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1、江苏省镇江市2022-2023学年高二下学期期中英语试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解ISCs sport camps are the only residential camps in Spain that focus on sport-specific development with 3 hours of training every afternoon, watersports activities every morning at the Mediterranean sea and leisure activities during the evenings. With

2、 coaching from professional staff, you are sure to leave the camp with an experience youll never forget.We offer port camps for school trips throughout the year. During the months of July and August, our sport summer camps are aimed towards young students of 13 to 18 years of age. During the rest of

3、 the year, our camps are aimed at sport schools in order to develop and nurture (培养) young talents.Where does it take place?This summer camp package takes place in Alicante, Spain. With an average of 300 sunny days a year, and an average temperature of 18 degrees, this coastal city is one of the mos

4、t desired Mediterranean tourist destinations. During the leisure time, campers will be able to join in activities such as visiting the castle of Alicante, visiting the MARQ museum, walking around the fishing town of Campello and etc.AccommodationAll of our students will be staying at ISC Campus next

5、 to the University of Alicante. The campus facilities and rooms provide all the homely comforts eager campers will need. Here at ISC Spain we take care of all the little details, so that each and every one of our students can feel at home.1What do ISC sport camps offer?AWatersports in the evening.BA

6、dmission to sport schools.CLeisure activities every morning.DGuidance from professionals.2What do we know about Alicante?AIt is a castle near Campello.BIt is a popular tourist destination.CIt is a coastal city with a hot climate.DIt is best-known for summer sport camps.3What is the purpose of this t

7、ext?ATo promote a summer camp package of ISCBTo recommend an ideal place for sport camps.CTo describe the activities in ISCs sport camps.DTo introduce the requirement of a summer camp package.In 1937, legendary photographer Bradford Wash bum abandoned hundreds of pounds of camera gear(设备), surveying

8、 equipment, and supplies when her an into bad weather while exploring Canadas icy Yukon region.In late April 2022, professional big-mountain skier Griffin Post set out on a three-week expedition (探险) on to the glacier located within Canadas Kluane National Park and Reserve along with other adventure

9、rs and scientists, to hunt down the location of the cameras.Dora Medrzycka, a University of Ottawa glaciologist, was selected to travel to the site and map out the glacier, to determine where the gear could have moved overtime. A team of glaciologists at the University of Ottawa helped the expeditio

10、n remotely.Upon arriving to the region, the team searched on foot, ski, and snowboard. “We had an idea of where to start looking, but nothing very precise,” Medrzycka said, adding, “We covered a lot of kilometers walking up and down the glacier. We couldnt see it anywhere.Towards the end of the trip

11、, Medrzycka came up with a new theory about where the items might be located. Glaciers typically move at a constant rate from year to year, but Walsh Glacier is a rare “surging” (急剧上升的) glacier, she said, meaning it moves faster for a year or two every few decades.She noticed piles of debris (碎片) ha

12、d traveled the glaciers entire length, which she believed was caused by the surge. That clued her in on how and when the glacier had flowed in the past.The observation allowed her to calculate a new estimate of where the items might be, which was three or four miles further down the valley and appro

13、ximately 14 miles away from the spot where Wash bum had left them. “It was an epic moment for everyone,” Medrzycka said.Available scientific data on glacial movement only dates back to the 1960s.With this finding, scientists might gain a new understanding of long-term changes to Walsh Glacier.4Why d

14、id Griffin Post set out for the glacier in late April 2022?ATo explore Kluane National Park and Reserve.BTo find out the exact position of the cameras.CTo follow the footsteps of Bradford Washburn.DTo learn from other adventurers and scientists.5Which of the following best describes the three-week e

15、xpedition?ATough but fruitful.BBoring but meaningful.CAttractive and exciting.DStressful and frightening.6Which of the following contributes most to the success of the team?AThe average rate of glacier movements.BPrecise information about the starting point.CTechnical assistance from the University

16、of Ottawa.DMedrzyckas innovative glacial mapping processes.7What can we learn from the last paragraph?AThe surge of Walsh Glacier dates from the 1960s.BThe flow of Walsh Glacier has stopped since 1960.CThe finding might offer a further insight into glacial movement.DThe finding showed the unchanging

17、 landscape of glaciers.Stroke(中风) survivors often struggle with manipulating objects. They lose the sensation (知觉) in their hands and fingers, which is the usual impairment(损伤) they experience daily. This condition affects their activities and lowers the quality of their lives to an extent. As a sol

18、ution to this problem, a group of scientists from the UKs University of Hertfordshire has developed a special touchpad that can allow them to feel once again. In an article by E&T, the University of Hertfordshire researchers have created a unique invention that can bring back the sense of touch

19、among stroke survivors. This particular device is capable of sending tiny vibrations(振动) to the patients fingertips. This will give life to the brain cells so they can function once again and restore the sensation of the limbs.If the survivor wears this device, they could now normally function as be

20、fore. They can do tasks on their own without asking for help from other people. “Improvement in touch sensation should lead to them being able to sense that they are holding hands. That definitely should be possible,” Dr. Am it Pujari, the inventor of the device, said.During the British Science Fest

21、ival, the device developer urged the participants to tell if they had sensations on their hands while the tool was placed. The trial lasted for 10 minutes. The researchers found that 20 to 40%of them have shown an improved sensation in their limbs.Besides enhancing the patients movements, the test p

22、roved that it could also be a huge help in improving a patients mental well-being. The study is expected to undergo a peer review in the future. The experts are still wondering about the devices impact in the long run. They also want to tackle how effective it is for patients who suffer from stroke.

23、8Whats the function of the special touchpad?AIncreasing stroke survivors brain cells.BChanging the way stroke survivors seize objects.CHelping stroke survivors regain the sense of touch.DMonitoring the life quality of stroke survivors.9What does “That” in paragraph 3 refer to?APreventing stroke.BRes

24、toring the sensation of hands.CTurning to others for help.DWearing the special device.10What can we learn about the special device?AIt has undergone a peer review.BIt cures stroke immediately.CIt helps improve patients mental health.DIt has produced long-term impact on patients.11What can be inferre

25、d about the outcome of the 10-minute trial?AIts negative.BIts typical.CIts encouraging.DIts disappointing.Although a few recreational snowmobilers (驾驶摩托雪橇者) destroy ecosystems as they ride through the wilderness, most snowmobilers love and respect Americas natural heritage. Thats why they brave the

26、cold to explore what is left of wild America including Yellowstone National Park. Unfortunately these snowmobilers are unconsciously damaging what they love. Because snowmobiles in the park not only create both air and noise pollution but also strains (使紧张) the already tight budget of the park servi

27、ce, recreational snowmobiles should be banned from Yellowstone National Park.It may be hard to imagine that about 1,000 snowmobiles a day could lead to air pollution in a park half the size of Connecticut, but in fact they can. In addition to polluting the air, snowmobiles are noisy, disturbing the

28、peace and silence that park visitors have a right to expect. One study reports that twelve snowmobiles traveling together could be heard as far as two miles away. Such noise affects the parks wildlife.Funds that should be used to preserve Yellowstone National Park and its wildlife have been used to

29、deal with the snowmobile issue. Also, park rangers are spending an increasing amount of their valuable time policing snowmobilers, which takes away from park rangers primary responsibilitypreserving this countrys treasured natural resources.Opponents of a ban argue that a central mission of the park

30、 service is to provide access to national parks. Admittedly, winter access is important, but ordinary people can enjoy the park by means other than snowmobiles. Also, the park services mission is not just to provide access to the parks; no less important is its mission to preserve the parks pristine

31、 natural resources for future generations.Even with a ban on snowmobiling in the park itself, the Yellowstone area would still earn the title of Snowmobiling Capital of America. All of the streets of West Yellowstone, the areas major town, are open to snowmobilers, and many trails run out of the tow

32、n. As to Yellowstone National Park, a ban on snowmobiles would allow the park service to devote more of its limited resources to one of its primary missions: the protection of natural resources. Visitors would still be able to appreciate Yellowstones beauty its geysers, its wildlife, and its snow-co

33、vered vistas throughout the parks long winter.12What can we learn about most snowmobilers from paragraph 1?AThey enjoy winter adventures.BThey try to reduce water pollution.CThey make a lot of money by snowmobiling.DThey have destroyed the hottest snowmobling spot.13What does paragraph 2 mainly talk

34、 about?AEffects of air pollution.BMeasures of wildlife protection.CRights expected by visitors.DProblems caused by snowmobiles.14What is the primary responsibility of park rangers?ASolving snowmobile issues.BProviding access to the park.CProtecting natural resources.DCollecting funds for the park.15

35、Which is the most suitable title for the text?APreserving Yellowstones winter wildernessBSolving financial problems of national parksCImproving the service of Yellowstone National ParkDExploring popular snowmobile destinations this winter二、七选五The key to your dream workout routineThere was a time in

36、my life when I hated working out._16_How is that so, you ask? Well, it wasnt easy, but I found a couple of ways to make myself stick to a routine. So, if youre trying to workout consistently, here are some tips.Dont push yourself too much, especially if you havent worked out in a long time or at all

37、._17_. Starting off too difficult often makes you lose motivation and could also lead to bad self-esteem. Start small, and then gradually increase intensity.Stop convincing yourself that you dont have time to workout. It doesnt matter how busy your schedule is you could take 10 minutes out of your d

38、ay to take a walk around campus._18_19_You could workout with friends or family, create a playlist to workout to, or watch your favorites show while working out. Try switching up the setting where you workout by taking a walk in the park or doing yoga on the quad anything to get yourself excited to

39、work out.Its okay to take a break. When you first start working out, it can be tough. I was getting all Sorts of aches and pains when I first started, and I often denied myself rest days because I felt like I always had to workout at the highest intensity. Please remember to take a break. Your body

40、needs to reset._20_Sticking to a workout routine can be difficult but if you follow some of these tips, you may find that youre able to work out more consistently.ACreate a realistic workout plan.BJust the thought of it was horrible.CFind ways to make exercising more fun.DTry multiple activities to

41、find one that you love.EOnce youre feeling better, you can get back to it.FNow, working out is one of my favorite things to do.GEven if its only a small amount, any exercise is enough to get you started.三、完形填空Justin Mutawassim was 5 years old the first time he took a flight. The Delta pilots onboard

42、 invited him to_21_the cockpit(驾驶舱) , “I remember sitting there and being_22_by all the buttons,” he said. By age 6, he had decided:“I wanted to be a pilot.”His road to becoming a pilot was harder than he had _23_as a child. His middle school teacher wrongly informed him that perfect vision was a re

43、quirement to become a pilot. “When I heard that I was really_24_,” said Mutawassim, who wears glasses.In December 2014, about a year into his studies at a community college, Mutaassim decided to _25_. He got a job as a ramp agent(机坪操作员) carrying bags for Delta Air Lines. During this time, his_26_to

44、pursue a career in aviation(航空) became stronger, but he didnt have the_27_to make it happen.That_28_when he me this mentor, Martin. Martin helped him _29_for written tests and eventually apply for ATP Flight School, where he was able to_30_the necessary licenses in 11 months.In spring 2022, after he

45、 learned Delta dropped the college degree_31_for pilots, he_32_applied for a position. To his delight he was offered the job. “It was a fantastic _33_.” Mutawassim said. He reflected on how far he had come in only six years, from carrying luggage to _34_a Boeing 767. Now, he is working toward his ne

46、xt goal of _35_a captain.On a recent morning, a little boy noticed him and said:“Look, theres a pilot!” In that moment, it all came full circle.21AexploreBexamineCoperateDdetect22AtrappedBcomfortedCfascinatedDdisturbed23AcontinuedBexpectedCcommentedDremembered24ArelaxedBconvincedCannoyedDdefeated25A

47、calm downBdrop outCbreak downDpass out26AresponseBpowerCdesireDmemory27AburdenBdutyCprideDconfidence28AchangedBhappenedCrepeatedDexisted29AcallBprepareCsearchDwait30ApurchaseBcompleteCsuspendDarrange31ArequirementBapplicationCdescriptionDassumption32AdoubtfullyBcasuallyCsecretlyDeagerly33AbalanceBreplyCmomentDangle34AcheckingBcatchingCrepairingDflying35AbecomingBimitatingCrespectingDassigning四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。China is kno


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