(三起)北师大版四下英语Unit 12 Review-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:81f71).docx

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1、 A Triangular Egg and Yellow Milk 教学教学内容分析内容分析 本课教学内容为攀登英语阅读系列-分级阅读第四级 A Triangular Egg and Yellow Milk , 故事讲的是一个阳光充足的下午,母鸡和奶牛在夸耀各自的本领,他们都觉得自己才是农场上 最棒的动物。 随着故事情节的推进, 母鸡和奶牛的“战争”越来越激烈, 孩子会接触到各种颜色、 形状以及水果名词的英文表达方式,进一步巩固情态动词“can”的用法。在读绘本时引导学生 在生活中做人做事要脚踏实地,不要说大话,实事求是。 学生情况学生情况分析分析 本节授课对象是四年级学生,按理来说四年级的学

2、生有了一定的语言基础,对于绘本的理 解和描述不是难点,但是本学校的学生之前没有接触过英语绘本,所以在阅读绘本时和老师的 交流可能会影响教学和学生的理解。 教学目标教学目标 1、能在图片的帮助、老师的讲解下理解故事。 2、通过教学故事的层层剥茧和推理的方式发散想象力、推理能力。 3、通过小组讨论、预测故事,提升听说的能力。 4、 学生通过读故事明白不要说大话并要尊重他人的道理, 认识到 Everyone is important. 的道理。 教学重点教学重点 1、能在图片的帮助、自己阅读理解故事大意,并能发散思维。 2、通过小组讨论、预测故事,提升听说的能力。 教学难点教学难点 1、能运用所学的

3、语言进行交流 2、部分生词读音及掌控角色扮演时的语气。 教学流程教学流程 Warming up and leading in 课前 3 分钟由歌曲Old MacDonal had a farm谈论农场里小动物们各自的本领, 从而引出故事。 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warming up and leading in 1、Show time 2、Leading in T: There are many animals on the farm. What can the hen do? What can the cow do? Please discuss “What the hen can

4、t do? What the cow cant do?” Today we will read a story about the hen and the cow. Step 2 Pre - reading ()呈现故事封,培养封阅读的能。 T: This is the cover of the story. What can you see in the cover? Whats the title of the story? Lets read the story together. 【设计意图】引导学生观察封面的图片信息、标题等,培养学生阅读封面的能力。 (二)通过图片环游,呈现故事的背

5、景,了解故事开头和结尾。 Pre - reading Read the cover 预测故事 While - reading 学生自主阅读绘本并回答问题,了解故事大意。 教师设问,学生继续阅读 page8-page17,并完成学习单 通过图片环游, 帮助学生进一步理解故事, 并学习该部分的语句。 观察图片挖掘非文本信息 Post - reading 整体感知,并结合板书内容简单复述故事。 学生体会绘本的意义 师生一起简单学习故事的开头和结尾,并从中发现矛盾,再针对矛盾提出 问题:在故事中发生了什么?让学生带着问题去读绘本。 布置作业, 把该绘本讲给朋友听。 1、呈现 page2、 page3

6、T: What can you see? What are they doing? Whats weather like today? 2、呈现 page4、page 5 T: The hen laid an egg. How did she feel? She felt very good. So she said“ I am really the best animal on the farm.” Why did the hen think she was the best animal? T: Look the cow, is he happy? So the cow said :“Wh

7、at? You are the best animal?” T: Does the cow think of the hen is the best animal? 3、呈现 page6、page 7 T: The hen says: “Of course! I can lay eggs.” Look at he cow, is she happy? How does she feel? So the cow says: “I can give milk!” 4、呈现 page20、page 21 T: Just now, they are quarreling, what happened

8、now? Discuss with partner. T: They went away. Why? What happened? Lets read the story. 【设计意图】 通过图片环游, 呈现故事的背景, 了解故事开头和结尾, 预测故事发展。 Step 3 While reading (一)学生自主阅读整个故事,为问题选择正确答案。 T: Read the story and answer question What happened in the story? A. The hen and the cow are boasting of their own skills. B

9、. The hen and the cow are playing games. (二)独阅读,寻找线索。 1、 T: How did the hen boast of her own skills? Please read books and finish the worksheet 一、Read and number (读一读,看看母鸡是怎样夸耀自己的本领的) ( ) ( 1 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、Read and number (读一读,看看奶牛是怎样夸耀自己的本领的) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 1 ) ( ) ( ) 一、Read and number (读一读,看

10、看母鸡是怎样夸耀自己的本领的) ( ) ( 1 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、Read and number (读一读,看看奶牛是怎样夸耀自己的本领的) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 1 ) ( ) ( ) 2、教师图片环游核对答案,帮助学生进一步理解故事大意。 3、T: How did the cow boast of her own skills? Please read books again and finish the worksheet 4、教师图片环游核对答案,帮助学生进一步理解故事大意。 【设计意图】检测学生对故事的理解情况,培养学主阅读寻找信息的能。 (三)教师带领学

11、浏览主阅读部分,深思考。 1、利用板书梳理内容,帮助学生进一步理解故事。 T: Lets look, how did they boast of their own skills? 2、通过问题引发学生的思考 T: Why do they boast of their own skills? S: They want to say they are the best animal on the farm. T: Who is the best animal on the farm? 得出结论:Everyone is important. (四)图片环游,引发思考 1、呈现 page18 T:

12、When they had a fierce quarrel, who is coming? What is the dog thinking? Can the hen lay a triangular fried egg? Can the cow give some yellow pineapple milk? T: The hen cant lay triangular fried eggs. The cow cant give yellow pineapple milk. What will they do? 2、呈现 page19 T: Look, are they happy now

13、? Guess, what will they say? 一、Read and number (读一读,看看母鸡是怎样夸耀自己的本领的) ( ) ( 1 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、Read and number (读一读,看看奶牛是怎样夸耀自己的本领的) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 1 ) ( ) ( ) 一、Read and number (读一读,看看母鸡是怎样夸耀自己的本领的) ( ) ( 1 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、Read and number (读一读,看看奶牛是怎样夸耀自己的本领的) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 1 ) ( ) ( ) 3、呈现 pa

14、ge20 page21 T: Look, what happened? They said nothing and went away. Why? Look at the dog, There is a question mark. What is the dog thinking? What will they do next? 学生根据最后的图片回答:The hen lays eggs and the cow give milk. Step 4 Post reading 1、整体感知故事。 Listen to the story. 2、引出深意并联系实际 What do you want to say about this story? 3、Homework Tell the story to your parents and friends. 板书设计板书设计


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