初中英语阅读专项练习题(DOC 11页).docx

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1、初中英语阅读专项练习题(一)You dont need to get in a time-trn加油avelling machine to seen加油 how technology will change our liven加油s, such as the way we shop. Severan加油l new technologies that are n加油to change your buying hn加油abits already appear. Lets see whatn加油s in store for yourn加油 future shopping. Try it on, vi

2、n加油rtually(虚拟地). Want to shop online fon加油r a new pair of glasses? You donn加油t need to guess which pair looks bestn加油 on youuse the eBay Fashn加油ion iPhone app to try a pn加油air of glasses youre checkin加油ng out on a picture ofn加油 your face. But what about buyn加油ing something bigger? Thanks to Microson

3、加油ft Kinects action trn加油acking(跟踪)camera, you can cover clotn加油hes on your screen body. You can evn加油en choose the background of yn加油our virtual fitting room to improve yourn加油 shopping experience. Get a perfectn加油, custom fit. Everyones body is shapen加油d differently. To get n加油a perfect fit, you s

4、ometimes hn加油ave to get your clothn加油es changed. But by using 3D scanningn加油 technology, all the clon加油thes you buy will fitn加油 your body perfectly. Some con加油mpanies scan(扫描)your body usinn加油g High-tech to get the real n加油sizes, so they can make special cn加油lothes just for you. High-tecn加油h shoppin

5、g carts(推车)and checkout con加油unters(收银台). High-tech shopping cn加油arts could be common in malls ann加油d supermarkets in the future.n加油 Microsoft Kinect-enabled carts are n加油under test. The cart can follow you alon加油ng the aisles(通道), controln加油led only by your movement and yn加油our voice. In the United

6、 n加油States, several supern加油markets use a certain set called “Scan加油n It” that gives buyers the n加油freedom to scan products on their own n加油while they shop. If we don加油nt want to wait in line befn加油ore the checkout counters, n加油we can use Toshibas new object Recogn加油nition Scanner. The machn加油ine id

7、entifies(辨认)a product as soon n加油as its placed in front of a camera jn加油ust by its shape and color, en加油ven if it has no bar code.1n加油. According to Paragraph 2, the eBan加油y Fashion iPhone app can _n加油_. A. only make pictures of oun加油r faces B. help us sn加油ell more clothes online n加油 C. create us a

8、virtual dressing roon加油m D. choose suitable glan加油sses for us2. Which of the follown加油ing can help get the correcn加油t shape of our body? A.n加油 Object Recognition Scanner. n加油 B. The eBay Fan加油shion iPhone app. Cn加油. 3D scanning technology.n加油 D. Microsoft Kin加油nect-enabled carts.n加油3. What can we in

9、fer from this passn加油age? A. Checkout cn加油ounters will disappear fromn加油 supermarkets in future. B. High-tn加油ech shopping carts will bn加油e widely used in malls and superman加油rkets C. “Scan It” cannn加油ot be used by buyers themselven加油s. D. The new technologien加油s are only dreams that n加油are impossibl

10、e to come true.4. This n加油passage mainly talks about _. n加油 A. a new time-travelling macn加油hine B. the influence of new technn加油ology C. some inventn加油ions to change habitsn加油 D. the ways for future shoppinn加油g1.D 2.C 3.B 4.D(二)Kaitn加油lin Riffels dream to end poverty(贫困n加油) started when she was visi

11、ting hen加油r father, who worked n加油for the homeless. “I never ren加油alized there were people in thn加油e world who didnt havn加油e a home or food before,” san加油id Kaitlin, who is now sixten加油en. “I knew there was something I hn加油ad to do about that.” At age ein加油ght, she started raising n加油money to build

12、a playground. Itn加油 took me two years, Kaitlin n加油said. We started small. We wanted tn加油o do something to make a diffn加油erence.” In 2019, When Kaitlin加油n was thirteen, she visiten加油d Central America, and saw peoplen加油 going hungry and familin加油es living in houses n加油made of cardboard. That year, we

13、sen加油t Kids on a Mission, n加油which has helped hundreds n加油of people there. “Tn加油he rooms were smaller than my bedrn加油oom, but there would be eight people n加油living in each one, Kain加油tlin said. “We also got n加油to see the dirty rivers that those n加油people were drinking out of.” n加油 Providing clean dr

14、inking watern加油, food and clothes for people n加油living in poverty is now an impon加油rtant task for Kids on a Mission. “Thin加油s young lady is changinn加油g the hearts of peoplen加油, and also changing the world, sain加油d the headmaster of Kaitlin加油ns school.1. The job of Kaitlins fatn加油her was to_ A.n加油 se

15、ll foods B. bn加油uild playgrounds C. visit sn加油chools D. help homeless n加油people2. When did Kain加油tlin set Kids on a Mission?n加油 A. In 2009. B. In 201n加油9. C. In 2019. n加油 D. In 2019.3. Whan加油t was peoples life like in Central Amern加油ica according to Kaitlinn加油? A. They lived in strong housn加油es. B.

16、Their n加油drinking water was dirty. C. Their ben加油drooms were very big. D. Then加油y had enough food and clothes.4.n加油 What can we infer from the headman加油sters words? A. Kain加油tlin is always ready to gn加油ive and help. B. Kaitlin has n加油many chances to travel around. C.n加油 Kaitlin often changes n加油scho

17、ols for her study. D.n加油 Kaitlin has a serious problem n加油with her heart.5. Whan加油t might be the best title for tn加油he text? A. School life in An加油merica B. n加油Gift from a headmaster n加油C. Fathers duty in the family n加油 D. Girls dream to end povertyn加油1D 2C 3B 4A 5D(三)Uncle SamDo your cn加油hildren en

18、joy interesting stories, funnn加油y games and exciting dances? Uncn加油le Sam will be ready to teach chiln加油dren of all ages all these things at thn加油e City Theatre on San加油turday morning at 10:00. Free.Walkingn加油 Tour Forget yourn加油 worries on Saturday morning.n加油 Take a beautiful walk and ln加油earn abo

19、ut local history. Meet n加油at the front entrance of City Hall at n加油9:30. Wear comfortable shoes!Movie Timen加油 Two films will be shown onn加油 Saturday afternoon at thn加油e Museum Theatre. See Marchn加油 of the Penguins at 1:30. Kung Fu Pan加油nda will be at 3:45.n加油 For further information,n加油 call 4987898

20、.International Picn加油nic Are you tirn加油ed of eating the same foon加油d every day? Come to Central Pan加油rk on Saturday and enjoy foon加油d from all over the worln加油d. Delicious and not n加油expensive. Noon to 5:00 p.m.Take n加油Me Out to the Ballgame Its Octoben加油r, and this Saturday night is your lastn加油 ch

21、ance to see the Redbirds tn加油his year. Get your ticn加油kets at the gate. It might be cold. Don加油nt forget sweaters an加油nd jackets.Do You Want to Hear Tn加油he Zoo? The Zoo, a popun加油lar rock group from Australin加油a, will give their first US concern加油t this Saturday night an加油t 8:00 at Rose Hall, City C

22、on加油llege.1. You probably eat Chinesn加油e, Italian and Indian food at _. n加油 A. City Hall B. Central Parn加油k C. the City Theatre n加油 D. City College2.n加油 We can see movies at _n加油_. A. 10:00 a.m. B. 9:30 a.m. n加油 C. 3:45 p.m. n加油 D. 8:00 p.m.3. The Zoo hern加油e is a _. A. mun加油sic group B. US concert

23、n加油 C. popular park D.n加油 museum theatre4. From the passage, we n加油can know _. An加油. if you are 8 years old, you have to pn加油ay to learn exciting dances Bn加油. you can call 498789n加油8 to get a ticket to go to Rosn加油e Hall C. you can learn locn加油al history on a walking tn加油our on Sunday morning n加油 D.

24、 the Redbirds last match this yn加油ear will be held outside5. The passagn加油e is mainly about _n加油. A. city news B. n加油weekend activities C. music ween加油k D. food festival1B 2n加油C 3A 4D 5B(五)Pacific Science Centn加油er GuideVisit Pacificn加油 Science Centers Store Donn加油t forget to stop by Pacific Sn加油cie

25、nce Centers Store while you are hn加油ere to pick up a wonderful science actin加油vity or remember your visin加油t. The store is located(位于) upsn加油tairs in Building 3 right next to the Lan加油ster Dome.Hungry n加油 Our exhibits will feed your mind but n加油what about your body? Our caf offn加油ers a complete menu

26、 of lunch and n加油snack options, in addition to sn加油easonals. The caf is located upstan加油irs in Building 1 and in加油s open daily until one hour Pacific Scin加油ence Center closes.Rentan加油l Information Lockers are avan加油ilable to store any belongs duringn加油 your visit. The lockn加油ers are located in Build

27、ingn加油 1 near the Information Deskn加油 and in Building 3. Pn加油ushchairs and wheelchairs aren加油 available to rent at the Infon加油rmation Desk and Denny Way enn加油trance. ID required.Sun加油pport Pacific Science Centern加油 Since 1962 Pacific Science Cn加油enter has been inspirn加油ing a passion(热情) for discover

28、y and lifn加油elong in science, math andn加油 technology. Today Pacific Science Centn加油er serves more than 1.3 million加油n people a year and beings inquiry bn加油ased science education to classroomsn加油 and company events all over Wan加油shington State. Its an amn加油azing accomplishment and one we connecn加油t s

29、cience without generous sn加油upport from individuals, corn加油porations, and other social organ加油nizations. Wish pacificorganzier.orn加油g to find various ways you n加油can support Pacific Science Cenn加油ter.1.Where are you bun加油y a at Science Center? A.Inn加油 Building 1. B. In Builn加油ding 3. C.At the last D

30、enny. n加油 D.At the Denny Way enn加油trance.2.What does Pucifn加油ic Science Center do for schools? A.Tn加油raitn Scicnce teachers. Bn加油.Disncie scicnce books. n加油C. Disncie scicnctific resen加油arch. D.Take scicnn加油ce to the classroom.3.What is the n加油purpose of the last pan加油rt of the text? A.To encourage

31、don加油nations. B.To advertise cominn加油g events. C.To introbace spon加油cial exhibits. D abn加油ove of all1-3:BDA(六)In most parts n加油of the world, many students n加油help their school makn加油e less pollution. They join “en加油nvironment clubs”. In an enn加油vironment club, people won加油rk together to make our env

32、ironment cn加油lean.Here are the things studen加油nts often do. No-gan加油rbage lunches! How much do you thn加油row away after lunch? Envin加油ronment clubs ask students to bring tn加油heir lunches in bags thn加油at can be used again. Every week they n加油will choose the class that makn加油es the least garbage and re

33、pon加油rt it to the whole school! Nn加油o-car day! On a no-car day, nobody comn加油es to school in a car, non加油t only the students butn加油 the teachers as well! n加油Cars give pollution to our air, so n加油remember to do such things: walk, jumpn加油, bike or run! Use your legs! n加油Its very fun. Turn off the wn加油

34、ater! Do you know that some toin加油lets can waste twenty to forty n加油tons of water an hour? In a year, thn加油at would fill a small river! In envirn加油onment clubs, students mn加油end those broken toiletsn加油. We love our envn加油ironment. Lets work n加油together to make it clean加油n! This is the end on加油f our

35、radio programme.n加油 Wish you have a goon加油d night. This is Grace Brown.1Whern加油e is the passage fromn加油? AA newspaper. BA ran加油dio programme. CA TV programme. DAn加油 magazine.2Every week tn加油hey will report the class that _n加油_ to the whole school. Amakes then加油 least garbage n加油 Bmakes the most garb

36、age Cn加油throws away garbage n加油 DBrings lunches in a bn加油ag3On a no-car day,_ dontn加油 drive cars to school. Athe n加油students Bthe teachers Cnon加油body DBoth A and B4How mn加油uch water can some toilen加油ts waste half an hour?n加油 AA small river. n加油 BTwenty to forty tons.n加油 CTen to twenty tons. DHn加油alf

37、 a small river.5Why did Grn加油ace Brown read this passage? n加油 ATo use his legs to walk, jump n加油bike and run. BTo fill a smn加油all river. CTo ask studen加油nts to make less pollution加油n. DTo have fun. 1Bn加油 2A 3D 4C 5C(七)Who needs a shoppn加油ing mall if you have Taobao?”says Wan加油ng Wei, 28, a writer in

38、 n加油Beijing.Taobao, Chinas larn加油gest online shopping siten加油, has become an important pan加油rt of Wang Lins lifn加油e. She spends lots of money on Taobaon加油.A growing number of Chinen加油se Internet users like Wang han加油ve found the joys of online shopn加油ping. Most online shoppers are studenn加油ts or you

39、ng workers. More women加油n shop on line than men. Clothing an加油nd home use products are the mn加油ost popular on line.In加油t was reported that 250 billion yuan加油n was spent on line n加油shopping last year, eighty percent thrn加油ough Taobao. And on n加油November 11th, over 91 billion was sn加油pent on Taobao du

40、ring only one day.Tan加油obao means “looking for treasun加油re” in Chinese. People can find almon加油st everything they need on Taobao, fron加油m clothes to books, from candies to Dn加油VD players.You may quen加油stion the security of n加油online shopping. Wang said,n加油 “Its very safe and convenient. Unln加油ess yo

41、u receive the pn加油roducts from the sellers and are sn加油atisfied with them, tn加油he shop owner will not get the moneyn加油. You can also get your money back in加油f you want to return the prn加油oduct”1. Wang Wei _n加油_. A. is a writer in Nan加油njing B. is a pon加油pular man C. spends much monen加油y on Taobao D.

42、 tn加油hinks it is unsafe to shop online2. Mon加油st people shopping on line are _n加油_. A. young B. paren加油nts C. women D. men3.n加油 What are the most popular on line? An加油. Candies and DVD playern加油s. B. Clothesn加油 and books. C. Clothingn加油 and home-use products. n加油 D. DVD players and bon加油oks.4. Which word of the fon加油llowing has the same meanin加油ng as the underlined wordn加油 security? A. plean加油sure B. safety C. journeyn加油 D. use5. The best tn加油itle for this passage is _.n加油 A. Wang Weis Life n加油 B. Online Shopping n加油in China C. Where ton加油 Shop D. n加油The Safest Shopping1C 2A 3C 4B 5B第11页/共11页


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