandNew YorkAmerica/US/USACanadaLondonBritain/UKAustraliaSydney18. 服饰:jack

11、et 夹克衫coat 外套cap 鸭舌帽shirt 衬衫raincoat 雨衣tie 领带T-shirt T 恤衫shorts 短裤scarf 围巾skirt 短裙sneakers运动鞋gloves 手套dress连衣裙slippers 拖鞋suit 套装jeans牛仔裤trousers裤子uniform 校服socks 袜子sandals凉鞋blouse 女士衬衫shoes鞋boots 长靴pants 长裤sweater毛衣hat 帽子19. 职业 :teacher教师farmer 农民pilot 飞行员student学生singer 歌唱家barber 理发师doctor 医生writer

12、 作家lawyer 律师nurse 护士engineer工程师professor大学教授driver 司机policeman 警察coach教练20. 身体部位body 身体face 脸hand 手back 后背hair 头发finger 手指heart 心脏nose鼻子leg 腿neck 脖子mouth 嘴knee 膝盖tooth 牙齿eye 眼睛toe 脚趾foot 足ear 耳朵head头arm 胳膊21. 人的心理感受happy 高兴的,开心的glad 高兴的angry 生气的22. 患病、身体不舒服ill 有病的sick 有病的fever 发烧hurt 受cold 感冒23. 乐器:

13、 flute 笛子 violin 小提琴24. 形状 circle 圆 diamond 菱形square正方形25. 数词one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six六seven七eight 八26. 序数词first 第一second 第二third 第三sad悲伤的tired 累的interested感兴趣的cough 咳嗽sore throat嗓子疼a runny nose流鼻涕flu 流感toothache牙疼piano 钢琴drum 鼓rectangle长方形triangle 三角形heart 心形nine九seventeen十七ten 十eighteen十八el

14、even 十一nineteen十九twelve 十二twenty 二十thirteen 十三thirty 三十fourteen 十四forty 四十fifteen 十五fifty 五十sixteen 十六sixty 六十fourth 第四seventh 第七fifth第五eighth 第八sixth 第六ninth 第九afraid 害怕的excited 兴奋的headache头疼earache耳朵疼backache腰疼stomachache胃疼pill 药片,药丸guitar 吉他star 五角星形seventy 七十eighty 八十ninety 九十hundred 百thousand千t

15、enth 第十27. 季节 (season)spring 春天summer 夏天autumn / fall 秋天winter 冬天28. 星 期(week )5Sunday星期日Monday星期一Tuesday星期二29. 月份January 一月 February 二月 March 三月 April 四月30. 节 日:Wednesday 星期三Thursday星期四Friday星期五May 五月June 六月July 七月August 八月Saturday星期六weekend周末September 九月October 十月November 十一月December十二月TeachersDay

16、 教师节-September 10thNational Day 国庆节-October 1stThanksgiving Day 感恩节-the fourth Thursday in NovemberChristmas Day圣诞节-December 25thNew Year 元旦 -January 1stSpring Festival 春节Womens Day 妇女节-March 8thTree-Planting Day 植树节 -March 12thLabor Day 劳动节-May 1stMothers Day 母亲节-the second Sunday in MayFathers Day

17、 父亲节-the third Sunday in JuneChildrensDay 儿童节-June 1st31. 天气( weather):sun 太阳rain 雨snow 雪sunny 晴朗的rainy 下雨的snowy 下雪的cloud 云wind 风hot 颜色的cloudy 多云的windy 有风的cold 寒冷的32. 动词:动词第三人称单数现在分词paint 绘画,涂色have 有、吃eat 吃drink 喝look 看see看见watch 看fly 飞draw 画画clean 打扫play 玩、演奏open 打开cool 凉爽的warm 温暖的wet 湿润的dry 干燥的过去时

18、态6close 关上wait 等待help 帮助pass传递show 展示come 来try 尝试welcome 欢迎run 跑wear 穿know 知道love 爱like 喜欢enjoy 喜爱work 工作tell 告诉want 想要rain 下雨swim 游泳skate滑冰sleep睡觉talk 谈话call 打电话jump 跳walk 走climb 爬drive 开车buy 买teach教read 读cook 做饭study 学习learn 学习sing 唱歌dance跳舞miss 错过collect 收集kill 杀死protect 保护plant 种植throw 扔ride 骑wa

19、sh 洗7不规则变化的动词过去式:do/does-didget-gotthink-thoughtis-wassay-saidbuy-boughtare-werefeel-feltcatch-caughtgo-wentdrink-drankteach - taughthave-hadeat-atesit-satare-werebring-broughtcut-cut时态总复习一、【一般现在时】1. 表示经常发生或反复发生的动作。2. 表示真实存在的情况和状态。He is a student他.是一个学生。3. 表示永恒的真理。The sun rises in the east.太阳从东边升起。一

20、般现在时的结构:主语 +动词原形(主语是第三人称单数的时候用动词原形+s 或 es)( 1)肯定句:I do my homework at six.My father goes fishing everyday.否定句:I dontlike eating vegetables.He cantspeak English very well.人称动词肯定形式动词否定形式Iamam notHe/she/itisis not = isntYou/theyareare not = arentI/you/theydodo not = dontHe/she/itdoesdoes not = doesnt所有

21、人称cancan not = can8tput-put become-became肯定: I am a teacher.否定: I am not a teacher.肯定: Mary likes hot dog.否定: Mary doesn t like banana.肯定: I can eat three hamburgers.否定:I can t eat three hamburgers.1. Do you often _ (washing/wash) your hair?2. They _ (live/living) in the same house.3. It _ (snow/sno

22、ws) in winter.4. Look! Peter is_ (play/playing) the basketball.【一般现在时动词第三人称单数的变化规则】1、直接在动词后 +slike- likesplay-plays2、以 s, x, sh, ch, 接尾的动词: +eswash-washeswatch-watches3、以辅音 +o 接尾的动词: +esgo-goesdo-does4、以辅音 +y 接尾的动词:变y 为 i+esfly-fliesI go to school every day.You go to school every day.He goes to scho

23、ol every day.I watch TV at seven.You watch TV at seven.My father watches TV at seven.I play football after school every day.You play football after school every day.Peter plays football after school every day.1. Peter always _ to school on foot.9A. goB. wentC. goes2.-What s this?-_ is a book.A. that

24、B. ThisC. this3.Look! Mary _ in the river.A. swimB. is swimingC. is swimming4.He usually _ up at six in the morning.A. gotB. getC. gets5.He never _ to school late.A. goB. goingC. goes6. What is Mike doing now?He is _ an English book.A. raedingB. readingC. reads7.Listen! The bird _ over there.A. is s

25、ingingB. singingC. are singing8.We _ football tomorrow.A. playedB. playC. will play9.He is eighteen years older _ I am.A. likeB. thanC. so二、【现在进行时】现在进行时表示动作发生的时间是“现在 ”,动作目前的状态是“正在进行中 ”。所谓 “正在进行中 ”,是指在谈到这件事的时候,这个动作还在进行中。现在进行时的构成是 :主语 +be 动词 +动词 ing 形式肯定句 :主语 +be+现在分词否定句:主语 +be+not+现在分词一般疑问句 :be+主语 +现

26、在分词10特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+be 动词 +主语 +现在分词 +Sth变化规则1.直接 + ing(例: sleep+ing=sleeping)2.去掉不发音的e+ing(例: make-e+ing=making)3. 重读 闭音 节, 以 辅 音 字母 加元 音 字 母结 尾 的词 ,要 双写 尾字 母再 加 ing ( 例:swim+m+ing=swimming)时间状语可用来表示现在进行时的 时间状语 ,常用的有: now, this week, at this moment ,right now 等;或者告诉你一个准确的现在时间,或者用 look, listen (常用于句子的开头

27、,表示提醒听者注意正在发生的事情)。例如:例: They are playing basketballnow.Listen! She is singing an English song.Its 6:30 now. I am getting up.1.Mr Zheng(read) a book now.2.The rabbits(jump) now.3. Look ! Tom and John(swim).4.My brother(make) a kite in his room now.5.Look! The bus(stop).6.We(have) an English class now

28、.7.Listen! Someone is(come).8.They(catch) butterflies now.9.He(do) an experiment now.11三、【一般将来时】(1)主语 +be 动词 +going to do(动词原形 ).表示将要做某事 I m going to be an engineer.Are you going to be a doctor, too?Kate is going to go to London by plane.(2)主语 +will+ 动词原形表示将要做某事I will eat some apples.He will go to N

29、ew York this Sunday.第一人称主语 +shall+动词原形表示将要做某事I shall buy something for my mom.Shall we go shopping after school?选择正确的答案:Lucy will _ (going/go) to Britain next month.Will you _ (play/plays) football with me?I m going to _ a film tomorrow.They are going to _ next Sunday.Lisa is going to _ a song at th

30、e party.() 1.A. seeingB. seeC. sees() 2.A. swimB. swimmingC. swims() 3.A. singsB. singC. singing四、【一般过去时】一般过去时表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如: yesterday (昨天),last night (昨晚),in 1990 (在 1990 年), two days ago (两天前)等。一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作,常和 often ,always 等表示频率的时间状语连用。过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为;过去主语所具备的能力和性格。

31、 一般过去时不需考虑第三人称单数的变化。一般过去时的结构: 基本结构: 主语 +动词过去式 +其他;否定形式 was/were+not;在行为动词前加 didnt,同时还原行为动词。规则变化的动词过去式:1直接加 ed :work worked look looked ,2以不发音 e 结尾的单词 ,直接加 d: live lived hope hoped use used,123以 辅音 字母 +y 结 尾的 ,变 y 为 i 加 ed : study studied carry carriedworry worried,4以元音字母 +y 结尾的,直接加 ed :enjoy enjoyed

32、 play played5以重读闭音节 结尾的,双写最后的 辅音字母 +ed: stop stopped plan planned不规则变化的动词过去式:do/does-didare-wereeat-ateteach - taughtis-wasget-gotbring-broughtsit-satare-weresay-saidthink-thoughtcut-cutgo-wentfeel-feltbuy-boughtput-puthave-haddrink-drankcatch-caughtbecome-became用动词的适当形式填空: He _(visit) the Great Wal

33、l last year. 2.We_(have) a good time yesterday.3.We often _(go) to school by bus last year.4.I _(live)in the village when I was a child.5.Mike_(see) a big tiger in the nature park last year.6.Sam_ (do) the housework yesterday.7._(do) you _(enjoy) yourself yesterday?9.I _ (eat) a big pizza yesterday.

34、11. I _ (watch) a cartoon on Saturday.12. Her father _ (read) a newspaper last night.13. We _(go) to zoo yesterday.13人称代词表单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称I 我mewe 我们us第二人称you 你youyou 你们youhe 他him他们第三人称she 她herthey 她们themit 它it它们物主代词分类表名词性 物主代词= 形容词性 物主代词 +(前面已经出现过的)名词请看下面的例子:Mine is smaller than this one.我的比这个更小。My glass is smaller than this one. 我的玻璃杯比这个更小。数人称词义形容词性名词性物主代词物主代词第一人称我的mymine第二人称你的youryours单数他的hishis第三人称她的herhers它的itsits第一人称我们的ourours复数第二人称你们的youryours第三人称他/她/它们的theirtheirs14


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