1、2023年高考英语写作指导:应用文专题 讲义仔细阅读考试说明英语应用文写作虽然难度不大,但对中学生来说不一定很容易,很多学生缺乏真实生活体验,没有做事经历或经验,不擅长交际性强的应用文写作。而且,之前练习的都是议论性的开放作文,从语言储备上,对应用文写作储备不足。在下一阶段的复习应该帮助学生系统复习应用文写法和常见表达法或句式的使用。常见的应用文类型有:信件类感谢信其他类别通知邀请信海报道歉信广告申请信招领祝贺信演讲稿慰问信留言条投诉信发言稿咨询信电子邮件1.书面表达七忌一、忌跑题任何作文之大忌莫过于跑题,因而,文不对题的作文失分最严重。往往表现为文体与要求不和、内容与要求不和、忽略细节要求。
2、因此,同学们应仔细审题,并抓住所要表达的各个内容要点,切不可捕风捉影、粗枝大叶。为慎重起见,审题时首先要弄清题目的主要内容是什么,然后再考虑一下该用什么形式来表达,是书信、日记还是通知、小故事等等,做到胸中有数。二、忌层次不清,前后脱节审完题后,不少同学们虽已知道了要写的内容,却不能合理地组织所给的材料,东一句、西一句,写得支离破碎,文理不通,让人不知所云。要避免这一现象,同学们最好能迅速地列出要点,在这个过程中,要考虑一下先写什么,后写什么,句与句之间,段与段之间最好能使用一些能清晰表达逻辑结构的连接词或句子,如first of all , above all , secondly , ne
3、xt , besides , in a word , at last , the most important point is that等等,使文章过渡自然、流畅,做到前后连贯、层次分明、有条不紊。三、忌喧宾夺主,画蛇添足书面表达必须严格按试题所提供的要求去写,需要表达的内容要点不可偷工减料、随便删减,也不能随意增添。切不可凭自己的想象任意发挥,下笔千言,离题万里,把没用的内容写了很多,却漏掉了规定的内容、要点,或把次要的内容当作主要内容来写,主次不分。也有的同学们把没有必要写的东西写得过多,超过了规定字数,结果弄巧成拙,也是要扣分的。四、忌生编硬造,表达不清有些同学们常常不顾英语语法的习惯
4、表达,自行编出一些貌似正确,实则错误的词组或句子。例如:想表达“我不知道要怎样对付那台收音机”时,会写出“I dont know how to do with the radio”,而正确的表达应是“I dont know what to do with the radio”。在写英语句子时为了表达准确,要尽量避免语法、词汇及拼写方面的错误。使用动词时,应注意语态、时态在人称和数上与主语的一致。应注意名词使用中的单、复数问题,是否要用冠词以及形容词或副词在句中的位置问题,介词的搭配问题等。使用复合语句时尤其要注意关联词的适当应用,如because , although , no matter
5、, bothand , eitheror , not onlybut also等等。五、忌死钻“牛角尖”钻“牛角尖”不能自拔,一会导致浪费时间,二会造成句意表达不准确,三会影响做题情绪。因此,一定要有灵活性,在牢固掌握基本知识和句型的基础上,应尽量做到较高层次上的僵而不死,活而不乱。例如:想表达“准备”,而又不会“prepare”时,可用短语“get ready to”来代替。六、忌不做检查,草草结束写出来的东西,很可能有不正确、不恰当的地方,因此,在答完卷时,至少应从以下几个方面认真检查:1看叙事是否具体,是否符合中心需要, 对照题目要求,看全部要点是否都已包括进去,有无遗漏或误解。 2看段
6、落是否分明,层次是否清楚。 3看句子是否完整、连贯、通顺,语句是否有毛病。 4看是否运用了较多的语法结构和词汇。 5看是否有效使用了语句间的连接成分。 6看内容要点有无遗漏,是否精练。 7看句子是否有动词,时态语态是否正确,主谓是否一致。 8看标点符号的使用是否正确。 9文体格式是否正确规范.另外,做书面表达题时,同学们还应注意下面五个问题: 1.文体、格式一定要写准。日记、通知、书信都有它特有的格式,不可混杂。 2.书面表达题如果是控制性写作,不要脱离要点、随心所欲地乱写,也不能按照提示逐字逐句地翻译。 3.不要乱用词句,尤其应避免用汉语的习惯去堆砌词汇,应使用地道的英语表达方式。 4.切忌
7、把书面表达题放在最后几分钟来做。考试时间非常紧张,必须科学地分配时间,有的同学们前面的试题耗时太多,以致在考试结束铃响了时才匆匆忙忙地去写几句,这乃同学们之大忌。 5.誊写到答卷纸上时,一定要注意书写必须整洁、规范,尽量美观。因为书面表达是主观性试题,在实际评卷中,它的评分结果常受到评卷人情绪及第一印象的影响,更何况新的评分标准明确规定了对书写的要求。 总之,对照新的评分标准,同学们在做书面表达题时,应摒弃“只求达,不求雅”的传统观念,大胆运用复杂句式(但不可滥用),尽量使用不同的句子结构,努力确保行文的连贯流畅。七、忌不美观整洁的书写对于英语学科,最能体现同学们卷面水准的应算是该题型。该题型
8、是指导性作文,内容几乎是千篇一律,而不像语文作文那样会更多地产生漂亮的语言。如何抓住阅卷人的心理,使他们乐意阅卷,愿意给分呢。该题型的外表书写,应该是第一要素。千万不要让阅卷人阅了别人的上份卷后(很漂亮整洁),“哗“地翻到你这份卷,突然心里产生了很大的落差,这样结果就不太妙,试想:谁愿意在那种环境下接受一份表面糟糕的试卷?记住:每一位阅卷老师也是具有强烈情感的常人! 如何做到卷面书写过关?我想,好多同学由于初中刚学英语时任课老师的不严格要求,导致进入高中,特别是高三后,基本上是木已成舟,大幅度的改变很难,但我们可以从另一方面来突破。不可能每位同学的字母都写得非常到位、漂亮,但原则上要做到工整、
9、清洁,突出整体美感,即平时多使用与高考相接近的两线格作业本来进行这方面的英语作文训练,尽量少使用四线格作业本。另外,注意每个单词内字母与字母的间距,不能太小,扭成一团;单词与单词的间距,不要太宽,导致规定的格子不够写。特别是一些字母,如f、g、q、p等需写得稍长的字母,千万也不要拖拉得太长,导致给人一种凌乱的感觉。至于用笔,也会或多或少地影响卷面,如使用圆珠笔,需选好,使用流畅明晰的笔,不要用那种下油不均的笔,给人一种模糊不清之感。如果书写不够非常漂亮,最好少使用黑水,多用蓝水。另外,还要注意不同钢笔尖所写出来的字粗细程度不同,这要依照自己一贯写出来的单词大小来决定。2. 书面表达常用短语一、
10、学校生活及学习成绩类be absorbed in对入迷bury oneself in对入迷give an excellent performance before the whole class在全班面前好好表现一番acquire (obtain) knowledge学习知识put ones heart into一心扑在上be interested in对感兴趣be fond of喜欢/爱好like chemistry best最喜欢化学be good at擅长be poor at不擅长do well in(在考试、竞赛中)取得好成绩;不得不错be weak in不擅长make progres
11、s in在方面取得进步fail in考试不及格be tired of对感到厌烦/厌倦pass the examination通过考试major in history主修历史be getting on well with ones study(某人)学业进展得很好take several courses at school在学校上几门课have English(Chinese, Physics)every (other)day 每天(隔一天)上英语(中文、物理)课work hard at (Physics, Chemistry)努力学习(物理、化学)He has the best record
12、in school.他的学习成绩最棒。live up to ones hope不辜负某人的期望get a doctors degree获得博士学位be interested in sth.对感兴趣learn about学习到/知道(某学科知识)/听到,听说/获悉/了解到succeed in在(某方面)成功;在(在某事)上获得成功be active in class(work)在课堂上(工作中)表现积极take an active part in积极参加learn sth. by heart谙记某事,牢记在心work out a (maths)problem解决一个(数学)问题improve o
13、neself in在某方面提高自己get 90 marks for (English)(英语)考试取得90分get an” A” in the exam在考试中得到“A”have a good command of精通lay a good foundation in(language study)在(语言学习)方面奠定一个好的基础二、师生关系类give sb. a passing grade给予某人及格的分数examine the students homework检查学生的作业stand on the platform站在讲台上get on well with sb.与某人相处得很好rais
14、e a question提问like to be with student喜欢与学生相处be gentle with us对我们很友善be kind to sb.对某人和蔼be a strict teacher是一个严厉的老师be strict with ones pupils对学生要求严格be strict in work对工作要求严格We think of(sb./sth.)as把(某人或某事)当作help sb. with sth.用帮助某人praise sb. for sth.由于某事赞扬某人blame sb. for sth.为(某事)责备某人give sb. advice on s
15、th.在方面给某人建议question sb. on就质问某人be satisfied with对满意correct the students homework carefully and prepare for the next day仔细批改学生的作业并为明天备课give sb. a lot of work给某人很多工作try to teach sb. to develop good study habits努力教某人养成良好的学习习惯make ones lessons lively and interesting使课堂生动并且吸引人teach sb. sth.教某人某事teach sb
16、to do sth.教某人做某事devote all ones time to work将自己所有的时间都投入工作之中admire (sb. for)his devotion to the cause of education佩服某人对于教育事业的献身精神三、课外活动及周末生活类have a swim游泳have dances on weekends参加周末舞会have a picnic over the weekend周末去野餐go to the cinema去看电影have a party聚会,开晚会hold a sports meeting举行运动会spend ones time in
17、many different ways以多种不同的方式消磨时间enjoy doing things by oneself喜欢独自做某事go swimming 去游泳go for an outing去远足have an outing at (the seashore)去(海边)度假see the sights of Beijing 在北京观光play the piano(violin)弹钢琴(小提琴)play chess (basketball)下棋(打篮球)do some reading阅读help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事enjoy a family trip享受一次家庭旅游ge
18、t everything ready for为准备做好一切ride ones bike with sb. the park与某人骑车去公园There are a lot of actives at the beach.海滨有很多活动。We enjoy a change from our busy life in the city.我们享受一种都市繁忙生活之外的变化。She would like to bring sth. to the picnic.她愿意为野餐带点东西。It was a very relaxing Sunday.这是一个很轻松的星期日。There are good progr
19、ams on TV on weekends周末有好的电视节目四、彼此沟通信息类tell sb to do sth.告诉某人做某事get information about了解express ones idea(feelings)in English用英语表达自己的思想(情感)write sb a letter saying给某人写信说apologize to sb. for为向某人道歉thank you for感谢你make a speech at the meeting在会议上发表讲演take a message for sb.给某人带口信send a message to sb.给某人送口
20、信hear from sb.从(某人处)听说,收到某人的信talk about /of sth.谈论某事explain sth. to do向某人解释某事look upon sb as把某人认作think sb. to be认为某人是take sbs side站在某人一边;支持某人五、事件中人的态度类feel bored(embarrassed, nervous, carefree)觉得很枯燥(尴尬、紧张、无忧无虑)would like to do愿意做某事be unforgettable是难以忘怀的show sb ones thanks表示感谢have fears for感到害怕My hea
21、rt beats fast.心跳加速hesitate for a few minutes犹豫了几分钟give sb a meaningful smile冲某人意味深长的一笑allow sb. to do允许某人做某事keep/prevent sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事call on sb. to do sth.号召某人做某事be afraid to do(be afraid of )sth.害怕/担心某事feel like doing sth.愿意做insist on doing sth.坚持做某事drive sb. off赶走某人speak highly of sb
22、.高度赞扬某人speak ill of sb.诽谤某人think highly of sb.对某人评价很高force sb. to do sth.强迫某人做某事offer to do sth.主动提出做某事refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事agree to do sth.同意做某事regret doing sth.遗憾做过某事prefer to do A rather than do B喜欢做A胜过做Bhad better do sth.最好做某事would rather(not)do sth.更(不)愿意做某事六、事情过程类be woken up by the telephone被
23、电话吵醒set out without a delay一点没耽误地出发了do. sth as usual像平常一样做某事do what he wants us to do做他想让我们做的事set about doing sth.开始做某事try ones best to do sth.=go all out to do sth.尽力做某事get into trouble陷入困境help sb. out 帮助某人解决困难;帮忙do ones bit for New China为新中国做份内之事have the habit of doing sth.有做某事的习惯have no trouble d
24、oing sth.做某事没困难make up ones mind to do sth.下决心做某事prepare sb. for sth.准备/预备让某人干某事give up doing sth.放弃做某事wait for sb. to do sth.等待某人去做某事find a way to do sth.找到做某事的方法make friends with sb.与某人交朋友show(tell)sb. how to do sth.向某人展示(讲述)如何做某事take(send)sb to带(送)某人到Im trying to find我正努力发现Im afraid we are out of
25、我担心我们失去pass the time doing sth.做某事消磨时间fell a little excited about doing sth.对做某事感到有点兴奋cant help doing sth.禁不住做某事do some good deeds to people为人民做好事be prepared for more hard work准备好应付更多的艰苦的工作Some are doing A, other are doing B, and still others are doing C.一些人做A,另外一些人做B,还有一些人做C。七、感官活动与思维活动类be pleased
26、with对感到高兴be delighted in doing做某事很愉快take a pleasure in doing sth.作某事很高兴be worried about sth.担心某事feel surprised at对感到惊讶be sorry for对抱歉be angry with sb. for sth.为某事对某人发怒be angry about为某事生气look forward to doing期盼做某事wish to do sth.希望做某事expect to do sth.期待做某事long for(long to do)sth.渴望做某事be sick for ones
27、home怀念家乡have a strong desire to do sth.对做某事有强烈的愿望look around for(在某地)查找/搜寻look up (down)at往上(朝下)看catch sight of看见take a look at看一眼hear sb. do(doing)sth.听某人做某事take notice of注意到take view of评价某事(某物)have a good understanding of对能很好地理解consider sb.(sth.)to be认为某人(某物)是;把当作某人(某物)come to know开始认识到realize tha
28、t+从句认识到know that+从句知道八、健康状况及治疗类develop a disease得病enjoy good health身体健康be in good shape身体好be in good(poor)health身体健康(不健康)feel weak(well, terrible, sick)感到身体虚弱(不错,糟糕,恶心)have got a high(slight)fever发高(低)烧have a slight (bad)cold得了轻微(严重)的感冒take ones temperature量体温have got a pain in(身体某部位)感到疼痛be good(bad
29、)for ones health(eyes)对某人的健康(视力)有益(害)Its nothing serious.没什么严重的。stay in bed until躺在床上一直到save ones life救某人的性命九、信件开头常用语类I was delighted to receive your letter.很高兴收到你的来信Your letter came to me this morning.我今天上午收到了你的来信It was a great pleasure to learn that youve been collected president of the Student Un
30、ion, and I would like to express to my warmest congratulations.听说他当选学生会主席,我非常高兴并向你表示最热烈的祝贺。I have received your letter of July the 29th.我已经收到了你7月29号的来信。Im writing to you about the lecture to be given next Monday.我给你写信是想打听下星期一讲座的事。Im writing to ask if you can come next week.我给你写信是想问你下个星期能不能来?How time
31、 flies! Its three months since I saw you last.光阴似箭,我们已经三个月没见面了。Thank you for your letter.谢谢你给我写的信。In reply to your letter about the exhibition this year现在回答你信中关于今年的展览事宜Let me tell you that让我告诉你十、信件结尾常用语类Tom joins me in sending all good wishes to you and your family.我和汤姆祝福你们全家。I imagine well see you
32、again, so Ill end for now.我想我们很快就会见面的,就写到这儿吧。Please remember me to your whole family.请代我向你全家问好。Give my best regards(wishes)to your mother.请代我向你妈妈致意。Best wishes致以最良好的祝愿。With love爱你的Wish you a pleasant journey.祝你旅途愉快。Wish you success.祝你成功。Wish you the best of health(luck).祝你健康(好运)。Looking forward to y
33、our next visit to China.盼望你再次访问中国。Looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you.盼望能够高兴地见到你。Expecting to hear from you as soon as possible.希望能尽快收到你的来信。十一、问路和应答类Go down this street.沿这条街道向前走。Turn right/left at the first crossing.在第一个十字路口向右/左拐。Its aboutmeters from here. 距此地有米远。Go straight ahead till yo
34、u see一直往前走,直到你看见You cant miss it.你一定会找到的。at front of/behind在之前/之后at the corner在拐角处Pass two blocks.经过两个街区十二、其他类There is something wrong with有问题It happens that碰巧It has been since自以来已经It take sb. some time to do sth.某人花费一些时间做某事A is four times as big as B.A是B的4倍大。It is said that 据说be fit for适合于be short
35、of缺乏be well dressed打扮得很漂亮miss the lecture(train)错过演讲(火车)be busy doing sth.忙于做某事changeinto把变成waste time doing sth.浪费时间做某事spend time doing sth.花费时间做某事have no choice but to do sth.除了做某事外,别无选择I cant help it.我无法抑制自己。be in need of需要/缺少be mistaken about把搞错fall behind落后于()catch up with紧跟/追赶on behalf of代表be
36、welcome to do sth.欢迎做某事Running, cycling and swimming are popular in summer.跑步、骑自行车和游泳在夏天很受欢迎。Skiing and skating are my favorite winter sports.滑雪和滑冰是我最喜欢的冬季体育项目。3.文章流畅的关键文章层次分明、段落连贯需要过渡词。过度词可以承上启下表明句子之间的关系。几种常用的过渡词,根据需要我们可将它们置于句首、句中或句末。写作中常用过渡语:一、文章及段落结尾常用的过渡词语1therefore, thus,“因此”例(1)Therefore, it t
37、akes longer time and more energy to communicate in written English than in oral English.例(2)Thus, taking morning exercises regularly may reduce the chances of getting sick.2.in conclusion,“最后”例(1)In conclusion, the international agreement should be made to prevent the world from the war.例(2)In concl
38、usion, universities should give larger amount of money to libraries.3.in brief, in a nutshell,“简言之”例(1)In brief, birth control is of vital importance in China.例(2)In a nutshell, we should develop a good habit of study.4.to sum up,“总而言之”例(1)To sum up ,out of sight, out of mind.例(2)To sum up, equality
39、 continues to be the goal of the world women.5.in a word,“总之”例(1)In a word, country life is more beneficial to city life例(2)In a word, exceptional children are different in some significant ways from others of the same age.注:要避免在这些短语之前用“so”!二、常见的表示先后次序的过渡词语1.first,“第一”2.second,“第二”3.next,“其次”“然后”4.e
40、ventually,“最后”、“最终”5.since then,“自此之后”6.afterward,“以后”、“随后”7.meanwhile,“同时”8.therefore,“因而”9.immediately,“立刻”例(1)Meanwhile ,the better skills and knowledge children possess, the more opportunities they will be ensued.例(2)Afterward, they began to examine more closely the working of human mind.例(3)The
41、 investment environment has been improved; therefore, joint ventures boost in this country.例(4)Since then, the Olympics turned out to be an instrument of peace and freedom for small nations.例(5)Finally, the country must not again go through the war.三、常见的表示因果关系的过渡词语1.accordingly,“于是”2.for this reason
42、,“由于这个原因”3.as a result,“由结果”4.in this way,“这样”5.consequently,“结果”、“因此”6.so,“所以”7.due to,“由于”8.therefore,“因而”9.because of,“因为”10.thus,“这样”例(1)The computer cost a lot of money, accordingly, it should perform perfectly.例(2)It rained, for this reason, the game was cancelled.例(3)As a result of his good p
43、erformance in the college, he was given an excellent job.例(4)Due to the change, a visit to the factory has been cancelled.例(5)The government was unwilling to risk a conflict with that country, and consequently, promised to sign the treaty.四、常用比较和对比的过渡词语1.in contrast with,“与之相比”2.similarly,“同样”3.wher
44、eas,“然而”4.on the contrary,“相反”5.different from,“与不同”6.likewise,“同样”7.equally important,“同样重要”8.on the other hand.“另一方面”例(1)Plenty of food must be packed for the journey; similarly, warm clothes will also be needed.例(2)I, on the contrary, envy you because you can choose your work.例(3)The annual death
45、 rate in U.S. is 11 per 1000, whereas that of Latin America is 23 per 1000.例(4)In contrast with your belief that we shall fail, I know we shall succeed.例(5)Different from Jane, Mary is interested in maths.五、常用表示举例的过渡词1.a case in point,“恰当的例子”2.for example,“举例”3.namely(等于“that is”)“即,这就是说”4.for insta
46、nce,“举例”例(1)The means of production, namely, factories, mines and land should be improved.例(2)A lot of people here, like Tom for example, would rather stay at home watching TV.例(3)A case in point is the water control project along the Yangtze River.六、常用表示强调的过渡词语1.furthermore,“此外”2.moreover,“而且”3.besides,“此外”4.in fact,“实际上”5.also“而且”