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1、英文时态:完成时态完成时态 完成动作:完成动作:1、现在完成(、现在完成(havehas done)2、过去完成(、过去完成(had done)3、将来完成(、将来完成(will have done)完成时态概述:完成时态概述:形式:形式:have done意义:完成时态表示的是在某一特定时刻(现意义:完成时态表示的是在某一特定时刻(现在、过去或将来)之前开始发生的并持续到这在、过去或将来)之前开始发生的并持续到这一特定时刻或对这一特定时刻有影响的一个活一特定时刻或对这一特定时刻有影响的一个活动。动。现在完成时:现在完成时:在现在之前(即过去)开始发生并持续到现在或对现在现在之前(即过去)开始

2、发生并持续到现在或对现在有影响的动作。在有影响的动作。I have learned 2000 words so far.过去完成时:过去完成时:在过去之前(即过去的过去)开始发生的并持续到过在过去之前(即过去的过去)开始发生的并持续到过去或对过去有影响的动作。去或对过去有影响的动作。I had learned 1000 words by the end of last year.将来完成时:将来完成时:在将来之前(可能是过去、现在或将来)开始发生的在将来之前(可能是过去、现在或将来)开始发生的并持续的将来或对将来有影响的动作。并持续的将来或对将来有影响的动作。I will have learn

3、ed 3000 words by the end of next year.一、现在完成时态(现在完成时态(havehas done)用法:用法:1)动作发生在过去,一直延续到现在,对)动作发生在过去,一直延续到现在,对 目前有影响。目前有影响。(延续性动词的(延续性动词的“已完成已完成”或或“未完未完成成”用法)用法)2)动作发生在过去动作发生在过去,点已经完成,并与现在的情况点已经完成,并与现在的情况有联系。有联系。(瞬间性动词的(瞬间性动词的“已完成已完成”用法)用法)说明:说明:“已完成已完成”用法表示动作已结束,而用法表示动作已结束,而“未完未完成成”用法则表示动作有可能继续延续下去

4、。用法则表示动作有可能继续延续下去。1)我曾经在某个地方见过她。)我曾经在某个地方见过她。2)到目前为止)到目前为止,该桥尙未竣工。该桥尙未竣工。3)她刚刚买了一部新自行车。)她刚刚买了一部新自行车。4)我们已经在这里生活了十年。)我们已经在这里生活了十年。5)我学习英语的时间长达)我学习英语的时间长达25年了。年了。6)自)自1997年以来,我就没见过她了。年以来,我就没见过她了。I have ever seen her somewhere.2 So far,the bridge hasnt been completed.2 She has just bought a new bike.2W

5、e have already lived here for ten years.1 Ive studied English for twenty-five years.1 I havent seen her since the year of 1997.21、现在完成时态用法(一):延续到现在的动作或状、现在完成时态用法(一):延续到现在的动作或状态态 开始于过去的动作一直持续到现在开始于过去的动作一直持续到现在。谓语动词。谓语动词一般为延续性动词。一般为延续性动词。An old woman walked out into the middle of the street.The police

6、man yelled to her,“Dont you know what it means when I hold up my hand?”The lady said,“Sure I do.I have been a school teacher for 28 years now.”I have lived here for 3 years.The teacher has taught in this school since I came here.Ive worked in this company since I left school.Since time began,man has

7、 lived in fear of fire.或者,由上下文明确告知,开始于过去的动作只持或者,由上下文明确告知,开始于过去的动作只持续到说话时刻为止即已结束。例如:续到说话时刻为止即已结束。例如:A:Have you waited long?B:Ive waited for three hours.Ive waited for him all day;I dont want to wait any longer.这种现在完成时的特点:这种现在完成时的特点:1)谓语动词一般为延续性动词。)谓语动词一般为延续性动词。2)动作发生的时间是过去,但这一动作持续到现)动作发生的时间是过去,但这一动作持

8、续到现在。在。3)与这种用法的现在完成时态连用的时间状语通)与这种用法的现在完成时态连用的时间状语通常是常是表示表示“一段时间一段时间”的时间状语的时间状语,以说明某个动,以说明某个动作或状态持续了多久。作或状态持续了多久。与此种用法的现在完成时态搭配的时间状语:与此种用法的现在完成时态搭配的时间状语:since时间点时间点Ive worked in this company since 1980.Ive worked in this company since I left school.注意不能说:注意不能说:since three years,而要说,而要说since three yea

9、rs ago。for时间段时间段Ive worked in this company for three years.Great changes have taken place in Beijing for the past few years.since的四种用法的四种用法 1)since+过去一个时间点过去一个时间点(如具体的年、月、日期、如具体的年、月、日期、钟点、钟点、1980,last month,half past six)。I have been here since 1989.2)since+一段时间一段时间+agoI have been here since five mo

10、nths ago.3)since+从句从句Great changes have taken place since you left.Considerable time has elapsed since we have been here.4)It is+一段时间一段时间+since从句从句It is two years since I became a post graduate student.“到目前为止到目前为止”:until now,up until now,up to now,up till now,so far等等。例如:。例如:We have up until now fai

11、led to take any action to decide on a common language that would further communication between nations.“在最近几世纪年月以来在最近几世纪年月以来”:in the past few years,over the past few years,during the last three months,for the last few centuries,through centuries,throughout history等。等。例如:例如:Throughout history man has

12、 had to accept the fact that all living things must die,for the very nature of life includes death.Through centuries the bizarre antics of sleepwalkers have puzzled police,perplexed scientists and fascinated writers.2、现在完成时态用法(二):过去发生但与现在仍有联系的、现在完成时态用法(二):过去发生但与现在仍有联系的动作或状态动作或状态 表示在不确定的表示在不确定的过去发生的某

13、一动作与现在的情况有联过去发生的某一动作与现在的情况有联系。系。谓语动词一般为短暂性动词。谓语动词一般为短暂性动词。He has broken his leg.He broke his leg.A modern girl went to the theatre with a vest and a pair of slippers.The ticket-examiner turned her away very politely:“Miss,NO ADMISSION WITH SLIPPERS.”“Really?”the girl took off the slippers and carrie

14、d them in her hands,“Then I will go in barefootedly.”“Oh,my god!”the ticket-examiner cried out,“Fortunately,I have not told her NO ADMISSION WITH A VEST.”A:What has happened to Jane?She is crying.B:She broke the dining-room window.She has to face the music when her father gets home.Mr.Odds works in

15、a bank and lives on his own.The only family he has is in the next town:his sister lives there with her husband,and her son,Mark.Last week Mr.Odds had a surprise.He drove home from the bank at the usual time,driving neither too slowly nor too fast;he parked his car where he always parked it,out of th

16、e way of other cars,and he went inside to make his evening meal.Straight away,there was a knock at the door.Mr.Odds opened the door,to find a policeman standing on the doorstep.“What have I done wrong?”Mr.Odds asked himself.“Have I driven on the wrong side of the road?Has there been some trouble at

17、the bank?Have I forgotten to pay an important bill?”“Hello,Uncle,”said the policeman,“My names Mark.”You should have put the milk into icebox;I expect it undrinkable by now.Abecame Bhad become Chas become Dbecomes 第二种现在完成时态使用技巧第二种现在完成时态使用技巧1)、这种完成时态的肯定句不与这种完成时态的肯定句不与“一段时间一段时间”的时间状的时间状语连用语连用常见的这类动词有:

18、常见的这类动词有:come,go,leave,kill,die,lose,buy,start,give,marry,join,bring,hear,etc.),因),因此与它连用的时间状语不能是指此与它连用的时间状语不能是指“一段时间一段时间”。I have heard from my girlfriend since I came to America.()I have bought this pair of shoes for a year()He has left his hometown for 3 years.()这种错误句子的改正有多种方式:这种错误句子的改正有多种方式:He le

19、ft his hometown 3 years ago.Its 3 years since he left his hometown.He hasnt come back since he left his hometown 3 years ago.He has been away from his hometown for 3 years.不过不过,瞬间动词的完成时态若用否定式,表示尚未发生的事情,瞬间动词的完成时态若用否定式,表示尚未发生的事情,则可作为一种状态,从而可以表示延续。则可作为一种状态,从而可以表示延续。Beggar:Madam,I havent seen a piece of

20、 meat for weeks.Lady:Mary,please show this poor man the ham we bought just now.I havent seen a film for weeks.I havent heard from my girlfriend since I came to America.I havent bought a pair of shoes for a year.2).与不确定时间的时间状语连用与不确定时间的时间状语连用 这种现在完成时态可以不与任何时间状语连用,这种现在完成时态可以不与任何时间状语连用,也可以同一些表示不确定的时间状语连

21、用,如:也可以同一些表示不确定的时间状语连用,如:already(已经已经),yet(只用在疑问句或否定句中只用在疑问句或否定句中),lately(最近最近),often,just(刚刚,方才刚刚,方才),never(从不,从不,从未发生过从未发生过)等。例如:等。例如:A:Would you like something to eat?B:No,thanks.Ive just had dinner.The leading expert on sleep in America claims that he has never seen a sleepwalker.Has it stopped

22、raining yet?He hasnt arrived yet.He has already arrived.I have often thought that it would be perfect if we could fly without any aid.3).具有具有“新闻新闻”性质性质The President has been assassinated.He cant go on holiday because he has broken his leg.请认真体会下面对话:请认真体会下面对话:A:Have you seen the film“Forrest Gump”?B:

23、Yes,I have.A:When did you see it?B:I saw it last spring.A:Did you see it alone?B:No,I saw it with my boyfriend.A:The President has been assassinated.B:Really?When did that happen?A:He was killed last night when he spoke in crowd.A:I hear that famous Chinese comedian has died.B:Really?When did she di

24、e?A:She was dead late last night.A:Has the boss come yet?B:Yes,he has.He is in his office now.A:When did he come?B:He came at 9 oclock.He asked about you.3、其他使用现在完成时的结构、其他使用现在完成时的结构ThisThatIt is+序数词序数词+名词名词+that+现在完成时现在完成时It is the third time that Ive come to Beijing.It is the fifth time that someon

25、e has knocked at my door.This is the tenth cup of coffee that Ive drunk this evening.How are you going to be able to fall asleep later if you keep on like this?ThisThatIt is+最高级或最高级或only修饰名词修饰名词+现在完成时现在完成时This is the most interesting movie that Ive ever seen.This is the best wine I have ever drunk.I

26、t is the worst book I have ever read.This is the hardest job I have ever had.This is the only book he has written.4、现在完成时与一般过去时比较、现在完成时与一般过去时比较 现在完成时的第二种用法。此时完成时表示的也是过去现在完成时的第二种用法。此时完成时表示的也是过去的动作或情况,只是当我们的动作或情况,只是当我们强调过去的事情对现在仍有意强调过去的事情对现在仍有意义或仍有重要影响时才用现在完成时义或仍有重要影响时才用现在完成时。He cant go on holiday bec

27、ause he has broken his leg.He broke his leg.One of your friends is driving a sports car but he seems to be very nervous and not sure what to do.You may ask:Have you driven a sports car before?He may reply:No,this is the first time that Ive driven a sports car.Did you drive to the party?I saw this fi

28、lm yesterday.(强调看的动作发生过了。)(强调看的动作发生过了。)I have seen this film.(强调对现在的影响,电影的内容已经知道(强调对现在的影响,电影的内容已经知道了。)了。)Why did you get up so early?(强调起床的动作已发生过了。)(强调起床的动作已发生过了。)Who hasnt handed in his paper?(强调有卷子,可能为不公平竞争。)(强调有卷子,可能为不公平竞争。)He has been a League member for three years.(是团员的状态可持续是团员的状态可持续)He joined

29、 the League three years ago.(三年前入团,三年前入团,joined为短暂行为。为短暂行为。)比较:比较:I havent seen him this morning.I didnt see him this morning.I have called him three times this morning.I called him three times this morning.在用于延续性动词时两种时态的区别,请比较:在用于延续性动词时两种时态的区别,请比较:He lives in Beijing.He has lived here for 3 years.H

30、e lived in Beijing for 3 years and then emigrated to America.He has been in the army for 6 years.He was in the army for 6 years.I have smoked for 2 years.I smoked for 2 years.一、现在完成进行用法:动作发生在过去,一直延续到现在,并可能继续延续下去。谓语:have/has+been+现在分词1)他们整个上午在看电视。2)我一直在考虑换工作。3)我已经等了她6个小时。4)天整整下了一个月的雨。5)我一直坐在花园里,刚刚才进来

31、。They have been watching TV all morning.I have been thinking about changing my job.I have been waiting for her for six hours.It has been raining for a whole month so far.Ive been sitting in the garden,and have just come indoors.现在完成时和现在完成进行时比较1.现在完成时表示动作已经完成,而完成进行时却不一定如此。Ive made a cake.(已经做好)Ive be

32、en making a cake.(不一定做好了)Hes written a novel.(已经完成)Hes been writing a novel.(可能未完成)2.现在完成时与for three years、since three years ago等这样的表示一段时间的时间状语连用时,能和现在进行时互换,意义差别不大。没有这样的时间状语,用现在完成时指的是一个完成了的动作。I have workedhave been working in this company for 3 years。I have worked in this company.I have been working

33、 in this company.He has been sleepinghas slept for three hours.He has slept.He has been sleeping.3、完成进行时强调动作过程,完成时强调动作的结果。My hands are very dirty.Ive been painting the house.I have painted the house green.The house was white,but now its green.Sorry about the messIve been painting the house.Ive paint

34、ed two rooms since lunchtime.I have been reading your grammar book.After I finish it,Ill discuss some problems with you.二、过去完成时态1、用法:某个时间之前,某事已经发生。即过去的过去,用过去完成时。2、谓语:had done1)我到达时他已经离开了。2)我一直等到他做完作业。3)她说她已经把这件事忘了。4)当我看见她时,她己经结婚了。He had already left by the time I arrived.I waited until he had finish

35、ed his homework.She said that she had forgotten this matter.When I saw her,she had already got married.过去完成时的其他用法过去完成时的其他用法1)intend,mean,hope,want,plan,suppose,expect,think,propose,wish等动词的过去完成时可等动词的过去完成时可表示过去未能实现的计划、设想、意图或希望等。表示过去未能实现的计划、设想、意图或希望等。I had planned to go shopping with you but my mother

36、 came to see me just when I was about to go.She had hoped that he would come to date her,but he didnt show up.I had intended to see you,but I was busy.They had hoped to see you off at the airport,but they got there too late.2)用在)用在“It was the序数词(序数词(first,second)或最高级或最高级that”句型中。句型中。例如:例如:Last week

37、I attended an international conference and saw Mr.Machine.It was the third time that I had met him.过去完成进行时用法:动作发生在过去,一直延续到过去,并可能继续延续下去。过去完成进行时与过去完成时之间的关系,同现在完成进行时与现在完成时之间的关系一样。它的用法与现在完成进行时基本相同,只是将“坐标时问”移到过去。同样是强调动作的持续性,表示开始于过去某个时刻之前的动作持续到过去这一时刻,并继续持续下去。1)她说她一直在等待你的好消息。2)他给我打电话时,我已经工作了一段时间。3)当我到达那里时,

38、我哥哥已经写了一个月论文。She said that she had been expecting your good news.I had been working for some time when he called me.My elder brother had been writing his essay for one month by the time I arrived there.过去完成时和过去完成进行时过去完成时表示动作已完成,过去完成进行时表示动作可能在继续。He had cleaned the kitchen.He had been cleaning the kit

39、chen.They had repaired the engine.They had been repairing the engine.三、将来完成时态(will have done)用法:在现在的将来某一时刻之前完成的动作。谓语:shall/will+have+done(过去分词)1)我会在你回来之前去美国。2)她会在她母亲回来之前做完作业。3)他会在今天下午3点前到达北京。4)我会在下个月底之前写完论文。I shall have left for America before you come back.(从句做时间状语)She will have finished her homewo

40、rk by the time her mother comes back.He will have arrived in Beijing by three this afternoon.By the end of next month,I shall have completed my essay.说明:1)每句划线部份均有“在未来某一时刻之前在未来某一时刻之前”的意思。2)在90%的情况下,现在将来完成时都离不开介词“by”(在-之前)。以下是现在将来完成时和过去完成时在“by”用法上的区别:by ten oclock tomorrow(用现在将来完成时)by the end of next

41、 month(用现在将来完成时)by the time he arrives next week(用现在将来完成时)by ten oclock yesterday(用过去完成时)by the end of last month(用过去完成时)by the time he arrived yesterday(用过去完成时)总之,“by”后面是将来的时间将来的时间,就一定要用现在将来完成现在将来完成时;时;“by”后面是过去的时间过去的时间,就一定要用过去完成时。过去完成时。将来完成进行时 用法:动作在现在的将来某一时刻之前发生,但该动作很可能继续延续下去。谓语:shall/will+have+b

42、een+doing(现在分词)将来完成进行时的用法与现在完成进行时基本相同,只是将“坐标时间”移到将来。同样是强调动作的持续性,表示开始于将来某个时刻之前的动作持续到将来这一时刻,并可能继续持续下去。1)等她到达时,我可能等了她五个小时啦。2)到下个月底,她在这里生活了整整十年。3)如果明天再下雨的话,那么雨整整下了一个月。By the time she arrives,I shall have been waiting for her for five hours.By the end of next month,she will have been living here for ten

43、years exactly.If it rains again tomorrow,it will have been raining for a whole month.温故知新:In Brief 对于完成时态,首先应该真正理解现在完成时态的三种思维用法:1延续到现在的动作或状态;2过去发生但与现在仍有联系的动作或状态;3到目前为止的一个时间段内重复发生的动作。其他两种完成时态在思维上与现在完成时本质上是一样的,区别只是人们说话的立足时间不同。另外要注意比较不同用法的完成时态和不同的时间状语的搭配。完 成 时与完成进行时 态 的 练 习 1、用适当的时态填空1)I began to teach

44、 in New Oriental School in 1997.This year is 2001.So far I(teach)here for 4 years.By 2000,I(teach)for 3 years.By 2002,I(teach)for 5 years.2)Dont spend your money like water.If you keep on like this,you(spend)all your money before the end of the trip.3)“Was Clint at the party when you arrived?”“No,he

45、(already,go)home.”4)“Was Clint at the party when you arrived?”“Yes,but he(go)home soon afterwards.”5)I felt very tired when I got home,so I(go)straight to bed.6)The house was very quiet when I got home.Everybody(go)to bed.7)Sorry Im late.The car(break)down on my way here.8)We(drive)along the road wh

46、en we saw a car that(break)down,so we stopped to see if we could help.9)Yesterday I had a phone call from Clint.I was very surprised.I(write)to him many times but he(never,reply)to my letters.10)I met Clint a few days ago.He(just,come)back from holiday.He looked very well.11)The man sitting next to

47、me on the plane was very nervous.It was his first flight.He(never,fly)before.12)This traffic is terrible.Were going to be late.By the time we(get)to the airport,Bobs plane(arrive,already),and hell be wondering where we are.13)Last spring I went to France.It was the first time that I(be)there.14)This

48、 is the only novel that he(write).15)This is the first time that I(take)the flight.16)This is the most difficult job that I(ever,do).17)Clint is phoning his girlfriend again.This is the fourth time that he(phone)her this evening.18)A:Look!Somebody(spill)milk on the carpet.B:Well,it(be,not)me.I(do,no

49、t)it.A:I wonder who it(be)then.19)A:Clint(break)his leg.B:Really?How that(happen)?A:He(fall)off a ladder.20)I(lose)my key.I cant get into my house.21)I(lose)my key,so I couldnt get into my house.But now I(find)it.2、改错:、改错:22)I have entered the university for two years.23)He has come here for three h

50、ours.24)The old lady has died for ten years.25)He has left his native place for three years.26)I have married for one year.27)He has joined in the army for five years.28)I have come to Beijing for seven years.3、用正确时态填空,在合适的地方填人、用正确时态填空,在合适的地方填人just,already,yet,before等。等。29)A man sitting next to you


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