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1、Part A Look and tick&Think and circle&Lets learnPart A Look and tick&Think and circle&Lets learnPart C Circle the words and match them with the picturesPart C Circle the words and match them with the picturesUnit 4 At Table陕西旅游版陕西旅游版 五年级上册五年级上册 2Ask and answerT:Dear,children,how to spell the word“fr

2、uit”?Can you tell me?Ss:F-R-U-I-T,fruit.T:Good!Whats your favorite fruit,then?S1:My favorite fruit is apples.S2:I like grapes best.Look and say Look at this picture.Whats in it?S1:There is a table.S2:There is a table and two chairs.S3:Some food is on the table.S4:This is a dining room at home.table/

3、tebl/(名词)餐桌spoon/spun/(名词)勺子knife/naf/(名词)刀子;小刀cut/kt/(动词)切chopstick/tp-stk/(名词)筷子use/juz/(动词)用;使用fork/fk/(名词)叉子pass/ps/(动词)递;传递 点击电视机,跟我一起点击电视机,跟我一起学词汇吧!学词汇吧!新词展示新词展示Knife?Fork?No.Yes.Guessing gamesLook and tick What do you often have lunch?Think and circleHow do you eat?Lets learnLets learntable/t

4、ebl/(名词)餐桌【复数形式】tables【短语】on the table 在桌子上【例句】Its a table.这是一张餐桌。重点词汇重点词汇spoon/spun/(名词)勺子【复数形式】spoons【短语】wooden spoon木勺【例句】Its a spoon.这是一把勺子。重点词汇重点词汇knife/naf/(名词)刀子;小刀【复数形式】knives【短语】use a knife 用刀子【例句】Its a knife.这是一把刀。重点词汇重点词汇cut/kt/(动词)切【第三人称单数】cuts【短语】cut back 削减【例句】I can cut it.我能切它。重点词汇重点词

5、汇chopstick/tp-stk/(名词)筷子【单词巧记】chop(砍)+stick(棍)=chopstick(筷子)【短语】a pair of chopsticks 一双筷子【例句】I can use chopsticks.我会用筷子。重点词汇重点词汇fork/fk/(名词)叉子【单词巧记】for(为了)+k=fork(叉子)【复数形式】forks【短语】knife and fork 刀叉重点词汇重点词汇use/juz/(动词)用;使用【单词巧记】us(我们)+e=use(用;使用)【第三人称单数】uses【短语】make use of 使用,利用【例句】May I use it?我能用它

6、吗?【合成词】useful 有用的useless 没用的重点词汇重点词汇pass/ps/(动词)递;传递【第三人称单数】passes【用法】当想表达“给某人某物”时,有两种搭配:“pass sb.sth.”与“pass sth.to sb.”。【例句】Please pass me a book.=Please pass a book to me.请递给我一本书。重点词汇重点词汇Circle the words and match them with the picturesCircle the words and match them with the pictures1.从内向外分别圈出单词

7、:table,spoon,knife,chopsticks,fork,vegetables,fruits,hamburger,chocolate2.然后分别与餐桌、勺子、刀子、筷子、叉子、蔬菜、水果、汉堡、巧克力连线 答案:Play a game一、看图片,写单词。一、看图片,写单词。tablespoonknifechopsticksforkcut二、看图片,写单词,补全句子。二、看图片,写单词,补全句子。1.Here is a.2.I can use the .4.Here is a.knifechopsticksfork本课时学的重点词汇如下:本课时学的重点词汇如下:table 餐桌 sp

8、oon knife 刀子;小刀 chopsticks 筷子 fork 叉子 cut 切 use 用;使用 pass 递;传递25Homework 1.将本节课学习的新单词在四线三格 内抄写三遍。2.做单词卡片和同伴一起玩看图记单词 游戏。Thank YouPart A Lets talkPart A Lets talkPart B Match and sayPart B Match and sayPart C Listen and numberPart C Listen and numberUnit 4 At Table陕西旅游版陕西旅游版 五年级上册五年级上册 Play a gameAct

9、and say T:What am I doing?Ss:You are drinking.T:Yes,I am drinking.What is he doing?Ss:He is drinking.T:What are we doing?Ss:You are drinking.at table 吃饭重点词汇重点词汇with/w/(介词)用;借助like/lak/(介词)像;像一样It(like/is like)a cat.它像一只猫。They are(at table/at the table).他们正在吃饭。根据汉语提示选择合适的单词或短语。根据汉语提示选择合适的单词或短语。is lik

10、eat table 活动开始啦!试一试。Lets talk Lets talk at table 吃饭【辨析】at table 和at the table at table 表示“吃饭”;at the table表示“在桌子旁边”。重点词汇重点词汇【短语】play with 和玩【例句】I write with a pen.我用钢笔写。【合成词】without 没有;超过with/w/(介词)用;借助like/laIk/(介词)像;像一样【短语】look like 看起来像be like 像【例句】It looks like a cloud.它看起来像一朵云。【形近词】bike 自行车hike

11、 远足【拓展】like(动词)喜欢【例句】I like Beijing.我喜欢北京。重点词汇重点词汇1.Use the fork with your left hand and use the knife with your right hand.用你的左手拿叉子,用你的右手拿刀子。Use the chopsticks with your right hand.用你的右手拿筷子。【详解】这是描述用某物做某事的句型。with是介词,意为“用;借助”,表示使用某种工具或手段。重点句型重点句型2.They are having noodles for lunch now.现在他们午餐正在吃面条。【详

12、解】for是介词,在这里表示“作为”。“for”还可以表示“因为;由于”“对.”“计;达”“向;到”“给;对”等用法。还用于一些固定搭配:如:wait for 等待;for example 例如。重点句型重点句型Match and say听力原文听力原文1.Alice wants to have some soup.She uses spoon.2.Su Nan wants to eat some beef steak.Would you please give him knife and fork.3.Li Shan likes noodles.Would you pass chopstic

13、ks?Listen and number2413听力原文听力原文1.Su Nan uses chopsticks well.He likes Chinese food.2.Would you pass me the fork?I want to eat some bread.Sure.Here it is.3.What can I do for you?I want to have some beef.Where is the knife?Its on the table.Here it is.4.I want to have some soup.Would you please pass m

14、e the spoon?Here it is.Thank you.Match and sayMatch and say 材料材料1.Alice wants to have some soup.She uses spoon.2.Su Nan wants to eat some beef steak.Would you please give him knife and fork?3.Li Shan likes noodles.Would you pass her chopsticks?()1.They are at table.Theyre having lunch.A./B.a C.the()

15、2.You should use the fork with your hand and use the knife with your hand.A.right;leftB.right;rightC.left;right()3.We have rice dinner.A.at B.for C.of()4.I like Chinese food.But I use chopsticks well.A.can B.cant C.doesnt()5.In China,we often use.A.a fork B.a knife C.chopsticks一、选择正确的答案。一、选择正确的答案。AB

16、CCC三、情景交际。三、情景交际。DCAEB()1.当发现对方用错了刀叉时,你可以对他说:()2.当想告诉对方用右手拿筷子时,你可以说:()3.当想说他们正在吃晚餐时,你可以说:()4.当想问对方怎么吃米饭时,你可以说:()5.当想说自己午餐吃面条时,你可以说:A.They are having dinner.B.I have noodles for lunch.C.Use the chopsticks with your right hand.D.Not like that.E.How do you eat rice?1.1.本课时学的重点词汇如下:本课时学的重点词汇如下:at table

17、吃饭with/w/(介词)用;借助like/lak/(介词)像;像一样2.2.本课时学的重点句型如下:本课时学的重点句型如下:1.Use the fork with your left hand and use the knife with your right hand.用你的左手拿叉子,用你的右手拿刀子。2.Use the chopsticks with your right hand.用你的右手拿筷子。47Homework 和父母讨论交流西方国家的饮食文化。Thank YouPart B Lets learn morePart B Lets learn morePart C Read,l

18、ook and tick&Look,write and talkPart C Read,look and tick&Look,write and talkUnit 4 At Table陕西旅游版陕西旅游版 五年级上册五年级上册 Ask and answerS1:How to use the knife and fork?S4:With your left/right hand.S3:How to use the chopsticks?S2:With your left/right hand.Show,ask and answer T:Look!The soup is delicious,isn

19、t it?S:Yes.T:I want to have some soup.Would you please pass me the spoon?S:Here you are.T:I want to have some.Would you please pass me the.?would/wd/(情态动词)愿意here/h/(副词)这;这里beef/bif/(名词)牛肉him/hm/(人称代词)(宾格)他give/gv/(动词)给 点击电视机,跟我一起点击电视机,跟我一起学词汇吧!学词汇吧!新词展示新词展示It(like/is like)a cat.它像一只猫。They are(at tab

20、le/at the table).他们正在吃饭。根据汉语提示选择合适的单词或短语。根据汉语提示选择合适的单词或短语。is likeat table 活动开始啦!试一试。小喇叭朗读开始了,点一点音箱,一起跟读吧。Lets learn more Lets learn more would/wd/(情态动词)愿意here/h/(副词)这;这里【单词巧记】he(他)+re=here(这;这里)【例句】Here you are.给你。【同音词】hear 听见【对应词】there 那;那里【短语】would like 想要【例句】I would like some milk.我想喝些牛奶。【联想】coul

21、d 能should 应该重点词汇重点词汇beef/bif/(名词名词)牛肉牛肉【用法】beef是不可数名词。【单词巧记】bee(蜜蜂)+f=beef(牛肉)【短语】a piece of beef 一块牛肉【例句】I like beef.我喜欢牛肉。重点词汇重点词汇him/hm/(人称代词人称代词)(宾格宾格)他他【单词巧记】hi(你好)+m=him(宾格形式)他【例句】Do you know him?你认识他吗?【主格形式】he【对应词】her(宾格形式)她【第三人称单数】gives【用法】give sb.sth.给某人某物 give sth.to sb.把某物给某人【例句】Give me a

22、 book,please.请给我一本书。give gv(动词动词)给给重点词汇重点词汇1.Would you please pass me the spoon,Su Nan?你能把勺子递给我吗你能把勺子递给我吗,苏楠苏楠?【详解】“Would you please?”是表示委婉请求的句型,意为“你能吗?”please后面跟动词原形。句型结构:Would you please+动词原形+其他?例如:Would you please pass me a book?你能递给我一本书吗?OK!好的!重点句型重点句型2.And here are the chopsticks.这是筷子。【详解】这是由he

23、re引导的倒装句。英语中的正常语序是主语在前,谓语在后,但由于语法结构的要求或修辞效果的需要,可以采用倒装语序。句型结构:Here+动词+主语.例如:Here are my teachers.这是我的老师们。Here comes the train.火车来了。【注意】谓语动词随着主语的变化而变化。重点句型重点句型Read,look and tick答案答案1.2.3.Look,write and talkOf course/Sureclose the doorLook,write and talkpass me the bag Look,ask and answerS1:Would you p

24、lease.?S2:Sure.S3:Would you please.?S4:Of course.S4:.S5:.()1.Pass the bowl,please.A.IB.meC.Im()2.Help open the door,please.A.her B.sheC.shes()3.Give the book,please.A.he B.him C.his()4.Here.A.is itB.itsC.it is()5.Help me the door,please.A.cleanB.cleans C.clean to一、选择正确的答案。一、选择正确的答案。ABBCA1.Id like so

25、me .2.Would you like some?3.Would you please pass me the?4.Would you please pass me the?二、看图片,写单词,补全句子。二、看图片,写单词,补全句子。milkbeefchopsticksfork1.1.本课时学的重点词汇如下:本课时学的重点词汇如下:2.2.本课时学的重点句型如下:本课时学的重点句型如下:would 愿意 here 这;这里beef (名词)牛肉him (人称代词)(宾格)他give (动词)给1.Would you please pass me the spoon,Su Nan?你能把勺子递

26、给我吗,苏楠?2.And here are the chopsticks.这是筷子。71Homework 仿照课本上图对话和同伴进行对话练习。Thank YouPart B Read the words&Read a Part B Read the words&Read a storystoryUnit 4 At Table陕西旅游版陕西旅游版 五年级上册五年级上册 Ask and answerWhat is your favorite food?You want to have soup,what can you use?Can you use chopsticks?Who often us

27、es chopsticks?My favorite.Show,ask and answer S1:What is this/that?S2:It is a pig/.Read the words1.本部分第一行的单词都是以元音结尾或不发音的e结尾的开音节单词。在重读开音节单词中,字母o读作/。/是双元音,发此音时,舌头从中元音/的位置滑向/,在接近/时停止,唇形从自然变为圆唇,第一个音长而强,第二个音短而弱。发音力求过渡自然。发音技巧发音技巧字母字母Oo在单词中的发音在单词中的发音2.第二行的单词也都是单音节词,但都是以辅音结尾的单词,即重读闭音节单词。在重读闭音节单词中,字母o读作/。/是短

28、元音,发音时声带振动。舌后缩,舌后部比发/音时抬得略低,双唇呈中圆口形,比发/音时稍大,微向前伸。发音技巧发音技巧字母字母Oo在单词中的发音在单词中的发音小喇叭朗读开始了,点一点音箱,一起跟读吧。Read a storyRead a storySome animals are at table.They are having dinner happily.Pig:Hi,Monkey!Use your chopsticks!Monkey:Come on,Pig!Where is your spoon?Tiger:Dont you have a chair,Fox?Fox:Hi,Tiger!You

29、 cant use your knife and fork,can you?【详解】祈使句:祈使句表示请求、命令、建议等等。分为肯定和否定祈使句。肯定句型结构:动词原形+其他!例句:Be careful!小心!Stand up.起立。否定句型结构:Dont+动词原形+其他!例句:Dont swim in the river.别在河里游泳。Dont be late.别迟到。重点句型重点句型Use your chopsticks!【详解】本句是否定疑问句,意为:“你难道没有椅子吗,狐狸?”句型结构:Dont/Doesnt+主语+动词原形+其他?例句:Dont you go home by bus?

30、重点句型重点句型Dont you have a chair,Fox?【详解】本句是反义疑问句,意为:“你不会用你的刀叉,是吗?”。例句:Youre a student,arent you?你是一名学生,不是吗?He likes English,doesnt he?他喜欢英语,不是吗?He doesnt like English,does he?他不喜欢英语,是吗?重点句型重点句型You cant use your knife and fork,can you?Play a gameUse your chopsticks!S1:Open the door!.Dont you have a cha

31、ir,Fox?S2:Close your book!.S1:Dont you have breakfast?.S2:Dont you have beef?.()1.home shop ()2.rocklock()3.gostone ()4.nose hope()5.knock smoke ()6.doghot()7.home hot ()8.rock clock()9.rose hope ()10.stone knock一、判断各组单词画线部分读音是(一、判断各组单词画线部分读音是(T)否()否(F)相同。)相同。TFFFFTTTTT二、选择正确的答案。二、选择正确的答案。()1.I want

32、 to some rice.A.haveB.hasC.having()2.Where your spoon?A.am B.is C.are()3.have a table,Fox?A.DontB.Cant C.Doesnt()4.Would you please me a knife?A.pass B.past C.to pass()5.You cant use fork,?A.do you B.can you C.cant youABAAB1.1.本课时学的语音发音技巧。本课时学的语音发音技巧。u OogohomenosecloseOodoghot shopclockYou cant use your knife and fork,can you?2.2.本课时学的一个难点句子。本课时学的一个难点句子。89Homework 读一读。读一读。gohomenoseclosedoghot shopclockrosehopesmokestonerocklock block knockThank You


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