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1、2021届无锡市初二(上)英语期末达标检测模拟试题一、选择题1- does your mother go shopping?-She goes shopping once a week.AHow long BHow much CHow often DHow far2_ fresh air! Yes. Lets go for a walk.AHow BWhat CWhat a DWhat an3Why were you late for school yesterday? Because it rained really _A.hardB.hardlyC.heavyD.big4Mrs. Wang

2、 always asks us to _ conversations in the English classes.Amake upBturn upCend upDlook up5Every year we go to the beach we can pick up lots of shells.Awhen Bon it Cwhere Din the place6His mother was angry, because he did _ job in examination in his class.Agood Bbad Cworse Dthe worst7Dont let homewor

3、k _ too much time. Children need to play.Agive upBtakeupClook upDput up8Lets go shopping at the new mall.Why not shop online? Its _.Aexpensive Bmore expensiveCless expensive Dthe most expensive9-_ did you _the summer vacation? - It was terrible . I have too much homework to do .AWhat; think BHow , l

4、iked CHow; think of DHow ; feel about10-Can you _ banana ice-cream?-Sorry,I cant.A.doB.makeC.cookD.have11-I dont know if my mother_ tomorrow.-If she_, Ill meet her at the train station.A.will come; comesB.comes; will comeC.will come; will coneD.comes; comes12Jane really _ your house.She dreams of ha

5、ving a house _ yours.Alike;like Blikes;like Clikes;likes Dlike;likes13Tommy is really a _boy .Yes , he always has many new ideas .Afriendly Bfunny Ccreative Dactive14When did you _painting as your hobby ? Three years ago .Atake up Bwrite down Cfeel like Dcare about15Would you another cup of tea?Alik

6、e to have Bto like having Clikes have Dto like to have16Jack always makes us laugh . He is much _than his brother.AfunBfunnyCfunnierDfunniest17_ are you going to be an actor?Im going to take acting lessons.AWhatBWhyCHowDWhen18Many plants die _ the bad weather.Abut Bbecause Cbecause of Dand19The _ of

7、 the word “physical” in Chinese is “身体的”A.meanB.meansC.meaningD.meanings20Oh,I have the flu,and I have to see the _Ateacher Bfarmer Cdoctor Dworker二、单词填空21.根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1)This book is made of _(纸).2)Water _(污染) is becoming a serious problem.3)Is there any life on other _(行星), Jane?4)Last spr

8、ing Miss Jones and her students _(种植) many flowers in the park.5)We should care about our _(环境).三、句型转换22改写句子 按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。1)She is leaving for Hong Kong on Tuesday. (改为否定句)She _ _ leaving for Hong Kong on Tuesday.2)I like to do the dishes because its relaxing. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you like to do t

9、he dishes?3)Paul will take his cat to the classroom .His teacher wont let him in. (改写句子,句意不变)_Paul_ his cat to the classroom, His teacher _ _ him in4)Nick cant get good grades if he doesnt work hard enough. (改写句子,句意不变)Nick cant get good grades _ he is _ enough.5)Its difficult for him to make friends

10、 in this new school because he is too quiet. (改写句子,句意不变)He has _ _ friends because he isnt_.四、完成句子231)史密斯夫人每五分钟就得坐下来休息一下。Mrs. Smith_ _ sit down and rest _ five minutes.2)图书馆不仅仅是贮存书的地方。A library is_ _ _ a place where books are stored.3)她几乎从不焦虑,并且她总是笑。She is_ _ nervous and she always _4)她一周使用网络最多两次。Sh

11、e uses the Internet_ _ twice a week.5)他一周至少踢两次足球。He plays soccer_ _ _ a week.五、完形填空24完型填空:阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I always thought there was nothing exciting in my life. The furniture (家具)in my house was 1 And I didnt have money to change it. But two poor children changed my 2 The two children w

12、ere outside my door one day. Their clothes were 3 “Do you have any old papers, lady?” they asked.I wanted to say 4 - until I looked down at their 5 They didnt wear shoes.“Come in and Ill make you a cup of juice.” I said. They came with dirty footprints(脏脚印) on the floor. I gave them some juice. They

13、 6 it and the girl held the empty(空的) cup in her hands, looking at it. The boy asked, “Lady, are you rich?”“Am I rich? No!” I said in surprise(惊讶地).The girl put her cup back in its saucer(杯托) 7 “Your cups match your saucers,” he said. Then the two children left without saying “Thank you”. In fact, t

14、hey didnt need to. They did more than saying that. My cups and saucers were very common(普通), 8 they matched.I looked 9 the house again. All the things 10 nicer to me. The furniture was old, but one piece matches the other.The dirty footprints were still on my floor. They made me never forget how ric

15、h I am.1)AmodernBoldCnewDspecial2)AideaBhouseCmoneyDcups3)AnewBbeautifulCbrokenDexpensive4)AthanksByesCbyeDno5)AhandsBfaceCfeetDlegs6)AsawBdrankChidDpoured7)AcarefullyBquicklyChappilyDbadly8)AandBsoCbecauseDbut9)AforBatCout ofDafter10)AsoundedBtastedCseemedDsmelled六、用所给的词正确形式填空251)Mr. Green is so se

16、rious that he always thinks_ ( careful) before making a decision.2)Tu Youyou is one of the Nobel Prize_ (win) in 2015. Were proud of her.3)Does Gold Theatre have _(comfort) seats of the five in your city?4)1 like watching others_(perform) on TV.5)Dont take what he says so_(serious).七、阅读理解26Peter Fra

17、nklin is a taxi driver in New York City. He thought a lot about New York City. One day, he decided to go to radio stations to let more people know New York. Now, he had over 40,000 shows. They were both on the radio and Internet.At first, he talked about things and people, but not about himself. But

18、 over the years he found that people loved to know more about him. He is still talking about his city, his world and himself. He feels that he helps others know New York City better. He wants to keep doing this, because he loves it.He isnt just a taxi driver he is an ambassador (大使) of a great city.

19、 He is a quiet person with few words, but when he talks about his city, he talks a lot. I like him and I like every one of you with the idea of making the world better!1)What is Peter Franklin?AAn ambassador. BA taxi driver. CA teacher. DA policeman.2)Why did Peter begin to talk on the radio?ABecaus

20、e it was interesting.BBecause he wanted to let people know more about his city.CBecause he wanted to make friends.DBecause he thought he was wonderful.3)Which of the following is NOT true about Peter?AHe didnt talk about himself much at first. BHe gives shows on the radio and Internet.CHe knows much

21、 about the USA. DHe loves talking about New York City.4)What does the writer think of Peter?AHe is quiet and has few words. BHe is cute but noisy.CHe is outgoing and noisy. DHe is friendly and funny.5)What does the writer try to tell us according to the passage?ATaxi drivers know a city best. BWe sh

22、ould make the world better.CWe can try to talk about our city on the radio. DNew York City has good taxi drivers.27Jeff and Joe are brothers. They are thinking about their future. In ten years, they will be twenty-four and have their own jobs. Jeff will be a soccer coach (教练) and Joe will be a jazz

23、(爵士乐) musician.First, Jeff will finish college. At college, he will take classes in science, health and education. He will not take art or history. Jeff will probably play soccer on the college team. He will be busy but he will enjoy the sports and classes. After college, Jeff will teach in a high s

24、chool. He will teach science and coach the schools soccer team. Jeff will love coaching soccer. His team will work hard and practice four times a week. They will have fun and maybe they will win a lot of games.Joe will start a jazz band (乐队). He will play the drums. The band will practice every day

25、and write their own songs. Joes band will probably play in clubs in New York. Joe hopes the band will become successful and famous. Then Joe and the band will travel around the world by car. Joe will not forget his family. He will find time to visit them.Jeff and Joe will work hard on their plans. T

26、heir parents are sure about Jeff s plan, but they havedoubtsabout Joes plan because being a successful musician is a very difficult thing.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。1)How old are Jeff and Joe?A10.B12.C14.D16.2)What classes will Jeff have in the college?ArtHealthHistoryEducationScienceABCD3)From the passage, we ca

27、n know that _.AJeff is not good at historyBJoes band will play in clubs in LondonCJoe loves traveling around the world by bikeDJeff s soccer team will practice four times a week4)What does the underlined word “doubts” in the last paragraph mean in Chinese?A怀疑B信任C赞扬D批评5)The passage is mainly about Je

28、ff s and Joes _.Afuture plansBdream collegesCschool activitiesDfavorite subjects八、书面表达28请根据所给图片,向你朋友介绍做苹果奶昔的过程,词数不少于80。_【参考答案】一、选择题题号123456789101112131415161718答案CBAACDBCDBABCAACCC题号1920答案CC二、单词填空211)paper 2)pollution3)planets4)planted 5)environment三、句型转换221) is not 2) Why do 3) If takes wont let 4)

29、 unless hard-working 5) problems/difficulties making, outgoing 四、完成句子231) has to every 2) more than just 3) hardly ever smiles 4) at most 5) at least twice 五、完形填空241)B2)A3)C4)D5)C6)B7)A8)D9)B10)C六、用所给的词正确形式填空251)carefully2)winners3)the most comfortable4)perform5)seriously七、阅读理解261)B2)B3)C4)A5)B271)C

30、2)D3)D4)A5)A八、书面表达28Do you like drinking apple milk shake?Do you know how to make it?Now let me tell you something about it. First,peel the apples and cut them up. Next,put the apples and ice cream into the blender. After that,pour the milk into the blender and mix them up. Then,turn on the blender for about two minutes. Finally,pour the apple milk shake in a glass and drink it.Now you can have a try.


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