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1、高中英语必修二教材词块和佳句unit1【教材词块】1.give way to the new 让步于新事物2.make sure 确保;设法保证3.all over the world 在世界各地4.be familiar with 熟悉5.protect cultural relics on Mount Tai 保护泰山文物6.a professional archaeologist 一个专业的考古学家7.produce electricity 发电8.lead to protests 导致抗议9.prevent the loss of cultural relics 防止文物损失10.ra

2、ise funds within the international community 在国际范围内筹集资金11.put back 放回12.investigate the issue 调查这个问题13.conduct several tests 进行多次试验14.a great success 一个巨大的成功15.take down 拆卸;记下16.a key stop along the Silk Road 丝绸之路上的一个关键站点17.work together for a better tomorrow 共同合作创造美好未来18.world cultural heritage 世界文

3、化遗址19.download free app 下载免费应用程序20.at the entrance to the Great Pyramid 在大金字塔入口处【教材佳句】1.There comes a time when the old must give way to the new, and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future.(There comes a time when.的时代已经到来)新旧更替的时代已经到来,在走向未来的过程中,我们不可能将过去的

4、一切都保存下来。2.A committee was established to limitdamage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics.(不定式表目的)(联合国)成立了一个委员会,旨在减少对那些埃及建筑物的破坏和防止文物损失。3.It is said that its a mirror that can tell right from wrong!(Its said that.据说)据说这是一面可以分辨是非的镜子!4.Finding and keeping the right balanceb

5、etween progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.(v.-ing作主语)在社会进步与文化遗址保护之间找到恰当的平衡点,并加以保持,这可能是一项巨大的挑战。5.Neither people nor buildings last forever, but Chen Leis photos can help us remember them.(neither.nor.既不也不)人与建筑都不是永恒的,但是陈磊的照片可以帮助我们记住他们。Not only had the countries found

6、a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past,but they had also learntthat it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.这些国家不仅找到了一条不以牺牲古迹为代价的未来发展之路,而且明白了多个国家合作创造美好未来的可能性。句型公式|not only.but also.(1)not only.but also.“不但而且”,用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分,着重强调后者,其中的also

7、有时可以省略。(2)若连接两个句子,且not only位于句首时,not only所在的句子要用部分倒装。(3)若连接的两个成分作主语,其谓语通常与就近的主语保持一致。(2021天津3月卷书面表达)Besides, Beijing is not only the political center but also the economic center of our country.(地点介绍)此外,北京不仅是我国的政治中心,也是我国的经济中心。As we all know,reading classics can not only improve our study but also enr

8、ich our everyday life.(建议信)众所周知,阅读经典不仅可以提高我们的学习,还可以丰富我们的日常生活。Not only you but also he is supposed to donate money to these homeless people.不仅是你,他也应该捐钱给这些无家可归的人。 unit2 【教材词块】1.on earth(放在疑问词之后表示强调)究竟;到底2.make a lot of progress 取得很大的进步3.stir up emotions 激起情绪4.make out 看清;听清;分清5.watch over the antelope

9、s 照管羚羊6.day and night 日日夜夜;夜以继日7.design a poster 设计一个海报8.endangered species 濒危物种9.a herd of graceful animals 一群体形优美的动物10.a shelter for the animals and plants 动植物的一个庇护所11.drop by more than 50 percent 下降了50%以上12.make profits 获利13.save this species from extinction 拯救这个物种免于灭绝14.place it under national p

10、rotection 将它置于国家保护之下15.protect these beautiful creatures 保护这些美丽的生物16.cut down 砍倒;削减17.the habitat of animals 动物的栖息地18.in this way 用这种方法/方式【教材佳句】1.This is why were hereto observe Tibetan antelopes.(This is why.这就是的原因)这就是我们来到此地的原因观察藏羚羊。2.When it comes to wildlife protection,all speciesthe good,the bad

11、,and the uglyshould be treated equally.(When it comes to.当谈及时)谈到野生动植物保护,所有的物种好的、坏的、丑的都应该平等地被对待。3.That is what the animals really need most.(what引导表语从句)那是动物们真正最需要的。4.Elephants need large living spaces,soits difficult for them to adapt to the changes.(it beadj.for sb to do sth)大象需要很大的生活空间,因此对他们来说适应这些变

12、化很难。5.It is for this reason that the WWF constantly put up information to stir up public interest in the welfare of the planet.(It is/was.that/who.强调句型)正是因为这个原因,世界自然基金会不断发布信息,以激发公众对地球福祉的兴趣。Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stopbeing a threat to wildlife and to our planet.只有学会

13、与大自然和谐共处,我们才不会成为野生生物和地球的威胁。句型公式|“only状语”位于句首的部分倒装(1)条件:only放在句首修饰状语(通常是副词、介词短语或状语从句等)时,句子需要部分倒装;(2)结构:only状语助动词/情态动词/系动词be主语其他。(2021全国乙卷书面表达)In conclusion, only by being smart online learners can we truly enjoy the benefits of modern technology.(发言稿)总之,只有成为聪明的在线学习者,我们才能真正享受现代技术的好处。Only when you can

14、find peace in your heart will youkeep good relationship with others.(人际关系)只有当你能找到内心的平静时,你才能与他人保持良好的关系。Only then did I realizehow important such a little thing as cleaning the house was.直到那时我才意识到打扫房子这样一件小事是多么重要。 unit3 【教材词块】1.write a blog post写一篇博文2.use a search engine 使用(互联网上的)搜索引擎3.identity card 身份

15、证4.keep her company 陪伴她5.now that 既然;由于6.apply for work online 在网上申请工作7.in shape 状况良好8.keep track of the steps 记录步数9.chat online 网上聊天10.wait in line 排队等候11.quit her job 辞掉她的工作12.out of work 失业13.download software下载软件14.make life more convenient使生活更方便15.become a target for.成为的目标16.take online classes

16、上网课17.raise money for children in poor countries为贫困国家的儿童筹集资金18.go through tough times 经历艰难时期19.press the button 按下按钮20.copy the file 复制文件【教材佳句】1.We can download software, documents, and images whenever we need them.(whenever引导让步状语从句)我们可以在任何需要的时候下载软件、文件和图片。2.However,the more politeyou are, the less l

17、ikely it is you will be attacked.(the比较级,the比较级)然而,你越有礼貌,你被攻击的可能性就越小。3.At age 50,she found herself out of work and stuck at home with only her computer to keep her company.(find宾语宾补;with复合结构)50岁时,她发觉自己失业了,困在家里,只有电脑相伴。4.There are countless articles telling us how the Internet has made our lives more

18、convenient.(v.-ing形式作定语)讲述互联网如何使我们的生活变得更加方便的文章数不胜数。5.She believes that it is highly important to bridgethe digital divide and make sure that everyone has access to the Internet and knows how to use new technology.(bridge名词活用作动词;divide动词活用作名词)她认为,消除数字鸿沟、确保每人都能使用互联网并且知晓如何运用新技术,是非常重要的。She was so inspir

19、ed by the people she met online that she decided to start an IT club to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet.她受到网友的启发,决定成立一个IT俱乐部来教年长一些的人们学习使用电脑和互联网。句型公式|so.that.如此以至于(1)so形容词/副词that.so形容词a(n)单数可数名词that.somany/much/few/little(少)名词that.(2)such形容词不可数名词that.such形容词可数名词复数that.sucha/a

20、n形容词可数名词单数that.(3)当so/such及其后成分放在句首时,主句用部分倒装。(2019全国卷)On our way to the house,it was raining so hard that we couldnt help wondering how long it would take to get there.在我们回家的路上,雨下得很大,我们忍不住想知道要多久才能到那里。(2020全国卷书面表达)Actually, there are so many selfless people like Zhong Nanshan around us that they well

21、 deserve our respect.(人物介绍)事实上,我们身边有很多像钟南山这样无私的人,他们值得我们尊敬。As can be seen from the picture,a boy is burdened with such heavy homework that it seems as if he can hardly bear it any more.从这幅图中我们可以看到,一个男孩被如此沉重的家庭作业压得喘不过气来。 unit4 【教材词块】1.be joined to the Kingdom of England 加入英格兰王国2.experience local cultu

22、re and customs first-hand 亲身体验当地的文化和习俗3.historic buildings 古建筑,历史建筑4.solve the puzzle 解决难题5.be dotted with sheep and cattle 牛羊点缀其中6.have a great influence on its people and traditions 对它的人民和传统有很大的影响7.be referred to as Britain or Great Britain被称为英国或大不列颠8.take over 接管,掌管9.leave behind 留下10.date back t

23、o Roman times 追溯到罗马时代11.work together in some areas 在某些领域合作12.military defence 军事防御13.a long and interesting history 历史源远流长、别有趣味14.include building towns and roads 包括建造城镇和道路15.make your visit much more enjoyable 使你的旅途更加愉快16.countless historic sites 无数的历史遗迹17.get our car battery charged 给我们的汽车电池充电18.

24、beautiful natural landscape 美丽的自然景观【教材佳句】1.They use the same flag,known as the Union Jack,as well as share the same currency and military defence.(过去分词作定语)像拥有同样的货币和国防一样,他们也使用同一面被称为联合杰克的国旗。2.Theyhad castles built all around England,and made changes to the legal system.(have sth done)他们在英格兰四处修建城堡,并改革了

25、法律制度。3.The peaceful landscape of the “Emerald Isle” and its many green counties is a true feast for the eyes,with its rolling green hills dotted with sheep and cattle.(with复合结构)“绿宝石(爱尔兰)岛”风光宁静秀美,郡县草木葱茏,青山连绵起伏,牛羊点缀其中,堪称一场名副其实的视觉盛宴。4.They introduced the beginnings of the English language, and changed

26、the way people built houses.(the way后省略that/in which的定语从句)他们引进了最初的英语,并且改变了人们建造房屋的方式。5.With all this beauty,it is not surprising thatIreland has developed strong traditions that include music,dancing,and dining.(it作形式主语)乡村景色如此优美,在爱尔兰形成这些浓郁的包括音乐、舞蹈以及餐饮方面的传统就一点也不让人觉得奇怪了。So what is the difference betwee

27、n them,if any?如果有的话,那么它们之间有什么区别呢?句型公式|if条件状语从句的省略if ever 如果有过/发生过的话if so 如果这样的话if not如果不这样的话if necessary如果有必要的话if possible如果有可能的话There may be some mistakes in my composition.If any, please help me point them out.(求助信)我的作文可能有些错误。如果有的话,请帮我指出来。They are ready to lose their lives for their countries if n

28、ecessary.如有必要,他们愿意为国捐躯。If we can do that,we can keep up with the times.If not,we would always fall behind.如果我们能做到这一点,我们就能跟上时代的步伐。如果不这样做,我们将永远落后。 unit5 【教材词块】1.fall in love with Mozarts classical music爱上莫扎特的古典音乐2.try out 参加选拔(或试演)3.from now/then on 从这/那时起4.from time to time 有时,偶尔5.have the opportunit

29、y to sing together 有机会一起唱歌6.be uploaded onto the Internet 上传到互联网上7.need a studio 需要一个工作室8.connect ordinary people together 把普通老百姓联系在一起9.enable them to add their voices to those of other individuals 使他们能够把自己的声音加入到其他人的声音中去10.become part of the global community 成为全球社区的一部分11.go through various periods 经

30、历不同时期12.receive a masters degree 获得硕士学位13.original compositions原创歌曲14.receive millions of views on the Internet在互联网上有数百万的浏览量15.become a worldwide phenomenon 成了一种全球性的现象16.make the world a better place 使世界变得更美好17.have an impact on my life对我的生活有影响18.go through a two-hour medical treatment 接受两小时的治疗19.gi

31、ve me hope and a sense of satisfaction给我希望和满足感20.treasure music珍爱音乐【教材佳句】1.Moved by this music,he said,“It was like seeing color for the first time.” (过去分词作状语)他被这段音乐打动了,他说:“那种(兴奋的)感觉就如同是第一次看见色彩一样。”2.Its an honour to be here and to share with you the story of how music has had an impact on my life.(I

32、ts an honour to do sth做某事感到非常荣幸)非常荣幸来到这里与大家分享音乐是如何影响了我的人生的。3.During those times,music can help you in the same way that it helped me.(the way作先行词的定语从句)在那时,音乐可以帮助你,就像它曾经帮助我一样。4.Two years ago,I was told I had a serious disease which was difficult to cure.(主语beadj.不定式)两年前,有人告诉我,我得了一种很难治愈的严重疾病。5.It has

33、proved to be a positive influence on the lives of many people.(prove)事实证明,它对许多人的生活产生了积极的影响。As one virtual choir member said,“Music helps me to.forget my problems.With music,I become someone else.”正如一位虚拟合唱团成员所说:“音乐帮助我忘记我的问题。有了音乐,我变成了另一个人。”句型公式|as 引导非限制性定语从句(1)as引导非限制性定语从句时,有“正如”之意,常放于主句之前。as is expec

34、ted 正如所预料的那样as is mentioned above 正如上面所提到的as is often the case 情况总是如此as the old saying goes 正如谚语所说(2)as引导限制性定语从句时,先行词常被the same, such, as, so等修饰。(3)which引导非限制性定语从句,意为“这一点”,不可位于句首。The air quality in the city,as is shown in the report,has improved over the past two months.正如报道的一样,城市的空气质量在过去的两个月里提高了。As is always the casewith language learning,Mandarin learning also calls for lots of practice.正如和学习语言一样,学习普通话也需要大量的练习。He was fond of reading gradually,which made our English teacher very happy.他渐渐喜欢上了阅读,这使我们的英语老师很高兴。6


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