小学英语完形填空练习题(附答案)(DOC 11页).doc

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1、小学英语完形填空练习题(附答案)一、完形填空1完形填空完形填空 Liu Taos grandparents live on the 1 . They have a big house 2 the house, there is a park. Today is 3 Liu Tao and his parents dont study or 4 Now they are at Liu Taos grandparents house. All of them are 5 lunch around the table. There are some rice dumplings on the tab

2、le. Liu Tao likes 6 the rice dumplings with meat and eggs. But his parents like the 7 with jujube (枣子). Grandpa is telling a 8 about Quyuan. They are all listening to him. They are going to watch a dragon boat race in the park in the 9 It will be very exciting (令人激动的). Liu Tao likes the races. He ca

3、nt 10 to see. 1. A. zooB. farmC. park2. A. InB. UnderC. Near3. A. the Spring FestivalB. ChristmasC. the Dragon Boat Festival4. A. workB. playC. write5. A. haveB. havingC. has6. A. eatingB. drinkingC. cooking7. A. onesB. oneC. first8. A. songB. bookC. story9. A. morningB. afternoonC. evening10. A. wa

4、itB. stayC. go【答案】(1)B;(2)C;(3)C;(4)A;(5)B;(6)A;(7)A;(8)C;(9)A;(10)A; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】大意:讲述刘涛一家人在端午节看望齐祖父母的故事。(1)句意是刘涛的祖父母居住在农场里。根据固定搭配on the farm表达在农场里可知,故选B。(2)句意是在他们的房子附近有一个花园。根据句意可知,要使用介词near表达在.附近。故选C。(3)句意是今天是端午节。根据句意可知,要表达端午节the dragon boat festival。故选C。(4)句意是今天是端午节。刘涛和他的父母既不上学也不用上班。work表达工作

5、。故选A。(5)句意是他们所有人都坐在一桌吃午餐。根据句意可知,要使用动词have表达吃饭。be动词后接动词ing形式having表达一家人正在吃。故选B。(6)句意是刘涛喜欢吃粽子。根据句意可知,要使用like后接动词ing形式eating表达喜欢吃粽子。故选A。(7)句意是但是他的父母喜欢吃枣子类的粽子。根据句意可知,要使用代词ones来代指粽子复数。故选A。(8)句意是爷爷给他讲述关于屈原的故事。根据句意可知,要使用动词固定搭配tell a story表达将故事。故选C。(9)句意是他们打算在上午在公园观看龙舟表演。根据句意可知,要表达上午morning进行龙舟表演才合理。故选A。(10

6、)句意是刘涛喜欢龙舟表演,因此可以推测他迫不及待地看表演。动词词组cant wait to+动词原形表达迫不及待做某事。故选A。【点评】考查完形填空。注意根据上下句句意来选择合适的单词填空。2完形填空完形填空。 It was 1 yesterday. I went to the department store with my dad. I wanted 2 a new bag. My old bag was blue. It was nice 3 it was broken. I liked the red bag with pockets. But it was very heavy. T

7、hen I 4 a smaller one. It was very nice. I liked it very much. It was 60 yuan. Dad 5 it for me. I was very happy. 1. A. sunB. sunnyC. suny2. A. buyB. to buyC. to buying3. A. andB. orC. but4. A. seeB. sawC. sees5. A. boughtB. buysC. buy【答案】(1)B;(2)B;(3)C;(4)B;(5)A; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】(1)句意是昨天天气是晴朗的。根据下

8、句I went to the department store with my dad.主人公和爸爸一起却商场购物可以推测,天气一定晴朗。sunny是形容词晴朗的含义。故选B。(2)句意是我想要购买一个新包。根据动词词组want to+动词原形可知,此处要表达want to buy想要购买。故选B。(3)句意是我的旧包是蓝色的。它是漂亮的,但是它坏了。根据形容词nice和broken的对比可知,此处要表达转折之意。but用来表达转折,但是之意。故选C。(4)句意是之后我看上了一个更小的包。根据上文内容可知,主人公是去因为旧包破损购买新包。必然要走走看看。saw是看的动词。故选B。(5)句意是爸

9、爸给我买的。我非常高兴。根据上文内容可知,主人公的旧包坏了。喜欢上一个小的新包。新包60元,可以推测是爸爸给她购买的。bought是购买的动词。故选A。【点评】考查完形填空。注意根句意选择相对应的单词。3完形填空完形填空。 Lili, look 1 the picture. Its 2 picture of our classroom. In the picture, you can see some desks 3 chairs. 4 the blackboard, you can see two black and white cats. A map is 5 the door. Its

10、a map 6 Beijing. Under the 7 desk is a ball, but you cant see it. The girl in the hat is my good friend Kate. She is a new student. She is 8 English girl. She looks 9 Lucy. But they arent 10 . 1. A. inB. atC. toD. on2. A. aB. anC. theD. /3. A. orB. butC. andD. there4. A. InB. OfC. AtD. On5. A. atB.

11、inC. underD. behind6. A. ofB. onC. inD. for7. A. teacherB. teachersC. teachersD. of teacher8. A. /B. theC. anD. a9. A. atB. afterC. likeD. the same10. A. boysB. girlC. twinsD. students【答案】(1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)D;(5)D;(6)A;(7)C;(8)C;(9)C;(10)C; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】这是一篇介绍作者教室照片的短文。(1)句意: 莉莉, 看.这张照片。look 是不及物

12、动词, 后面跟宾语用短语look at“看”, 这是固定搭配。故答案为: B.(2)句意: 它是我们教室的.照片。根据句意这里是一张, 用不定冠词,picture是辅音音素开头的单词, 不定冠词用a. 故答案为: A.(3)句意: 你可以看到一些桌子.椅子。这里desks和chairs并列, 应该用并列连词and, or表示选择, but表示转折, there那里都不合适。故答案为: C.(4)句意: 黑板., 你可以看到两个黑白色的猫。可知是黑板上。在黑板上用介词on, 这是习惯搭配。故答案为: D.(5)句意: 门.一张地图。A选项是: 在某地, B选项是: 在.里, C选项是: 在.下,

13、 D选项是: 在.后面。根据句意用behind合适。故答案为: D.(6)句意: 它是一张北京.地图。根据句意这里是of所有格,是固定短语。故答案为: A.(7)句意: .桌子下面有一个球。根据句意这里是讲堂桌, 用s所有格, 因为是所有教师的讲堂桌,用teachers. 故答案为: C.(8)句意: 她是.英国女孩。根据句意这是一位, 英国用不定冠词, English是元音音素开头的单词, 不定冠词用an. 故答案为: C.(9)句意: 她看起来.Lucy. look at看., look after照看, look like看起来像, look the same看起来一样,后面不跟宾语。

14、根据句意这里是用look like合适。故答案为: C.(10)句意: 可是她们不是.。A选项是: 男孩,B选项是: 女孩, C选项是: 双胞胎, D选项是: 学生。根据上一句看起来像,可知用twins. 故答案为: C.【点评】这是考查综合能力的题目。要注意上下文以及常用的短语和搭配。4完形填空完形填空 Hello, my names Joe. Im a pupil. I like cooking. I want to 1 a cook. I want to 2 nice food for people. My father is a pilot. He flies a plane in t

15、he sky. He is not afraid of 3 My mother is a teacher. She 4 Art. She 5 good at painting. She can paint beautiful pictures. 1. A. amB. beC. is2. A. cookB. cooksC. cooking3. A. flyingB. flyC. flies4. A. teachB. teacherC. teaches5. A. isB. beC. are【答案】(1)B;(2)A;(3)A;(4)C;(5)A; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】这篇短文介绍了自

16、己的理想和父母的工作。(1)句意:我想成为一名厨师。想成为是短语want to be,be用动词原形,根据选项,答案为:B。(2)句意:我想为人们烹饪美食。想要做某事want to do sth, to后面用动词原形,故答案为:A。(3)句意:他不害怕飞行。be afraid of doing sth,害怕做某事。故答案为: A。(4)句意:她叫美术。句子是一般过去时,主语是she,第三人称单数,动词用单三式,故答案为:C。(5)句意:她擅长画画。句子主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用is。故答案为:A。【点评】这是考查综合能力的题目。首先浏览文章,掌握大意,其次理解句意,联系上下文,选择合适的单

17、词。5完形填空完形填空 Most(大多数的)children like 1 TV on TV, they can learn a lot. They can see and know many things 2 their country and the world. Of course, they can also 3 over the radio(收音机), but they can learn better and more easily with TV. Why? Because they can hear and watch at the 4 time. But they cant

18、see anything over the radio. Many children often watch TV at the 5 . They are very busy with their lessons on weekdays. But a few children watch TV every night. They go to bed very 6 . So, they cant have a good rest. How about you, my friend?1. A. going to watchB. watchingC. will watches2. A. forB.

19、aboutC. too3. A. writeB. studyC. dance4. A. sameB. differentC. both5. A. weekdaysB. FridayC. weekend6. A. lateB. earlyC. busy【答案】(1)B;(2)B;(3)B;(4)A;(5)C;(6)A; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】这是一篇谈论孩子们看电视问题的短文。(1)句意:大多数孩子们喜欢.电视,他们可以学到很多东西。这里是短语like doing sth(喜欢做某事),C选项是将来时,不合适,A选项“去电视上看电视”意思啰嗦,只有B选项是“观看电视”意思合适。故答案

20、为:B.(2)句意:他们可以看到或了解到许多.他们国家和世界的事情。A选项是:为了,B选项是;关于,C选项是:太,是副词,不修饰名词。根据句意,用about合适。故答案为:B.(3)句意:当然他们可以通过收音机.,通过电视他们学的更多更容易。根据后半句的learn“学习”可知这里用study“学习”。故答案为:B.(4)句意:因为他们可以.看和听。这里是短语“同时 at the same time”. A选项正确。故答案为:A.(5)句意:许多孩子们经常在.看电视。根据下一句的weekdays可知这里是weekend. 故答案为:C.(6)句意:他们上床睡觉很.。根据下句“他们休息不好。”可知

21、这里选择late“晚”。故答案为:A.【点评】这是考查完型天空的题目。要灵活运用所学的知识。6完形填空阅读短文,选择适当的单词填空。 I am Andy. I usually have lunch 1 school. Our school menu sounds good. Today is Monday. We have egg soup and beef 2 Mondays. My favoritevegetable 3 cabbage, it is fresh. I also like fruit very much. 4 are my favorite fruit. They are

22、sweet and tasty. Mom says I should eat more vegetables and fruit, because I am too heavy now. What about 5 ? What is your school menu? Whats your favorite food?1. A. inB. onC. at2. A. inB. onC. at3. A. amB. isC. are4. A. MelonsB. MelonC. melons5. A. you(主格)B. yourC. you(宾格)【答案】 (1)C;(2)B;(3)B;(4)A;(

23、5)C; 【解析】【分析】(1)考查地点方位名词:in+大地方;on+有接触面的地点;at+小地方。选C。(2)星期前用介词on。故选B。(3)句子的主语是vegetable单数,故选B。(4)由位于are可知主语是复数名词,且是句子的第一个单词,所以要大写首字母,故选A。(5)about是介词,故选择的是宾格形式的you。故选C。7完形填空阅读短文,回答问题。Dear Amy, I want to 1 your friend. Let me introduce my family to you. My father is a doctor. He is tall 2 strong. My m

24、other is a teacher. She is think and kind. My brother Sam is 6 years old. Hes short and funny. We 3 in a big city. However, we usually go 4 on the weekends. I have a small and nice room. There is a bed and a desk in my room. I like reading books. I have many books 5 my desk. Welcome to my home. Your

25、s, Lucy1. A. amB. isC. be2. A. andB. orC. but3. A. livesB. liveC. living4. A. hikingB. hikeC. to hike5. A. inB. onC. at【答案】 (1)C;(2)A;(3)B;(4)A;(5)B; 【解析】【分析】(1)want to do sth想要做某事,固定搭配,故选C。(2)这个句子是肯定句式,而tall和strong都是形容词,故用and并列。选A。(3)句子的主语是we,复数,故谓语用复数形式,故选B。(4)go+ving,表示去做,约定俗成的用法,故选A。(5)句意:在书桌上,我

26、有很多书。按照人们的习惯,是把书放桌子上面。in在里面,on在上面;at在;故选最佳答案on。8完形填空完型填空。 I am Nancy Black. I 1 a brother, Mike. My father is a doctor and my mother is a bus driver. They dont 2 on Saturdays and Sundays. They sweep the floor 3 Saturday morning. But Mike and I like 4 some magazines. Sometimes we watch TV, but my fat

27、her doesnt, he 5 reading a newspaper with my mother.1. A. amB. haveC. has2. A. sleepB. workC. like3. A. inB. underC. on4. A. readingB. lookingC. seeing5. A. isB. likeC. likes【答案】 (1)B;(2)B;(3)C;(4)A;(5)C; 【解析】【分析】本文大意:我是布莱克南希。我有一个哥哥,迈克。我爸爸是一名医生我妈妈是一名公共汽车司机。他们周六周日不上班。他们在星球六早晨扫地。迈克和我喜欢看杂志。有时候我们看电视,但是我

28、爸爸不看,他喜欢喝妈妈一起看报纸。(1)有have。主语是I,故选C。(2)工作work。(3)在星期六早晨on Saturday morning。(4)看杂志用read。(5)爸爸是第三人称单数,后面的like要用第三人称单数形式。【点评】本题考查的是学生综合运用英语的能力,需要学生有一定的语言积累。9完形填空阅读对话,选择正确的答案填空。 Sally: What are you 1 ?Linda: 2 . Do you have 3 plans?Sally: I hear there is a new film at Sunshine 4 at 7:00 tonight. Would yo

29、u like 5 with me?Linda: Id love to. 6 are we going there?Sally: Its not far. Lets go 7 bike. OK?Linda: OK. 8 shall we meet?Sally: Lets meet at the cinema gate.Linda: 9 shall we meet?Sally: 10 6:30.Linda: See you then.Sally: See you.1. A. doB. doingC. to do2. A. NothingB. SomethingC. Anything3. A. so

30、meB. anyC. a4. A. BookstoreB. CinemaC. Restaurant5. A. goB. goingC. to go6. A. WhenB. WhereC. How7. A. byB. onC. in8. A. WhatB. WhereC. Who9. A. WhenB. WhereC. Which10. A. AtB. OnC. In【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)B;(4)B;(5)C;(6)C;(7)A;(8)B;(9)A;(10)A; 【解析】【分析】(1)句意:你什么?A做,动词原形,没有be+动词原形,这种结构,排除,B正在做,现在分词,由于现在进

31、行时,be+doing,C做,动词不定式,不能做谓语,排除,故答案为B. (2)句意:。根据后句询问对方是否有什么计划,可知琳达没有计划,A没有什么,否定形式,B一些事情,肯定形式,C如何事情,由于疑问句或否定句,故答案为A. (3)句意:你有计划吗?本句是一般疑问句, plans是名词复数,A一些,由于肯定句,B一些,用于否定句或一般疑问句,C一个,后面接名词单数 ,故答案为B. (4)句意:我听说今晚7点阳光电影院有一部新电影。根据 film电影 ,在电影院看电影,A书店,B电影院,C饭店,故答案为B. (5)句意:你想和我一起吗?would like to do sth想要去做某事,此处

32、用动词不定式,A去,动词原形,B去,现在分词,C去,动词不定式,故答案为C. (6)句意:我们去那里?根据 bike自行车,指方式 ,可知询问怎么样去那里,A什么时候,B在哪,C怎么样,故答案为C. (7)句意:我们骑自行车去。by+交通工具,固定搭配,故答案为A. (8)句意:我们见面?根据下文 the cinema gate 电影院大门,指地点,可知上文询问在哪见面,A什么,B在哪里,C谁,故答案为B. (9)句意: 我们将见面? 根据下文6:30 ,指时间,可知上文询问见面的时间,A什么时候,B在哪,C哪个,故答案为A. (10)句意:6点半。在具体时间前面用介词at在,故答案为A. 【

33、点评】本题考查了完形填空,先翻译对话,然后根据句意,选出恰当的单词填空,使对话完整。 10完形填空完形填空 There is a new park 1 my house. Its a fine day today. My family and I 2 in the park now. 3 my left, there is a cafe. On my right, there is a big lake. There are 4 flowers 5 trees near the lake. There 6 a small hill behind the lake. Near the lake,

34、 there is a sign. It says, 7 swim 8 the lake! There is a playground in the middle of the park. There are 9 small shops near the gate. The park is so beautiful. We like 10 very much.1. A. inB. nearC. on2. A. areB. amC. /3. A. InB. AtC. On4. A. anyB. manyC. much5. A. andB. orC. but6. A. areB. /C. is7.

35、 A. NoB. DontC. Not8. A. inB. atC. of9. A. anyB. someC. much10. A. themB. himC. it【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)B;(5)A;(6)C;(7)B;(8)A;(9)B;(10)C; 【解析】【分析】本文介绍“我”和家人在公园及公园里的事情。 (1)句意:我家附近有一个公园。near在附近,公园的位置应该是在家附近,故选B。 (2)句意:现在我跟家人在公园里。主语我和家人是复数,因此be动词用are, 故选A。 (3)句意:在我的左边,有一家咖啡馆。在左边用介词on,故选C。 (4)句意:湖边有许多花

36、和树。many修饰复数名词flowers,故选B。 (5)句意:湖边有许多花和树。and连接两个并列成分,故选A。 (6)句意:湖的后面有一座小山。hill是单数名词,因此需要be动词is,故选C。 (7)句意:它上面写着“不要在湖里游泳。”。否定的祈使句是Dont开头,故选B。 (8)句意:它上面写着“不要在湖里游泳。”。在湖里用介词in,故选A。 (9)句意:门口附近有一些小商店。some修饰复数名词shops,故选B。 (10)句意:我们都很喜欢它。park没有生命的单数名词,常用用it代替,故选C。 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,做完形填空,首先通过空格读懂文章大意,然后逐一阅读

37、,做出选择,注意时态、语法及固定用法等,注意时态、语法及固定用法等。11完形填空完形填空 Bob is an American boy. Hes 1 years old. Now he is in China 2 his grandma. Hi studies in a middle school. There are twelve boys and twenty girls in his 3 Bob has a good friend. His 4 is Jack. Jack can speak Chinese very 5 However, Bob cant. So Jack often

38、helps Bob. Both Bob and Jack like 6 . They often borrow books from their school library. They like China.1. A. fortyB. eightyC. thirteenD. twenty-five2. A. andB. bothC. togetherD. with3. A. classB. schoolC. homeD. China4. A. homeB. nameC. teacherD. class5. A. goodB. badC. wellD. nice6. A. footballB.

39、 talkingC. readingD. eating【答案】 (1)C;(2)D;(3)A;(4)B;(5)C;(6)C; 【解析】【分析】这篇短文介绍了Bob,Bob的教室,以及Bob和好朋友Jack的一些事情。 (1)句意:他.岁了。根据上句“Bob是一位美国男孩。”和后面的“他在一所中学学习。”可知他是一名中学生,C选项“13岁”正确。故答案为:C。 (2)句意:现在他.他的奶奶在中国。根据句子结构这里不是并列,and和or都是并列连词,淘汰,together“在一起”是副词,用在这里不合适。只有介词with“和.一起”,用在这里正确。故答案为:D。 (3)句意:在他们.里有12位男生

40、和20位女生。根据句意用class“班”正确。故答案为:A。 (4)句意:他的.是Jack。home“家”,name“名字”, teacher“老师”,class“班”。根据上句“Bob有位好朋友。”可知这是介绍这位朋友,用name合适。故答案为:B。 (5)句意:Jack汉语讲得非常.。根据下句“可知Bob不行。”可知这里是讲得好。这里修饰动词用well。故答案为:C。 (6)句意:Bob和Jack都喜欢.。根据下一句“他们经常从学校图书馆借书。”可知喜欢阅读。故答案为:C。 【点评】这是考查知识综合运用的题目。首先通读短文,了解大致意思,然后根据上下文意思提示和所学语法知识选择合适的选项。12完形填空完形填空 The Browns are 1 their new home. Everything is in a mess. They are 2 up. The living room is big and nice. There 3 three bedrooms. Sally likes 4 . There are many books on her shelf(架子). Peter puts his football under his bed. He 5 be a football player in the future. 1. A. underB. onC. atD.


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