1、Unit9 Hot soup Lesson1 Its hot. 热热 He is thirsty.渴渴 He wants some water. 他想要一些水。他想要一些水。 He is thirsty and tired.累累 Its hot. He wants some milk. Its hot. What do you want? I want some. cola juice milk iced tea I want some water. Do you have any water? 你有水吗?你有水吗? Yes, I do. No, I dont. Watch and answe
2、r. What does Bobby want想要想要? He wants some water. What does Mocky have有有? He has some milk. What does ken have? He has some orange juice. Does Bobby like milk? No, he doesnt. Does Bobby like orange juice? No, he doesnt. What does Bobby like? He likes cola. Listen and repeat. What does Bobby drink喝喝? A. He drinks some milk. B. He drinks some orange juice. C. He drinks some coconut juice. What does Bobby drink? coconut juice 椰汁 Is it sour酸酸? No, it isnt. Its sweet甜甜. Bobby likes cola,but he doesnt drink cola,why? Because cola is not healthy.