1、 一、一、教材分析教材分析 “The Three Wishes”是源于北欧的一则古老的民间故事 。故事讲述的是两位主人公 Ned and Nat,一天,Ned 救了一位天使,天使让他们许三个愿望,Ned 的第一个愿望是 一根香肠,可是到最后,三个愿望许完了还是只得到一根香肠的故事 二、二、设计理念设计理念 1、贯彻“以学生为中心,教师为引导,多媒体教学为主要辅助手段”的多样化教 学模式的理念 2、将听、说、读、演与写综合运用相结合,课堂教学与自主学习相结合的理念 3、英语课堂不仅是一门语言基础知识课堂,也是拓展知识、了解世界文化的教育 课堂。因此设计教学时不仅充分考虑了对学生语言知识、语言技能
2、的培养,更着重 于培养学生的思维品质、文化品格的理念。 三、教学目标教学目标 (1)能认读单词 cross, fairy, silly, fool,on the end of,off 以及理解句 型“I wish for ”的意义及用法。 (2) 能通过图片推测故事内容; 能将故事内容与自身相结合,写并说出自身的愿 望; 能掌握一些阅读技巧,如根据上下文猜词等。 (3)能掌握相关单词和短语:cross, fairy, silly, fool,on the end of,off; 掌握句型“I wish for ”的用法,并实际运用。 (4)学生结合图片描述、上下文并在小组合作中感知、理解新词及
3、核心句型的意 义及用法 (5)引导学生善于发现生活中美好的一面,让学生明白知足常乐的道理。 四、教学重点及难点、教学重点及难点 重点重点:能掌握一些阅读技巧;能掌握相关单词和短语:cross, fairy, silly, fool, on the end of,off; 掌握句型“I wish for ”的用法,并实际运用。 难点难点:通过泛读、精读提炼出关键的信息。要让学生在课堂上较好掌握句型的变化, 需教师巧妙地给予学生引导,调动学生积极性。同时给予学生多样化的学习任务,让 学生带着任务去阅读,养成独立自主的阅读习惯。 五、教学准备教学准备 教学 ppt,教学图片等。 六、教学步骤教学步骤
4、 Step 1: Warming upStep 1: Warming up 1. Greetings 2.Brain Storming 头脑风暴-突破阅读难点 T: First,I will give you a topic. Then I will give you an example. At last, try to guess what it is. 【设计意图】 学生通过头脑风暴式的填空, 让学生感知生活实际说一说自己的情感变 化。学生可说出很多形容词,如:happy、excited、angry 等。其中 sad、happy、 cross 等这些情感变化在本文主人公身上都会发生,为后
5、面的阅读做好了铺垫,同 时这个环节让学生自由的说也拓展了学生的词汇量。 Step 2:Step 2: Presentation Presentation 直接引入-理解阅读主题 1. Leading-in T: I brought a story book to you. Look , this is the cover of the book. The title is The Three Wishes. The Three Wishes. It is an old folk tale from Northern Europe.Now, Lets share the story. 2. Lo
6、ok at the pictures T: This is Ned, and this is Nat.Please tell me how they are. Are they old? Are they rich?How do you know that? S: They are happy . Because they are smiling T: In this story , also there is a fairy and a sausage. 3. learn to say: fairy hairfairfairy Step 3 Fast reStep 3 Fast readin
7、g and listeningading and listening 巧妙构思-激起阅读期待 1 Forecast the story. . T: This story is about Ned, Nat,a fairy and a sausage. What happened to them? Can you guess?I will give you some key words:like ,eat, help. S1: Maybe Ned likes Nat. S2: Ned eats sausage. S3: The fairy helps Ned and Nat. 2 Listen
8、to the story. 3 Story reading. 1) T: Boys and girls, Ned and Nat were poor. So they were always hungry.But one day, Ned helped a fairy. The fairy said S:Thank you. Have three wishes. 2) Ask Ss to act the fairy 3)T:The fairy gave Ned and Nat three wishes. Now,Ned got 3 wishes,How was he? S:He was exc
9、ited. T:Ned was excited, what did he shout? S:Nat! We have three wishes! T: If you are Ned, what do you wish for?You can say,I wish for S: I wish for T:They have three wishes, but at last they got only a sausag.Why? 4)Read the story ,try to find out what the three wishes are. the first wish: A sausa
10、ge. the second wish: I wish the sausage was on the end of your nose. the third wish: I wish the sausage was off your nose. 【设计意图】绘本教学的核心应该是通过不同层次的语言任务来培养学生的阅读技 能。此环节中的”Guessing”非常巧妙地激发了学生的阅读兴趣。 Step 4 Intensive readingStep 4 Intensive reading 层层递进-渗透阅读策略 1. 1.T:Did Nat wish for a sausage at first?Wh
11、at did she wish for? S:Maybe she wished for a dress. T:But Ned shouted:A sausage.This is the first wish. After the first wish , was Nat happy? S: No , she wasnt. She was cross. T:Nat was cross, so she said, “A sausage? What a silly wish! You fool!” 2. Learn to say: silly ,fool 3. T:Look at Ned , was
12、 he happy? What did he say? S: “I wish the sausage was on the end of your nose!I wish the sausage was on the end of your nose!” T: And it was. 4. Ask Ss to act Ned and Nat. 5. T: How was Nat? She was very very very cross, so she shout, S: “Do something!Do something!” T: How was Ned? Can you read thi
13、s sentence? S: “I wish the sausage was off your nose.I wish the sausage was off your nose.” 6. T: At last, they got a sausage. 7. Read the whole story. 8. Read the story in groups. 【设计意图】引导学生思考 Ned 为什么会许下这么奇怪的愿望呢?这个问题会再次激 发学生们去细细地阅读、去深入地探究。 9. StepStep 5 5 Finish the mind mapFinish the mind map 思维导图
14、-梳理故事脉络 Consolidation the story with the mind map Step Step 6 6 Fill in the blanksFill in the blanks 加强输入力度-奠基输出活动 T: fill in the blanks and ready the show Step Step 7 7 Create the storyCreate the story 创编表演故事-体验语言魅力 Create and act the story 【设计意图】让学生自己读一读、编一编、演一演,在体验语言的过程中,学生自然 而然理解绘本 Step Step 8 8
15、 ConsolidationConsolidation(emotionemotion) 组内讨论-渗透情感教育 1.Were they happy at last?Discuss in your group. 2.: If you could make three wishes, what were they? 3.We should be a happy man. 【设计意图】小组内讨论故事结尾,最后 Ned and Nat 只得到了一根香肠,他们高兴 吗?引导学生明白知足常乐的道理,引导孩子们善于发现生活中美好的一面。 Step Step 9 9 HomeworkHomework 巩固理解
16、故事-分享学习感受 2 Homework: Retell the story to your friends. 【设计意图】课后的学习是课堂学习的有效延伸。通过简单易行的讲故事,巩固本节 课所学内容。本环节既是本节课的延学,也是下一堂课的预学。 课后反思:课后反思: 一节课下来,我没有机械地操练单词、句型,而是通过猜测意思、联系上下文、 借助图片、放置具体的语境等各种方式,在教句子的过程中教单词,更好的帮助学生 理解记忆运用。在这个环节中,我让学生占主导地位。然后用一些连贯的图片引出今 天上课的课题,有点像在旅游途中,导游慢慢的把大家带入佳境的感觉。在这个过程 里可以留给学生足够的想象空间,让
17、他们自由的发挥自己的想象,去猜想故事的内容, 同时也能挖掘学生的潜力,更能激发他们的求知欲。学生在阅读英文绘本的时候,在 老师的引导下,懂得怎么去独立思考问题,知道怎么去回答老师提出的问题。绘本的 魅力是无限的,它能留给读者无限的想象空间,能够培养读者独立思考问题的能力。 中心,充分体现了直观教学法的作用。 孩子们在快乐的阅读中,在潜移默化的师生对话中,学习兴趣高涨,均能借助教 师提供的语言框架大胆猜测,踊跃表达,学会了众多新授知识。 由于前面的输入准备工作做得很充分,学生回答问题的时候就比较有自信,而且 回答的时候说的比较的流利,这样能让他们获得很大的满足感。其中我用一些卡片外 加一些手写的句子来进行直观教学,这样既具体又能很明显的显示出课题的内容,让 学生一看就能抓住课题的老师很懂得怎么去抓住学生好奇的心理,一步一步的带领他 们走进英文绘本的神奇世界里。当然由于教师的方法得当,学生也很愿意配合,师生 合作的很顺利。 学生结束课堂前,孩子们都能发表自己对文本独特的见解。这实在令我惊讶:有 孩子说,Ned 和 Nat 会很开心,因为他们至少还有一根香肠;有孩子又说,Ned 和 Nat 会不开心,因为他们本可以要得更多;有孩子说,我们不应该要求得太多这就是阅 读的魅力:仁者见仁,智者见智,让学生学有所获。