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1、雅思基础写作uLesson 1 雅思写作评分标准 雅思写作涵盖话题 句子结构 文章第一段(1,2,3句的写作)uLesson 2 议论文 文章正方观点写作(第2段,第3段)u Lesson 3 议论文 文章反方观点和结尾段u Lesson 4 说明文(报告类作文)Lesson 1 Lesson 1 雅思写作评分标准 雅思写作涵盖话题 15句框架解释 句子结构 文章第一段(1,2,3句的写作)1.1.雅思写作雅思写作Task 2 Task 2 评分标准(评分标准(7,6,57,6,5)BandBandTask ResponseTask ResponseCoherence and Coherenc

2、e and CohesionCohesionLexical ResourceLexical ResourceGrammatical Grammatical Range and Range and AccuracyAccuracy7 7addresses all addresses all parts of the taskparts of the taskpresents presents a clear a clear position throughout position throughout the responsethe responsepresents,extends presen

3、ts,extends and supports main and supports main ideas,but there ideas,but there may be a may be a tendency to tendency to overgeneralise overgeneralise and/or supporting and/or supporting ideas ideas may lack may lack focus focus logically organises logically organises information and information and

4、 ideas;there is ideas;there is clear clear progression progression throughoutthroughoutuses a range of uses a range of cohesive device cohesive device appropriately appropriately although although there may there may be some under-be some under-/over-use/over-usepresents a clear presents a clear cen

5、tral topic within central topic within each paragraph each paragraph uses a sufficient uses a sufficient range of vocabulary range of vocabulary to allow some to allow some flexibility and flexibility and precisionprecisionuses uses less common less common lexical itemslexical items with with some a

6、wareness of some awareness of style and collocationstyle and collocationmay produce may produce occasional errorsoccasional errors in in word choice,spelling word choice,spelling and/or word and/or word formationformationuses a variety of uses a variety of complex structurescomplex structuresproduce

7、s produces frequent error-free frequent error-free sentencessentenceshas good control has good control of grammar and of grammar and punctuation but punctuation but may make a few may make a few errorserrors分数分数写作任务回应情况写作任务回应情况连贯与衔接连贯与衔接词汇丰富程度词汇丰富程度语法多样性及准确性语法多样性及准确性7 7回应各部分写作任回应各部分写作任务务 回应写作任务过程回应写

8、作任务过程中中始终呈现一个清晰始终呈现一个清晰的观点的观点呈现、发展主要论呈现、发展主要论点并就其进行论证,点并就其进行论证,但但有时有时出现过于一概出现过于一概而论的倾向及而论的倾向及/或论或论点点缺乏重点的倾向缺乏重点的倾向符合逻辑地组符合逻辑地组织信息及论点织信息及论点;清清晰的行文推进发晰的行文推进发展贯穿全文展贯穿全文恰当地使用一恰当地使用一系列系列衔接手段衔接手段,尽管尽管有时使用不有时使用不足或过多足或过多 每个段落均有每个段落均有一个清晰的中心一个清晰的中心主题主题使用足够的词汇,使用足够的词汇,体现一定体现一定灵活性灵活性及准确性及准确性使用使用不常见词汇不常见词汇,对语体及

9、搭配对语体及搭配有有一定认识一定认识在选择用词、拼在选择用词、拼写及写及/或构词方面或构词方面可能可能偶尔出现错偶尔出现错误误运用各种运用各种复杂的语法复杂的语法结构结构多数句子准确无误多数句子准确无误对语法及标点符号掌对语法及标点符号掌握较好,但握较好,但有时出现有时出现少许错误少许错误BandBandTask ResponseTask ResponseCoherence and Coherence and CohesionCohesionLexical Lexical ResourceResourceGrammatical Grammatical Range and Range and A

10、ccuracyAccuracy6 6addresses all parts addresses all parts of the task although of the task although some parts may be some parts may be more fully covered more fully covered than others than others presents a presents a relevant position relevant position althoughalthough the the conclusions may con

11、clusions may become unclear or become unclear or repetitive repetitive presents relevant presents relevant main ideas but main ideas but some may be some may be inadequately inadequately developed/uncleardeveloped/uncleararranges arranges information and information and ideas coherently ideas cohere

12、ntly andand there is a clear there is a clear overall progressionoverall progressionuses cohesive uses cohesive devices effectively,devices effectively,but but cohesioncohesion within within and/or between and/or between sentences sentences may be may be faulty or mechanicalfaulty or mechanicalmay n

13、ot always may not always use referencing use referencing clearly or clearly or appropriately;appropriately;uses paragraphing,uses paragraphing,but but not always not always logicallylogicallyuses an uses an adequate range adequate range of vocabulary for of vocabulary for the taskthe task attempts t

14、o use attempts to use less common less common vocabulary but vocabulary but with some with some inaccuracyinaccuracy makes makes some some errorserrors in spelling in spelling and/or word and/or word formation,but formation,but they do not they do not impede impede communicationcommunicationuses a m

15、ix of simple uses a mix of simple and complex and complex sentence formssentence formsmakes makes some errors some errors in grammar and in grammar and punctuationpunctuation but they but they rarely reduce rarely reduce communicationcommunication分数分数 写作任务回应情况写作任务回应情况连贯与衔接连贯与衔接词汇丰富程度词汇丰富程度 语法多样性及准确性

16、语法多样性及准确性6 6回应了各部分写回应了各部分写作任务,作任务,但某些部但某些部分的论证可能比其分的论证可能比其他部分更为充分他部分更为充分提出了一个切题提出了一个切题的观点,的观点,尽管各种尽管各种结论有时不甚清晰结论有时不甚清晰或重复或重复提出了多个相关提出了多个相关的主要论点,但的主要论点,但某某些论点可能未能充些论点可能未能充分展开进行论证或分展开进行论证或不甚清晰不甚清晰连贯地组织信息及论连贯地组织信息及论点,点,总体来说,能清总体来说,能清晰地推进行文发展晰地推进行文发展有效地使用衔接手段,有效地使用衔接手段,但句内及但句内及/或句间的衔或句间的衔接接有时有误或过于机有时有误或

17、过于机械械有时有时无法保持一贯清无法保持一贯清晰或恰当地使用指代晰或恰当地使用指代使用段落写作,但使用段落写作,但未未能保持段落间的逻辑能保持段落间的逻辑使用足够的使用足够的词汇开展写作词汇开展写作任务任务试图使用试图使用不不常用词汇,但常用词汇,但有时使用不准有时使用不准确确在拼写及在拼写及/或或构词方面构词方面有错有错误,但不影响误,但不影响交流交流综合使用简单句式综合使用简单句式与复杂句式与复杂句式在语法及标点符号在语法及标点符号方面有一些错误方面有一些错误,但,但这些错误很少影响交这些错误很少影响交流流BandBand Task ResponseTask ResponseCoheren

18、ce and Coherence and CohesionCohesionLexical Lexical ResourceResourceGrammatical Grammatical Range and Range and AccuracyAccuracy5 5addresses the addresses the task task only partiallyonly partially;the format may the format may be inappropriate be inappropriate in placesin placesexpresses a express

19、es a position but theposition but thedevelopment is development is not always clearnot always clearand and there may be there may be no conclusionsno conclusionsdrawndrawnpresents some presents some main ideas butmain ideas butthese are limited these are limited and not and not sufficientlysufficien

20、tlydeveloped;developed;there there may be irrelevantmay be irrelevantdetaildetail presents information presents information with some organisation with some organisation but but there may be a there may be a lack of overall lack of overall progressionprogressionmakes makes inadequate,inadequate,inac

21、curate or over-use inaccurate or over-use of cohesive devicesof cohesive devices may be may be repetitiverepetitive because of because of lack of lack of referencing and referencing and substitutionsubstitutionmay not write in may not write in paragraphs,orparagraphs,orparagraphing may be paragraphi

22、ng may be inadequateinadequateuses uses a limited a limited range of range of vocabulary,vocabulary,but but this is minimally this is minimally adequate for adequate for the taskthe taskmay make may make noticeable noticeable errorserrors in spelling in spelling and/or word and/or word formation tha

23、t formation that may cause may cause some difficulty some difficulty for the readerfor the readeruses only uses only a limited a limited range of structuresrange of structuresattempts complex attempts complex sentences but these sentences but these tend to be tend to be less less accurate than simpl

24、e accurate than simple sentencessentences may make may make frequent frequent grammatical errors grammatical errors and and punctuation may punctuation may be faultybe faulty;errors can;errors can cause some difficulty cause some difficulty for the readerfor the reader分数分数 写作任务回应情况写作任务回应情况连贯与衔接连贯与衔接

25、词汇丰富程度词汇丰富程度 语法多样性及准确性语法多样性及准确性5 5仅仅回应了部分写回应了部分写作任务作任务;写作格式写作格式有时有时在某些地方不在某些地方不甚恰当甚恰当表述了一个观点,表述了一个观点,但展开论证过程未但展开论证过程未能保持一贯清晰,能保持一贯清晰,且且可能缺乏结论可能缺乏结论提出一些主要提出一些主要论论点点但十分但十分有限有限,且,且未能充分展开论证;未能充分展开论证;有时有时出现无关细节出现无关细节有一定组织性地呈现有一定组织性地呈现信息,但信息,但总体来说有总体来说有时缺乏清晰的总体行时缺乏清晰的总体行文推进文推进衔接衔接手段手段不足、不准不足、不准确或过度使用确或过度使


27、些错误会对读者造成一定的阅读困者造成一定的阅读困难难雅思写作中的两个问题一、看完题目后,用中文都不知道说什么(思维问题);二、中文思维有了,用英语无法清晰表达(语言问题)。思维问题对应的是第一个评分标准:Task Response。如果考生的中文构思就偏题、跑题、谋篇布局有误,写出的英语也必然如此。语言技能问题对应后三个评分标准:Coherence and Cohesion考察的是立场清晰,贯穿始终,没有前言不搭后语,没有无关信息;起承转合逻辑通达。Lexical Resource考察的是用词贴切,掌握复杂高级词汇,拼写无错。Grammatical Range and Accuracy考察的是

28、多种复杂句的灵活运用,语法和标点(punctuation)的正确性。其他评分点其他评分点 off-topic underlength no.of words memorised penalty(罚分)illegible(字迹潦草)雅思写作评分雅思写作评分2.2.雅思写作涵盖话题雅思写作涵盖话题 教育类教育类 社会类社会类 文化类文化类 生活方式类生活方式类 环境类环境类 科技类科技类 政府类政府类Sample 1Sample 1(2016/1/9 B卷大作文)Some people think government should invest more money in teaching sc

29、ience than other subjects in order for a country to develop and progress.To what extent do you agree or disagree?写作提纲写作提纲第一步:第一步:审题审题 (读懂题目要求,明确写作方向)(读懂题目要求,明确写作方向)关键词:关键词:government government (should)invest more money (should)invest more money teach science teach science teach other subjects teach

30、 other subjects a country to develop and progress a country to develop and progress核心要求:对这种观点(你)支持还是反对核心要求:对这种观点(你)支持还是反对Brain StormBrain Storm:同意:同意:科学教育科学教育 其他教育其他教育1.1.促进科学技术发展,科学技术是生产力,促经国家繁荣,提升国际市场促进科学技术发展,科学技术是生产力,促经国家繁荣,提升国际市场竞争力竞争力2.2.培养大量科技人才,填补国家各个行业所需要的科学技术人才,推动国培养大量科技人才,填补国家各个行业所需要的科学技术人

31、才,推动国家的发展;家的发展;3.3.推动科学研究,解决人类很多领域的问题推动科学研究,解决人类很多领域的问题不同意不同意 两者并重两者并重1.1.科学教育的重要性科学教育的重要性 (见(见PPT21PPT21)2.2.其他教育重要性其他教育重要性 实现国家的全面发展需要从多方面建设,比如文化、艺术、体育等,实现国家的全面发展需要从多方面建设,比如文化、艺术、体育等,失衡的发展制约国家的长期发展;失衡的发展制约国家的长期发展;忽视其他教育,造成人才更多地流向科学领域,其他领域发展受到约忽视其他教育,造成人才更多地流向科学领域,其他领域发展受到约束;束;长期造成人才分布不均,对人才和国家都将造成

32、一定损失长期造成人才分布不均,对人才和国家都将造成一定损失 科学教育科学教育 其他教育其他教育1.1.其他教育有重要的学习价值,培养多样性人才,繁荣各个领域,促经其他教育有重要的学习价值,培养多样性人才,繁荣各个领域,促经国家整体发展和进步;国家整体发展和进步;2.2.举例:艺术家、作家、画家和音乐家等的巨大作用举例:艺术家、作家、画家和音乐家等的巨大作用Sample answerSample answer 首段首段第一句第一句 背景背景其他表达方式其他表达方式Nowadays,an increasing number of people are Nowadays,an increasing

33、number of people are concerned about concerned about the the problem/the purpose+problem/the purpose+同位语从同位语从句句.Nowadays,more and more students are concerned Nowadays,more and more students are concerned about about+宾语从句宾语从句.如果很难再短时间内想出第一句内容,就直接表达观点,两如果很难再短时间内想出第一句内容,就直接表达观点,两句话写完首段。句话写完首段。I agree w

34、ith the view that I agree with the view that.Reasons are as follows.Reasons are as follows.我赞同的观点是我赞同的观点是原因如下。原因如下。第二句第二句 交代辩论话题交代辩论话题However,whether However,whether more more national investment national investment should should be put be put in science in science rather than other subjects to rath

35、er than other subjects to develop the country develop the country is a controversial issue/has is a controversial issue/has caused a heated debatecaused a heated debate.其他表达方式其他表达方式主语从句主语从句 Whether more Whether more national investment national investment should be should be put put in science in sc

36、ience rather than other subjects to develop rather than other subjects to develop the country is a controversial issue.the country is a controversial issue.同位语从句同位语从句 S Some people ome people hold the viewhold the view that that more more national investment national investment should be put should

37、be put in science in science rather rather than other subjects to develop the country.than other subjects to develop the country.宾语从句宾语从句 Some people agree that.,while others Some people agree that.,while others believe that.believe that.第三句第三句 交代自己的写作观点交代自己的写作观点My view is that the government should

38、 invest more My view is that the government should invest more money money in science in science rather than other subjects.rather than other subjects.其他表达方式:其他表达方式:In my view/opinion,.In my view/opinion,.I agree with the view that.,for the following reasons.I agree with the view that.,for the follo

39、wing reasons.如果在第二句交代辩论话题时,用的是如果在第二句交代辩论话题时,用的是“一些人认为一些人认为.,而而另一些人认为另一些人认为.”.”,第三句表达观点的时候可以简单地写成,第三句表达观点的时候可以简单地写成如下形式:如下形式:I agree with the former/latter view for the following I agree with the former/latter view for the following reasons.reasons.第二段第二段第一句第一句 本段中心句本段中心句Firstly,it is obvious that Fi

40、rstly,it is obvious that science education promotes the science education promotes the advancement of science and technology.advancement of science and technology.其他同义替换句式其他同义替换句式Firstly,it is clear/apparent/evident/true/undoubted Firstly,it is clear/apparent/evident/true/undoubted that.that.Firstly

41、,there is no doubt that.Firstly,there is no doubt that.One reason for this is that.One reason for this is that.第二句第二句 对中心句进行拓展、解释、说明。对中心句进行拓展、解释、说明。In modern society,science and technology is the most In modern society,science and technology is the most influential driving force behind the productiv

42、ity and influential driving force behind the productivity and material prosperity and can make the nation become material prosperity and can make the nation become more competitive in the international market.more competitive in the international market.More specifically,.More specifically,.More pre

43、cisely,.More precisely,.第三句第三句 重申写作观点重申写作观点So,science subjects should be core subjects and get So,science subjects should be core subjects and get more financial support.more financial support.其他表达方式:其他表达方式:Therefore,it is important/necessary/crucial for sb to do Therefore,it is important/necessary/

44、crucial for sb to do sth.sth.第三段第三段第一句第一句 本段中心句本段中心句Moreover,Moreover,investing more money in science can investing more money in science can cultivate lcultivate large amounts of talents arge amounts of talents with scientific with scientific knowledge and technological skills for different knowled

45、ge and technological skills for different industries,driving the progress of the whole country.industries,driving the progress of the whole country.表示表示“进一步,增加信息进一步,增加信息”同义词同义词furthermore,as well as,besides,moreover,apart from furthermore,as well as,besides,moreover,apart from this,in addition,addit

46、ionally,what is morethis,in addition,additionally,what is morenot only.but also,not only.but also,第二句第二句 举例举例For example,For example,scientific discoveriesscientific discoveries,such as,such as space space exploration,exploration,vaccine developmentvaccine development,genetic genetic engineering,and

47、 so on,engineering,and so on,are of are of great great significance to significance to our lives our lives and the betterment of the country.and the betterment of the country.第三句第三句 例证解释说明例证解释说明We are facing a complex society with many unknown We are facing a complex society with many unknown areas,

48、so without enough scientific expenditure,it is areas,so without enough scientific expenditure,it is hard to image what the world will be like.hard to image what the world will be like.第四段第四段第一句第一句 讨论反方观点讨论反方观点That is not to sayThat is not to say we can ignore the other subjects,such we can ignore th

49、e other subjects,such as as culture,art,PE,etc,or the countrys progress will be culture,art,PE,etc,or the countrys progress will be constrained in long term.constrained in long term.其他转承过度方式其他转承过度方式However,.However,.It is also true that.It is also true that.Those who harbour the view that.believe th

50、at.Those who harbour the view that.believe that.第二句第二句 反方论据反方论据There are,of course,There are,of course,many benefits being brought by many benefits being brought by learning other subjects,such as music and art learning other subjects,such as music and art communication,etc,which also enrich peoples


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