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1、动词的分类Present for GirlfriendAt a jewelry store, a young man bought an expensive locket as a present for his girlfriend. Shall I engrave her name on it? the jeweler asked.The customer thought for a moment, and then said, No-engrave it To my one and only love. That way, if we ever break up, I can use i

2、t again.送给女友的礼物在一家珠宝店里,一位年轻人买了一个贵重的小金盒作为送给女友的礼物。“要我把她的名字刻在上面吗?”珠宝商问道。那名顾客想了一会儿,然后说道:“不-在上面刻给我唯一的爱。这样,如果我们闹崩了,我还可以再用到它。”C-动词的分类ur 什么是动词动词是用来表示主语做什么(即行为动词),或表示主语是什么或怎么样(即状态动词)的词例如:The boy runs fast.(这个男孩跑得快。)runs表示主语的行为He is a boy.(他是个男孩。)is与后面的表语a boy表示主语的状态动词的分类一、动词可以按照含义及它们在句中的作用分成四类,即行为动词(也称实义动词)、

3、连系动词、助动词和情态动词。(一)、行为动词行为动词(实义动词)是表示行为、动作或状态的词。它的词义完整,可以单独作谓语。例如:I live in Beijing with my mother.(我和我妈妈住在北京。)live,住It has a round face.(它有一张圆脸。)has,有(二)、连系动词系动词亦称连系动词(LinkVerb),作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语(亦称补语),构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。系动词后不可接副词,接的是形容词。大致分七种1)状态系动词 用来表示主语状态,只有be一词,例如: Heisateacher.

4、他是一名教师。(is与补足语一起说明主语的身份。) Iamfine.2)持续系动词 用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep,rest,remain,stay,lie,stand,例如: Healwayskeptsilentatmeeting.他开会时总保持沉默。 Thismatterrestsamystery.此事仍是一个谜。3)表像系动词 用来表示看起来像这一概念,主要有seem,appear,look,例如: Helookstired.他看起来很累。 Heseems(tobe)verysad.他看起来很伤心。4)感官系动词 感官系动词主要有feel,smell,sound,t

5、aste,例如: Thiskindofclothfeelsverysoft.这种布手感很软。 Thisflowersmellsverysweet.这朵花闻起来很香。5)变化系动词 这些系动词表示主语变成什么样,变化系动词主要有become,grow,turn,fall(asleep),get go,come,run.例如: Hebecamemadafterthat.自那之后,他疯了。 Shegrewrichwithinashorttime.她没多长时间就富了。6)终止系动词 表示主语已终止动作,主要有prove,turnout,表达证实,变成之意,例如: Therumorprovedfalse

6、.这谣言证实有假。 Thesearchproveddifficult.搜查证实很难。 Hisplanturnedoutasuccess.他的计划终于成功了。(turnout表终止性结果)7)使役动词: let,have,make Thestorymakemehappy.这个故事使我感到很开心。难点解释注意区别以下一些动词的用法,它们既可以作为行为动词,又可以作为连系动词。1、look看;看起来He is looking at the picture.(他正在看这图片。)行为动词It looks beautiful.(它看上去很美丽。)连系动词2、fell摸;感觉1)I felt someone

7、 touch my arm.(我感到有人碰我的手臂。)行为动词Are you felling better today than before?(你今天比以前感到好些了吗?)连系动词3、smell嗅;闻起来My little brother likes to smell the apple before he eats it.(我的小弟弟喜欢在吃苹果前闻一闻。)行为动词Great! The flowers smell nice.(这些花闻起来多香啊!)连系动词4、sound弄响,发音;听起来The letter “h” in hour is not sounded.(在hour这个词中字母h是

8、不发音的。)行为动词The gun sounded much closer.(枪声听起来更近了。)连系动词5、taste辨味;尝起来Please taste the soup.(请尝一口汤。)行为动词The soup tastes terrible.(这汤尝起来味道太差了。)连系动词6、get得到,获得;变There are some bananas on the table. Each of you can get one.(桌上有些香蕉,你们每个人可以拿一个。)行为动词7、grow生长,种植;变Do you grow rice in your country?(你们的国家种水稻吗?)行为动

9、词Its too late. Its growing dark.(太迟了,天渐渐变暗了。)连系动词8、turn转动,翻动,使变得;变The earth turns around the sun.(地球绕着太阳转。)行为动词When spring comes, the trees turn green and the flowers come out.(春天来了,树叶变经绿了,花儿开了。)连 上述句子中的动词如grow、get、turn等,既可以作连系动词,又可以作行为动词。如何来辨别它们呢?有一个最简便的方法,即用连系动词be替换句子中的这些动词,句子仍然成立就是连系动词;反之,不能替换的,就

10、是行为动词。例如:The trees turn/are green when spring comes.(春天来临,树叶变绿。)The earth runs around the sun.(地球绕着太阳转。)这第二句句子中的turn是行为动词,意为“转动”。无法以is替换。小练习:1._everyoneheretoday?A.Be B.Are C.Is D.Am2.HarryisolderthanI.Buthe_youngerthanI.A.look B.looks C.looked D.looking3.It_likethesingingofthebirds.A.sounds B.looks

11、 C.smells D.tastes4.Thiskindofcaketastes_.A.good B.well C.tobegood D.tobewell5.Thechildrenalllooked_atthebrokenmodelplaneandfeltquite_.A.sad,sad B.sadly,sadly C.sad,sadly D.sadly,sad1.C。当复合不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。2.B。根据句意和前句时态,后句应用一般现在时。3. A。根据语境,只有sounds(听起来)符合题意。looks意为“看起来”,smells意为“闻起来”,tastes意为“尝起来”4.

12、 A。连系动词taste后应接形容词作表语。5.D。根据句意,句中的lookat是行为动词,所以修饰此动词时应用副词;在连系动词feel后应用形容词作表语。(三)助动词这类词本身无词义,不能单独作谓语,只能与主要动词一起构成谓语,表示不同的时态、语态、表示句子的否定和疑问,例如:He does not speak English well.(他英语讲得不好。)句中的does是助动词,既表示一般现在时,又与not一起构成否定形式。A dog is running after a cat.(一条狗正在追逐一只猫。)句中的is 是助动词,和run的现在分词一起构成现在进行时。Did he have

13、any milk and bread for his breakfast ?(他早餐喝牛奶、吃面包吗?)句中的did是助动词,既表示一般过去时,又和动词have一起构成疑问。(四)情态动词这类词本身虽有意义,但不完整。它们表示说话人的能力、说话人的语气或情态,如“可能”、“应当”等。这类动词有can, may, must, need, dare, could, might等。它们不能单独作谓语,必须与行为动词(原形)一起作谓语,表示完整的意思情态动词的主要特征试比较下列几组句子,看情态动词的特点:1、He borrows some books from the library.(他常从图书馆借

14、些书。) He can borrow some books from the library.(他可以从图书馆借到一些书。)can, 可以2、I run fast.(我跑得快。) I cant run fast(我跑得不快。)cant, 不会,不能3、Must he go now?(他必须现在走吗?)must, 必须 Did he go last night?(他昨晚去了吗?)4、They may be there.(他们可能在那儿。)may, 可能 They werent there.(他们不在那儿。)从上述四组句子中,可以看出以下几个特点:1、can、may、must都有各自的词义,表示能

15、力、可能、允诺、愿意、请求等情态,因词义不完全,不能单独作谓语,只能和动词原形一起构成谓语。2、情态动词没有人称和数的变化。构成疑问句时,通常放在主语前面(见例3);构成否定句时,not放在这些情态动词之后(见例2)。可用它们的缩写形式(cant, cannot, mustnt等)。具体用法can, could和be able to1、表示能力,例如: I can speak a little Japanese.(我会说一点儿日语。) She couldnt speak Chinese when she came to our school last month.(上月她来我校时还不会说中文。

16、)Be able to代替can, 也可以表示能力。但can只有一般现在时和一般过去时(could), 而be able to则有更多的时态形式,例如:You will be able to talk with the foreign teacher in English next week.(下星期你将能与外国老师用英语交谈了。)My little brother has been able to write.(我的小弟弟已会写字了。)2、表示允许,准许,这时can与may可以互换,例如:Can/May I brother your bike tomorrow?Yes, of course.

17、 You can/may use my bike tomorrow.(明天我可以借你的自行车吗?当然可以。明天你可以用我的自行车。)You cant smoke here.(你不可以在这儿抽烟。)3、表示客观可能性,用在否定句和疑问句中表示说话人的怀疑、猜测或不肯定。例如:He cannot/cant be there.(他不可能在那儿。)Can this news be true?(这消息可能直实吗?)4、could除表示can的过去式外,在口语中还常代替can,表示非常委婉的请求。这时could和can没有时间上的差别。例如:Could/Can you tell me if he will

18、 go tomorrow?(你能告诉我他明天是否去吗?)Could/Can I ask you something if you are not busy?(如果您不太忙,我能否问您一些事情?)Could/Can you show me the way to the nearest hospital?(您能给我指一下去最近的医院的路吗?)may和might1、表示“准许”和“许可”,这时可与can替换。例如:May (can) I use your dictionary for a moment?(我可以借你的字典用一下吗?)May I take these magazines out of

19、the reading room? No, you mustnt.(我可以把这些杂志带出览室吗?不,不行。)He asked me if he might go then.(他问我他是否可以走了。)2、表示说话人的猜测,认为某事“可能”发生,例如:Wheres John? He may be at the library.(约翰在哪儿?他可能在图书馆。)Mr. Green hasnt talked with her. He may not know her.(格林先生还未曾与她谈过话,他可能不认识她。)以上例子中的may be是情态动词may加be, 与maybe完全不同。后者是副词,解释为“

20、或话”。例如:He may be at home.(他可能在家。)Maybe he was at home.(或许他在家。)3、might除表示may的过去式外,在口语中还常代替may, 表示非常委婉的请示或实现的可能性较小。这时might和may没有时间上的差异。例如:Might (May) I speak to you for a few minutes?(我现在可以与你谈几分钟话吗?)Might I have a photo of your family?(我可以要一张你们的合家照吗?)4、用于从句中表示目的,意为“以便能”、“使可以”,例如:Open your mouth wide,

21、so that I may see clearly whats wrong with your teeth.(把嘴张大些,以便我能看清楚你的牙齿有什么毛病。)He wrote down my address so that he might remember it well.(他把我的住址写了下来,以便能记牢。)5、在用may提问时,否定回答常用mustnt或may not表示“不行”、“不可以”。例如:May I go now? No, you mustnt. (我可以走了吗?不,不可以。)Must1、must表示说话人的主观意志,表示义务、命令或必要、应当和必须等。现在式与过去式同形。例如

22、:I must go to school today.(今天我必须上学去。)He told me I mustnt leave until my mother came.(他告诉我,在我母亲回来之前我不许离开。2、must表示推测,“一定是”、“准是”,例如:They must be very tired. Let them have a rest.(他们一定是非常疲劳了。让他们休息一会儿吧。)Jack doesnt look well. He must be ill.(杰克看上去气色不太好。他一定是病了。)难点解释1、have to表示“必须”、“不得不”,它不仅能代替must, 用于现在时

23、和过去时以外的其他时态,表示说话人的主观看法,而且又表示客观上的需要。例如:If we miss the last bus, we shall have to walk home.(如果我们末班车,我们将不得不走回家。)The ship started to go down slowly. We must leave the ship.(船慢慢地开始下沉了。我们必须离开这船。)2、在回答must的疑问句时,否定回答常用neednt表示“不必”,例如:Must I return this book to you in two weeks?(这本书我两星期以后必须还你吗?)Yes, you mus

24、t.(是的。)No, you neednt.(不,不必了。)need和dareneed(需要)和dare(敢于)既可作情态动词,又可作行为动词。1、need和dare作情态动词时,只用于否定句或疑问句。need无形态变化,dare的过去式是dared。 例如:Its warm today. You neednt put on your coat.(今天天气很暖和,你不必穿上大衣。)Need I post your books to you?(要我把书寄给你吗?)How dare you say its unfair?(你怎么胆敢说这不公平呢?)She dare not go out alone

25、 at night.(她晚上不敢一个人出去。)2、need和dare作及物动词时,后常跟动词不定式。它们有人称、数和时态等形态变化。在构成否定和疑问形式时与其他及物动词一样,要用助动词do, does或did等。例如:He didnt need to go to school today.(今天你不必上学。)They needed an excuse and soon found one.(他们需要借口,不久便找到了一个。)ught to和shouldought to和should作情态度动词用,都是“应该”、“应当”的意思。ought to语气较强,指客观上有责任、有义务去做某事,或按观念和

26、道理也应对某事负责。Should指主观上认为有责任和义务去做,但语意不如ought to强。例如:You ought to respect your teachers.(你们应该尊敬你们的老师。)We should be careful of others feelings.(我们应该尊重别人的感情。)相当于情态动词的几个固定词组had better(最好)Shall I(we)?(我/我们可以这样做吗?)would like(非常想),Will/Would you (please)?(请你吗?)used to(过去常常)。Its late. Id better go and lood for

27、 him.(太迟了。我最好去找他。)Youd better not read books in poor light.(你最好不要在微弱的灯光下看书。)Shall we start the meeting at once?(我们立即开会好吗?)Will you get me some chalk?(你拿些粉笔给我好吗?)Would you like some bananas?(来点香蕉好吗小练习:1.-MustIfinishthisnovelthismorning?-No,you_.A.mustntB.mightnotC.donthavetoD.cant2.Hedidntdowellinthe

28、exam.He_hardathislessons.A.musthaveworkedB.oughttohaveworkedC.wouldhaveworkedD.hasworked3.Walkingaloneinthedesertedvillage,Johnwasscared.Hethoughthim_Tomtogowithhim.A.mighthaveasked B.shouldasked C.musthaveasked D.shouldhaveaskedCBD二、行为动词(即实义动词)按其是否需要宾语,可以分为及物动词和不及物动词。(一)、及物动词后面必须跟宾语,意思才完整,例如:Give m

29、e some ink, please.(请给我一些墨水。)If you have any questions, you can raise your hands.(如果你们有问题,你们可以举手,。)(二)、不及物动词后面不能跟宾语,意思已完整。不及物动词有时可以加上副词或介词,构成短语动词,相当于一个及物动词。例如:He works hard.(他工作努力。)Jack jruns faster than Mike.(杰克跑步比迈克要快些。)Please look at the blackboard and listen to me.(请看黑板,听我说。)He got and “A” this

30、time because he went over his lessons carefully.(这次他得了个“A”,因为他仔细地复习了功课。)难点解释1、许多动词可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,他阅读中必须仔细体会和区别,例如: Who is going to speak at the meeting?(谁打算在会上发言?)speak, 不及物动词 Few people outside China speak Chinese.(在中国外很少人讲汉语。)speak,及物动词2、要特别注意有些动词英汉之间的差异。某些词在英语中是不及物的,而在汉语中却是及物的。 有时则相反。例如: He is

31、 waiting for you.(他在等你。) 英语wait为不及物动词,汉语“等”为及物动词。 Serve the people.(为人民服务。) 英语serve为及物动词,汉语“服务”为不及物动词。小练习:一、指出下列各句中划线部分是什么动词,并说明词义,例如:All of usstudyhard.(vi.学习)1、He began to work at seven this morning.( )2、I have left the key at home.( )3、We must take the old woman to the hospital at once.( )4、Billy

32、 felt very sad when he heard the bad news.( )5、Think it over, and you will have a good idea.( )6、Dont think of yourself;think of others.( )7、Mr. Black got angry when he saw Jenny come to school late again.( )8、Please wash your hands before each meal.( )1. work vi.工作 2.left vt.把落在 3.take vt.带 4.heard

33、 vt.听见 5.think vt.考虑,想 6.think vi.考虑 7.saw vt.看见 8.wash vt.洗二、选择1.-HowlongmayI_yourbook?-Foraweek.Butyoumustnt_ittoothers.A.borrow;lend B.keep;lend C.lend;borrow D.keep;borrow2.Itwont_themmuchtimetoflytoBeijingfromShanghai.A.spend B.use C.take D.pay3.MrWang_beinNanjingnow,hewenttoBeijingonlythismorn

34、ing.A.mustntbe B.maynot C.cant D.neednt4.DoyoulikethemusictheMoonlightSonata?-Yes,it_reallybeautiful.A.feels B.sounds C.listens D.hears5.Lilyfinished_thebookyesterday.A.read B.reading C.toread D.reads6.MrsBrownisnthere.Shehasto_herbabyathome.A.lookat B.lookfor C.looklike D.lookafterBCCBBC三、持续动词与瞬间动词

35、英语的行为动词有持续性动词和瞬间性动词之分,使用中应注意两者的区别。(一)、持续性动词表示一个动作可以持续一段时间或更长时间。常见的有study, play, do, read, learn, drive, write, clean, slean, sleep, speak, talk, wait, fly, stay, write, sit, stand, lie, keep等。(二)、瞬间性动词表示一个动作发生在一瞬间,非常短暂。亦称终止性动词。常见的有begin, start, finish, go, come, leave, find, get up, arrive, reach, g

36、et to, enter, hear, stop, open, close, become, buy, borrow, lend, happen, join, lose, renew, die, take away, put up, set out, put on, get on/off等。以上已集中了初中教材的大部分持续性动词及瞬间性动词。用法1、以上两类动词都能用于现在完成时,表示动作到现在为止已结束,例如: He has studied English for three years.(他学英语已有3年了。) He has joined the Party.(他已入党了。) Mum is

37、nt at home. She has gone to the library.(妈妈不在家,她去图书馆了。)2、持续性动词在完成时中能与表示持续一段时间的状语连用,而瞬间性动词则不能。例如: His parents talked with the teacher for half an hour.(他的父母跟老师谈了半个小时。) My mother has lain in bde for 3 days.(我母亲生病卧床已经三天了。) My parents have lived in Shanghai since 1950.(我父母亲从1950年起就住在上海了。)3、瞬间性动词在完成时中如要与

38、表示持续一段时间的状语连用,通常有两种方法: (1)用意思相当的持续性动词来替换,例如: He has been in the army/a soldier for htree years.(他参军已有3年了。)不能用has joined She has been up for quite some time.(她起床已有好久了。)不能用has got up Has your brother been away from home for a long time?(你哥哥离家已有好久了吗?)不能用has left常用瞬间动词相应持续性动词关系如下:1、gobe away 2、comebe he

39、re3、come backbe back 4、leavebe away(be not here)5、buyhave 6、borrowkeep7、diebe dead 8、beginbe on9、finishbe over 10、openbe open11、closebe closed 12、losebe lost13、get to knowknow 14、turn onbe on15、get upbe up 16、sit downsit/be seated17、joinbe in()或be amember18、becomebe(2)用it issince结构来替换瞬间动词,例如:电影已经开映5

40、分钟了。(两种方法)The film has been on for five minutes.=Its five minutes since the film began.他离开上海已有3天了。(两种方法)He has been away from Shanghai for three days.=It is three days since he left Shanghai.这本书我还给图书馆已有两周了。(一种方法)Its two weeks since I returned the book to the library.他找到他妹妹已有多久了?(一种方法)How long is it

41、since be found his sister?4、瞬间动词的否定形式可以与表示一段时间的状语连用,例如:I havent seen you for a long time.(好久没见到你了。)补充说明1、本书基本上已把初中课本中的持续动词与瞬间性动词罗列出来,可供教师参考使用。2、关于持续性动词与瞬间性动词的用法,可以结合现在完成时的教学一起进行。小练习:一、选择正确的答案:1、Alice has (come, been) back for a week.2、His grandmother has (been dead, died) for ten years.3、When we got

42、 to the cinema, the film had (begun, been on) for a few minutes.4、The lights have (turned on, been on) for over half a day.5、Have you (bought, had) the book on grammar for a week? Yes, since last Sunday二、选择1. Most of the artists _ to the party were from South Africa. A. invited B. to invite C. being

43、 invited D. had been invited2. the past 30 years China _ great advances in the socialist revolution and socialist construction.A. has made B. have made C. had made D. having made3. I _ go to bed until I _ finished my work.A. dont/hadB. didnt/haveC. didnt/hadD. dont/havee 2.died 3.begun 4.been on 5.h

44、ad AACT-能力提升ur 一、用下列动词的正确形式填空1.Myuncleenjoys_(walk)aftersupper.()2.Youdbetter_(notcome)lateforschoolnexttime.()3.Hedoesnotfeellike_(eat)anythingtoday.()4.Mymotherdoesnotletme_(spend)toomuchtime_(watch)TV.()5.Whatabout_(go)outforawalk?()6.Youhaveabadcold,soyoudbetter_(stay)athome.()7.Myfathergaveup_(smoke)lastyear.()8.T


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